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This is what I know:

I'm glad Supergirl can finally bench press a spaceship going at least over Mach 5.

Jeremiah was worried about his girls and going to war with Lillian. Now less so. (Though I agree he should have been pasted by Hank Henshaw.)

J'zzn might have been right about Alex' emotional state, but to do THAT? That's kind below the belt BS move. Monitoring her is one thing, outright playing her like that? I don't disagree.

What I loved the most: Maggie Sawyer is the best girlfriend for Alex. She didn't try to change her mind. She supported her girl. The results speak for themselves.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
I'm glad Supergirl can finally bench press a spaceship going at least over Mach 5.

On the one hand it was nice to see some actual super strength again, but on the other hand, why the Hell would you get out in front of the ship and push back, hoping to eventually overtax and burn out the engines, when you could just attack and disable the engines directly?

Obviously, for the drama. It bugs me when writers make characters do things the hard way, make stupid decisions or fail to draw obvious conclusions just to build audience tension.


I think the major reason to NOT attack the Engines was they might blow up or worse. This way at least they shut down because of backup systems.

It's like blowing out someone's tires at high speed instead of just having all the electrics short out. The former has major chance of it doing more damage versus just out right stopping.

Liberty's Edge

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Ugh. Alex is the worst, I was really hoping she'd be 'lost in space' for a few episodes so someone approaching rational could be put in charge.

Kara was also obnoxious these last couple episodes but at least she's starting to see that her sister is out of control. Also, Kara you didn't 'love being a reporter'. You constantly griped about the rules that come with responsible reporting. You're not cut out to be a reporter. You should be a superhero which, surprise, YOU ALREADY ARE.

Scarab Sages

Damon Griffin wrote:
It bugs me when writers make characters do things the hard way, make stupid decisions or fail to draw obvious conclusions just to build audience tension.

Sadly, I think that is the one, true most widely used trope in all of TV/movie land.

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Yeah, while J'onn's methods were out of line, his concerns were very valid. I agree that Alex has gone off-the-rails this season and is making a lot of rash, emotional decisions instead of following her training, and then lashing out at J'onn and/or Kara whenever they try to call her on it.

I know Kara has said she needed her job at CatCo to keep her grounded, but considering 90% of the CatCo scenes this year have been her either bickering with Snapper or talking to James about Supergirl stuff, I'm not sure how valid that is, especially with Wynn now working for the DEO and James apparently able to wander in whenever he feels like.

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I'm with you Kal. Her having the reporting job didn't make sense. Other than it was a writer's decision to make her more like her cousin.

Alex to me isn't the worst. She's emotional sure, and off the rails. But this is her dad for crisis sake! I am glad she's gotten back some emotional stability thanks to Jeremiah deciding to go to war with Lillian instead of servicing her agenda.

Anyways we'll see how this all plays out now that Mon's parents (and probably more than 4 Daxamites) are in play.

In case you all forgot about that...

Liberty's Edge

So she's emotionally stable now because she got what she wanted?

That doesn't seem unhealthy to you?

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No. It doesn't since she didn't screw anyone over by going after her father. She did put herself in harms way, yes. But I don't see her going dark side over it.

Liberty's Edge

You mean the aliens on the registry being exposed to Cadmus because of her blind trust in her father doesn't count as screwing anyone over? Also, keep in mind that the 'forced deportation' was her father's plan. Now that she's forced him to choose a side, what's to stop Cadmus from hunting down all the aliens and executing them one by one? I don't think anything in the episode suggested that they'd lost access to the data from the registry.

She's not dark side, she's dangerously unstable and in a position with way too much power.

Aberzombie wrote:

J'onn was absolutely right to do what he did to Alex. She was allowing emotion to cloud her judgement, and ultimately proved that by going rogue. So, of course, he had to be made to apologize.

YES!!! Gahhhh it annoyed me that had him back down like that. His methods were pretty irrelevant at that point. She should have been relieved of duty last episode for being too emotional... and if not last episode then certainly when she went wild on the prisoner. Sending her home was something I was so happy to see... then they backtracked it...

As for the window dressing complaint... I actually disagree with that. I REALLY want MORE of these people to get kicked to the background. I am really not tuning in to see Jimmy Olson/Guardian or Mon-el, or Alex Danvers, or Maggie or Wynn and his new romance.

