Need a replacement for slain PC. Are you a bad enough dude? (Iron Gods FOC)



This is a recruitment post for a PC to join an ongoing Iron Gods: Fire's of Creation campaign PBP. A PC was recently killed by a badass robot and will not be returning. Got the guts to take his place?

You will join IN MEDIAS RES, already in a dungeon.

Character Creation:
-Level 3
-20 point buy
-2 traits
-Outfit with gold for your level
-Core race only
-Core/Base/Hybrid class only
-No 3rd party

This party is in desperate need of a magic user!


Hmmm... Do you have a link to said campaign?

@Sultan sure! Iron Gods FOC Diamonds in the Rough

Do you have any preferences on a specific class?


I am considering an evocation sorcerer. He could be in the dungeon, imprisoned in one of the tanks, due to his rather immense magical might, left there for study by the Technic League. Leaving him with a rather substantial hatred of Numerian technology and the Technic League. He isn't the typical crazy psycho with evoker powers though, and is quite the charismatic individual.

In combat though, I see inspiration in the Scarface Machinegun Scene.

I'll post more after I come back from work tonight. I gave a read on the thread, and I quite enjoy the characters and the roleplaying. If you feel like it, you can read some of my games and character on my profile.

Some crunch, I see Tattooed (Varisian) Sorcerer, Arcane Bloodline.
Feats would be Varisian Tattoo(Evo), Spell Focus(Evo), Toppling Spell(MM) and Spell Specialization(MM at the moment, Scorching Ray at 4)

I'll take the time to read about the game and Iron Gods at work, and finish the backstory and character profile.

Alright, since you seem to have lost an arcanist, and a barbarian, I'll submit something that provides a little of both - I would like to present Snjorrin Verkirsson, a LN Elf Magus 3, for consideration :-)


Submitting Ladim Relos,

a 'respectable businessman' from the River Kingdoms, and a personal friend/business partner of Khonnir. While a bit too much of a cut-throat businessman for Khonnir's tastes, nevertheless Ladim is one of the few people that have managed to smuggle precious metals and technological whatamagigs under the nose of the Technic League, due to his natural penchant to make deals. Of those Crusaders that have heard of him, few have any bad words, except, 'Looks too much like a river bandit.'

A 'live and let live' type of soul, he has no issues with other people, as long as they don't mess with three things: Himself, his friends, or his business. Coming for his usual quarterly trip to Khonnir, he is surprised to see him gone, and Val telling 'her crazy uncle' to go follow the others that have ventured to the mountain.

Likes: Magic, Helping others(Preferably for the right price), Exploration, Knowledge, White Wine.

Dislikes: Constabularies, Selfish people, Slavers, Magi, Robots and the Technic League (As a combination of all of the above.), Strawberries.


Quite short and wiry man, usually wearing a silk sleeveless shirt, showing a big tattoo of a scorpion on his left shoulder, swearing he got it as a payment from a Varisian crusader for an adamantine-plated Harrow Deck. Some would swear they've seen the tattoo move. Wearing no armor and no obvious weapons, he seems rather defenseless until the point he breaks out a furious blast of vulgarities, excitement and arcane might.

I imagine him being introduced either through bursting open the doors in a spectacularly late fashion, or simply showing up too early and being in one of the pods.


Ladim Relos
Male Varisian Sorcerer (Arcane) 3
CG Medium Humanoid(Human)
Initiative +6
Senses: Perception -1
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
AC: 13, touch 12, FF 11
Ranged Touch +3 Acid Splash(1d3+1)
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 19
BAB +1, CMB -1, CMD 11
Skills; 3/level
Bluff (2 rank, 3 class, 2 racial, 4 stat) +12
Diplomacy (3 rank, 3 class, 2 racial, 4 stat, 1 trait) +13
Spellcraft (1 rank, 3 class, 1 stat) +5
Knowledge(Arcana) (1 rank, 3 class, 1 stat) +5
Disable Device (1 rank, 3 class, 2 stat, 1 trait) +8
Linguistics (1 rank, 3 class, 1 stat) +5
Languages Common, Androffan, Draconic, Hallit
Racial Traits Medium, Silver Tongued
Traits: Magical Lineage(Magic Missile), Local Ties.
Feats: Varisian Tattoo(Evocation), Toppling Spell, Spell Focus(Evocation), Spell Specialization(Magic Missile)
Spells known:
Level 1; (7/day) Magic Missile (3d4+3, CMB+11 trip), Mage Armor, Enlarge Person
Level 0; Detect Magic, Read Magic, Acid Splash, Prestidigitation, Light
Inventory, 3000 gp, 1930 left.
2 flasks of Acid 20gp
Silk shirt (silken Ceremonial Armor)30gp
Quick Runner's shirt 1000gp
Sunrod x2 4gp
Miner's Lantern & oil for 24 hours, 15 gp, 4 sp
Backpack 1gp

