godfang |

I'm sure we've all had that moment where the DM does something so off the wall, you weren't sure if they were being serious or not. I have some crazy friends and at one point, I never even considered their GMing to be odd (I just kinda got used to it because I know what their preferences/hobbies are) but damn, looking back, I wasn't sure they weren't on crack. Here's a few top ones.
1. I have a friend (Let's call him..um..Dude 1) who was a big fan of anime and pop culture in general. Often times, he'd watch or read something, then feel the need to shoehorn it into the setting regardless of logic. We were once playing in a feudal japan fantasy setting, he read a manga called 'Love Hina' which is about a guy running a girl's dorm while trying to enroll into university...Lo and behold..Our party ran into an inn with literally the same characters from the manga, and we had to try and get them to enroll into Tokyo University..uh
2.Still Dude 1! After watching transformers: Dark side of the moon, he decided to bring optimus prime (not even a name change) into our steampunk setting, claiming it to be 'ancient technology'. Then, we uh, had to go to the moon on a rocket to fight the BBEG.
3. This is a different dude named dude 2. Dude 2 is big on Korean culture and at one point, in a high fantasy setting (which did involve dimensional hopping), he had us wander into the set of a korean gameshow called 'the running man' where they pit celebrities against each other in silly games. He then had about 10 npcs (actual korean actors) show up and acted out the gameshow by himself as everyone watched in confusion
4.This one is about a guy named dude 3. Dude 3 likes to include uh..sexual situations in his game, which wouldn't really be odd to me..If only it didn't involve human wastes

DungeonmasterCal |

I very, very rarely get to be on the player's side of the screen, but the guy that does occasionally run Pathfinder in my group doesn't read well, and mispronounces the same words over and over in different ways. We had a fight with a chimera once and I know he pronounced it three different ways, NONE of which was in a configuration that allowed us to know what he was talking about.

Roan |

What's wrong with it? Any suggestions?
@Goth Guru: The dm insisted on 'no backsies' despite it clearly being an error?
Drug reference bro. Probably against the community guidelines or somesuch.
Maybe rename thread title to "Times you aren't sure if the GM has lost his mind or not..." or something like that.

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Unfortunately, it's too late to edit. I'm sure a moderator can help you, though. A post in this forum might direct their attention here. ^_^

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I very, very rarely get to be on the player's side of the screen, but the guy that does occasionally run Pathfinder in my group doesn't read well, and mispronounces the same words over and over in different ways. We had a fight with a chimera once and I know he pronounced it three different ways, NONE of which was in a configuration that allowed us to know what he was talking about.
Wait, isn't English language supposed to work like that?

The 8th Dwarf |

I have no problem with the current title of the thread. There are many players and GMs that combine recreational activities. I have DMed drunk.... Have had a lot of stoned and drunk players. Generally no problems because the guys I play with are able to tell the difference between serious RP, casual game, beer & pretzels and a lets get hammered and wake up next day face down at the table with no idea what frak we did game.
As for weird stuff from other DMs it's has been the usual wish/fantasy fulfilment.

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4.This one is about a guy named dude 3. Dude 3 likes to include uh..sexual situations in his game, which wouldn't really be odd to me..If only it didn't involve human wastes
At that point you just leave the table
I was going to tell my story of "I sense motive on the cake"
Or the one about the gazebo, but that's when the players got drunk

DM Under The Bridge |

godfang wrote:What's wrong with it? Any suggestions?
@Goth Guru: The dm insisted on 'no backsies' despite it clearly being an error?
Drug reference bro. Probably against the community guidelines or somesuch.
Maybe rename thread title to "Times you aren't sure if the GM has lost his mind or not..." or something like that.
How dare we sully the reputation of crack users by implying they act in odd and unusual ways. For shame!

DM Under The Bridge |

We had an odd dm and a player that had read the adventure path and was determined to use his out of game knowledge to his advantage.
So our first enemy was an animated very large pie. With extra hot filling.
Many games later when we persuaded the soldiers of evil to lay down their weapons, they realised the extent of their crimes and betrayal to Korvosa and impaled themselves on the spot. Both were very odd events.

Mark Hoover |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

GMs do stupid things sometimes. I certainly stand accused.
1. As a child of the late 70's/early 80's I routinely steal from old action films. I once ran an entire campaign loosely based on Big Trouble in Little China.
2. I also love adding movie lines into NPC dialogue. I used to give out Exp to folks who caught it and could name the movie/character.
3. I usually enjoy a beer or three with the game.
4. Action scenes are a big deal at my table as I like to act out some of the motions, add sound effects, etc. As such I've broken a lamp, knocked over the entire gaming table and once even toppled an entire full, just-opened 2 litre of Mountain Dew on a player among other mishaps.
Still eccentricity is like the glue that holds all of us together as a community. At a game session last year I had a table with:
- a stoner in a homemade cloak
- an uber-professional executive who programs code
- a grown man with a bigger collection of toys than my daughters
- a heavy metal producer/critic
Bear in mind: we were in public at a local game store. I loved it and am very proud of the diversity. I only wish there'd been some girls there.
Needless to say: I hope GMs continue being nuts. I hope players stay silly and weird. If ever my games get tame and predictable I'll probably start looking for someone to pawn all this stuff to.

