breakerofworlds's page
39 posts. Alias of JOHNB83.
Have not picked a totem as i plan to do the extra dr and most anti magic rage powers not sure if i have room for it but if i do what would you suggest
No but i could just west a closing of displacment. The campaign se are in had a drop of a robe that gives a +1 to all saves chance are i can upgrade that instend of the typical cloak of resistance. So cloak spit free.
Lol i dont think i can retrain this late in. I hasnt read the bloodrager til after i started.
Human we roll stats got pretty good plus a boon from a npc as a +2 to one stat currently have a belt of str +2.
wis18 was 17 added +1 at forth level
Current feats power attack, cleave, iron will, bolstered resilience, tribal scars night hunt.
Rage powers supersitious, and which hunter.
next level considering feat reckless rage, and rage power reckless abandon.
After that need to boost dr and miss chances.
Oh yeah forgot to say i'm 6 level already invulnerable rager with Bolstered Resilience feat and plan to take rage powers to boost dr. Does fortifaction stack or if you had multiple ways of getting it would highest overide. I'm not sure about a level dip as I took one at first level for mutagen warrior and plan a second at 9th for lame oracle.
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Basicly I'm playaing a barbarian, and I have decided to forget ac and aim for high dr, and static miss chances. Looking for ideas to help me do this. I have thought of thing like fortifcation to armour to avoid pesky sneak attacks and crits, and mirror image, blur effects to armour or items for flat miss chances. Any other suggestions?
Ok so just against frist hit each round still pretty nice.
If i become immune to fatigue can i uses bolstered résilience on every attack
Bolstered Resilience
You can dramatically increase your damage reduction in exchange for its temporary loss.
Prerequisite: Damage reduction.
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can double your DR against a single attack, to a maximum of DR 20. The type of the DR remains unchanged. If the attack you are guarding against is not successful, the increased damage reduction persists until you are hit with an attack or until the start of your next turn, whichever happens first. At the start of your next turn, you become fatigued. You cannot use this feat while you are fatigued.
Is there a list of summon nature ally other then whats in the core rule book?
Adam B. 135 wrote: breakerofworlds wrote: Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat]
Your great physical might allows you to wield two large weapons with ease.
Where does one find this feat. Path of War: Expanded. I cant seem to find the expanded path of war is there a link someone could post?
Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat]
Your great physical might allows you to wield two large weapons with ease.
Where does one find this feat.
blackbloodtroll wrote: I don't see why a feat that replaces the Agile enchantment would be a balance issue.
Really, that's all the feat does.
One its opens up the option way earlier then the chance of having a +2 weapon and with thé feat and any real lack of prequistes it seems like there would never be à reason to play str builds anymore. With a dex build and this feat you get better top end ac, high mobility due to lighter armour, less check pentiltes, higher inti, and better reflex saves. All becuase you use one feat to completly rewrite the rules. If the prequistes were stiffer maybe it would be more balanced
I have never played a druid before and want to try something new. We are going to be in Reign of winter Ap. I have rolled stats I end up with 17 17 17 15 13 12 I'm leaning towards a gnome. Looking for futher suggestions builds or things that have just worked well for other druid players.
We decided on the fly to start these AP tommorow night. I am limited on time between now and then so I dont have alot of prep period. Just looking for a few quick suggestion as to something to play that fit the campaign and be useful.
Thank you all very much, that helps clear things up for me.
Simple question does a prestige class that adds to your arcane caster level grant you the ability to caster higher level spells: ie a 7 level wizard has fourth level access would a 5wiz 3 arcane archer have 7 level access as his arcane class level is affectively 7 wiz?
FallofCamelot wrote: O.o
That's... harsh.
Not cool at all. If you die by your own action then that's fine but death by GM fiat? Not good.
I've also run this bit of Age of Worms, it's made clear that the whole point is for some fun roleplaying and the player should not be punished for saying yes to this.
Protest to your GM. (S)He is being unreasonable.
I second this completely. He stepped over the line.
I greatly appreciate everyone's advice. Hopefully it helps thank you all.
Ok thanks for the advice it should help a lot any other ideas places send them my way.
Conman the Bardbarian wrote: breakerofworlds wrote: And are there any rouge building guides out there? I looked in the guide to guides and only saw one. You might find something buried here. Thanks I'll look through it.
Shadowlord wrote: Also, what PF books are you allowed/not allowed to pull from. If this is a home-brew game, are you allowed to pull from any other sources? Anything paizo produced.
Lamontius wrote: OP, are you playing in a particular Adventure Path? Is this PFS? If not, what sort of campaign/module/etc are you playing in? What level? How many party members? What are they currently playing, as their PCs? Does your GM have any particular rules/limitations that they enforce?
Any and all of this will help folks give you advice about your character.
EDIT: Annnnnnnnd I just saw your other thread, about your DM. Yeah, this is not going to end well.
Yeah we are playing age of worms, and yeah that situation is kinda crappy I like playing but makes me feel any time I invest is wasted.
And are there any rouge building guides out there? I looked in the guide to guides and only saw one.
Unruly wrote: False documents are covered by the Linguistics skill, which also gives you an extra free language for every rank you take. It's a very good skill to have if you plan on being the party face, because not everyone speaks Common, and sometimes DMs will give you bonus points in diplomatic relations if you can speak someone's native tongue rather than just relying on Common.
