mdt |
For future characters (both new players and new characters for existing players) the following stat sets are up for selection, not the original.
Set 1
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 3) = 13
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 2) = 12
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 5, 6) = 21
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 2) = 9
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 3) = 16
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 4) = 11
Set 2
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 2) = 11
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 6) = 17
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 3) = 16
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 6) = 20
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 4) = 16
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 6) = 15
Set 3
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 5) = 13
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 6) = 23
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 5) = 15
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 4) = 16
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 3) = 14
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 2) = 18
Ashe |
Hope you guys like my little scout that can pack a punch. Hope he can be the trap breaker your looking for while being a valuable front line and scout guys as well. Will work on the backstory for this very cool setting. I'm also post often. You can check other games I'm in. Thanks for the consideration.
Adraniel, Called Adran
Aegis Trailblazer 5
Male Halvavian
CN Humanoid (Halvavian)
Clan Celestrada
Init +4, Perception +8, Senses darkvision 60
AC 23, Touch 14, Flat Footed 21
(+9 Armor, +2 Dex, +1Size, +1Deflection)
HP 56
Fort +8, Reflex +7, Will +6
Defensive Abilities
DR 3/-
Speed 15ft, Fly 40ft(Good)
Normal Attack:
Great Sword +13 2d6+13 19-20 x2
Cestus +12 1d4+7 19-20 x2
Ranged Attack
Long Bow +10 1d8+6 x3 110'Range
Str 22, Dex 18 Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 13
Base Atk +5, CMB +11, CMD 26
Astral Armor: Brawn(Free), Improved Damage (Free), Flexible Armor(Free)
Counts as Master Work Chainmail
Brawn(2),Brawn(2),Powerfull Build(2), Evasion(1), Stalwart(1),
Darvision(1), Improved Armor
Psionic Body, Extra Customization, Extra Customization
Traits Finding your Kin, Criminal
Skills: 30 Ranks-3AC
Perception +12, Survival +8(+10 to track), Linguistics +6, Fly +15, Disable Device +17(+14), Stealth +15
Racial Modifiers
-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
Halfling Blood : Halvavian's count as Halfling for any effects related to race.
Perceptive : Halvavians are keen eyed, and have an excellent sense of sight. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception.
Scout : Halvavians are often scouts, even when they have other jobs they attend to, and often learn a healthy respect for the odds. These Halvavians treat both Stealth and Perception as a Class Skill. This replaces the Fearless Trait.
Weapon Groups
Blades Heavy, Blades Light, Bows, Close
LanguagesCommon, Halfling, Elvish, Strix, Aurun, Draconic
Special Qualities
Trap, Rapid Adjustment, Undetectable Tracker, Trapfinding, Astral Suit, Invigorating Suit
Other Gear MW Thieves Tools, +1 GreatSword, +1 Armored Kilt,
+2 Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection +1, Pathfinder kit,
Composite Long Bow +6str, Cestus, 20 arrows
Gold 162gp
Ashe |
Ah sorry I misunderstood the prerequisite part thinking you could I get it now. It means its free and the skin grants it even if your not level 5 not an extra free one. I will replace it with improve DR to get DR 4, Unless you guys would prefer I can drop the two extra customization feats and pick up skill focus on both perception and disable device if you want a super specialist :) Thanks again for the consideration. Will start on backstory tomorrow. SCA meeting and dinner with the wife and friends out tonight :)
oh and is Finding you Ken an acceptable trait? It is a campaign trait so I I need to ask before taking it. Thanks again.
Connor of McIntyre |
"Clan Celestrada" Who the blue blazes are the Celestrada? (Flips though Campaign Info tab.) Oh, "Celestrada are often considered greedy little gits by others, even their allies."
I'm sure you and Connor can have fights prying the last gold piece off of the dungeon floor. (This is the character who hauled 100 lbs of raw copper ingots 30 miles with a STR of 10 to the nearest city to sell them for 20 gp.)