A tentative dot, here.

Do you have a date you plan on waiting till, or are you looking to pick someone up right away? I just want to make sure - I'm interested, but don't have a level 3 character put together for this.

That being said, do we still need to take a campaign trait?

Working on Beeker, The Impossible: Halfling Sorceror (Impossible Bloodline)

@SultanOfAwesome I do not, however I think the party needs a caster, and honestly, a talkative/outgoing character =)

@The Lion Cleric looking good thanks for the submission!

@Snjórinn Verkirsson Ah, you've done your homework =) thanks for the submission!

@Mahorfeus I'm going to give this another 24-48 hours =). No on the campaign trait this time around!

@Dave Herman Awesome profile pic haha

i'll have a wizard submitted tonight!


Just mentioning that I'll think of a more in character backstory and post it later tomorrow. Busy hours at work. Feel free to check my aliases for gameplay threads.

EDIT: I seem to have already mentioned the posts, I'm sorry.

Hiya! I am the newest member of the existing party. Like TRO said, we are really in need of a spellcaster. We have a lot of frontline capability right now with a Swashbuckler, a Slayer, and a Fighter, but offensive and utility magic is something we need. Hope you guys have some good ideas!

Super. :)

I noticed the outline says Core races only - not an issue, but I take it this is to balance out the normal and more "out there" races on the team?

Silver Crusade

I have a human bard, Cedric, specializes in attack style spells and while he is a bard I make all my characters handy with a sword or pistol.

@TheRiverOcean: I do my best ;-) Snjorrin's page has now also been updated with his background.

Silver Crusade

Cedric is loyal to a fault, if his friends are wounded he would very likely die carving a route for his friends, that being said he has an easy personality and loves his music, if you piss him off though(mainly this includes messing with his friends) he knows a nice little tune that will set you sweating blood out of every pore. He prefers a good drink to killing but gets quite bloodthirsty when someone gets to hacking at his buddies. "Draw that sword and I will hang you with your large intestine....good now sit down and let's have a drink "

Zandu Gossamar
Male human (Varisian) transmuter 3
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +3
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 20 (3d6+6)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . quarterstaff +2 (1d6+1)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
. . 7/day—telekinetic fist (1d4+1 bludgeoning)
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
. . 2nd—invisibility, spider climb, spider climb
. . 1st—color spray (DC 15), enlarge person (DC 15), magic missile
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, read magic
. . Opposition Schools Abjuration, Enchantment
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Fast Learner[ARG], Scribe Scroll, Toppling Spell[UM]
Traits magical lineage, merchant family
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Fly +7, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +3, Profession (merchant) +4, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Varisian
SQ arcane bond (trouble, cat), physical enhancement (+1)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (4), scroll of mage armor (x10), scroll of magic missile (x10), scroll of toppling magic missile (x10), wand of infernal healing (50 charges); Other Gear dagger, light crossbow, quarterstaff, sleeves of many garments, bandolier, bedroll, belt pouch, familiar satchel, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, masterwork backpack, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 818 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Abjuration You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Abjuration school.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Familiar Bonus: +3 to Stealth checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Magical Lineage (Magic Missile) A chosen spell counts as 1 level lower when metamagic feats are applied to it.
Merchant Family Increase gp limit of settlement by 20% & +10% when selling off treasure.
Physical Enhancement +1 (Dexterity) (Su) When preparing spells, chosen physical attribute gains enhancement bonus.
Scroll of mage armor (x10) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of magic missile (x10) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of toppling magic missile (x10) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Sleeves of many garments Transform current clothes into any non-magical new form.
Student of Philosophy You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat).
Telekinetic Fist (1d4+1 bludgeoning, 7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch deals bludgeon dam vs. foe in 30 ft.
Toppling Spell Spell with the force descriptor knocks targets prone.
Transmutation Transmuters use magic to change the world around them.

