Who are your rebels?

Hell's Rebels

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Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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As before, who or what are you planning to play in Hell's Rebels adventure path?

I'm planning a Chelish Diva Bard. An up and coming opera performer who see's Thrune's take over of the opera house as the straw that broke the camel's back.

I also have ideas for a Summoner, Oracle, and Warpriest in case they fit better with other players.

I'm going with either a halfling bard or celestial sorcerer. I wasn't the biggest halfling fan, but their plight in Cheliax has me see them as the underdogs in this by quite a lot.

Second runner up would definitely be a human cleric of a non lawful god. Asmodeous has a lot of fans despite being a sexist slaving #####, and I think it's about time another god (through his her beloved agents) gave him a good black eye. This is my chance to see that happen. :) Of course, clerics face some challenges at blending in, and a lack of skills, but still... it should be anything but dull.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Mordren Jaharis, Tiefling Bloodrager (Arcane). She would be Lawful Neutral, and standing on the side of the oppressed tieflings. Before all that, she had a glittering future in the industry of tiefling thugs and bandits, but after getting life lessons from Strea Vestori, she decided to use her strength and charisma to bring something akin to order to Devil's Nursery and help tiefling's position in Kintargo. Not so hell-bent (heh) on rules and laws as much of common sense and personal code. She respects the law, but is not fanatical about not breaking it. Her father was a poor and failed magician named Valkar "the Magnificent", and some of his minor skills has seeped in Mordren's blood.

This is the one I have right now, and one I will most likely play.

Dark Archive

I'm thinking by the time I get to play this the vigilante will be officially out so I'm going to a human Chelish vigilante zealot of Milani or Calisstra. Backstory of a disposed noble family that moved to restart their lives. A loyal Chelish merchant by day, the infamous "Black Rose" by night and when ever combat is necessary. I figure I can incorporate my party members into guards for my goods while martial law is going on.
Back up characters are tiefling rogue, half-orc brawler and a castellan in service to the bank/church of Abadar.

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So far, I'm leaning with an Oracle who is an apothecary by trade, but who is secretly a "community organizer" who helps plant caches of weapons and supplies to bolster the rebellion.

Feom reading the Player's guide I can already see at least three slots I could fill in the rebellion!

I am leaning towards a Chelaxian vigilante; haven't decided on specialty or anything yet but am looking at the various things the Asmodean inquisitor doesn't like and prohibited and such and plan to play up some of those things he doesn't like in the vigilante personality. Of course I might wind up being the GM for this one so I'm not sure if I even will get to play.

I really want to play this but I'm having a hard time deciding exactly what I want to play, aside from something I haven't played before and that I want to play a socially skilled character; sort of a "lady's man" type, but not a rake, philanderer, etc. I realize a Bard is pretty much right up that alley, but it just...isn't what I'm looking for. I'm a Bard in another PbP right now and don't really have any interest in playing one again...same for a Rogue, Inquisitor, and Ranger. I've been leaning toward a Lore Oracle, with the Sidestep Secret thing, but Sorcerer is certainly another option, and I haven't really had a chance to play either of those classes.

I'm certainly willing to entertain suggestions!

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It's going to be a while before my group finishes Runelords. So I might run a bunch of NPCs through it to see how things go. If so, I'm thinking of a War Priest, a Bard, a Skald, and a Unchained Rogue who multiclasses into Swashbuckler (4 levels Rogue, the rest Swashbuckler).

A friend of mine says he wants to run it online and I'm going to be playing one of two characters:

Korgus Endymion, LG Half-Orc Warpriest of Ragathiel who has become fed up with the Chelish government and leads a small following of fellow worshipers.

The Chronicler, CG Half-Tien Half-Chelaxian Aerokineticist with a wild spirit and a passion for history. He keeps a journal documenting all he can about the Silver Ravens and other resistance groups in Kintargo.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

No names yet, but some concepts I've been working on:

The Spy. Halfling investigator (mastermind); Adaptable Luck, Fleet of Foot, Polyglot (Infernal as the extra language, of course); Historian of the Rebellion and Well Informed traits; Psychic Sensitivity (would have loved to add psychic detective archetype to mastermind, but they both replace Swift Alchemy); a fortune-teller (a great way to meet with lots of different people without being suspicious) that would like to join the Silver Ravens (Meeting a Contact).

