breakerofworlds |
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Basicly I'm playaing a barbarian, and I have decided to forget ac and aim for high dr, and static miss chances. Looking for ideas to help me do this. I have thought of thing like fortifcation to armour to avoid pesky sneak attacks and crits, and mirror image, blur effects to armour or items for flat miss chances. Any other suggestions?

breakerofworlds |

Oh yeah forgot to say i'm 6 level already invulnerable rager with Bolstered Resilience feat and plan to take rage powers to boost dr. Does fortifaction stack or if you had multiple ways of getting it would highest overide. I'm not sure about a level dip as I took one at first level for mutagen warrior and plan a second at 9th for lame oracle.

breakerofworlds |

Human we roll stats got pretty good plus a boon from a npc as a +2 to one stat currently have a belt of str +2.
wis18 was 17 added +1 at forth level
Current feats power attack, cleave, iron will, bolstered resilience, tribal scars night hunt.
Rage powers supersitious, and which hunter.
next level considering feat reckless rage, and rage power reckless abandon.
After that need to boost dr and miss chances.

chbgraphicarts |

Adamantine Chain Shirt gives you an additional DR1/-
Increased Damage Reduction Rage Power is also kinky, and can be taken up to 3 times.
You may also want to hit up Energy Resistance.
An Invulnerable Rager Barbarian/Eldritch Scrapper Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple can have a hefty amount of DR and ER, along with being bulky

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Retrain to Bloodrager?
Getting Blur, Displacement, Haste, Enlarge Person etc just for entering your rage (see the arcane bloodline) is great.
You have access to Blur, Resist Energy and Protection from Arrows, one of those your choice. At 8th, you get access to Displacement or Haste in addition to the choice of Blur, Resist Energy and Protection from Arrows.

Rynjin |

See if your GM will let you play an Unchained Barbarian.
Instead of Str/Con bonuses, they get +2 to hit and damage and 2 Temp HP/level while raging. The temp HP should make you feel a lot more resilient.
The Temp HP is the exact same amount of HP you get from Rage normally (and the damage bonus is smaller), so I'm not sure why you'd think it's make him more resilient.

kestral287 |
Well, the thing is that the Cloak of Resistance is generally better. So you want both.
If you can stack both effects onto the same item that'd be ideal (the rules allow for it, but with all custom magic item stuff it's GM permission).
Are you locked into a totem yet? Dragon Totem is a nice DR boost if you're not dedicated to Beast.

Ipslore the Red |

Consider a 1-level dip in Unbreakable Fighter to get the prerequisites for Stalwart and Improved Stalwart as bonus feats. I remember I got a specific barbarian build to get around DR 20/- at level 11.
Also seconding the Dragon Totem, although some people argue over how Dragon Totem Resilience "should" be worded. Check with your GM first. The way it's written, it gives you an additional DR 6/- with all three Dragon Totem powers and energy resistance to one selected element equal to double your total DR/-.
Found the build I mentioned. Improved Stalwart can give up to DR 10/-, Dragon Totem 6/-, and Invulnerable Rager 10/Unbreakable Fighter 1 gives 5/- for DR 21/- at level 11. Also resist acid/fire/cold/electricity 42, depending on what you picked.
And that doesn't touch your WBL, so you're free to get a Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier to negate one critical hit/sneak attack per day and a cloak of lesser displacement for a flat 20% miss chance. Although consider whether you can afford to give up the bonus to saves a cloak of resistance gives, or just find a different item slot that gives resistance bonuses.

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The Temp HP is the exact same amount of HP you get from Rage normally (and the damage bonus is smaller), so I'm not sure why you'd think it's make him more resilient.
It actually prevents damage and reduces healing needed, though. If you can get any sort of rage cycling going, it's a big deal. Say Barbarian(Invulnerable Rager) 6/Oracle 2 (Lame curse). You're stopping 19+ damage a round between DR and temp HP while spamming a once/rage power.
The only damage bonus you lose is the extra .5 Str bonus for two handers. But it opens up TWF for the full bonus on off-hand attacks.

kestral287 |
Quote:The Temp HP is the exact same amount of HP you get from Rage normally (and the damage bonus is smaller), so I'm not sure why you'd think it's make him more resilient.It actually prevents damage and reduces healing needed, though. If you can get any sort of rage cycling going, it's a big deal. Say Barbarian(Invulnerable Rager) 6/Oracle 2 (Lame curse). You're stopping 19+ damage a round between DR and temp HP while spamming a once/rage power.
The only damage bonus you lose is the extra .5 Str bonus for two handers. But it opens up TWF for the full bonus on off-hand attacks.
Why two levels of Oracle? Just wait a bit and take the Oracle level at 9th.
Or, if you're in a rush, use one of the many other options. The rage power that makes Rage sicken you (or nauseate? It's been a while) + the ioun stone that renders you immune to sicken/nauseated.
But taking a dead level to get something faster that you can get fast anyway seems kind of silly.

Claxon |

As a human barbarian he just needs to pick up superstitious and use his human favored class bonus for it and he can reasonable eschew a cloak of resistance. He saves wont be as super strong, but it can work out okay I think.
I found the Arcane Bloodrager to be much better at this sort of thing, with having displacement on yourself automatically each time you rage being prolifically powerful.
But stacking DR can work quite well. I also personally found that if you have someone in the party that can heal decently well, that you usually have enough HP to soak all the damage in a combat and just be healed up between combats. I also used Come and Get Me and Reckless Abandon (because my AC already sucked) and Combat Reflexes to get to make attacks against my enemies before they attacked me. It's a very troublesome for the enemy if you kill him when he attempts to make his second attack because the damage you inflict is that large.
For the barbarian, it's pretty much about going super hard on offense and having a way to heal up afterwards (in my opinion).

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Markov Spiked Chain wrote:The Temp HP is the exact same amount of HP you get from Rage normally (and the damage bonus is smaller), so I'm not sure why you'd think it's make him more resilient.See if your GM will let you play an Unchained Barbarian.
Instead of Str/Con bonuses, they get +2 to hit and damage and 2 Temp HP/level while raging. The temp HP should make you feel a lot more resilient.
I haven't read unchained yet so I'm just guessing. But if the unchained barb has actual temp hp instead of a traditional barb's fake temp hp. Then the new unchained barb damage will be taken from the temp hp so he'll have a buffer. And I do believe this is the case because one of the posts I saw mentioned removing the "chance of death for dropping out of rage".

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Why two levels of Oracle? Just wait a bit and take the Oracle level at 9th.
Fair enough, I wasn't intending full build, just the quickest they could get there on an obvious route. I'm usually happy (in PFS) to retrain a level here or there to get a core trick going.
I was also pondering Oracle 4 for an Oradin style rage cycling build with Life Link to protect your allies. Not that OP would want to go that direction.

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Doh. I guess I should read everything before spouting plans.
These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the barbarian enters a rage again within 1 minute of her previous rage.
I still think temp HP are a big improvement over Con bonuses, it's just not quite as cool for rage cycling.