GM Arkwright |
Name: Sergeant Elara of Kore
Race: Female Half-Elf 39
Alignment: Grumpy Lawful Good
Class: Aegis (Aberrant) 5
Backstory: Elara is the daughter of Marla of Reville; her mother ran off with an Elfavian, sending her daughter back to irritate her family and because she didn't want the extra expense. Elara was strongly disliked by her family, being wingless, part elfavian, and a reminder of one of their more shameful scions. To get back at them, Elara volunteered for the Clan Military. Treated roughly in boot camp by her Sergeant, Kore, her rage against him and her situation triggered her latent psionic powers, revealing a natural talent for shaping and enhancing her own physical form. This trick and her fury got her through boot camp, the first half-elf to do so. Flush with the accomplishment, she went out to kill Kore, but instead fell to talking with the man, discovering that he rather liked her and had been hard on her to get her through boot camp and teach her some of the skills necessary for the soldiering career he saw ahead of her. The two served together for over a decade, Kore once jokingly filing paperwork to have Elara's clan name listed as 'Kore', due to how much she disliked the Revilles. She never commented and kept the name. She's since served with distinction on her own in charge of her own unit, with quite a bit of leave saved up; it might be time for her to be sent on special assignment, or to take a break to spend some time with a distinctly non-military crowd. She remains close friends with Kore, sending letters to his retirement cottage; their relationship remains sentimental on his side, secretly similarly on hers though under a surly shell. She also occasionally visits Marla and her father, an event extremely awkward for all but one she feels obliged to attempt occasionally.
Personality: Initially very much an angsty loner with rage issues, Elara was eventually encouraged by her sergeant to instead satisfy her irritation by becoming someone her family would utterly despise; a military woman who takes care of her unit first, who refuses to take bribes and has a soft spot for words like 'duty' and 'honor', and who leaves firearms to others. These new traits are hidden under a significantly grumpy shell; you're not likely to get a kind word out of her when a curt one could suffice. Because of her cantankerous demeanor, her strange powers, and her race, she tends to be instinctively disliked or underestimated by strangers. Because of her absolute dedication to protect and aid those under her command, her pleasant laugh and raucous singing while drunk, and her undeniable skills on the field of battle, she tends to be adored by her unit and her friends.
I'll get started on a sheet.
Roderick MacDuncan |
Name: Roderick MacDuncan of Clan McIntyre
Race: Male Humavian
Class: Empiricist Investigator 5
Alignment: N with a strong NG leaning and further caveats
Backstory WIP A disappointment to his family and clan, Roderick has little allegiance to family or home. Born to Duncan MacNiall and Ansley Glenndaur, young Roderick was born into tremendous expectations. His parents, both strong psionics, expected his gift to manifest and grow beyond even their own. In a family of strong psionics and fierce warriors, Roderick's inability to manifest a gift despite the best of training was viewed as an abject failure. His combat training was a similar disappointment to his father. Roderick remained lean and lightning quick, but never gained his father's brute strength. The family heirloom, a great battleaxe, would pass to his younger siblings. In it's place, Roderick showed some skill with lighter weaponry, but his training was interrupted.
Given his failure (in his parent's eye) to master the skills he would need on the battlefield, Roderick was sent to learn the arts of a alchemist as an apprentice. He soon lost contact with much of his family. Bitter and angry at both himself and his parents, Roderick chafed under the fierce tutelage of his new master, Eoghan. Driven hard to learn his craft, Roderick found that he enjoyed the work even as he railed against what he saw as his tyrannical master. Given no respite, Roderick pushed himself to further and further lengths in his attempt to please his master. After years of study in a broad variety of topics, Roderick was given the title of Alchemist and was sent to work for the clan where he could.
He returned to his family's home, lending his skills and, in his own time, expanding his knowledge base. Already given basic training in the psionic arts, Roderick spent every waking moment seeking to find a way around his mental block. His attempts always ended in abject failure. Frustrated, Roderick sought increasingly esoteric knowledge and began to experiment with alchemical methods for unlocking his psionic potential. In one fateful experiment, he would succeed, but not in the way he intended.
Roderick's 'failed' experiment tapped into his psionic power, but instead of giving him direct control as with most, his power reacted violently with the alchemical mixture and exploded in his face. Despite the setback, Roderick excitedly pursued this new line of knowledge. Over time and with many failed experiments, he would develop a means to focus his psionic energy through alchemical means. Though not ideal, in his mind, it would suffice.