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If you have not watched Big Trouble in Little China, you should remedy that at the soonest availability.
I would also like to add that the gaming community in which I reside is full of "colorful" personalities that I keep at a respectable distance. I am very happy with my current group, and pray nightly that they do not move away.

Randarak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I very, very rarely get to be on the player's side of the screen, but the guy that does occasionally run Pathfinder in my group doesn't read well, and mispronounces the same words over and over in different ways. We had a fight with a chimera once and I know he pronounced it three different ways, NONE of which was in a configuration that allowed us to know what he was talking about.
Is his name Ed? I think he's in my group. :-D

DM Under The Bridge |

Based on can be good fun, but you don't want to get too restrictive in what the players can do (muh railroad) and it has to fit. For example, for my Friday game I'm using characters from the game Recettear, which focuses on a poor girl in a fantasy setting that is thrust into being a merchant as her adventurer father has disappeared (probably died) and left her with a massive debt, which a loan shark rocks up to collect. This works with a party of bandits lying low in a city, quest options will be there, but there are other threads they can take. If they want to indulge in a bit of jrpg influence, they can. If they want to rob her and further prove they are awful evil, they can, but her on call adventurer is quite the high stat-machine. Now I've had the idea of bringing this in for a while, and its characters are pretty fun and could give something to the game. The players will get the reference and characters as some have played Recettear (also play Recettear, it makes being a merchant-adventurer very fun).

DM Under The Bridge |

"You know, you seem to have a basic understanding of how to sell things to people and not drive them to burn down the shop in anger."
I was a little surprised to see so much hostility to anime and anime influence upon pathfinder/games within paizo threads, but not everyone likes Durians.
Yayifications to you Godfang.

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"You know, you seem to have a basic understanding of how to sell things to people and not drive them to burn down the shop in anger."
I was a little surprised to see so much hostility to anime and anime influence upon pathfinder/games within paizo threads, but not everyone likes Durians.
Yayifications to you Godfang.
I might be capable of understanding. I'm sure it depends on specifics, but anime doesn't always combine well with Western fantasy (See also: The Book of 9 Swords).
I do like all the androgynous males with spectacular powers, though!
@DungeonmasterCal: If you're so disinterested in anime, where'd you learn to be a ninja like that?

Joe Hex |

I'm always the GM/DM side of the screen, so I rarely get to be a witness to how really messed up my friends are, but one buddy of mine ran a game, where he spent HOURS, coming up with his own monsters.
When he unveiled his weeks-worth of creativity, big boss, aberration masterpiece- and it had private parts included in it's natural attacks, I don't think stunned silence, was the response he was hoping for.
PS: I hope sharing that particular GM story was not too inappropriate for these forums. It was literally the first thing I thought of when reading the thread title. :/

DungeonmasterCal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@DungeonmasterCal: If you're so disinterested in anime, where'd you learn to be a ninja like that?
I was a ninja in the 80s before anime became a thing! Ok, this next statement is true; I went to college with a guy who graduated high school at 15. Because he was so young his dad lived in the dorm with him. And his dad wore costumes when he accompanied him to class. One of them was a ninja costume. I wish I was making that up. But our joke for years after was he was our ninja sensei whenever we played 1e's Oriental Adventures.

Joe Hex |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:@DungeonmasterCal: If you're so disinterested in anime, where'd you learn to be a ninja like that?I was a ninja in the 80s before anime became a thing! Ok, this next statement is true; I went to college with a guy who graduated high school at 15. Because he was so young his dad lived in the dorm with him. And his dad wore costumes when he accompanied him to class. One of them was a ninja costume. I wish I was making that up. But our joke for years after was he was our ninja sensei whenever we played 1e's Oriental Adventures.
Ninjas really were a big thing in the 80's weren't they? I remember being 8-years-old, and my dad let me have throwing stars. Man times have changed- you can't even buy lawn-darts anymore!

DungeonmasterCal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ninjas really were a big thing in the 80's weren't they? I remember being 8-years-old, and my dad let me have throwing stars. Man times have changed- you can't even buy lawn-darts anymore!
I have a set of authentic steel lawn darts! They were given to me by a friend. Great fun with beer.
Japanese influence was actually all over the place with the 80s pop metal scene. Japanese writing on headbands, tshirts, guitar straps, etc. There were some Japanese animated shows on tv, but it wasn't a culture like it is today.

HyperMissingno |

...Glory hole lock? So like..you have to find a party member willing to stick their reproductive organ through a keyhole?
More like it is a lock shaped like a glory hole and we have to find a dildo key to move on unless one of the male PCs wants to take a risk. And we kind of lack a Kuthite.

Mark Hoover |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kiss a wall, open a door.
Switchblade dildo.
Hat of many animals.
Potato Room.
Glory Hole Lock.
Revenge of Hopscotch.That's all coming to my head right now. Inquire further if you want details.
... what?
Umm, you have just set a bar that I don't know can be topped on a private forum. I thought my buddy was weird when we encountered mushroom-folk called the Dildonians. The thread is yours.