Dragon78 |

Looks interesting but I have issues with it such as...
-I don't care much for the actress playing Super Girl.
-She keeps revealing her "secret" identity.
-Her character should have been a teenager not late 20's/early 30'
-She should be wearing a wig or something as her regular girl persona.
-In what universe is Jimmy Olsen cool.
I hope this show surprises me.

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All I've seen is the trailer, and that puts it in the same universe as a Superman. It remains to be seen if it ties to Earth-CW at all. If anything, I'd argue that the trailer suggests it's in its own continuity. There's nothing that suggests The Arrow, The Flash, The Canary, etc., are in this iteration, just as the general light-heartedness suggests we're not in the same "tarnished hero" vein as Man of Steel. Hell, there's COLOR in this trailer. The only color outside of red, yellow and blue in Man of Steel is grey.

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It's being done by the same people as Arrow/Flash/LoT, it looks NOTHING like the horrendous, joyless, grimdark abomination that is Man of Steel/Dawn of Justice, and it has most of the same style and structure as Arrow and Flash (the My name is... is a dead give away). Oh, and the producers said it's in the same world as the CW shows.

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It's being done by the same people as Arrow/Flash/LoT, it looks NOTHING like the horrendous, joyless, grimdark abomination that is Man of Steel/Dawn of Justice, and it has most of the same style and structure as Arrow and Flash (the My name is... is a dead give away). Oh, and the producers said it's in the same world as the CW shows.
Thank you. Thank you so much.

Cthulhudrew |

This started out really awful- all sorts of cliches, worn out/rehashed storylines, cardboard characters. But after she rescued the plane, the trailer started to really become something a lot more fun and even a bit inspiring. I think this could be really good, especially if they let it develop and be more than just the paint-by-numbers that the first couple of minutes of that trailer show.

Greylurker |

I don't watch Arrow, but there has never been any indication in Flash that Superman exists. So it's hard to buy the producer's claim that this exists in the CWDC Universe.
Although it is important to keep in mind that due to Reverse Flash's interferance Flash has been jump-started several years sooner than he was supposed to. Supergirl could be set in 2020 for all we know
after all we are adding time travel to the mix a fair bit now with the Legends show coming.

Freehold DM |

Look, y'all can argue about her age all you want, but let's get one thing straight:
Her attitude and her delivery and her costume are perfect and bright and colorful and full of hope. And that is EXACTLY what they should be.
I have a lot of deeply held feels about the Superman Family, okay.

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The show looks like the Black Widow Rom-Com skit SN did a few weeks back.
The difference is that the skit played the trope straight, and the badass woman warrior got reduced to the giggling lovestruck romantic object by falling in love with a "bad boy" and then her "best friend."
This time, the giggling lovestruck romantic object gets raised into a badass woman warrior, by falling in love with herself as a superhero.
Subverted tropes are the best tropes.

thejeff |

thejeff |
Second trailer was far more promising. Not that I'm not happy to have a lighthearted show and not more teen drama a la Arrow and Flash (I still like them, though), but when you get right down to it, we watch these shows for superhero action, not soap opera or comedy.
I don't know. Superhero comics have always had a strong soap opera element, mixed in with the action.

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Second trailer was far more promising. Not that I'm not happy to have a lighthearted show and not more teen drama a la Arrow and Flash (I still like them, though), but when you get right down to it, we watch these shows for superhero action, not soap opera or comedy.
Speak for yourself.
The character driven drama, melodrama and comedy are the reasons I watch Flash, Arrow, Daredevil, and Agents of SHIELD.

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Lumberjack – The First Villain for Supergirl
Seriously wish it was The Persuader instead.

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Oh, for those only looking at the trailer:
The guy with the crush on Kara that she was working on her costume with is Winslow Schott, aka Toyman.
The mean guy in charge of the DEO is Hank Henshaw, aka Cyborg Superman.
Kara's boss is Cat Grant.
So the first two are villains and the third has been an antagonist to Supergirl in the past.

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Look, y'all can argue about her age all you want, but let's get one thing straight:
Her attitude and her delivery and her costume are perfect and bright and colorful and full of hope. And that is EXACTLY what they should be.
I have a lot of deeply held feels about the Superman Family, okay.
This. This is why this might be my jam.
Also, this: My reason for hoping

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Considering that pretty much everyone on the CW shows showed up on Smallville with different actors and characterizations and such, no.
The CW universe definitely contains Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Vixen. The producers of Supergirl (who are also the producers of the rest) have said they want to do crossovers with Supergirl which suggests that they consider it part of the same world.