The Firebrand. Devil-spawn tiefling (+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha; Resistances Acid 5, Cold 5, and Fire 5 to match devil resistances/immunities, instead of Cold 5, Fire 5, Electricity 5) pyrokineticist with Pyromaniac* (as gnome alternate racial trait; replace Fiendish Sorcery and Spell-like Ability) and Vestigial Wings; probably going with Burning Infusion, Fire's Fury, Extended Range, Searing Flame (to deal with fire resistance), Kinetic Blade (maybe), and Flame Jet before taking earth with Expanded Element (to pick up metal blast/Rare-Metal Infusion when dealing with devils); Reactionary and Star Struck (Strea Vestori) traits; Armor of the Pit; "mad as (at?) Hell and not going to take it anymore" (To Protest the Government).

The Reformer. Human arcanist (occultist); Silver Tongued; Child of Kintargo and Outcast's Intuition traits; Extra Arcanist Exploit and Spell Focus (Conjuration); Augment Summons at 3rd level; unhappy with the shift in government and wanting to change things back to a more open/prosperous model (Staying up on Current Events).

The Mystic. Human medium (relic channeler); Dual Talent; Pattern Seeker and Scholar of the Great Beyond traits; Spirit Sense; in the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time (Tagging Along).

*- Since it applies to "spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage," it should also apply to fire kinetic blasts and fire wild talents (IMO).

Phillip0614 wrote:

I really want to play this but I'm having a hard time deciding exactly what I want to play, aside from something I haven't played before and that I want to play a socially skilled character; sort of a "lady's man" type, but not a rake, philanderer, etc. I realize a Bard is pretty much right up that alley, but it just...isn't what I'm looking for. I'm a Bard in another PbP right now and don't really have any interest in playing one again...same for a Rogue, Inquisitor, and Ranger. I've been leaning toward a Lore Oracle, with the Sidestep Secret thing, but Sorcerer is certainly another option, and I haven't really had a chance to play either of those classes.

I'm certainly willing to entertain suggestions!

Have you considered the new mesmerist class from Occult Adventures?

Don't know if I'll get to play myself, but I'm leaning towards a hellspawn tiefling kineticist descended from a bone devil, going geokineticist and flavoring 'rock' as 'bone'...though might go mesmerist instead since it looks great for social stuff. Will just have to wait and see what would be good for the group I play with, presuming that happens...

Many choices to make. We'll have to wait and see...

Luthorne wrote:
Have you considered the new mesmerist class from Occult Adventures?

I actually hadn't even looked at the Occult Adventures stuff, but from a cursory look, it seems like a mesmerist might fit the bill that I'm looking for. Thanks!

I've been sitting on this character for a while in prep for this path.

Rikkan- CG Ratfolk Ranger (Urban Ranger) of Milani.

I still need to flesh him out a bit but I anticipate him being able to fill out the spymaster role quite nicely.

So many ideas!

Do I go with Elven new age medium that channels The Brightness.

Dwarven Cavalier that rides a miniature pony.

Tengu Inquisitor that self narrates.

A Halfling of one of the Occult classes would be fun :-)

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Meliandri Chastain-Aulamala -Half-Elf Bard. Foster daughter of the Auxamala family, party girl, and armchair revolutionary. All these proclamations are getting in the way of her life of luxury, and she's had just about enough of it.

I have one player who's already contemplating building a character for this campaign when I run it after Runelords runs its course. This is only a rough idea at the moment as she's not entirely sure about the Investigator class (it's a fairly complex class after all!).

Sophiona, a Fetchling Investigator. Possibly with the Noble Scion class and maybe Child of Kintargo trait. Obviously she'd be adopted into a noble family. Her basic idea is a Sherlock Holmesque-Goth Girl. ;)

Here's an image of what she envisions her looking like: https://tensaitekikuronekoanimerants.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/victorique _gosick_-_01_h264-720p6358d1f5-mkv_snapshot_14-13_20460.png ^^;;

I'm not quite sure which class another player would do, but he'd very likely love the whole black marketeer/merchant lord aspect of some of the teams. (He's the driving force behind my Runelords group's building of banks and other businesses in other regions.)

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Pomeroy Franchot, Chaotic Good Elven Medium, he hopes to channel The Brightness but mostly gets dead people.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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captain yesterday wrote:
Pomeroy Franchot, Chaotic Good Elven Medium, he hopes to channel The Brightness but mostly gets dead people.

This is amazing.


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Beuagard Blessed, Half-Orc Chelish Bard baritone who will LOUDLY PRTEST THE CLOSING OF THE OPERA WITH HIS FALCHION!