I'm tuning in for Supergirl and that endless optimism and joy she had saving people in the first season. Supergirl REALLY doesn't need a 'team'... and most of her team isn't in her class anyway. Frankly she's becoming the window dressing in her own show.

Point of fact I did NOT include Martian Manhunter in that mini-rant... because he is in fact awesome ;)


There's nothing to suggest that Cadmus still has the list. If they did, why then only 500 or so?

Secondly, what's stopping them is I don't think Cadmus can do that without drawing even more attention to themselves, especially know that Kara alerted the alien population that the list has been compromised.

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I think I can understand that but I'm okay with her having a support staff for handling things that are UNDER her weight class.

But you are right that too many of the support are fighting WELL above their weight class.

I do admit that I'm tuning in more for Maggie and Alex. Color me a shipper.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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The fact is there's another part of the audience that is tuning in for exactly that reason. I may be watching to see Supergirl kick ass and be an icon. My wife is there just as much for the family connection, and watching characters like Alex find herself.

Great thing is, we get to watch it together. And it's a superhero show that I don't mind my 8yr old watching. The audience is bigger than our personal wish list for what we want to see on screen

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What I want in this show:
1) Stop the ____ political messages. If I wanted that, I'd record an hour of the news, not a superhero show. It is also infuriating when you actively call out your own hypocrisy, and keep on doing it.

2) Stop the Grrl Power crap. Stop taking Superman villains and genderbending them. Stop introducing the Rule 63 versions of Superman villains, then claiming they are the original. Superman has been active for over a decade, and apparently the only Supervillains he's faced are Lex Luthor and Red K Metallo (aka Reactron).
2a) If we are supposed to take Alex seriously, let's actually see her being competent once in a while. The back half of this episode (when she had to "prove J'onn was wrong") was the most competnet we've seen in weeks.

J'onn was wrong to "test" her. He should have suspended her for the assault.

Does Jimmy ever actually go to work? In the rare episode he shows up for, he's never there it seems.

Seems like it would have been a good scene to use the stunt double and CGI Superman. Or alternately, explain afterwards why he didn't show up.

Way to reveal the big "surprise" we all called last October in the trailer.

On the positive:
I did like her calling Dean Cain "Superman". And how the credits put Teri right after him.

Scarab Sages

phantom1592 wrote:

As for the window dressing complaint... I actually disagree with that. I REALLY want MORE of these people to get kicked to the background. I am really not tuning in to see Jimmy Olson/Guardian or Mon-el, or Alex Danvers, or Maggie or Wynn and his new romance.

I'm tuning in for Supergirl and that endless optimism and joy she had saving people in the first season. Supergirl REALLY doesn't need a 'team'... and most of her team isn't in her class anyway. Frankly she's becoming the window dressing in her own show.

Point of fact I did NOT include Martian Manhunter in that mini-rant... because he is in fact awesome ;)

I agree about the "team" thing, and too many characters. I guess that's part of my overall problem. They introduce way too many background characters and sub-plots, then leave those characters hanging in limbo after they've served to generate sufficient temporary drama. It's crap writing. I'd have been happy if they never made Jimmy the Guardian, but they did - just long enough to give Supergirl an opportunity to be angsty before forgiving him his transgressions.

I'd actually like to see a bit more of Mon-El though. I was hoping (and still am) that most of this season would focus more on him being inspired by Supergirl (and maybe Superman) into becoming the hero he would eventually be in the future with the Legion. Instead, he's just another dude to get yelled at, then forgiven.

And, yes, J'onn is pretty much made of 100% pure awesomeness. Too bad he can't get his own show.

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I agree with A-zombie that J'onn deserves his own show.

The rest...meh.

Aberzombie wrote:

I agree about the "team" thing, and too many characters. I guess that's part of my overall problem. They introduce way too many background characters and sub-plots, then leave those characters hanging in limbo after they've served to generate sufficient temporary drama. It's crap writing. I'd have been happy if they never made Jimmy the Guardian, but they did - just long enough to give Supergirl an opportunity to be angsty before forgiving him his transgressions.

