Nalkin69's page
89 posts. Alias of JOHNB83.
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I think I'm down to one of three. Dwarf magus, halfling barbarian, or half orc witch. Which would you guys bring to the table?
Odd as in things that lack synergy so you wouldn't typically see them at a table. Great ideas so far though
He guy don't have to be super useful. Dwarf magus sounds cool though. Mainly what races would you normally not pair with a class.
I get a chance to run a one and done Nov in a friend of mines rotrl campaign. Its the opening session since this character wouldn't be there beyond first session or 2 he gave permission to run wild with it, so what's the strangest class and race combos you can think of?
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Oh yeah one of my favortite aps so far. Diffently diffrent but a blast.
Thats fine as long as i know it is i can keep an eye out for solutions .
So Im playing an IR barbarian in row now. Last session we meet Ratibor he seems to be an older version of my character the two really hit it off and became fast friends, but before we exited the hit he explained of se returned he was forced to attack us. I like the hit dont want to kill him os this avoidable somehow?
Awesome that you i was afraid if i put fire on something it would out see its usefulness later on.
Would unbreakable fighter and mutagen warrior stack
I usally avoid elemental damage, but kinda wondered if flaming would told steady troughout the this particular camapaign .
Sorry level 6 1 fighter 5 barbarian.
Im currently playing in this campaign and Im at level 6, just curious without mayor spoiler if someone could suggest weapon enhancments, and magic items to invest i .
Oh thats nice I like it any other ideas out there?
I'm playing a class with a animal companion for the first time. My cat companion just died, and I have chosen to bring in a mastadon it will be level 4. Any suggestions for feats, tricks and equipment would be awesome.
What about magic armor or barding? I have a wolly mammoth, and was looking at rhino hide for the extra charge damage.
Lol we prefer thru the front door. Basicly wondering if the size is an issue. I have played aps (i'm looking at you rotrl) where a huge campanion really wouldnt be an issue just curious if this is similer.
DinosaursOnIce wrote: Nalkin69 wrote: But can a companion wear a belt? I was under the idea it had to be a collar. Do you have a citation for that?
I'm under the assumption they can pretty much where anything they have a slot for. No I just kinda assumed that.
Ok and magical enchanments on equipment ok?
But can a companion wear a belt? I was under the idea it had to be a collar.
I'm currently playing a 4th level druid in a RoW campaign with a wooly mastadon as a companion, By 10th level I could qualify for this prestige class, but was wonder is there alot of areas the will accomadate a huge companion. On the flip side would it be so restictive that its a defininte no?
Bradley Mickle wrote: I also liked equipping an Amulet of Might Fists. It's expensive, but adds magic to natural attacks.
Animals can wear many of the same types of magical items players can, so long as it is reasonable to be capable of wearing it.
I know it's not Paizo's site, but http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items#TOC-Magic-Items-Slots has a section on animals.
If he is wearing an amulet does that stop him from getting à str boost item ie: like belt of str. I thought they wore them as collars.
Ok thanks that helps alot.
So the barding takes the stats of normal human equlivant Armor and i just use that price times whatever chart says?
I'm playing a druid for the first time ever and we final earn some money. Where can I find a list of stats and prices for animal barding.
Also if anyone has any suggestions as to other things I should look into for my pet.
Playing in a campaign with a warpreist right we are only level 4 but he seems a little on the op side to me.

alexd1976 wrote: DMJB83 wrote: Everyone seems hung up on the comparison of a feat that offers str to ac. Lets try a diffrent comparison. Say a single feat allows a caster to change their prime casting stat ie: a sorcer now uses wisdom instead of chrisma. Would that be a fair swap for just one feat. Thats a bonus to will saves and prception prehaps the best skill in the game? Of course that is unfair. Casters don't need to get more broken.
You can make a first level sorcerer using cantrips at a 55 foot range to do 1D3+5 rolling on a 4 to hit (touch).
