pavaan |

This is for those that have made silly mistakes playing any set of the card game.
Playing deck 1 of wrath, and for the first 2 senereos we got down to only 4 turns left or so. we thought it looked a little low, When setting up for the third one we counted the blessing deck and found that we only had 20 cards in the blessing deck.
I could not find another thread with this idea, just wanted to make one.

skizzerz |

I once shuffled extra henchmen into each location instead of the barriers (thought I was pulling from the back of the barrier stack but turns out I was pulling from the front of the henchmen stack since they're on top of each other in the default insert, and with sleeves the barriers are an incredibly tight squeeze into said insert). Didn't notice at first because the henchmen in front were also the henchmen used for the scenario, took us succeeding the close check and finding the villain also in that location to realize something was messed up.

Frencois |

Usually happens when we are about to start a 5 player game. I prepare all locations and stuff. Then one of my lazy twenty-something kid looking at the game all set up says "finaly I'm playing too". You have to re-destruct the whole locations, re-sort each type of cards, find a new loc and henchman, re-build the whole stuff and re-shuffle a minimum of 8 decks.
Meanwhile, since all the other players are pissed of waiting, I rush in reshuffling many stuff while they start to grab the location cards to re-read for the third time the when closing stuff. So you never really knows were the deck you are reshuffling should go back on the table (would be too easy).
I estimate chances we end up with the right decks in the right locations below 80%. And chances the housekeeper will discover a card below the table the next morning around 30%. Not considering our Ranzak-like vacuum cleaner.

Nefrubyr |

I once forgot to shuffle the location decks. When the third location in a row had a henchman as the top card, we got suspicious.
Happens at my weekly games club occasionally, when everyone thinks someone else has shuffled the deck (especially if some fool has tidied up a deck without shuffling it). Unfortunately, we deal out the villain + henchmen first...
Near the end of one frantic session, I was exploring the Blessing deck instead of my location.
This has to be made into a scenario rule sometime: "You may move to the blessings deck".

zeroth_hour |

Last week I was a ditz and put the box top (I like to use it as a die rolling surface) on my cards and static electricity picked them up. I was panicked and misplaced my d6 as well. Then I misplaced my scenario folder. As for the missing card, I panicked and then found it, then promptly put the box top on my cards again; predictably, the box top picked up my card again.

Jason S |

I always put the henches and villains down first when building the location decks, so they're on the bottom before shuffling. That'd be double-plus-ungood for me!
Off topic, but I stopped putting the villain/henchmen on the bottom of the deck because the other players would always look at the bottom of the deck I was shuffling.

Codcake |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

I was playing Valeros and had my deck next to a location deck. I was struggling to get weapons that game. When it was all over and we were swapping cards I realized I only had 2 weapons... Then it hit me why a location we had closed had soooo many weapons on the bottom, I was recharging my cards into the location deck.

gatherer818 |
I read Inflict and Guidance one-after-the-other and somehow convinced myself Guidance specifically said it added the Magic trait to the roll it boosted. Like, I was so certain I had already typed out a post here to someone who said it didn't that was basically a slightly-politer version of RTFCard, when I pulled a copy of Guidance out to copy the exact wording to make sure he knew how wrong he was... and it didn't say anything about adding the Magic trait T_T
I've been using it as my go-to Ghost killer, buffing the Rogue from a location away so she could sneak attack it into oblivion. I haz a sad.

The_Napier |

We've shorted the blessing deck more than once, although strangely never put too many in
Related rather than on-topic, but I've lost count of how many times two members of our group have questioned me when I assure them that there's supposed to be 30. I'm not got round to asking whether they think I'm high or low, but the frequency of the cries of 'Really?' and 'Are you sure?' is pretty silly.
Maybe we should drink less when we play...

Ron Lundeen Contributor |
We've shorted the blessing deck more than once, although strangely never put too many in.
We've done that a few times, and I only just realized why.
When we play multiple games in a night, I just take the blessing discard pile, put it back on top of the blessing deck, and use those cards for the blessing deck of the next game. Saves time.
Problem being, if we failed to beat the villain in the previous game, the blessing deck in the next game has something less than 30 cards. And if that happens a couple of times...

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Greyhawke115 wrote:We've shorted the blessing deck more than once, although strangely never put too many in.We've done that a few times, and I only just realized why.
When we play multiple games in a night, I just take the blessing discard pile, put it back on top of the blessing deck, and use those cards for the blessing deck of the next game. Saves time.
We do this as well when we play multiple scenarios in a sitting. But one time, someone added the left over blessings collected during the previous scenario to the blessings deck and I didn't realize it. We just thought we had plenty of time so we actually collected more boons that game. It wasn't until after that one that I realized what had happened. We weren't pressed for time at all (having found the villain early and played the other locations for boons).