The door to the Evercandle Inn swings open. A clean silver haired human walks in. He stands about 5'10" has a backpack strapped to him and supports his movement with a walking stick/quarterstaff. He dresses, carries himself, and wields the mystery of a proficient magic user. A wizard perhaps. He walks up to the Innkeeper and politely waits for acknowledgment before he speaks. "I would like to request temporary lodging." He releases his pack and places it on the floor. "What a journey! I am glad to finally arrive." The innkeeper marks in his guestbook before trading a key to the human for some coin. He then addresses the man, "Make yourself comfortable, Sir...?" "Zandu. Zandu Gossamar. Thank you kind sir." Zandu grabs his things and disappears to his room for a short while.

Zandu returns and finds a seat in the corner of the inn. A barmaid takes his order for a decent ale. He produces a pipe from under his robe. Lights it and takes a few drags. The barmaid returns with Zandu's ale and floats a coin through the air to the barmaids hand (a generous tip for the ale). "Why thank you darling! What brings you to Torch?" Zandu smiles, "I'm glad you asked little lady. Please..." Zandu waves his hand and the chair across from him pulls out from under the circular table. "... join me for a moment." He waits for her to get comfortable, then begins his account. "You see I may be a wizard, but I plan to share my knowledge. In the form of wonderous, and magical goods and services. In order to do this, I need to expand my spellbook and establish a store. Through some aquaintances in the big city, I learned of a growing need and possible opportunity to do that right here. I set out from Absolam to travel across land to get here."

Zandu takes a heft swig of his ale, "As fate would have it, the caravan I was traveling with was subject to a few... shall we say... sidetracks. These provided me with a little insight to the dangers and possible needs of various adventurers. It also afforded me the opportunity to fill several pages in my spellbook. Quite exciting to say the least." Zandu's face loses it's excitement and he slowly raises his mug up in an apparent prayer saying remorsefully, "Alas, my dear, not all of my travelling companions arrived at their intended destinations. It would seem the rush of adventure, must sometimes be overcome with a sadness of loss." He brings his mug slowly to his lips and swallows an alcoholic tribute to fallen companions. "That pretty much brings me to my current position. I've heard word of some champions beginning to make an impact on the local area here. I thought that we may come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Perhaps they might have use for a practitioner of the magical arts to aid them, and thus afford me the opportunity to expand my knowledge with the mysterious things they encounter. Thus giving me the tools to build a prosperous magic shop here. What do you think?" Zandu leans towards the barmaid, raises a brow, cracks a smile, and asks, "Would you know where I might find these young heroes? I would very much like to meet them?"

thank you for your consideration

Aha! More questions!

How do you feel about the spellslinger wizard? I am wondering if my character could perhaps be an assistant-slash-bodyguard for Khonnir. As far as the firearms go, perhaps he was a former agent of the Technic League (less likely), or someone that originally hailed from Alkenstar, drawn to Numeria by its technology (what else?).

(Also, does the 90% discount from Gunsmithing apply to purchased ammunition?)

He's a work-in-progress - I'm putting his crunch together - but I just wanted to make sure since his fluff might depend on established characters.

@The Lion Cleric it's all good thanks!

@Mahorfeus That is correct. Strange aliens and powerful androids aren't very special if there are many ;)

@Dragonfire Do you have a crunch?

@Gossamar Thanks for the submission, looking good ;)

FYI this just came to mind: This party is in need of some more talkative and decisive PCs. Therefore I will be checking backgrounds and aliases for personality. I'd like the new recruit to be in it for interaction and RP with other PCs, as well as one who readily posts actions/talking/decisions outside of combat. We have enough strong & silent and/or aloof types =)

Heya, this is another member of the party checking in to basically reaffirm what Felicia and TRO have shared. We've got a cleric, a slayer, a fighter, a swashbuckler and a summoner (myself) + eidolon; needless to say we've got plenty of melee combatants but could definitely use something with a more arcane bent to round things out!