Now equipped with the means to live the life he had been meant to live, Roderick hired his services out as a mercenary while spending all his downtime perfecting his fighting form. His thirst for knowledge, greater power and a natural brilliance built a career for him where it might not have otherwise been expected. Seen as a disgrace for fighting for coin rather then family and honor, Roderick found his time living among his clan to be drawing to a close.
All that remains is how he got to where he is. I'm not sure where that is so I'll need some help with that part. Further changes will probably be made as I think of them.
Personality: Roderick can, at first glance, seem to be a cold and uncaring mercenary. His upbringing and time serving as an apprentice have left him skeptical of almost all claims to authority. He has, from time to time, thrown his weight enthusiastically behind a strong leader. In all these cases, he has decided to do so in his own time. His study has left him with an analytical, pragmatic mind that sees solutions where others cannot.
To his friends (few as they may be), Roderick can be warm and kind, but most tend to see only his aloof intellectualism. It's far from rare for him to be accused of elitism. His wit can be biting at times and he's not afraid to sharpen it if pressed to hard with questions about his family and clan.
Appearance: Roderick's hair, whitened and grayed from its natural auburn as a result of an alchemical experiment some years before, is one of his more distinctive features. His green eyes are piercing and insightful, but are often hidden behind a pair of goggles. His wings, in keeping with family tradition, are white-feathered strung through with golden threads.
Roderick's role:
- Party face
- Good melee damage
- Accurate and consistent ranged damage (firearms if allowed, shortbow if not)
- Decent knowledges
- Secondary casting and buffing (with infusion)
Ashe |
I'm sure you and Connor can have fights prying the last gold piece off of the dungeon floor. (This is the character who hauled 100 lbs of raw copper ingots 30 miles with a STR of 10 to the nearest city to sell them for 20 gp.)
That is priceless, or 20gp depending on your perspective :)
I thought it would make for an interesting character choice. I have a basic outline and will be working on backstory today. Depending on how busy work is I may not get done until tonight. Don't worry he may be greedy but it won't be steal from the party or anything like that, it will be more sucking every last piece of gold or copper he can out for a payment for services :) He values himself highly and should be paid as such :)
mdt |
@GM Arkwright - Sure, if you're waiting on feedback from me :
Mechanically : Seems put together correctly. I don't see anything wrong. I prefer to crowd-source rules, usually Connor and Selvan pick out anything I miss.
Character & Background : Sounds like a solid character. Only thing I need is a reason for her to be in bad odor. Right now, her race alone won't be enough. Her other character traits (solid, good leader, good personality despite being gruff) are more than enough to carry her on in the military without incident. The military is very much a meritocracy, with family names only taking you so far (thus Connor's issues).
mdt |
Mechanically - Crunch looks good, other than needing to flesh out the formulae books. Not seeing anything leaping out as bad/wrong.
Character & Background - Looking solid so far. Need something in the recent past that puts him in a bad odor with the powers that be. Given he's a mercenary, I'd suggest something along the lines of accidentally taking a job for some magic smugglers, or some slavers. Either would be something he'd not likely have signed up for on purpose, and both would get him in hot water with the powers that be.
GM Arkwright |
Hrm, let's see.
Very late into his service, Sergeant Kore was quietly charged, convicted and dishonorably discharged from the military. He was stripped of his pension and all acquired honors. Furious, Elara dug out the truth- he had been secretly selling military-grade firearms on the black market for the last four years. He weakly cited the excuse of the poor military pension, his newly acquired wealth- while cut short- required for him to live a half-decent lifestyle in his old age. Disappointed but still owing the old man a few favors, Elara pushed for the reinstatement of his past honors, if not his pension, given his commendable service to the military; she still pushes, and has stayed in contact with the man, despite the increasingly unsubtle disapproval of higher command. The higher-ups are eager to squash any rumors of connections between the black market arms trade and the military. Consequently, her last three months have been full of assignments designed to kill her either by boredom or pirate action. Maybe for the sake of getting her unit out of these assignments it's time to move on, maybe a new assignment is about to fall into her lap.
How's that? And I might wait for a player's feedback before levelling up, again if it's all okay with you.
Seranov |
Male Humavian
Clan McTavish
Vitalist 5
LN Medium Humanoid (humavian)
Init +3; Senses Perception +13
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +1 deflection, +5 armor, +2 shield)
HP 48 (5d6+15+13)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +11
Speed 30 ft., Flight 40 ft.
