Consortium Agent

The Commissariat's page

11 posts. Alias of Lieutenant Paladine.


Hey, no worries man. I mostly assembled that list in order not to step too heavily on people's toes. You know, a probable alignment and memory aid. I didn't want to have to switch back and forth from the document I was working in, the rulebook, and this thread.

Oh, right. Sorry, I was looking at your first draft, not your final.

You have chosen Slaanesh, right? I think I'm correct in saying that.

Gotta have a representative of each of the Great Powers, am I right?

Cast List:
hallowsinder the Human Renegade (Of Slaanesh?)
BayouSnowman the Undecided
Grovo the Chaos Space Marine Chosen (Unaligned)
Nohwear the CSM Plaguemeister (Of Nurgle)
Zurias the Human Psyker (Unaligned)
Hephaest the Human Heretek (Of Tzeentch?)
Domitan the CSM Sorcerer (Of Tzeentch?) (AKA Yours Truly)

Weapon Skill: 40
Ballistic Skill: 45
Strength: 35
Toughness: 40
Agility: 40
Intelligence: 31
Perception: 40
Willpower: 70
Fellowship: 40
Infamy: 36

Corruption Points: 36
Gift of the Gods at 10, 30, 60, and 90.
Gift of the Gods (10, Unaligned): 2d100 ⇒ (49, 84) = 133 (+/- 3)
The needs and desires of the mortal realm hold no power over the character, and his drives and passions are entirely those of the warp. He is motivated by the will of the empyrean, and his deeds make little sense to mere mortals.
The character is entirely immune to the effects of Fear. Should the character fail any Skill Test by four or more Degrees, however, he must immediately roll on Table 8–4: Shock and apply the result.
Gift of the Gods (30, Tzeentch): 1d100 ⇒ 10 (+/- 3)
Something other than blood pumps through the character’s veins, though the exact substance is dependent upon his own character or that of his patron. Ordinarily, the exact nature of the blood substitution has little relevance and may even be unknown to the character until he is wounded. When that happens, the warp-tinged fluid spews forth, forming a weapon in its own right.
Should the character ever be wounded and suffer Damage that leads to Blood Loss (see page 257), one randomly determined character within 1 metre immediately takes 1d10 Impact Damage unless he can pass a Difficult (–10) Agility Test.
Tzeentch: Upon being wounded, the character’s body
emits a wave of warp energy. The Agility Test to avoid the
damage is Hard (–20).

Starting Skills: Athletics, Awareness, Common Lore (War), Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes, The Horus Heresy and the Long War), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Surface), Operate (Surface), Parry, Psyniscience +10, Scholastic Lore (Occult), Deception or Scrutiny, Forbidden Lore (Daemons) or Forbidden Lore (Psykers)
Starting Talents: Ambidextrous, Ancient Warrior, Bulging Biceps, Favoured by the Warp, Legion Weapon Training, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Nerves of Steel, Meditation, Psy Rating (x), Up to 500 xp worth of Psychic Powers chosen from the Unaligned, Divination, Telepathy, or Telekinesis Disciplines (see Chapter VI: The Powers of the Warp), Quick Draw, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons), Unarmed Warrior, Warp Sense
The Heretic gains the Psyker Trait (listed below), a Psy Rating of 2, and 1 Corruption Point. When determining Psychic Strength (see page 206), he counts as Bound.
Starting Traits: Amphibious, Psyker, Unnatural Strength (+4), Unnatural Toughness (+4).
Wounds: 13 + 1d5 ⇒ 13 + (1) = 14

Starting Equipment:

Traitor Astartes Gear:
Legionnaire Power Armour H/A/B/L 8 AP 100kg
Power Armour Customization: 1d10 ⇒ 4 (Pending GM Confirmation, Page 176)
• Auto-senses: So long as the bearer is wearing his helmet, he gains the Dark Sight Trait and Heightened Senses (+10 to relevant Tests) for Sight and Sound. Input filtering provides immunity to photon flash grenades and stun grenades. (These benefits stack with any bonuses Chaos Space Marines may get from their organs and implants). In addition, the wearer gains the ability to make the Called Shot Action as a Half Action.
• Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the armour is environmentally sealed and can maintain an adequate oxygen supply as long as the armour is powered.
• Sustainable Power Source: Whether a miniature stacked atomic pile or something more esoteric, the backpack power supply of this armour is effectively everlasting. This suit of armour does not need to be recharged or replenished to operate.