They get worse from there. (scarier, I mean)
I'm not sure if Point Blank is included in that... also, this isn't including 3rd party stuff, which can boost them a lot more as I understand. So feat os only balanced depending on whom it benifts? So its acceptable to swap prime stars for one feat if your a martial class but not any other to me that dont work. If its balanced anyone one should be able to swap their prime stat, or no one should. Its also the fact that its at the cost of a single feat if the prequistes where stuff maybe i could get on board
Any idea on price of affing giblness 1-3 à day on an item
Oh à ring of mind shielding would work right ?
I'm not good and figure up magic item creation costs. What would a it cost to have a 1/day and 3/day gilbness added to an item?
Drogos wrote: If you're thinking of dipping anyways, why not just go whole hog and build an arcane trickster. Granted you aren't entering it in the most efficient way, but it is certainly a really strong and interesting choice for a blending of arcane magic and the rogue class. I'm a big fan of Impromptu Sneak Attack and Ranged Ledgermain, so maybe I'm just biased. I'd suggest the 3pp Undefeatable 11: Arcane Trickster if your GM will approve it. It allows you to use some feats to take the pain out of the prestige class curve. Intresting had not considered that before but will for sure look into it.
I have considered dipping into sorc at level 4 would the Rakshasa bloodline ability silvered tongue help?
Soo if I prevent magical detection of my lies it still wont stop thier class ability?
While reserching this topic I have descovered a possible problem. How do I stop an inquisator's discern lies ability?
Awesome everyone thanks. I'm sure i have just about maxed bluffing at level 1, but to back that up i'd like to forge false documents. Linguistics is the skill for that anyone know how to make ones self a master forger ie: traits, equipment,or feats?
Any rouge archtypes stack with charlatan?
Wow thought this thread died a couple days ago til I logged back on. I'm sure stayinf charlatan rouge til level three. Still havent decided where to go after that. Yes Gm stated we had to start as rouge class, but that fine at level 2 we can branch out and it helps give the party all a reason to be together. A lot of good suggestions here thanks everyone.
Imbicatus wrote: 20 CHA on a rogue is overkill. I would move that to Dex or STR and put your second highest roll into CHA if that. Hell, I might dump CHA and just get the Student of Philosophy to have Bluff & Diplomacy be based on INT. The 20 cha dont bother me We have to start as rouges per bulit in story by gm. I plan on heading down the bard or sorc road after that. With the genorous stat rolls he has i also have a 17 so that will prob be dex and frist single stat increase I get goes to it.
I know there are better bluffers out there then the rouge, bluf the game settings demands we all start as 1st level broke (4gp)human rouges.
As the title implies I'm going to attempt to make mine a bluff machine as this appears to be an urban style game it might be handly. We rolled stats, and after the bonus +2 for being human I'll have a 20 cha. So with that a skill point an the +3 for trained then taking the fast talker trait (+1) and skill focus feat (+3) that's a grand total of +12 at 1st level. Any ideas how to push it higher? Also doing charlatan so if they fail once they get -2 for 24 hours vs additional bluffs.
Ravingdork wrote: Found it.
I guess it's third party material, which I didn't realize when I was looking at the adventure in the store. That explains why it's so freakishly unbalanced. There is no reason to not have ten of these things on every character, alternating from one to the next once the previous one is used up for the day.
Sweet, now how convince my unsuspecting GM that he should allow this lol.
Ravingdork wrote: I can't remember what it's called, but I found an item in a module that granted its wearer the cyclops' flash of insight ability. It was less than 5,000gp I think. Ridiculously powerful at any price. Would love to know what this item is if anyone knows.
How about a theifling oni spawn barbarian where the base ceature was a halfing that way there is no negative str and he is small plus dark vision is always a bonus 1srt level feat racical heritage human so he can have the sweet superstition bonus. Am I missing anything? lol
Ok thanks everyone. I was sure how one weapon choice could be so ground breaking, I guess it cant I was just confused by his response. He has told us to make multiple characters as he expects a high death toll, so a cleric the specializes in destroying undead you say lol that's meta gaming. Thanks everyone.
We are about to start aow this weekend. I told my GM that I built a twf barbarian, He laughed and asked if I had meta gamed and use kukris. While I do use kukris its not because of meta gaming ie: high crit range light weapons and using two of the same weapons means feats like focus apply to both. I don't want spoilers but are kukris such a big part of this campaign that one would meta game and use them?