As a rogue you should also look at getting at least a few ranks in Use Magic Device so that you can use wands and the like.
Oh, and I'd see if your DM will let you choose Ninja and just call it a rogue. It really is a better class in almost every regard.
Edit: Or Archaeologist, like MrSin said. Really nice Bard archetype, that one.
Thank you wasn't sure what skill covered that any suggestion for the insane amount of languages I'll know?

Lamontius wrote: Since it is your first time: Rogue
Other than that, you will see people on here who will scream at you to ignore the rogue and play a bard, alchemist or anything else that has overlap with a rogue's abilities. There's nothing wrong with this but if you want to play a rogue, then play a rogue.
That being said, it's up to you. The primary "underpowered" argument tends to rear its head around levels 8 and higher, when you are much more likely to encounter enemies that are immune to flanking, Precision damage (sneak attack) and/or Critical hits. This tends to lessen the rogue's damage output unless you really think outside the box and gear yourself well.
In an intrigue-heavy campaign (which it sounds like you're gearing up for), you should be fine. I'd be very careful, however, dipping into another 3/4 or 1/2 BAB class to get cantrips/spellcraft. You may want to consider trying to do this in other ways, such as by race choice, rogue talent, feat selection, etc.
I was hopping by sticking with pure dex and int, and doing the finnsse and agile weapon route I would have to worry about bab as much. Yes the ap we are in seems very urban based so social skills are at a bonus for sure.
Espy Kismet wrote: Actually there is a rogue talent that gives you a cantrip 3 times perday.
My suggestion is to look out for trap talents. The cantrip one is okay, but there are lots of them that are usable only once per day. Avoid those, unless the effect is really big.
I looked at that and unless I pair in with a trait then it wouldn't cover spellcraft, but will keep it in mind if I cant find a better way.
As the title implies I have never played a rouge before, but am considering it strongly if the barbarian I'm currently playing dies.
I have read a lot about rouges being very underpowered in pathfinder, and was curious as to the boards take on that. Also I need a little help in fleshing out my concept. I am aiming to have a kinda con artist type guy that is also able to be the trap monkey since they get lots of skills I figured that would be possible. I def want very high slieght of hand, bluff, perception, and what ever skill one would use to make false documents. I also plan at least one level dip at low levels to gain access to detect magic cantrip and spellcraft skill. So suggestions on talents to take items archtypes triats etc would be nice, and which class to dip to get spellcraft and detect magic.
My barbarian got grappled by a mimic and couldn't use her great sword, so what does any good barbarian with the beast totem powers do that's right rage and bite baby. Three rounds later one dead mimic and one extremely beat up barbarian but she lived.
I'm one of the barbarians so if I die mostly likly a up front guy but if a slot opens up ie: a couple of simultanous deaths then I'm up for not being meat sheild.
So is that the general acceptance of this ap you real have to have the old pocket healer?
The Morphling wrote: As someone GMing AoW, if you want to be useful, powerful, dangerous, and enjoyable, be a Paladin. They loooooooooove this adventure path.
Telling you why would be a spoiler, but a Paladin will make your group very strong against some of the foes you'll be fighting on a regular basis.
Thats awesome as I love some paladin goodness.
Its two melee two barbarains one is thf the other twf twin sisters. Healing comes from the witch. We kill it before it hurts us then the witch patches us up, or at least thats the plan.
We are about to start aow our ggroup looks like this:
2-Lvl 1 bararbians 1 thf 1twf
lvl 1 hedge mage which
lvl 1 bomber alchemist
lvl sumoner
Basicly our Gm has asked us to go ahead and build secondary characters
as he has little faith that our frist has the right stuff to really make a go at it, but is willing to let us try.
I was wondering if someone who has played the ap has any suggestions as back up chracter. I'm pretty open to ideas just want something that will mesh well with the story and feel of the ap. Please try to keep spoilers to a min. Thank you.
drbuzzard wrote: breakerofworlds wrote: Oh I plan to stay human cause of the supertison bonus so I'd have 30 foot move right Thing is, if you take Steel Soul as a feat, you will get most of the way to the human superstition bonus, and you can take the class level bonus for extra rage rounds, which is likely to be pretty useful since you will be burning through rage fast with this cycling build. I'll build him out both ways and see which I like better.
Any suggestions for other feat or equipment?
Byrd wow that's a kewl build I'll have to bank it for a later time.
Oh I plan to stay human cause of the supertison bonus so I'd have 30 foot move right
i thought fast movement would balance the speed loss
So 1 level of lame orcale of battle with the war sight revaltion I'd be immune to fatigue and roll twice of inti. and take the better result?
Is there a way to rebuild rage rounds? So rage use powers then at the begaining of my next turn shut down and reactivate rage and continue that process?
Recently my 12th level ranger got turn to stone then disinegrated, Alis he will be missed now time for the fun his replacement.
I have never been good at buliding a barbarian the can live trough more then a handful of encounters but starting at lvl 12 should open up some options. We roll stats and the dice gods smiled on me 17,17,17,16,13,13.
I'am leaning towrds a cagm invul rager style. the only things really kinda set is human so bonus to superstion and heart of the fields, skill focus intimatdate, antongize feat, and spell sunder power. everything else kinda open right now.
Like i said most my barbars have died quick. So can someplease explain how to rage cycle its a term I have read on here but have never lived long enough to use. Also any other help with equipment or feats and rage powers are greatly appericated. Thank you.