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I could swear the episode now airing 3/27 was solicited for this week in the end of last week's.

Let me guess, another encore performance of Riverdale?


No idea but I'm sure we'll get to see 3/20 for sure.

So once again we get a non-cross over, cross over. I mean I get there's a possible army of Daxamites in the sky, Supergirl has relationship issues, Winn gets conned by his GF. But really?! This was the best little side trip?!

Also I think Music Meister isn't from either Earth-1 or Earth-38.

Liberty's Edge

I would have stuck with, "I didn't tell you I'm the prince of Daxam because you're f&~~ing racist. It took you multiple episodes to get over your racism when you thought I was just a citizen of Daxam."

Is anyone shocked/surprised/caught unawares by Kara's behavior. And despite giving his *real* name to his father they still didn't explain why his name has the Surname of Kara's family.

Curiosity: What relative of Kara's did that guard kill?

Actual Surprise: Winn didn't get the punishment Alex should have last episode.

Liberty's Edge

At least they're consistent. Despite being a pseudo military government organization, the DEO has no actual rules that apply to the main characters.

Liberty's Edge

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
So once again we get a non-cross over, cross over.

Yeah, after the last one I read an article which said it had something to do with the shooting schedule on Supergirl. All the days where the show's sets are available this season are fully booked or something like that... leaving no significant time for filming crossover material on those sets. Ergo, other than sneaking in a minute or so, all Supergirl crossover material has to be filmed on non-Supergirl sets. Until next season at least. They were negotiating a new schedule with 'open days' like the other shows have... so they should be able to do 'real' crossovers next year.

Scarab Sages

Feral wrote:
I would have stuck with, "I didn't tell you I'm the prince of Daxam because you're f~@&ing racist. It took you multiple episodes to get over your racism when you thought I was just a citizen of Daxam."

And they he would have to apologize for her behavior.

Scarab Sages

Overall, though, I thought this was one of the more piss-poor episodes of the season.

You introduce more Daxamites, also revealing that Mon-el is the prince of Daxam. Thus you provide a major opportunity for character development on someone who will be one of the greatest members of the Legion of Superheroes....

....and you spend half the episode (or more) on relationship drama and intergalactic art theft. I mean, yeah it's the CW, but come on....

Why even bring Mon-el into the show if you aren't going to use him to set up a Legion story as well? I mean, other than the obvious of giving Kara someone else to receive apologies from.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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As to the non-cross over crossover, I did read that next year's 4-part crossover is planned to be a full 4 episodes, rather than 2.5. So they might be hearing the complaints and addressing them.


I hope so! It would be nice to get FULL crossovers and not of one.


Yeah that part MIGHT have helped. I dunno.


I wasn't aware the ambassador person WAS a member of a House of El. I thought it was more like a worker or someone employed by them.


I dunno about piss poor but it didn't feel as cool as others. I still don't get why everyone expects to see Legion of Super-Heroes though.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

My knowledge of Legion of Superheroes is pretty limited, but it seems that they're hinting at that more over on Legends of Tomorrow than on Supergirl. I'm still expecting at some point in the future for them to merge universes, and at that point it might make more sense to do Legion of Superheroes as a season long plot point/recurring characters since it has ties to both Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl.


That was my feeling too since future stuff seems more along the lines of Legends than Supergirl.

But I could be wrong.

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Aw. She forgave Mon-El. Mon, get the F out. Get out now!


Only after she had an interdimensional creature play around with her consciousness.

All the more reason not to trust it. She'll realize it was a trick and be back to treating him like dirt by the preview for next week.

They have a dysfunctional relationship at best, and she is verbally/psychologically abusive. And I hate the writers for that.

Liberty's Edge

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Definitely abusive. "Lie to me again and I'll drop a mountain on you".

If it'd been a man saying that people would be grabbing the pitchforks and torches.

Scarab Sages

Thomas Seitz wrote:
I still don't get why everyone expects to see Legion of Super-Heroes though.

I've been expecting it ever since they introduced Mon-El. I've been predicting they'll pull a comic book story adaptation and end the season with a need to trap him in the Phantom Zone to save his life, thus ensuring his membership in the Legion.


YOU might be expecting that. The rest of us are still waiting to see how we get time travel involved in a show that barely leaves Earth.

They did introduce Persuaders weapon. Which is now in the bottom of a nuclear crater, as I'm sure the Atomic Axe was not affected by the blast.


Yeah considering in comics how much stuff it can carve through without breaking, I don't see Persuader's weapon to be destroyed.