I'd actually like to see a bit more of Mon-El though. I was hoping (and still am) that most of this season would focus more on him being inspired by Supergirl (and maybe Superman) into becoming the hero he would eventually be in the future with the Legion. Instead, he's just another dude to get yelled at, then forgiven.

And, yes, J'onn is pretty much made of 100% pure awesomeness. Too bad he can't get his own show.

Jimmy never had much use to begin with, but he has long overstayed his welcome. He's a potential love interest that goes nowhere... He's randomly given control of Catco after just joining the company last year... because reasons, but he's never at work. He's a wannabe Superhero with Supergirl who has trouble fighting anything in Supergirl's weight class and then gets pushed to the side...

With Cat Grant not being a regular anymore, they should have just had her move in with Snapper's newspaper and ditched the whole Catco concept.

I think the biggest problem with the team concept for me, (other than not being able to stand Alex, Jimmy or Mon-el) is that it is INSANELY overdone. Between Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow... not to mention every OTHER show out there, we already have the group dynamic stuff covered. It feels like every one of these shows is the same with just a few costume changes. It's bad enough when Green Arrow and Flash start getting pushed out of their own shows... but SUPERGIRl doesn't need a team at all. She just doesn't. Certainly not in the second season... but this trope is getting old.

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Not sure I'd agree because just reading Superman comics alone, he kind of DOES need a team. Just not one for fighting crime or you know Superman stuff.

I feel Kara is the same way. Though I do agree she could use less from Jimmy trying to fight crime. As for what Kara COULD do on the side, I'd honestly like her to stay at the DEO but the same time work along side S.T.A.R. Labs as an intern. She always did have kind of scientist side to her.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Not sure I'd agree because just reading Superman comics alone, he kind of DOES need a team. Just not one for fighting crime or you know Superman stuff.

Well, that's the difference between supporting cast... and a full on team.

I love having a good supporting cast for Superman/girl. Jimmy, Lois, Perry, Ma and Pa Kent. people in his personal life to keep him grounded. Something to split the difference when he's not saving the world. The issue I'm having now is that they have all but abandoned the Kara half and everyone knows her identity... and all her friends are fighting the crime for/with her. And the CW shows in particular are just filling archtypes. There's the computer person. the weapon person, the father figure, the inventor and Supergirl has access to the Fortress of Solitude... so really they didn't need to follow the EXACT same formula. There have been multiple Superman shows before this... and none really fell into this trap. Even Smallville didn't bring on the guest heroes until season 6 or so when Clark was getting a bit boring.

Thomas Seitz wrote:

I feel Kara is the same way. Though I do agree she could use less from Jimmy trying to fight crime. As for what Kara COULD do on the side, I'd honestly like her to stay at the DEO but the same time work along side S.T.A.R. Labs as an intern. She always did have kind of scientist side to her.

Yeah! that would have been pretty cool. I'm not sure if STAR labs is overdone with Flash right now... but it could be cool to see HER Earth's STAR Labs. Play with the different earths a bit more.


I'm assuming her STAR labs would be more like normal STAR Labs with John Henry Irons and maybe later on, Karen Beecher.

Just an idea I was playing with you know.

phantom1592 wrote:

As for the window dressing complaint... I actually disagree with that. I REALLY want MORE of these people to get kicked to the background. I am really not tuning in to see Jimmy Olson/Guardian or Mon-el, or Alex Danvers, or Maggie or Wynn and his new romance.

Agreed with the possible exception of Lyra. Her I don't mind seeing. The eye candy provided by that actress was one reason I stuck with Salem for three seasons. :)


Eh Lyra isn't my favorite but she's a good fit for Winn.

Dark Archive

phantom1592 wrote:
Jimmy never had much use to begin with, but he has long overstayed his welcome. He's a potential love interest that goes nowhere... He's randomly given control of Catco after just joining the company last year... because reasons, but he's never at work. He's a wannabe Superhero with Supergirl who has trouble fighting anything in Supergirl's weight class and then gets pushed to the side... [SNIP]

100% agreed. He was gone for an episode or two, and I didn't miss him at all. Mon-El feels temporary, so I'm fine with him getting some focus right now (and he's strictly below Kara's weight class, so he doesn't muddle the theme of her character being central). I like Winn, Alex and now Maggie fine, they don't get in the way or clutter things up.