Kolokotroni wrote: Nalkin69 wrote: WE play written ap paths, but he has told us the he puts advance templetes on alot of things and boosts hp to max one most things because we have a party of five guys, but 9/10 we need someone doing a good deal of healing or it would be game over. Basicly just trying to see if the witch is suitable to that kinda healing stituion, or if I should suggest my a life orcle to the witch palyer as he dosent want a cleric. Right, so yes, chances are nothing but a life oracle or cleric would be able to suit such a purpose. But I think it is in appropriate to ask the player to change his class to suit this need. In a group like that I'd say its the responsibility of every member of the party to make sure they bring some kind of healing to the table, so that one person doesnt have to be the 'healer'. But thats my personal preference. I have a serious distaste for such a 'role' in a roleplaying game. Its kind of lame for one person to have to be everyone else's bandaid so they can have fun smashing things. As the celric for the last two aps I fully agree that that "role" kinda blows. So he plays healing witch and everyone sublimtes by packing some potions sshould be sufficent.

Kolokotroni wrote: Nalkin69 wrote: Umbriere Moonwhisper wrote: Witches can be viable healers if you focus on damage prevention and battlefield control.
it's kinda like a discipline priest on WoW, their heals aren't too large, but they prevent damage with bubbles and the like. Not sure if its just our dm but damge prevention helps some, but battle feild control proves almost useless. Do others not have that problem? I am playing in a game where I am the primary healer as a witch with the healing hex and the healing patron (for condition removal) but that is mostly because in my group, in combat healing is an emergency thing, not something that is expected to be used every combat. If someone has to dedicate their actions to 'keeping the party up' every encounter, something is off. It could be your party makeup, but it could also be your dm. Some dms will ramp up difficulty untill someone is knocked out in every fight simply because that is what is satisfying in terms of difficulty to them. Things like battlefield control and debuffing just make that sort of dm make encounters harder, and dont accomplish a whole lot.
If you have that sort of dm, then nothing but a channeling (with selective channel) oracle or cleric is a going to be sufficient most likely, or if 3-4 members of the party are capable of healing in a pinch (bards, paladins, druids etc).
But for most groups, particularly those who run modules as written or close to it, most healing happens after encounters are over, and one cure per person per day plus a spell or two in reserver for emergencies is plenty. WE play written ap paths, but he has told us the he puts advance templetes on alot of things and boosts hp to max one most things because we have a party of five guys, but 9/10 we need someone doing a good deal of healing or it would be game over. Basicly just trying to see if the witch is suitable to that kinda healing stituion, or if I should suggest my a life orcle to the witch palyer as he dosent want a cleric.
Umbriere Moonwhisper wrote: Witches can be viable healers if you focus on damage prevention and battlefield control.
it's kinda like a discipline priest on WoW, their heals aren't too large, but they prevent damage with bubbles and the like.
Not sure if its just our dm but damge prevention helps some, but battle feild control proves almost useless. Do others not have that problem?

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote: A healer who can do nothing but heal is a waste of time. A witch is certainly an acceptable healer.
If there are other characters in the party who can toss out a heal from time to time -- e.g. a melee-focused cleric or druid, a buffing bard or a sorceror with Infernal Healing and UMD with a CLW stick, then a normal witch or any useful archetype is fine. If the witch is going to be the only character in there with healing capabilities, then the hedge witch archetype will be useful, since you won't have to prep healing spells and you'll be able to apply metamagic to healing spells on the fly.
The healing hex is better than it sounds - it's equivalent to a number of additional CLW spell slots (or CMW at later levels) equal to the number of people in your party plus the number of NPCs you might find it useful to heal plus the number of undead the witch wants to risk using a touch attack on. That could potentially be a LOT of healing. Consider -- any time you fight a bad guy who you don't want to kill, you have to either expend a charge from a wand or use a spell if you don't have a wand, in order to get him above 0 after you knock him out, stabilize him, and tie him up. The witch with healing hex can do this, usually, without expending a limited resource.