Melee Morningstar +3 (1d8+1/20/x2) or Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+1/20/x2) or Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 21, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Traits Reactionary (+2 Init), Psychoportive Talent (expend psionic focus to get a 5ft step)
Feats Psicrystal Affinity, Psionic Body, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Meditation
Skills Perception 5 ranks (+13), Autohypnosis 4 ranks (+12), Sense Motive 1 rank (+9), Knowledge (history) 1 rank (+5), Knowledge (local) 1 rank (+5), Knowledge (psionics) 1 rank (+5), Spellcraft 1 rank (+5), Fly 1 rank (+4)
SQ mender method, collective (Su), collective healing (Su), medic powers, transfer wounds (Su), mender's touch, health sense, spirit of many (Su), steal health (Su), telepathy (Su), request aid (Su)
Combat Gear +1 chain shirt, +1 buckler, psicrystal staff, headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of protection +1, morningstar, dagger (3), sling, sling bullet (10), sorcerer's kit (satchel, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin) Medium encumbrance.
Backstory: Scrawny young guy got bullied all through his youth, dedicated himself to making himself to being indispensable as a healer. Is so dedicated to his duty as a healer (including healing enemies and "undesirables") that he made some very powerful people very displeased. Very, very rough concept so far.
Personality: Quiet, calm, a little cold to people he's just met. Doesn't trust people easily, but his recently-discovered telepathy is letting him ease up a bit on this front. Think "guy who was bullied teenager who is slowly letting it go as he gets older" with the angst turned down a good bit. Slowly opening up and actively trying to get along with people.
Roderick MacDuncan |
Mechanically - Crunch looks good, other than needing to flesh out the formulae books. Not seeing anything leaping out as bad/wrong.
Sounds good. I'll finish this up (including other gear) tonight. As far as the number of formulae I have, should I be using the investigator's standard (e.g. 2 + INT mod level 1 powers at 1st level, then 1 per level I can cast after)? I assume I can use power stones to learn new formulae in the same way I would for scrolls? If so, I might need to play around with my skill allocation a little bit to pump up my spellcraft a bit.
Character & Background - Looking solid so far. Need something in the recent past that puts him in a bad odor with the powers that be. Given he's a mercenary, I'd suggest something along the lines of accidentally taking a job for some magic smugglers, or some slavers. Either would be something he'd not likely have signed up for on purpose, and both would get him in hot water with the powers that be.
Sounds good. Something like an unsavory mercenary job sounds pretty good and gives me something to work towards (redemption in his own eyes). Roderick may not adhere to the code of honor of his clan, but he has his own personal code that he follows. The other alternative I was thinking about was that he uncovered something confidential or otherwise embarrassing and was responsible for it coming to light (didn't realize what it was until he handed it over to his client). I'm liking the mercenary angle more, but if you have a strong preference, let me know.
The only other question I have is, where should Roderick be at the end of his travel to exile?
mdt |
@GM Arkwright - Good enough. Would work well for what I have in mind. And no problem, although you should realize we're down to only 3 players. :) Tark is busy with work, so it'll mostly be Connor and Alys commenting.
@Navrim - Good start, looking forward to it fleshed out.
@Roderick - Yep, starting formulae. You can buy additional same as you would have as a normal one (IE: Buy scrolls, which in this case, would be stones). And yes, you can learn from stones. You can also learn from other alchemists books. I think the mercenary angle works better for the bosses the PCs have.
@All Applicants - Don't worry about where you should be, as long as you are on the islands of Atalantia, and you're in bad odor, you'll get a very brief and violent intro to the game if you're selected, and then the PCs will become your big brother and sister and help you with your shattered illusions. :)
Ashe |
Adran was born a bastard. His mother gave him up in secret as she was promised to another family to strengthen both. Adran was left raised by the church and the priest there. As he grew he always wanted more and the life of a priest would not fulfill him. He took to the streets. At first he just stole what he needed to survive, but as it got easier to steal he wanted more than just necessities. Eventually his greed got him caught. A noble found the boy trying to look valuable pieces of his art collection. As punishment Adran was lashed in public and sentenced to a year of service. It was here he met his teacher and friend Hathorn.