Legionnaire Bolter 100m S/3/– 1d10+5X 4 24 Full Tearing 7kg Very Rare, four magazines for starting weapon
Legionnaire Bolt Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10+5X 4 8 Full Tearing 3.5kg Very Rare
Legionnaire Combat Knife 1d10 R 0 Pen 2kg Very Rare
Force Scythe 1d10+8 R 7 Pen Unbalanced, Force 10kg Near Unique

Infamy Gear:
Trading all normal gear granted by my Infamy Bonus for a Psychic Hood, if possible. I’d like to integrate it into my Power Armour.
Psychic Hoods are ancient and arcane devices that allow a psyker protection against psychic attacks through networks of psychically-attuned crystals woven into the material surrounding the wearer’s cranium. They are primarily integrated into Power or Terminator armour, though some are worn simply as a helmet or elaborate headdress. A Heretic wearing one may spend his Reaction to attempt to nullify a power used by another psyker within a range in meters equal to the character’s Willpower, said Reaction to be announced before the other psyker has made his Focus Power roll. The wearer first makes a Focus Power (Willpower) Test, with every Degree of Success imposing a –10 penalty on the enemy’s
Focus Power Test. Alternatively the wearer may try to nullify a power that affects him directly, no matter the range. He makes the same test as before, and if successful is unaffected by the power but other targets or areas are affected as normal by the power. Note that a nullification test may trigger psychic phenomena based on the Psychic Strength as normal. The hood also grants the wearer a +5 bonus to all Focus Power Tests, including nullification attempts as described above.

Experience Spent:

Simple Infamy Advance 250 U
Simple Willpower 250 T
Intermediate Willpower 500 T
Psyniscience Trained 350 T
Tier 1 Ancient Warrior 250 U
Tier 3 Psy Rating (4) 750x2 U
Tier 1 Warp Sense 250 T
Tier 3 Favoured by the Warp 750 T

Total: 4100xp
K: 0 N: 0 S: 0 T: 5 U: 5
Result: Aligned to Tzeentch

Psychic Powers:

Alternate Names: Spectral Hands, Ethereal Motion
Value: 100xp
Prerequisites: None
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Willpower Test; Special – See Below
Range: 5 metres per Psy Rating
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Attack (if used to throw target), Concentration
Description: The basic talent of telekinesis is a versatile and immensely useful tool in any psyker’s arsenal, a valuable means of exerting his will upon his immediate surroundings. Human psykers, whether sanctioned by the Imperium or lurking in the shadows beneath so-called civilisation, speak of reaching out with hands of spectral presence, or imbuing objects with motion or inertia that should otherwise not exist.
A psyker with this power may use it in one of three ways: constant motion, rapid push or forceful throw. When using constant motion, the Focus Power Test is Routine (+20), and the psyker may move any object within range and line of sight that weighs no more than 10kg x Psy Rating. Objects moved in this way can only be moved too slowly to be used to attack, and when released the object drifts slowly to the ground.
When using a rapid push, the Focus Power Test is Ordinary (+10), and Opposed by a Strength Test from a single target within range and line of sight. If the target fails the test, he is thrown backwards Psy Rating metres, plus an additional metre for every Degree of Success on the Focus Power Test.
When using a forceful throw, the Focus Power Test is Challenging (+0), and allows the psyker to lift an object weighing no more than 5kg x Psy Rating and thrown at an enemy within range, hitting them to deal 1d10 Impact Damage +1 for every 5kg of the object’s weight.

Alternate Names: Subtle Will, Geisthand, Iridescent Grasp
of Edriané,
Value: 100xp
Prerequisites: Mind over Matter
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Test
Range: 5 metres per Psy Rating
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The true Telekine does not just manipulate large objects with clumsy force. Precision and care are essential for the more complex applications of telekinetic force. Adeptus Astra Telepathica Savants speak of the subtle will as a state of calm determination, while Eldar legend tells of the seeress Edriané, whose gifts produced a psychic touch of peerless dexterity.
This power allows the psyker to perform any task he could accomplish with his bare hands, such as operating complex controls, picking a pocket, wielding a weapon or grabbing an adversary. In any situation where the task in question would require a Characteristic Test, the psyker substitutes his Willpower instead. The psyker’s Psy Rating substitutes for his Strength Bonus while using this power.

Alternate Names: Bulwark, Kineshield, Bunker of Will
Value: 200xp
Prerequisites: Mind over Matter, Willpower 45+
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The psyker constructs a barrier of denial and defiance that deflects the attacks of his enemies as if it were a solid object. Ancient, long-buried lore from the time of the Heresy calls these manifestations Kineshields, and explains that great psykers of the past could once protect squads, or even armies, of warriors beneath great and impervious barriers of this sort. While this power remains in effect, the psyker is considered to have all locations protected by cover with an AP value equal to his PR. This cover is not ignored by weapons with the Warp Weapon Quality.

Alternate Names: Echo of Thought, Whispered Will
Value: 100xp
Prerequisites: None
Action: Free Action
Focus Power: Simple (+40) Opposed Willpower Test
Range: 1 kilometre per Psy Rating radius
Sustained: No
Subtype: None
Description: The psyker can send his thoughts into the minds of those around him. This is the most crude and basic of telepathic techniques, known to vast numbers of psykers of many species and allegiance. The psyker can broadcast a short message—no more than one sentence per Psy Rating—to a number of individuals (no more than two for each Degree of Success scored on the Focus Power Test), or indiscriminately to every single creature within range. Minds who do not wish to be contacted in this way may resist with a Willpower Test, gaining a +20 to their test if they do not share a language with the psyker, as many of the mind’s processes are still linked to the structure of language.