John, unfortunately, should be well *above* Kara's weight class, having her powers, none of her weaknesses, plus telepathy, shapeshifting, incorporeality/intangibility/phasing, and possibly other comic-book Martian powers he hasn't shown yet like invisibility and / or telekinesis. I like the character, and his role on the show, but they keep having to come up with excuses why he isn't out there with Kara. (Oh, I'm too far away. Let's sit around and talk about how Kara has to do this alone, and we're all rooting for her, and she can totally handle this, for *twice the time it would have taken me to fly across town and help!*)

He doesn't have the Sun requirement, Kryptonite vulnerabilities, or magic vulnerability. What he does have is an extreme problem with fire. Which is somewhat more common.

Seriously, when was the last time he was actually able to use his telepathy?

Scarab Sages

phantom1592 wrote:
I think the biggest problem with the team concept for me, (other than not being able to stand Alex, Jimmy or Mon-el) is that it is INSANELY overdone.

Agreed about the Team Thing. Sadly, I don't think it's going away anytime soon.

Scarab Sages

GreenDragon1133 wrote:

He doesn't have the Sun requirement, Kryptonite vulnerabilities, or magic vulnerability. What he does have is an extreme problem with fire. Which is somewhat more common.

Seriously, when was the last time he was actually able to use his telepathy?

Yeah, one of my few problems with the portrayal of J'onn has been they way they vastly underplay his telepathy (and some of his other abilities). He should be one of the more (if not the most) powerful telepaths on the planet.

I think part of the issue (and the reason behind the team concept) is that being in (almost) every scene of every episode is incredibly exhausting for the actor. I know the two actors from Supernatural have said they never do side projects because by the time the season wraps they're too exhausted to think about working. So we get nominally solo heroes with teams that allow different actors to share the spotlight and don't require the "star" to be on-set 16 hours a day for 9 months straight.

That being said, they could make much better use of Supergirl's team and supporting cast (and actually let her have a life outside of her superheroing.)

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I'm with Kal, the group dynamic isn't the problem, just their positioning in Kara's life. If they were more like Smallville's character positions, I think fewer people would complain about it.

But eh.

Oh, another poorly written point in this week's episode:

Lena's assistant (on phone): Lillian, your daughter knows about the naval yard. Because I just told her about it.

Why, if she didn't want her to find out, did she tell her? Almost like the scene should have played with Lena finding it herself with assistant in the room.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:

What I want in this show:

1) Stop the ____ political messages. If I wanted that, I'd record an hour of the news, not a superhero show. It is also infuriating when you actively call out your own hypocrisy, and keep on doing it.

2) Stop the Grrl Power crap. Stop taking Superman villains and genderbending them. Stop introducing the Rule 63 versions of Superman villains, then claiming they are the original. Superman has been active for over a decade, and apparently the only Supervillains he's faced are Lex Luthor and Red K Metallo (aka Reactron).
2a) If we are supposed to take Alex seriously, let's actually see her being competent once in a while. The back half of this episode (when she had to "prove J'onn was wrong") was the most competnet we've seen in weeks.

J'onn was wrong to "test" her. He should have suspended her for the assault.

Does Jimmy ever actually go to work? In the rare episode he shows up for, he's never there it seems.

Seems like it would have been a good scene to use the stunt double and CGI Superman. Or alternately, explain afterwards why he didn't show up.

Way to reveal the big "surprise" we all called last October in the trailer.

I was personally very proud of how they handled the whole responsibility in the media. Television has always been a means of portraying a message, and if you think politics don't belong in comics, you can't be more than a casual reader at best.

If you're going to portray a media company, be the media company that holds to the standards of journalism in the most ideal manner possible.

It's not just Supergirl but the people around her that are meant to inspire.

I agree that politics make it into comics. A lot. Especially recently.

I disagree that they belong there.

Oh, and you reminded me by quoting me:
addendum to my list of Superman villains in his 10+ years:

To elaborate on my statement. Based on the polling numbers in the last 5 elections, approximately half the country is liberal/Democrat, the other half conservative/Republican.
I myself, identify as an Independent (moderate conservative). When a TV show insults me for my beliefs or voting habits, it is not going to make me change my mind. But if it keeps happening, I'll change the channel.