Regarding talkative/decisive PCs...yes please, a Chatty Cathy would be a nice balance as well. Right now the current party comes in various flavors of: strong, silent, angry/pessimistic, excitable, oddball ;)

Either way, Palomia looks forward to having another new friend to grump at very soon hehe...

Here is a partial profile for Beaker. Conceptually, he is a bit of a mad scientist, massively interested in understanding and working with the technology in Numeneria. I will fill out his background and personality tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

Umm, to be honest I'm new to online play, I'm still getting used to the slang, what is crunch? If u mean like stats I'm working on getting him built back up, I lost his character sheet in an accident, but if ur interested I can have him done by the end of the day. I love roleplay, the more interactive the better, I can work with aloof types, I tend to be that player that mixes nonsense and seriousness, I've been known to crack jokes on the chopping block.

Crunch is slang for the mechanics/stats etc. Fluff is personality/background/appearance (all that stuff that isn't represented by a number or a feat)

Silver Crusade

O okay thanks Dave, that helps alot

Speaking of crunch, altered mine a bit to reflect a more chatty character.


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Backstory of Ladim Relos, got carried away a bit:
The setting sun glowed in red as night fell on Chesed. Ladim Relos was running in a back alley. Drops of sweat glistened on his body as he passed from a blind alley to a blind alley. A gush of flame crashed into a wall next to his face, as he ducked down to avoid it.

Hah. Can't aim for s@~+., a though passed through his head as he rushed in an open house door, running up the stairs and climbing on a roof. He stopped after climbing up there, waiting for the clanging chainmail clad people to follow him. He sighed heavily, raising three fingers in the air and taking them down one by one. Three. Two. One. Now. As a woman with a sword, glowing in green flame rushed out to the slippery roof, a punch flew from behind the chimney, almost connecting. As it ended, three bolts of bluish-white energy continued the motion, wrapping around her feet as she continued running off the roof. Ladim ran once more, turning for a second to look down on the body, with its neck twisted in an unnatural shape, bleeding on the pavement. Heh. You fell for that, b*$@!.

As the second figure of a man clad in heavy armor appeared through the window, Ladim was on the next rooftop. A good two stories above the street, he tried to make it to street level. I think I heard someone talking about it once... Might as well give it a go. he thought, seeing a cart full of hay. Here goes nothing! As he leapt through the air, a show of force dragged him down, crashing on the street. Falling on his ankle, and hearing an unpleasant noise, as a burst of pain overflew him, a pained shout was let out, realizing the magical power behind it. "Are you f@!~ing s*+$ting me!", as he staggered onwards, thinking, Staggering Fall? Seriously? Of all the g#*$$$ned book-bound spells in the world..., as he limped around a corner. Quick footsteps in clanging armor were heard as he readied himself for another blast. "Hello, sweetie!" he shouted, letting another three missiles flying straight to the armored man's face...

...only to fizzle out harmlessly in a magical field in front of the man's face. "F@*~ off." Ladim muttered, as the man, smiling behind his heavy helmet, drew a needlessly unfriendly looking sword from its scabbard. Ladim didn't have time to consider making friends with the sword in order to combat first impressions, so he dashed to the market street, limping quickly, trying to stay away from the armored man.

Walking on the main street, he saw the usual, traders, Nope., beggars, Nope. drunkards, Definitely Nope. Resuming to a normal pace as he cleared the street, he saw what he was looking for.

Three young looking guys, chewing on some street meat, Ooh. Rat Kabobs. Personal favourite. armored to the teeth, each carrying a longsword and more Iomedaen symbols than fashion sense. Trotting towards them slowly, he turned around to see if the man was still following him. The clanging noises seemed to indicate so. Limping even closer, not wanting to draw unwanted attention, a desperate look appeared on his face. Here comes the party, tinhead. Now sod off. Last thought feeling more than a command, directed at his shoulder, makes a scorpion tattoo slither off, crawling down his leg and disappearing in the crowd.