Hathorn was a scout for the clan military. He had no family of his own and now being older and retired was enjoying a peaceful life and the wealth he had gathered. Hathorn took the boy in. He was tasked with teaching the boy if he had the talent. He was leary at first, but young Adran made an impression on the old man. It was here the teaching began. Adran showed spirit and a want to learn when Hathorn told him of the powers he could posses. As a scout Adran you will be a high value asset. You will be able to sell your services to the highest bidder. You will learn to infiltrate, gather info and survive. What do you think boy? You up to the challenge? Adran was excited at this as he seeked wealth, because to him it meant freedom. As the time passed Adran proved to be very skillful, he took job after job. He stayed with Hathorn. Recently rumors started to swirl about Hathorn. He was thought a criminal. Adran was out on a job when he came back to find that Hathorn had been taken and all assets had been seized and disbursed among the clan. Adran was angry and said things the clan didn't want to here. He now finds himself in disfavor and may be exiled, but has vowed to free and clear the name of his friend Hathorn.
Adran is driven. He values money highly. He is brash and speaks his mind. He has trust issues as he has been alone most of his life. He seeks a place for himself to belong and a family.
Roderick MacDuncan |
Got most of my items and stuff squared away. Got rid of the ring of protection for a handy haversack. I seem to recall seeing a secret chest equivalent at lower CL required so that should be ok. I still need to figure out how ammo works for my revolver.
Also, I bought 1 power stone (L1) to pick up Natural Healing. I also scribed a bunch of stuff into a backup book. Between the two, I spent 205 gp in costs (25 L1 power stone + 90 to scribe 9 L1 formulas into backup book + 10 to scribe 1 L1 formula into main book + 80 to scribe 2 L2 formulas into backup book).
Here's a link to the final formulae list. The only thing of note is that Cleanse Body (lesser restoration equivalent) is on the list. Alchemist's get lesser restoration as a level 2 extract, so I kept it the same here.
Connor of McIntyre |
Roderick, there is a Secret Chest (Sor/Wiz5) equivalent (Hidden Pocket (Cryptic1)). mdt's playing Atalantia with pre-Industrial Age guilds, insomuch as mindpowers are private, but most stuff on the Equipment List is available per psionic equivalent at major cities (the capital, in this case). Uncommon mindpowers are seen with a little jealousy but there's no government conscription of exceptional manifesters. And it's always better if you can manufacture stuff (ammo, potions) in your case on your own.
Connor's been going the Jack-of-All-Trades route, so he already has condition relief powers and just picked up a healing power - check out his profile page for details. Connor's got Inscribe Stone (scrolls), but the catch is not everyone has that power on their powers list. That's why Psionic Tattoos were so invaluable.
Also, read up on Autohypnosis: Memorize if you don't want to be so dependent upon a book for your potions. It might fit better with a psionic world if you just memorized everything.
Moonjuice7 |
Name: Kyzin Lialis
Race: Male Humavian (Clan McIntyre, see backstory)
Class: Psion (Kineticist)
Alignment: CG
Personality: He alternates between somber and mischievous. Very intelligent, but doesn't always have the best of common sense.
Backstory: Kyzin was born to parents of the McIntyre Clan, but spent much of his childhood among Clan Mistrada. His parents were (On assignment/Merchants/stuck there for some benign reason) and often away, so he grew up playing with the halfavian children in the neighborhood. This included a large number of pranks. Kyzin was always seeking to use his powers to find a new prank to pull, and got to be something of a hero amongst the neighborhood children (His excessive height as he aged might have had something to do with that as well.) All was well and good until one day he pranked a visiting member of the Astradian council delegation. They did not appreciate the joke, and were skilled enough to catch him after the prank (which worked splendidly by the way.) They reported him to both his parents and the clan. In order to save face his clan decided to send him far away where he could learn to be a responsible (read: lawful) citizen and contribute something productive to the clan. His parents were severely reprimanded for not keeping him in line. Kyzin has now left, not quite an exile, determined to do something to redeem himself, and more importantly his parents, in the eyes of the clan leadership. To this end he has tried to repress his mischievous and cheerful nature, though it never holds for long.