Lucas Starwalker, CG aether kineticist with a strong code about serenity and lack of passion who uses a kinetic blade and telekinesis that wants to fight the Empire.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A couple of different ideas floating about.
1) A catfolk fighter that was enslaved and freed, now serving in the rebellion.
2) Elven water kintetist (focused on ice) who fancies himself an assassin.
3) a young Mage obsessed with Thassilonan magics that is researching the libraries for any information available, especially about Alaznist.

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really? NO SKALDS?

Inciting a rebellion? how can there BE a rebellion withOUT a skald?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Pendagast wrote:

really? NO SKALDS?

Inciting a rebellion? how can there BE a rebellion withOUT a skald?

Hmm, you raise a fair point. I haven't made a Skald yet either....

Silver Crusade Contributor

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If I were to play in this (somehow), an adorable Silver Balladeer sounds pretty tempting...

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It might take some work but a second character idea I came up with is Zealot Vigilante of Milani, with the Celestial (or Fey) power. By day a Jharleto (or whatever spelling) noble finding what info he can to feed the rebellion, by night rebellion leader/upstart making life hell for Thrune. Pun intended.

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I'm at a disadvantage due to not having a real computer on which to read the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, so I might need to change this, but I have a few ideas:

1. Revolutionary Bard (shared possibility with Curse of the Crimson Throne and Council of Thieves).

2. Summoner Switch to Devil Unfettered Eidolon after Summoner dies attempting heroics against the regime, that decides to rebel against Hell (again a shared possibility with Curse of the Crimson Throne and Council of Thieves, but much more out on a limb mechanically -- may not be able to pull it off, but I like it as the inverse of the concept of devils as fallen Angels).

3. MAD BOMBER ALCHEMIST! Goblin seems thematically fitting, and opens up some more bombing options with the Goblin Alchemist archetype (Fire Bomber). For survival, will have to have some skills for undercover work that are not common to Alchemists or Goblins; also need to compensate for a LOT of things on the Thrune side having resistance or immunity to fire.

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Zero Dantes/The Wolf of Kintargo

Once a spy and assassin for Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Has now abandoned the prince of lies in favor of protecting the home of his new wife and the one who led him away from the lies Rosalina. The two take an active stand in stoping Thrune.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Ejaz the Unchained (CG elven arcanist)
His parents wanted to take him around the Inner Sea when he was just a boy. His ship was attacked by pirates and his parents were killed. He was press-ganged for about a week before a Chelish armada wiped out the pirates and took him as a slave. He spent most of his life serving a noble house before finally escaping thanks to an alchemical accident which unhinged his body from the material plane. He then fled with the help of the Bellflower Network.

He has studied a bit about his condition and has tried to learn to control it, but the event was severely damaging to his health. Now he seeks to take out his revenge on the last of the noble line that once imprisoned him. Rumor has this noble was headed for the port city of Kintargo.

Stats: dump Strength in favor of a high Dexterity and Intelligence. Take the school savant archetype for conjuration (teleportation) and pick up as many teleportation effects as I can get. By 8th level, I'll be able to teleport 3 times in a round (standard, move, and swift).

^Ooo, that wuld be awesome in a late-entry Arcane Trickster build. Most of the recent Arcane Trickster builds have been trying to do stuff with a combination of Snakebite Striker Brawler followed by Wizard 3 or Sorcerer 4 and picking up Accomplished Sneak Attacker as soon as possible to qualify for Arcane Trickster as soon as possible, and sometimes using VMC Rogue to get more Sneak Attack and using retraining to convert the Snakebite Striker Brawler level into a Wizard (or Sorcerer) level after reaching character level 7 (where VMC Rogue starts awarding Sneak Attack). But you actually want the Arcanist class features up to Arcanist level 8 before starting Arcane Trickster, so depending upon how much Sneak Attack you want, you could save yourself the level of Snakebite Striker or the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat, or even keep both if you really want the extra Sneak Attack (which will admittedly be spread a bit thin in a late-entry Arcane Trickster build).

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Pendagast wrote:

really? NO SKALDS?

Inciting a rebellion? how can there BE a rebellion withOUT a skald?

I commented on a group build I'd make that would be... potent.

You start with a melee Fighter or Ranger for the primary combatant.
Add in an Investigator or really any class you want, but the Investigator has some nice abilities that would work well with Hell's Rebels.
Finally you have a Bard and a Skald. Both can use some cure spells and together would probably equal one priest. But together... they turn the Fighter or Ranger into a truly effective and nasty foe.