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I once forgot to shuffle the location decks. When the third location in a row had a henchman as the top card, we got suspicious.
Usually we have the person nearest the location deck shuffle them prior to start. But we have had a couple occasions when they weren't and it took having found the villain on top and a henchman on top to realize those weren't shuffled at all.

Michael Klaus |
We stopped adding the villain/henchmen cards first since we are never able to count the cards right if we do and end up cards short or we realize something is right and while trying to get a peek at the cards you can not unsee the villain.
When we played with four players I handed them stacks of card to distribute to the location decks... and they always set them down facedown on the table. So suddenly there are 15 mystery piles on the table. I stopped doing anything else than observing where every stack is.
The playmat also helps since you can eliminate blessing deck and locations.
It might not look so bad but when you end up looking at location and put the villain/henchman first into the location it can be really annoying.

Troymk1 |

I pick up each location deck and count them out into five piles of two, then shuffle. This not only ensures you get a good shuffle going, but that you have the required ten cards.
I do a similar thing with each character deck, making sure everyone has the required amount.
It's surprising how often I pick up an earlier error with these 'sanity checks'

Frencois |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When I build the location deck, I tilt to the left or right the cards so that if it doesn't add up to ten I usually can guess what I forgot without looking at the cards.
Say a location has a villain/henchman, 3 monsters, 2 barriers, 3 spells and 1 ally. The deck would clearly show 1+3+2+3+1 cards. if before shuffling I see 1+3+2+1, i know I forgot spells.

Ron Lundeen Contributor |
Here's one I only just now discovered, by following another thread:
If characters A and B are at a location when another character elsewhere encounters the villain, they can each attempt to close the location. We've always played that only one or the other can try; if the selected character fails, the other one doesn't get a chance to try. (In practice, the character more likely to succeed is the one that makes the check.) One other way we've been playing in "hard mode," I guess.

Jason S |

If characters A and B are at a location when another character elsewhere encounters the villain, they can each attempt to close the location. We've always played that only one or the other can try;
Ironically I was just about to ask this question. A lot of people play this incorrectly, including myself until recently.

jones314 |

Here's one I only just now discovered, by following another thread:
If characters A and B are at a location when another character elsewhere encounters the villain, they can each attempt to close the location. We've always played that only one or the other can try; if the selected character fails, the other one doesn't get a chance to try. (In practice, the character more likely to succeed is the one that makes the check.) One other way we've been playing in "hard mode," I guess.
Wow! Well at least then you weren't trying to temp close an already temp closed location, like some people ;)

Joshua Birk 898 |

Josh & I played through AD2 of WotR forgetting the extra d6s against armies more or less the entire adventure. Of course, this was a 3-character party, so it was actually possible to succeed while doing so; I think the difficulty of handling armies with any more might have jarred our memories :).
To be fair, I also forgot the d6 most of the time in my 5 player game. I just can't not remember to use the Knights for the life of me.

Scott Hall |

When someone only needs a 2 to pass a check saying "Don't roll a one" out loud.
Do not taunt the dice.
Had that. Had locations not close because of that.
Last session, in fact, Seelah is at the throne room, having just beaten the henchman and tries to close it. I think she discarded a card, so she was looking at 1d10+1d6+2, needing a 6. So she rolls a pair of 1s.
Which was okay, because my Valeros was there, I explored and found the +3 Flaning Ranseur! Awesome, so happy that wasn't banished with closing, and as a weapon master, I only need to roll a 2 on a d10 to get it.
I rolled a 1.
(thankfully, Lini ran into the other one later and acquired it).

zayzayem |

I was building everyone's decks for our first games.
I asked everyone to double check they have been given enough blessings.
Everyone said yes.
During the game I noticed I had lots of cards left compared to everyone else. Meanwhile the player with Shardra looked very low on health quickly.
Turned out I'd somehow put all her blessings into my deck...

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So far, the biggest flub I've been doing is mixing up characters and scenarios in Season of the Righteous.
In one group (Tues), I'm playing Harsk (WotR) and another player is Kyra (WotR). In another group (Thu), I'm playing Kyra (WotR) and she's playing Flenta. We had a couple weeks of confusion where we switched the characters we were playing in the different groups.
And to top it off, one group is one scenario in front of the other. And, of course, I set up the wrong scenario and didn't realize it until we were ready to record our chronicle sheets.
Luckily, we got the character thing straightened out and the tier advancement allows us to have the same reward (tier) no mater what order we're playing the scenarios in.

bbKabag |

One error we usually make is forgetting what the card was that was just scouted and having to re-scout. Or forgetting someone already scouted it and going 'DOH!' after wasting another scouting ability/card.
Another common one is forgetting what the 'At this location' text does. Only remembering it after your turn has long been over.
When cleaning up after a game, I sometimes misplace a card in the wrong pile. When asked to draw from the box we end up drawing a random Item from Weapons or something similar and everyone immediately looks at me.