Is the witch a healbot on par with the life oracle/paladin with fey foundling, 20 charisma, extra channels, lifelink and energy body? Certainly not. But that healbot also can't shut down enemies with Misfortune, accumulate unlimited spells for utility, become a viable item crafter, or gain any of the many extremely useful hexes that a witch can acquire.
We have a party of five two barbarains, a bomb chucking alchemist, the witch and the fifth is undecided but mostly likely wont play a secondary healer. It just seems if youe do take a good chuck of damage and knowing our dm that will happen and prob often wouldnt the witch going to have to blow her load to fix someone because one clw per person a day wont help a guy to much thats on the verge of death. Also whats the deal with that paladin oracle its sounds kinda sweet.

Nalkin69 wrote: Atarlost wrote: Nalkin69 wrote: Whats is there pontenial to heal on a large scale to a smaller party, can they keep up front people up and swinging swords in combat? Probably not, but most clerics can't either. What witches can do quite well is prevent damage.
You have three and a half major tools for this. First, there's slumber. You can take a low will opponent out of the fight every turn. You have some save or lose spells for fortitude as well.
Second, you can force rerolls. The misfortune hex and the first level spell ill omen are your tools here. Victims will hit less and crit less.
Third there's the evil eye cackle combination. You can take even a passed save evil eye and extend it with cackle for an accuracy penalty or use some other variant to make opponents die faster.
You also have good tools for preparing targets for save or loses. The rerolls from misfortune and ill omen can be forced on saving throws, and if you use quicken spell or work with another caster you can use at least one of the rerolls from ill omen before the victim has a chance to negate it. Misfortune comes up again here as well
And you can stack this all together. At level seven You can evil eye and have your arbiter familiar use a wand of ill omen and someone's rolling twice for their first attack and taking -2 to all their attacks. Next round cackle and evil eye the next guy while your familiar keeps wanding the most dangerous. That wand will prevent a lot more damage than a wand of CLW heals. Eventually you might find it worth your while to craft one at CL 5 to force the first two d20s to reroll.
And, yeah, when someone's in danger of dropping you can toss them a cure and you can buy all the remove and restore spells to fix damage that can't be fixed with a bundle of CLW wands. The healing hex is that the once a day per perzson heal? If so it seems almost useless unless i'm missing something< but one cure x spell per person per day seems weak. Can a witch... I understand no healer can out pace damage but clerics and life oracles that are built right can really keep you in the fight alot longer then say bard as your healer. I'm just yrying to see where a witch fits on that sliding scale of effectiveness

Atarlost wrote: Nalkin69 wrote: Whats is there pontenial to heal on a large scale to a smaller party, can they keep up front people up and swinging swords in combat? Probably not, but most clerics can't either. What witches can do quite well is prevent damage.
You have three and a half major tools for this. First, there's slumber. You can take a low will opponent out of the fight every turn. You have some save or lose spells for fortitude as well.
Second, you can force rerolls. The misfortune hex and the first level spell ill omen are your tools here. Victims will hit less and crit less.
Third there's the evil eye cackle combination. You can take even a passed save evil eye and extend it with cackle for an accuracy penalty or use some other variant to make opponents die faster.
You also have good tools for preparing targets for save or loses. The rerolls from misfortune and ill omen can be forced on saving throws, and if you use quicken spell or work with another caster you can use at least one of the rerolls from ill omen before the victim has a chance to negate it. Misfortune comes up again here as well
And you can stack this all together. At level seven You can evil eye and have your arbiter familiar use a wand of ill omen and someone's rolling twice for their first attack and taking -2 to all their attacks. Next round cackle and evil eye the next guy while your familiar keeps wanding the most dangerous. That wand will prevent a lot more damage than a wand of CLW heals. Eventually you might find it worth your while to craft one at CL 5 to force the first two d20s to reroll.
And, yeah, when someone's in danger of dropping you can toss them a cure and you can buy all the remove and restore spells to fix damage that can't be fixed with a bundle of CLW wands. The healing hex is that the once a day per perzson heal? If so it seems almost useless unless i'm missing something< but one cure x spell per person per day seems weak. Can a witch deliver spells through the scar hex or just other hexs?