To your first question, I'd assume the fact Lena would be smart enough to check it out on her own. Plus the fact she knew it still had power. Diverting her attention made more sense. I guess.

Sovereign Court

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Well sorry that you're taking fiction personally.


I think Greenie just like to have an escape from the clutches of mundane realities.


Scarab Sages

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:

I agree that politics make it into comics. A lot. Especially recently.

I disagree that they belong there.

Oh, and you reminded me by quoting me:
addendum to my list of Superman villains in his 10+ years:

To elaborate on my statement. Based on the polling numbers in the last 5 elections, approximately half the country is liberal/Democrat, the other half conservative/Republican.
I myself, identify as an Independent (moderate conservative). When a TV show insults me for my beliefs or voting habits, it is not going to make me change my mind. But if it keeps happening, I'll change the channel.

I knew you were worth adding to the List of People to Eat Last During the Zombiepocalypse.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Alex has consistently pissed me off in almost every episode this season. She's worse than f*&+ing Laurel over on Arrow, and that's saying something.

She has such an entitled attitude. She makes the wrong choice, b&$~*es people out for calling her on it, doubles down on the bad choice, and then for some reason everybody apologizes to and makes up with her because her bad choices were cleaned up by them.

It's like everyone in this show is a masochist and Alex is their personal torturer. And mine.

"Oh, please Alex, give me more pain. Make more messes for me to clean up. F%~! up Alex! F#!+ up harder! Please!"

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
GreenDragon1133 wrote:
I agree that politics make it into comics. A lot. Especially recently.

Eh. Blame Captain America, for his first appearance punching out Hitler at a time when most of America was firmly against getting involved in what was going on in Europe. That was pretty controversial, practically political kryptonite, and it took the attack on Pearl to change minds about getting involved. Quite a lot of my favorite comics, like the Invaders and JSA, where pro-America and pro-war to the point of verging on propaganda, while other hugely popular characters, have controversial political views (such as Batman's no-gun policy, or the mutants-as-minority metaphor over in the X-Men).

Indeed, *life* is political. Not much getting around that, unless you eschew pretty much all art, entertainment and media (and relatives, and co-workers, and public places, and the internet, and other humans, in general).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Spoken like someone who understands the greater purpose of art within society.

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*still likes Alex*

Also politics and comics go hand in hand. Remember, John Stewart was written in response to the growing question over Civil Rights.

Thomas Seitz wrote:

*still likes Alex*

Also politics and comics go hand in hand. Remember, John Stewart was written in response to the growing question over Civil Rights.

The aforementioned Hitler punching. X-Men/mutants as a race metaphor in the 60s. The "Sons of the Serpent".

It is worth remembering that comics were basically invented by a bunch of New York Jews in the 30s. The Hitler punching isn't really surprising. :)

A lot of it was crude and heavy handed and they fell prey to the common prejudices - women's roles and the lack of actual minorities - or stereotyped uses when they did appear. Generally though, they've tried. And gotten even better over the decades.

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All I know is Greenie can say what he likes. I still prefer this Supergirl over a one shot Superman lite show.

I also want to like it - since Kara is one of my personal favorite characters in all comics.

Liberty's Edge

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Sundakan wrote:

Alex has consistently pissed me off in almost every episode this season. She's worse than f#$%ing Laurel over on Arrow, and that's saying something.

She has such an entitled attitude. She makes the wrong choice, b*!#%es people out for calling her on it, doubles down on the bad choice, and then for some reason everybody apologizes to and makes up with her because her bad choices were cleaned up by them.

It's like everyone in this show is a masochist and Alex is their personal torturer. And mine.

"Oh, please Alex, give me more pain. Make more messes for me to clean up. F*$* up Alex! F%!* up harder! Please!"

Hey, they should also apologize for disrespecting her.

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*still likes it*

I will like it more once we get passed Mon-El's 'secret'

Scarab Sages

I did not realize until this morning there was no episode last night.


Yeah the skipping around of episodes on CW is getting a little annoying.

But hopefully by the end of April it will have passed. Maybe.

From what I understand they did that so that the musical crossover episodes Supergirl and the Flash would premier in the same week.

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