+1 to hit and damage from Bardic Song. +2 to Strength and Constitution (resulting in another +1 to hit and damage, and extra hit points) from the Skald Song. And as the Bard and the Skald increase in levels... they both will further boost their frontline unit. And yes, Bardic Song and Skald Song stack.

skald is nasty all on his own... I play mine as if he were a barbarian..... more of a "follow me" type, less of a go git em type.

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I unfortunately won't be playing as it turns out but I will be running instead.

My group so far looks like this:

-Middle Aged Cheliaxian Sacred Huntsman Inquisitor with his white tiger animal companion. Belongs to House Sarini and is working to save his grandson from being sacrificed to the Asmodean church.

-Aasimar Aetherkineticist who works for scraps as a linguist in Kintargo. Very fed up with the current state of affairs.

-Cheliaxian Shaman from House Tanessen who has an adorable plant creature as his spirit animal and who is quite the flirt

-Fetchling Trap Breaker Alchemist who is the bastard child of the Inquisitor and has a love of bombs and a hatred for the status quo.

-Half-Orc (???) Redeemer Paladin who would prefer to be the calm and subtle voice of reason of the party.

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My group looks as follow's

a rogue(Kintago rebel) of the Sarini family going for noble scion later.

a Wizard(instructor) best friend of the character above. The brains behind the escapades they got into.

a Cavalier(Esquire) with a (herald squire) cohort, Order of the blue rose, worshiper of Milani.

a Paladin (chosen) of Iomedae, used to be a farmer, got chosen one day, could live under law before, but no more.

Thematically its fantastic. nice dynamic, I'm seriously doubting their survivability. It is cohort heavy, so that should make it a bit more viable.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Ooo, that wuld be awesome in a late-entry Arcane Trickster build. Most of the recent Arcane Trickster builds have been trying to do stuff with a combination of Snakebite Striker Brawler followed by Wizard 3 or Sorcerer 4 and picking up Accomplished Sneak Attacker as soon as possible to qualify for Arcane Trickster as soon as possible, and sometimes using VMC Rogue to get more Sneak Attack and using retraining to convert the Snakebite Striker Brawler level into a Wizard (or Sorcerer) level after reaching character level 7 (where VMC Rogue starts awarding Sneak Attack). But you actually want the Arcanist class features up to Arcanist level 8 before starting Arcane Trickster, so depending upon how much Sneak Attack you want, you could save yourself the level of Snakebite Striker or the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat, or even keep both if you really want the extra Sneak Attack (which will admittedly be spread a bit thin in a late-entry Arcane Trickster build).

Though I like the idea of getting sneak attack, particularly with fireballs, I see myself as covering the sneaky aspects of being a rogue. Finding and disabling traps, picking locks, getting into places unseen... that sort.

Because arcanist gains new spell levels like a sorcerer, I already feel 1 level behind spell progression.

You do bring up some interesting ideas, now that Accomplished Sneak Attacker exists. I'd probably go for a 1 level dip in unchained rogue to snag a pile of skill ranks and Weapon Finesse. Hrm... decisions decisions.

This is my starting group...

Caleb human male psychic sorcerer;
Eirik human male 'unchained' monk;
Kaldar human male cleric of Cayden Cailean;
Rowan human female warpriest of Milani;
Tillia human female sin wizard (lust); and
Vandomir human male urban ranger.

Game on!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Fabian Benavente wrote:

This is my starting group...

Caleb human male psychic sorcerer;
Eirik human male 'unchained' monk;
Kaldar human male cleric of Cayden Cailean;
Rowan human female warpriest of Milani;
Tillia human female sin wizard (lust); and
Vandomir human male urban ranger.

Game on!

[sarcasm]You just let them play any race in any book or what? That's going to be a really weird party.[/sarcasm]

Seriously, though: Looks like a ton of fun. Is Rowan going to take Profession (florist)? All. The. Roses.

So far my guys are talking about

Halfling Oracle Community Guardian
Halfling Sorceror
Cleric of Sarenrae or Milani

Two of them haven't chosen yet. I'm expecting a Chelish Diva though....

Olfren skinwalker (coldborn) female Monk/Witch gestalt
Caiphas aasimar male Ranger/Dread gestalt
Cornelius human male Fighter/Paladin gestalt

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My wife's character

Suzette, Elven Mesmerist.