"Comrades, help! Help me! This man is an imposter!" he said, panting deeply, with panic in his eyes. As the youngsters looked around confused, Ladim continued. "This man tried to assault me and rob me blind! He pretended to be from the Technic League, and I trusted him, only to have him try to attack me! I swear, this man has no tattoo!" As the confusion spread across the young faces, Ladim laughed inside. That's it, take the bait. Sting. As the tin-head with the drawn sword approached, a scorpion stung him in the heel, just as he opened his mouth. "I-aaargh!" Ladim continued, "The tattoo! All Technic League members have one on their right forearms, to make sure that no-one pretends to be them! I heard they have magical identification too, but noone knows what it is! Help me, brothers!"

The biggest of the youngsters, a half-orc with a greatsword lying behind him, looked at the cowering Ladim, and turned to the armoured figure, hand reaching towards the hilt in an adorable attempt at intimidation. Has potential, though. Keep it simple for now.. "Go away. We'll not ask you twice. Go back and leave the merchant alone, before we call the real League.", said the half-orc, looking straight into the man's eyes.

The figure protested, "You...", before realizing how ridiculously outnumbered, injured and out of spells he was. "I'll be seeing you soon., he trotted, sheathing the sword and turning, eyes burning towards Ladim, who, hiding behind an odd-looking half-elf, was fighting his smile.

As the armoured man disappeared, he turned towards the three, with a pained smile on his face. Come on, tear, get out there, tears of joy. Now give them the old 'Randomly Encounted Merchant in Trouble' spiel.

"Thank you, crusaders. I have nothing to offer you but my endless gratitude for saving my life. I'll be leaving the city tonight, as I fear for my life, but don't worry, your effort will not be left unrewarded. I have a pouch of Sigh, remember to split your pouches next time, Ladim 20 platinum pieces, and if you ever see me again, consider the next drink on me. By the Light of the Sword! I need to go, as the gates will be sealed soon, but remember, no good deed goes unrewarded. Miklos Bosk will be a friendly face whenever you see him, and he owes you his life." Owe you my life indeed. You never go wrong with this phrase. Ladim gave over his pouch to the half-orc, and began to walk away.

Please, please, kid, don't give me the heroic champion of light thing. You always mess it up when you believe in it., he thought, beginning to limp towards the gate, picking up his scorpion on the way out, and grabbing a large Varisian-styled scarf on the way there. As the scorpion crawled up his arm, he looked at it, speaking in a normal, River Kingdom accent for the first time the whole day.

"What. Don't look at me like that. It's a trade town, the League expects people to be scammed into all sorts of stuff. Although, cog tattoo, that's golden. No, no, the worst they're going to get is a harsh talking to. Nobody pisses off with a Mendevian Crusade, and they've done no crime except for being hustled, and noone got hurt." Thinking about the woman with the broken neck, he corrected himself. "Noone nice died, alright. Now get back in there, I look crazy talking to a scorpion." The scorpion hesitated for a moment, but in the end sunk in the palm, disappearing.

As the sun reddens the horizon with its last rays of light, Ladim rode towards Torch.

Sooo. Yeah. I like writing backstories. Basically, I don't have a profile for Ladim yet, since I'm planning to recycle one from a different game that didn't go through. I'll upload everything else there later.

Silver Crusade

Okay finally have my bard done, ugh. It'll take me a while to type up the crunch, short attention span... So I want to know if your interested or if you already have someone in mind

Well, the spellslinger didn't work out. It's funny. Every time I try to stat one out, I come to this point where I pause and think to myself, "This is a terrible idea."

So instead I worked on a gnome sorcerer with the primal bloodline, allowing him to command the power of electricity. I really didn't want to compete with the other sorcerer types, but it is what it is. Plus throwing yet another character with a direct connection to Khonnir seemed just a tad disingenuous. I might be wrong, though!

Anyway, here's Gwyndle's backstory - the crunch should be finished soon; before you make your final decision, I hope.