The doesn't mean though we'll see the Fearsome Five. At least...probably not this season.

Scarab Sages

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Well now.....

Teri Hatcher has gone full-on, bat-shit crazy Super B~~~!. Poor Kevin Sorbo. I was really hoping to see him do some super strength type stuff.

Seriously, though, I think Hatcher's done a pretty good job of setting herself up as the villain. It's interesting that Kara started off much like her, with a very disparaging and prejudiced view of Daxamites. Supergirl, however, has been able to overcome that negativity, thanks to Mon El. I can only hope that whatever Momma Daxam has planned has planned results in Mon El being placed in the Phantom Zone in preparation for his Legion membership.

Maybe Mon El will also be forced to poison mommy dearest with lead, and take her with him into the Phantom Zone. She'd make a pretty decent Emerald Empress in the future.

I've got to get my hearing checked, though. I could have sworn at one point I heard Kara apologize to Mon El. Then again, he properly offered his own spineless conciliation in return, so maybe I did hear correctly.

I did not recognize whatever type of alien Madame President is. Hey, though, at least J'oon conveniently decided to give a collective "f~&~ you" to her orders not to start an intergalactic incident. And here I thought he was supposed to be the person in charge at the DEO.

Huzzah! They finally remembered J'onn is a powerful Telepath.

I don't think Mon El is going to the Phantom zone. I think at the end of the season his mom will die, and he will be left to rule his people. He will then make the choice to leave Kara and help his folks back home because its the right thing to do.

I'm with MMC,

Mommmy isn't going to die but I do think they'll ship Mon El back to Daxam AND he'll take his Dad's name to help ease the transition.

Still don't get why you think we'll be doing Legion since they've yet to do anything other than a Flight Ring.

As for J'nn ignoring alien Wonder Woman, eh I think he figured it was the best of the worst options since he couldn't stop her.

My favorite part was the weirdly supportive nature of Alex toward Maggie being a real you know what.

Liberty's Edge

Hell has frozen over - Kara admitted she was wrong.

I'm not even mad that Mon El had to out apologize her. I'll take my victories where I can get them.


Not sure that counts in terms of I thought she could apologize. Just that she rarely did.

They gave us another lingering look at that Flight Ring, though. (Then again, that might have just been Kevin Smith getting his geek jollies on. :) )


Pretty sure that was it.

Scarab Sages

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Thomas Seitz wrote:

Still don't get why you think we'll be doing Legion since they've yet to do anything other than a Flight Ring.

Because they've acknowledged the Legion's existence both visually and verbally with more than just the flight ring. They've also included the atomic axe, the mention of Takron-Galtos, Mon El himself and his use of the word "grife", his father's name - Lar Gand, the introduction of the Dominators (originally Legion villains). There could even be more, but those are the ones that jumped out at me.

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Just because they acknowledged they exist doesn't mean they'll show up.

I mean they've already acknowledged BATMAN for goodness sake...

Scarab Sages

True, for me it's more wishful thinking. But Legion has always been a big part of Superman mythos, and it should be a gold mine for some interesting stories. They did it on Smallville back in the day, and it came across as okay.

Yes well I think because no one tried and there was clamor for it.

Now? Not sure.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

They made a point of panning across the Legion flight ring during the meeting at the Fortress. Nice piece of foreshadowing there.

I'm still not convinced we'll see Legion in the next season.

Finally got around to watching. Was the Prez a Dominator? Or, Mon-el did mention Durlans earlier in the episode, and they are of course shapeshifters - one might say Chameleons.

Another question. Before the season started, after it was announced that Maggie Sawyer would be a part of the show, there was a recurring story about her ex coming in from Gotham. Her costumed, crimefighting ex. The sticking point being whether her sidekick would be Barbara (as Batgirl or Oracle) or not. Anyone know what happened to that plan?


No idea but most of the time her ex was NOT Barbara Gordon, but Kate Kane, Bruce's cousin.

As for the President, there's no clear indication what her species is, but it might be Durlan.

Scarab Sages

Well, that was kind of boring and seemingly pointless. The villain was sort of easy to pick out. I was amazed they actually had Kara apologize for something. Wonders never cease.

The preview for next week's episode looks like kind of meh, as well. Standard loved one in danger, race against the clock.

At least Snapper is still fun to watch.

Snapper is good, and I'm glad he didn't have to grumble his way into an apology.

The episode itself was serviceable, but I think the core of it was more about Lena than it was Kara. Which I think is good. Also nice cut into by Rhea.