"A totally legitimate business woman who is definitely not a pirate. She uses her powers to help herself and others unlock their true potential. When she gains her touch healing she'll only use it by slapping people"

I think I got that according to her description.

Andrew Hoskins wrote:
Fabian Benavente wrote:

This is my starting group...

Caleb human male psychic sorcerer;
Eirik human male 'unchained' monk;
Kaldar human male cleric of Cayden Cailean;
Rowan human female warpriest of Milani;
Tillia human female sin wizard (lust); and
Vandomir human male urban ranger.

Game on!

[sarcasm]You just let them play any race in any book or what? That's going to be a really weird party.[/sarcasm]

Seriously, though: Looks like a ton of fun. Is Rowan going to take Profession (florist)? All. The. Roses.

They had free choice! I swear!

The original concept ideas included two tieflings which later decanted into humans. One of the players asked about a strix but I thought it was just too weird, specially for an urban adventure.

The game certainly started out as lots of fun. :)

Read about it here. We welcome comments/opinions. Isn't it true that one always thinks that 'their' games are really interesting. :)

Game on!

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I'm thinking a CG Human Warlord, Andoran born and newly minted Eagle Knight who is slightly undercover behind enemy lines to foment those with a mind of freedom, would be a fun character.

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Fabian Benavente wrote:
The original concept ideas included two tieflings which later decanted into humans. One of the players asked about a strix but I thought it was just too weird, specially for an urban adventure.

Considering that this is one of the few, if not only, campaigns with strix as a playable race being plausible. that's to bad.

One of my players who previously wanted to play a paladin actually switched into a lawful neutral Airborne Ambusher, who wants to join the hell knights.

He did take the Cloak of Feathers feat at level 1 in order for him to blend in better.

All because he wanted play a stix once in a campaign path :P

Liberty's Edge

Ideas for characters so far for this AP depending on who in my group decides to run it.

(Myself): All the NPC's :-)

(2nd Most XP'd GM): Likely will play a Gray Maiden build, after seeing Cheliaxian politics cause problems else where and having moved and learn from her own mother how to fight with the best of them. She decides to turn her budding skills against the systems (Still though, LN maybe Good depending on other players)

(least XP'd GM): Either an Enchantment Based Wizard or a Cross-Blooded Sorcerer of Abyssal/Infernal with Enchantment being there fun area, built to be a dominator by 3.5 ideas for it. If the wizard Prohibited schools would be Conjuration & Evocation and build for Illusion & Enchantment.
with Fast Learner and Improvisation (Either case Human)

(2nd Least XP'd GM): Arcane Healer (Bard Archetype) False Focus is your friend along with Disguise. Make oneself appear to be members of certain...churches

[edit]: and after checking phone messages, it might be me after all running it XD

Michael Talley 759 wrote:

Ideas for characters so far for this AP depending on who in my group decides to run it.

(Myself): All the NPC's :-)

(2nd Most XP'd GM): Likely will play a Gray Maiden build, after seeing Cheliaxian politics cause problems else where and having moved and learn from her own mother how to fight with the best of them. She decides to turn her budding skills against the systems (Still though, LN maybe Good depending on other players)

(least XP'd GM): Either an Enchantment Based Wizard or a Cross-Blooded Sorcerer of Abyssal/Infernal with Enchantment being there fun area, built to be a dominator by 3.5 ideas for it. If the wizard Prohibited schools would be Conjuration & Evocation and build for Illusion & Enchantment.
with Fast Learner and Improvisation (Either case Human)

(2nd Least XP'd GM): Arcane Healer (Bard Archetype) False Focus is your friend along with Disguise. Make oneself appear to be members of certain...churches

[edit]: and after checking phone messages, it might be me after all running it XD

Gray maidens were chaotic...but it WOULD be a really cool character

Suggested rebel party:

Skald as skill monkey, arcanist, healer.

Blood Rager as second arcanist/combat gestalt



There wont be anything left of Cheliax but smouldering ruins by the end of the AP!

Pendagast wrote:

Suggested rebel party:

Skald as skill monkey, arcanist, healer.

Blood Rager as second arcanist/combat gestalt



There wont be anything left of Cheliax but smouldering ruins by the end of the AP!

AM BARBARIAN would approve.

Although one of those barbarians should go oracle and rage prophet also. ;)

Shadow Lodge

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Arcanist librarian who has seen many forbidden books disappear and is bothered by what this does to shape young minds.

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