During his youth, while climbing a tall tree to get a better look at the stars, Gwyndle was struck by a bolt of lightning. The gnome was miraculously unharmed by the electrical surge, though the same could not be said of the long drop to the ground that followed. Gwyndle was able to stagger away with a few broken bones, and a story he could not wait to tell. With no one around to have witnessed the incident however, most simply assumed that Gwyndle fell because of his own clumsiness, believing the lightning strike to be a fabrication. After all, how could he have been struck by lightning if the sky were clear enough that night to stargaze? Of course, that did not explain why his hair always seemed to stand on its ends, nor did it explain the strange abilities he started to manifest.

Over the next few decades, Gwyndle grew rather fond of retelling that story, often embellishing it with details that made it all the more dubious. When met with disbelievers, the mischievous gnome simply conjured up a bit of electricity to blow their minds (not literally). Unfortunately, in spite of years of practice, he could never quite control his power completely. More than once he had endangered his family; as purveyors of Numerian technology, an errant electrical spark could prove disastrous. Unable to carry on his family’s trade, Gwyndle required another means of fulfilling himself. He decided to hit the road, seeking a life of adventure and excitement. It sounded like a great idea on paper, but in reality he was loathe to leave his hometown behind.

During his travels Gwyndle continued to hone his magical abilities, secretly hoping to one day return to his hometown. For the time being however, he was satisfied with camping under the stars every night and zapping any wild beasts that sought to devour him. The two things were not entirely unconnected, seeing as he often paid more attention to the sky than to the things around him. However, his bad habit did not always lead him astray. It was his stargazing that first led him to Torch - even the flames of Torch Hill had managed to escape his notice.

Upon first learning that Torch was a town of tinkerers and smiths, Gwyndle was eager to take his leave, not wishing to cause anyone trouble. As he quickly learned however, someone in town always had a use for a little lightning in a jar. In Torch he was able to subsist almost entirely off of electrocuting stuff, which suited him just fine. Having a place to call home for the time being, he continued to look to the stars, always wondering what had landed him in this predicament.

Years later, the fires on Torch Hill went out. Gwyndle’s livelihood was at risk, though in truth, it was more the idea of an exciting adventure that compelled him to volunteer to investigate. Odd as he was, it had never struck the citizens of Torch that he might be insane. ”Relax, I’ll be back in a flash!” he had replied to the advice of a few well-meaning acquaintances. Since then, Gwyndle has not been seen for weeks.

"Ah, what you seek, eet eez Aurelian Fache, magic-uzair extraordinaire!"

"What? You want to know 'ow eet eez zat I 'ave arrived here? As you can probably tell from my perfect moustaches, I am from Galt. I 'ave come to Numeria in search of new magics to 'elp 'eal my 'omeland. I was discussing such matters with ze wizard Khonnir Baine, and I came to see why I 'ad stopped getting replies."

"You 'eard what? Non, I say! Zese rumairs zat you speak of, about a dalliance with ze lovely Mademoiselle Mirelle, zey are just scurrilous lies spread by zose who are jealous of Aurelian Fache's magic, both arcane and otherwise. I beg of you, think no more of zem!"

Presenting the very, very Galtan arcanist, Aurelian Fache, who has come to Numeria to explore new types of magic and not at all because he was at risk of defenestration over some social indiscretions.

Ignore the crunch in the alias, though you can look at his posts to see what he was like in a pair of short-lived PBPs. I see him as a human arcanist and can do up the crunch in a day or so if you're interested.

He's obviously talkative and decisive, and should hopefully bring the magical crunch you're looking for.

I've got a number of games I'm running (three at the moment, about to start a fourth) and several I'm playing in. I typically post daily, and will let you know when I won't be available.

Still a few knickknacks I should probably use the rest of my character wealth on, but here is my character, more or less complete.

