Ahh, my eyes - two items without even a semblance of correct formatting at the same time!
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: No, just no. The slayer and investigator already killed the rogue and took all his stuff. Then he was reincarnated as unchained. Stop trying to kill him again with rogue-in-cans. Look at it this way, with all the cleric-in-cans, rogue-in-cans, and the occasional wizard-in-cans a fighter could solo any Adventure Path!
The item's mere name already makes me chuckle. It better be good.
Or not :-(
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Don't be dropping quotes from items here, guys.
It grants that feat and only costs that much?
(though I've seen a couple items that I've liked that I've felt obliged vote against because of gross underpricing. Like, missing a 0 underpriced...)
8 people marked this as a favorite.
I should have listened to Monica and stayed away, but the snark, it is irresistible.
The forced anonymity is cruel, really. You peer through the thread, feverishly analyzing every comment, dying inside a little bit with every line as you wonder if the item they're panning is yours. It could be, and probably is someone else's, but you'll never, ever know for sure.
Twisted amusement continues to beat out crippling paranoia, however. *refresh*
Nice to know that you've mastered this very strange and esoteric subset of the rules, but are you sure this is the place you wanted to use it?
There is no such bonus type in the PRD. I checked.
Is the left one good? Heck no. But the right one looks like someone did a faceplant on the keyboard.
*sigh* vote left.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote: Ambrosia Slaad wrote: No, just no. The slayer and investigator already killed the rogue and took all his stuff. Then he was reincarnated as unchained. Stop trying to kill him again with rogue-in-cans. Look at it this way, with all the cleric-in-cans, rogue-in-cans, and the occasional wizard-in-cans a fighter could solo any Adventure Path!
:D That's it! Next year I'm making a fighter-in-a-can! :P
The black raven wrote: There is no such bonus type in the PRD. I checked. But how cool if there was, yes?
Many items covered in scratches or bite marks. Did no one feed the vermin ?
Rabbitball wrote: Feros wrote: Ambrosia Slaad wrote: No, just no. The slayer and investigator already killed the rogue and took all his stuff. Then he was reincarnated as unchained. Stop trying to kill him again with rogue-in-cans. Look at it this way, with all the cleric-in-cans, rogue-in-cans, and the occasional wizard-in-cans a fighter could solo any Adventure Path!
:D That's it! Next year I'm making a fighter-in-a-can! :P Why not? Barbarians-in-a-can is a core item.
Petty Alchemy wrote: Don't be dropping quotes from items here, guys. My bad, should have thought my snark through better.
Hmmmm, a brand new spell for my spellbook!
EDIT: I'm pretty sure this being the 666th Snarky post is important!
I have now seen at least two items marked for DQ more often than I have seen my own item :(
These rings just keep coming back. We need a cull.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Nethys loves you. Or he hates you. I am not sure which.
Gahhh, if only the bbcode on that item wasn't so jacked up! Still voted it up, but it was a rough decision.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tripp Elliott wrote: Hmmmm, a brand new spell for my spellbook!
A brand new spell in a brand new can!
Two items side by side that allow you to make an infinite number of magical throwing weapons. Great.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The day is long and full of terrors.
So many items that produce or require bardic performance.
That is a staff. I am not fooled
This item makes me kinda sad. It's a neat idea... with no formatting or description.
That is not supposed to come out of a person!
The what what ???
Joke item vs Joke item. At least, one designer made an effort. Upvoted
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I'm getting enough repeats that I don't always have to read the items. I already know which I prefer.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Wszebor Uriev wrote: Ahh.. another item whose crafting value exceeds several of the River Kingdoms' GNP.
I suppose if I keep looking, I'll find an item that replicates platinum pieces. I mean, they have to pay for this somehow...
sigh forty one minutes later - item found.
How does one format? It must be really complicated since so many people got it wrong.
RonarsCorruption wrote: Two items side by side that allow you to make an infinite number of magical throwing weapons. Great. I recognize that pairing!
Wrathgar_The_Warlord wrote: How does one format? It must be really complicated since so many people got it wrong. There is a template provided- I think on the contest rules page but I forget where precisely. Just plug your information into it and it will bold where you need bold and have all the info you are supposed to fill in in the right places (such as weight, slot and crafting requirements).
The fact that so many ignored this simple tool implies that they didn't read the rules and probably wouldn't be good communicators if they did receive a gig.
IP infringement x2 :-(
Still better than that gross item. Whew.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
The black raven wrote: Nethys loves you. Or he hates you. I am not sure which. Neither is Nethys.
Item that I would have assumed is a Doctor Who reference but isn't at all...
2 items both over 120k within 4k of each other bother over complicated and both within 1 word count of 300... just WOW
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Don't know how many times I've wanted to blindly vote for the second item after reading the first thinking "it can't be this bad." Fortunately, I haven't given into temptation, because as often as not, I end up having to vote for the first.
Several items up your wand game.
Okay I have dirty dirty jokes mostly around a dated Spike Lee movie reference and your item description but I'm voting for you anyway
That is not a price. Prices are in gp.
Oh, item. I love your powers so much, but your name and form have nothing to do with them!
At least you're better than "I am now this monster #153", though.
Had to upvote a cursed and random item. Feeling dirty.
Oh hey, weapon enhancement instead of item.
"Slot -" vs. "Slot No Slot"
If you're going to recycle last years item at LEAST reskin it to the proper item type and maybe slightly change the theme...
Edit: that goes for both of you!