Less Mike was even better!

Next week looks like danger with the twist being like that movie, the Cell with D'Onofrio and J-Lo.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


No idea but most of the time her ex was NOT Barbara Gordon, but Kate Kane, Bruce's cousin.

As for the President, there's no clear indication what her species is, but it might be Durlan.

I was talking about Kate, they were talking about her and a sidekick. With big controversy about who the sidekick would be.


Well I dunno about that, but regardless, I don't see Batwoman showing up any time soon.

Such has been my impression for a while.

Just watched this week's. That last shot, with the Earthly clothing and normal hair, she sure did look like her first DC character.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

My question about next week is which villain finds out that Supergirl is Alex's sister.


Maybe this Earth's Calculator? Obviously some one with computer skills would be my guess.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So, let me see if I understand this correctly....

The dude had resources which allowed him to block Martian Manhunter's telepathy, and hide Alex from Kara's multitude of senses, not to mention the elaborate kidnapping set-up, and he couldn't bust his own dad out of prison?!?

Yeah, that makes total f%!*ing sense.


Maybe he just thought getting someone else to help him would be easier if they (the other parts of the government) would know it was him doing the breaking out.

But yeah this was a pretty flat episode in places.

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Yeah why is it every tom dick and harry can block the strongest telepath on the planet (heck in the universe?). I'm sorry writers if your going to use the character you have to accept his abilities.

Want me to show you? easy Underground lead lined sound dampeners and all interactions with him directly are with with robot proxy. Also I feel like tracking down the camera signal should have been easy enough. Heck if he had the resources to pull that off he should of just bribed some judges that is the american way. (ok over snarked it there my bad.)

Vidmaster7 wrote:

Yeah why is it every tom dick and harry can block the strongest telepath on the planet (heck in the universe?). I'm sorry writers if your going to use the character you have to accept his abilities.

Want me to show you? easy Underground lead lined sound dampeners and all interactions with him directly are with with robot proxy. Also I feel like tracking down the camera signal should have been easy enough. Heck if he had the resources to pull that off he should of just bribed some judges that is the american way. (ok over snarked it there my bad.)

Nope... I'd say it's the right amount of snark. The vast multitude of ways to get someone out of jail before you hit 'Blackmail supergirl to do it' is astounding. It's like EVERY CON MOVIE EVER... and not one of them requires the resources to stump the entire DEO full of super-aliens... The fact that Maggie walked in and did it just points out the absurdity of his plan.

Frankly, it felt like it was a throw away script for Arrow or Flash that had to be reworked for Supergirl and really didn't work at all. Add in the Alex/Maggie/Kara angst-fest and this episode really felt like a trip to the dentist for me...

Extra points if anyone can tell me what Mon-el was doing? Just kicking back while his girlfriend did all the work with an 'If she can't handle it, what am 'I' going to do?' attitude?? Just shows more what dead weight he is to the show.

You forgot "expert government agent and detective both fail to notice a guy (one of them knows) surveilling them for weeks."

And Lena makes a deal with an alien that she knows she doesn't trust. To build a teleporter. That the alien already has. Calling it right now, since the design is the interstellar archway, this is a invasion plot. AKA New Krypton all over again.

Oh Vidmaster7, he isn't the most powerful in the universe. Just real close. The average future denizens of Titan are generally on par with him, and they have Jean Grey/Phoenix level telepaths.

And agreed on why didn't Winn just track the signal.

GreenDragon1133 wrote:

You forgot "expert government agent and detective both fail to notice a guy (one of them knows) surveilling them for weeks."

Ehhh.. I let that one slide. I've seen it said in multiple shows that the idea you can be good enough to notice someone tailing you around is pretty much fantasy, Especially in places like New York City or other metropolis'...

While they SHOULDN'T be able to be take by surprise like that... It's the least of the sins in this show...

For that matter, how did he GET Alex in the first place? While she may not notice random guy on busy street... she shouldn't be able to be suckerpunched and dragged away?!


My best guess? He some how drugged her. That's the best I can come up with.

But even so this episode proved what you said earlier, Mon-el is pretty much dead weight.

I still don't know WHY he's there other than to be a romantic lead stuff.

Hell even if you discount Maggie as a sideplot, at least she and Alex HAVE chemistry! Or hell something akin to it. I find them WAY more believable as a couple than say, Winn and his alien GF (who I do like but I think is clearly not good for him), and ESPECIALLY...this shipping.

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