Gwyndle Kwyndyne:
Male gnome sorcerer (wildblooded) 3
Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size); +4 against giant subtype
hp 20 (3d6+6)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; +2 against illusions
Resist electricity 10

Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk light mace +1 (1d4-1)
Special Attacks elemental ray (1d6+1, 7/day)
Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd)
1/day-dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 14), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Sorcerer Spell-Like Abilities
7/day-elemental ray
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 3rd, concentration +7)
1st (6/day)-burning hands (electricity, DC 16), grease (DC 15), mage armor, shocking grasp
0 (at will)-detect magic, jolt, light, prestidigitation, read magic
Bloodline primal (air)

Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 19;
Base Atk +1; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Eschew Materials, Toughness, Spell Focus (evocation)
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (planes) +5, Spellcraft +5
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Dwarven
Traits Stargazer
SQ explorer (Knowledge [arcana]), elemental resistance (electricity)
Gear cloak of resistance +1, mwk light mace, sorcerer’s kit (mwk backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, soap, torches [10], trail rations [5 days], waterskin), wand of magic missile (CL 1st, 50 charges)
Funds 889 gp

Bloodline Arcana Whenever a spell with the electricity energy descriptor is cast, it deals +1 point of damage per every die rolled.

During his youth, while climbing a tall tree to get a better look at the stars, Gwyndle was struck by a bolt of lightning. The gnome was miraculously unharmed by the electrical surge, though the same could not be said of the long drop to the ground that followed. Gwyndle was able to stagger away with a few broken bones, and a story he could not wait to tell. With no one around to have witnessed the incident however, most simply assumed that Gwyndle fell because of his own clumsiness, believing the lightning strike to be a fabrication. After all, how could he have been struck by lightning if the sky were clear enough that night to stargaze? Of course, that did not explain why his hair always seemed to stand on its ends, nor did it explain the strange abilities he started to manifest.

Over the next few decades, Gwyndle grew rather fond of retelling that story, often embellishing it with details that made it all the more dubious. When met with disbelievers, the mischievous gnome simply conjured up a bit of electricity to blow their minds (not literally). Unfortunately, in spite of years of practice, he could never quite control his power completely. More than once he had endangered his family; as purveyors of Numerian technology, an errant electrical spark could prove disastrous. Unable to carry on his family’s trade, Gwyndle required another means of fulfilling himself. He decided to hit the road, seeking a life of adventure and excitement. It sounded like a great idea on paper, but in reality he was loathe to leave his hometown behind.

During his travels Gwyndle continued to hone his magical abilities, secretly hoping to one day return to his hometown. For the time being however, he was satisfied with camping under the stars every night and zapping any wild beasts that sought to devour him. The two things were not entirely unconnected, seeing as he often paid more attention to the sky than to the things around him. However, his bad habit did not always lead him astray. It was his stargazing that first led him to Torch - even the flames of Torch Hill had managed to escape his notice.

Upon first learning that Torch was a town of tinkerers and smiths, Gwyndle was eager to take his leave, not wishing to cause anyone trouble. As he quickly learned however, someone in town always had a use for a little lightning in a jar. In Torch he was able to subsist almost entirely off of electrocuting stuff, which suited him just fine. Having a place to call home for the time being, he continued to look to the stars, always wondering what had landed him in this predicament.

Years later, the fires on Torch Hill went out. Gwyndle’s livelihood was at risk, though in truth, it was more the idea of an exciting adventure that compelled him to volunteer to investigate. Odd as he was, it had never struck the citizens of Torch that he might be insane. ”Relax, I’ll be back in a flash!” he had replied to the advice of a few well-meaning acquaintances. Since then, Gwyndle has not been seen for weeks.

As far as hooks go, I'm not sure how to proceed in regards to the current dungeon. Perhaps kidnapped by the robots in an attempt to power up the ship more quickly? Assuming that technology runs on electricity, anyway. Or otherwise quarantined so that his powers don't wreak havoc on the systems?

A decision has been made.

@Everyone thank you so much for the thought and effort put into your characters. I enjoyed reading your back stories and crunches (and profile pics, @Dave Herman!)! Wish I could choose you all!

There were many good candidates, so many, in fact, that I've decided to take two new pcs. Based on detail, consistency, and party utility:

@The Lion Cleric -Ladim Relos
@Mahorfeus - Gwyndle Kwyndyne

You two are in. Please finish your character's profile and say hello to the party in the discussion thread below. I will PM each of you about the details of your arrival in the cave and back stories after you have posted with the proper alias. Cheers!

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