Str- 11
Dex- 14
Con- 13
Int- 22
Wis- 11
Cha- 16
BAB: +2
Initiative: +2
AC: 12/10/12 (+4 or 5 with powers)
CMB/CMD: 2/14
HP 22/22
PP 40/40
Trait- Slippery
Trait- Child of the Streets
Level 1- Access Psionic Talent
Bonus Level 1- Endowed Mind
Level 3- Expanded Knowledge (Cryptic 1 Chameleon)
Level 5- Expanded Knowledge (Egoist 1 Natural Healing)
Bonus Level 5- Scribe Tattoo
Telekinetic Hurl: At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain the ability to telekinetically hurl objects of up to 5 lbs. as a ranged attack at an enemy within 30 ft. Such attacks deal 1d4 points of damage due to the force exerted. This damage increases by 1d4 points of damage for every four psion levels thereafter.
Acrobatics 2
Appraise 6
Autohypnosis 4
Bluff 4
Climb 0
Craft: Tattoo/Calligraphy/Art 10
Diplomacy 4
Disable Device 8
Disguise 3
Escape Artist 2
Fly 5
Heal 0
Intimidate 7
Knowledge: Arcana 10
Knowledge: Dungeoneering 14
Knowledge: Engineering 10
Knowledge: Geography 10
Knowledge: History 10
Knowledge: Local 12
Knowledge: Nature 12
Knowledge: Nobility 10
Knowledge: Planes 10
Knowledge: Psionics 14
Knowledge: Religion 10
Linguistics 7
Perception 0
Ride 2
Sense Motive 0
Sleight of Hand 8
Spellcraft (Psicraft) 12
Stealth 10
Survival 0
Swim 0
Level 0- Far Hand (Discipline)
Level 0- Force Screen (Discipline)
Level 0- Psionic Repair (APT)
Level 0- My Light (APT)
Level 0- Lesser Fortify (APT)
Level 0- Ectoplasmic Trinket (APT)
Level 0- Empathy (APT)
Level 1- Ectoplasmic Sheen
Level 1- Energy Ray
Level 1- Entangling Debris
Level 1- Mater Agitation
Level 1- Slumber
Level 1- Foxhole (FC)
Level 1- Chameleon (EK)
Level 1- Natural Healing (EK)
Level 2- Energy Push
Level 2- Control Sound
Level 2- Energy Missile
Level 2- Mass Missive (FC)
Level 2- Cloud Mind
Level 3- Localized Windstorm
Level 3- Concussive Onslaught
MWK Light Crossbow (1d8)
Quarterstaff (used mostly for walking)
Dagger (x3) (1d4)
Headband of Avian Intelligence (Knowledge Dungeoneering) (Using the animal affinity power)
A bunch of self crafted tattoos that are yet to be determined. Still working out costs and the like. Featured prominently here will be Natural Healing and Chameleon.
Current Gold Unspent (to be spent on tattoos probably): 6,159 gp
Comments on powers in parentheses indicates an atypical source. Either feats, favored class or discipline bonus powers. Equipment is mostly done. Just a couple of tattoos to work out.
A character sheet with more pleasing format can be found here.
Connor of McIntyre |
Kyzin (Moonjuice7), mdt is using Psionic Talents: Automatic for his campaign. That means you don't get the Psion: Kineticist discipline talents (but you can choose them again), you get one more "0" talent in addition to the 2 you have (I can't believe I'm giving this guy more powers). Force Screen is a 1st-level power this way, so you'll have to drop it and re-choose it as one of your 1st-level powers. So 3 psion talents from the list, then 5 more from the Access Psionic Talent feat you've chosen. Total of 8.
Secondly, UP says you get 11 powers at Level 5. You have 15. Even with Expanded Knowledge taken twice, that's a max of 13. You've got one too many 1st-level powers and 1 too many 2nd-level powers. If you're using the Favored Class bonus for Humans, where it says "Add +1/2 power known from the psion power list. This power must be at least one level below the highest power level the psion can manifest.", then you can't add it to your skills (40+5 on your Pathfinder sheet). If 1/2 + 1/2 = 1, then at Level 2 you could choose another 0-level power, not 1st-level. At 4th Level you could choose a 1st-level power, since you manifest 2nd-level powers at 4th Level. 3+5+1=9 0-level talents, 13+1=14 1st-and-2nd-and-3rd-Level powers.