Weapon Qualities:

Used exclusively by psykers, these weapons combine archeotech circuitry pattern with rare psycho-reactive crystals to channel their mental power into deadly, reality-rending force. Force weapons can take many forms, and comprise several specialised variants, but are largely restricted to swords, staves, and axes. Any melee weapon with the Primitive Quality can be a Force weapon, and increases its Availability to Extremely Rare. Unless wielded by a psyker, Force weapons simply count as normal weapons of their type and are not considered to have the Force Quality. In the hands of a wielder with a Psy Rating, their true power is revealed. For every point of Psy Rating the wielder has, the weapon’s Damage and Penetration increase by +1. If the weapon possesses the Primitive Quality, it loses this Quality. For example, a Force sword wielded by a character with Psy Rating 3 would inflict 1d10+3 (plus SB) and have a Penetration of 3. In addition to normal Damage, whenever a psyker Damages an opponent, he may, as a Free Action, channel psychic force and killing will into the blade. This requires a Focus Power Test using Opposed Willpower. For every Degree of Success, the Force weapon’s wielder deals an additional 1d10 E Damage, ignoring the victim’s Armour and Toughness Bonus. Force weapons cannot be destroyed by a power weapon’s field.

Tearing weapons are vicious devices, often using multitudes of fast-moving jagged teeth to rip into flesh and bone or simply blasting massive wounds in flesh. These weapons roll one extra die for Damage, discarding the lowest die rolled.

Heavy and difficult to ready after an attack, these kinds of weapons impose a –10 penalty to any Parry Skill Tests when wielding this weapon. Unbalanced weapons cannot be used to make Lightning Attacks.

Pride: Devotion
The character’s faith in the Chaos sustains him. He is confident that there never has been nor will there ever be another follower of the cause as self-sacrificing. He believes that this grants him a special status to the Dark Gods, but is wont to rely on this instead of his own strength.

Disgrace: Hubris
The Heretic’s self-confidence and bluster vastly exceeds his abilities. He never fears or even considers failure. Instead, he engages in every challenge, often with little consideration for what preparations might be necessary or the consequences of failure.

Motivation: Ascendancy
Mortal power is fleeting and life is short. The Heretic wishes to overcome both of these limitations by assuming a permanent level of at least daemonic power, but preferably a transformation to the divine and unholy.

Wow, I hadn’t realized how hard writing a CSM backstory was. Especially since no one else has written one.
Domitan is a Sorcerer of the Black Legion. He remembers the fall of the Warmaster, and the shocked retreat from the bloody soil of Terra. He remembers how his Captain, Abaddon, took hold of the Legion, and brought them out of their incompetence, and ended the defilement of The Warmaster’s corpse.

Domitan was lost when The Warmaster fell. He spent hours staring into the Warp, searching for meaning. As he stared into the Abyss for what seemed like years, the Abyss stared back. His prayers were answered. His prowess in battle increased significantly, and he resolved to devote his life to Chaos. Yet that didn’t seem to be enough. No, what is one life worth to the Omnipotent Chaotic powers? With their blessings he can never fail! Some might call this hubris, but Domitan knows otherwise. Dissatisfied with the pitiful offering that is his mortal life, Domitan has chosen to devote himself to ascending to Daemonhood, to better serve the powers of Chaos.

Man, I want in on something like this so bad. Is there a chance of a spot left? Or do I have to sit out?

I don't technically have any experience with BC, but I have played Only War and Dark Heresy before.

Infamy: 1d5 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

I'd be happy playing a CSM Sorcerer or CSM Gun-toter (Ack, my noob-ness is showing! Serves me right for posting at work, eh?)

Gotta agree with Closet on this one. Seems fine to me.

I'm kinda sad that all my friends are sane, because I don't get to tell stories like this.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

90. Communicates with flashcards to pretend to be mute. Often forgets the order he left them in, and mutters "Oops," when he realizes.

90a. When asked why he pretends to be mute, he responds by pulling out a crumpled and frequently-proffered flashcard reading "I'm not mute, I just have a fear of public speaking."

36. Keeps a journal on every NPC s/he meets, including an itemized list on why/how they could be the BBEG.

118. When first preparing for the session, 'accidentally' leave the beastiary open to the Mimic page.

119. Frequently ask the players if they want to make a perception check. Then consult your notes while muttering "Interesting, interesting."

33. Insists everything in life is determined by a randomly chosen number, and invents extremely long calculations in order to show how "obvious" the correlation is.

10. Gobbler's and Gnashknarl's, Goblin attorneys at law, and part-time Clerics of Asmodeus.

5. Goblin Kennels and petting zoo.