And where's your 4th level ability bump? (I can't believe I'm giving this guy more Intelligence).
Here you said "Headband of Avian Intelligence +2 (Knowledge: Dungeoneering)" but on your sheet it has "Sense Motive boost" (you didn't put either +2 in the ranking bonuses on your skills, however).
Hope this helps. mdt can clarify, of course. He's got a lot on the Campaign Tab about racial traits.
Atlas2112 |
*gasp* Is it true? Really really true? Is there space? Yes! =D
It looks like you guys are saying that you need a healer. I'm SO there. Ummmm, can you give me until monday to put up something? A Vitalist is the obvious choice but they're soooooo predictable. How about, ummmm, a Psychometabolic with Expanded Knowledge for Empathic Transfer and Body Equilibrium? Sound good? Great! =)
Moonjuice7 |
Secondly, UP says you get 11 powers at Level 5. You have 15. Even with Expanded Knowledge taken twice, that's a max of 13. You've got one too many 1st-level powers and 1 too many 2nd-level powers. If you're using the Favored Class bonus for Humans, where it says "Add +1/2 power known from the psion power list. This power must be at least one level below the highest power level the psion can manifest.", then you can't add it to your skills (40+5 on your Pathfinder sheet). If 1/2 + 1/2 = 1, then at Level 2 you could choose another 0-level power, not 1st-level. At 4th Level you could choose a 1st-level power, since you manifest 2nd-level powers at 4th Level. 3+5+1=9 0-level talents, 13+1=14 1st-and-2nd-and-3rd-Level powers.
And where's your 4th level ability bump? (I can't believe I'm giving this guy more Intelligence).
Here you said "Headband of Avian Intelligence +2 (Knowledge: Dungeoneering)" but on your sheet it has "Sense Motive boost" (you didn't put either +2 in the ranking bonuses on your skills, however).
Half that is communication problems. The powers was me not reading carefully. I was using the Favored class bonus but skimmed past the "one level lower" line. I'll be sure to fix them and the talents. Skill ranks i get 2+5+1 for humavian (not favored class) the pLus 5 is due to the headband. I am treating it as the psionic equivalent of a Headband of Vast Intelligence+2, which gives you ranks equal to your hit dice in a single skill. (knowledge Dungeoneering in my case.)The disparity of the headband boost is because I made changes to skill point allocations and forgot to update it in both places before posting.
My 4th level ability bump went into Dex (I used set 3 for stats).
While reviewing campaign information I found the weapon group proficiency information. If i understood it correctly, as a psion i get to choose one free proficiency other thanthe simple weapon proficiency that everyone gets for free. I should take the Exotic weapon proficiency (Flail) in order to use whips. Is that correct?
One more clarification, do Psionic Tattoos with a value less than 250 gp take two hours to craft (as per potions of similar value) or do they take a full day?
mdt |
You have to have the base group to take the exotic, so you'd need a feat to take whips. However, you get all exotic flails for the feat expenditure. But yes, classes that advance at 1/2 BAB get 1 group (besides simple), 3/4 get's two groups, and full BAB get's 4 groups.
For example, if you were a fighter, and wanted to use the bastard sword one handed, you'd take Blades, Heavy for one group. Then a second group of Exotic (Blades, Heavy). You'd have used two groups, and be able to use all exotic heavy blades (elven curve blade, bastard sword, two bladed sword, etc). You'd then have two groups left over.
Alternately, if you don't want to spend the feat, you can multiclass. That nets you more weapon groups. This gives you more flexibility, but also costs you a level (works well if you want to pick up some fighting ability by taking a fighting class, be it a core, base, or hybrid full bab class).
Same as potions. I believe our former tattooist was doing several per day.
Moonjuice7 |
Name: Kyzin Lialis
Race: Male Humavian (Clan McIntyre, see backstory)
Class: Psion (Kineticist)
Alignment: CG
Personality: He alternates between somber and mischievous. Very intelligent, but doesn't always have the best of common sense.
Str- 11
Dex- 14
Con- 13
Int- 22
Wis- 11
Cha- 16
BAB: +2
Initiative: +2
AC: 12/10/12 (+4 or 5 with powers)
CMB/CMD: 2/14
HP 22/22
PP 40/40
Trait- Slippery
Trait- Child of the Streets
Level 1- Access Psionic Talent
Bonus Level 1- Endowed Mind
Level 3- Expanded Knowledge (Cryptic 1 Chameleon)
Level 5- Expanded Knowledge (Egoist 1 Natural Healing)
Bonus Level 5- Scribe Tattoo
Telekinetic Hurl: At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain the ability to telekinetically hurl objects of up to 5 lbs. as a ranged attack at an enemy within 30 ft. Such attacks deal 1d4 points of damage due to the force exerted. This damage increases by 1d4 points of damage for every four psion levels thereafter.
Acrobatics 2
Appraise 6
Autohypnosis 4
Bluff 4
Climb 0
Craft: Tattoo/Calligraphy/Art 10
Diplomacy 4
Disable Device 8
Disguise 3
Escape Artist 2
Fly 5
Heal 0
Intimidate 7
Knowledge: Arcana 10
Knowledge: Dungeoneering 14
Knowledge: Engineering 10
Knowledge: Geography 10
Knowledge: History 10
Knowledge: Local 12
Knowledge: Nature 12
Knowledge: Nobility 10
Knowledge: Planes 10
Knowledge: Psionics 14
Knowledge: Religion 10
Linguistics 7
Perception 0
Ride 2
Sense Motive 0
Sleight of Hand 8
Spellcraft (Psicraft) 12
Stealth 10
Survival 0
Swim 0
Use Magic/Psionic Device 4
Level 0- Far Hand (Automatic)
Level 0- Missive (Automatic)
Level 0- Create Sound (Automatic)
Level 0- Psionic Repair (APT)
Level 0- My Light (APT)
Level 0- Lesser Fortify (APT)
Level 0- Ectoplasmic Trinket (APT)
Level 0- Empathy(APT)
Level 1- Force Screen
Level 1- Energy Ray
Level 1- Entangling Debris
Level 1- Matter Agitation
Level 1- Slumber
Level 1- Foxhole (FC)
Level 1- Chameleon (EK)
Level 1- Natural Healing (EK)
Level 2- Energy Push
Level 2- Control Sound (FC)
Level 2- Energy Missile
Level 2- Breach
Level 2- Cloud Mind
Level 3- Localized Windstorm
Level 3- Concussive Onslaught
MWK Light Crossbow (1d8)
Quarterstaff (used mostly for walking)
Dagger (x3) (1d4)
Headband of Avian Intelligence (Knowledge Dungeoneering) (Using the animal affinity power)
Cloak of Fiery Vanishing (if permitted. Couldn't find exact translations from magic into psionics, but found plenty of powers with similar effects.)
Tattooing supplies worth 1,000 gp
Natural Healing (ML 5) x6
Chameleon x6
Missive x4
Locate Secret Doors x1
Skate x1
Synesthete x2
Current Gold Unspent: 521 gp
Comments on powers in parentheses indicates an atypical source. Either feats, favored class or discipline bonus powers. I've fixed the powers and talents, as well as finalized equipment since the last post. Any critiques are welcome. I've also uploaded a PDF version here .
mdt |
Applications will be closing in a day or two. I need the current players to PM me with their thoughts please.
I'll get around to critiques and such if you're chosen. Background and general concept is the important thing on the characters, not the minutia. PC's can feel free to make comments though publicly if they see something major off.
Sorry, been sick for two days, so it's been hard to do a detailed overview on the characters I'd wanted. Fortunately I'm a fairly lenient GM. :) Any issues that crop up will get fixed later.
Connor of McIntyre |
Roderick, you can drop some pounds by getting rid of the mithral shirt and learning Inertial Armor, if that's an option. You may also want to get rid of any "magical" references on your Profile page.
mdt |
Thanks for the congrats.
Alys, TarkXT, I need your feedback this weekend please, I'd like to intro the new people this coming week.
Thanks to everyone who contributed, everyone put in a lot of work and I always both hate and love that. I hate it because I will have to tell some very good submissions no. I love it because it means people were psyched up for it.
Alys |
This is going to be difficult, I'll give them all a read in the evening. (that is in my timezone about 6 or 7 hours from when this post was made)
Let me just make sure I dont miss anyone, we have
Atlas 2112 - Volita Involo
Ashe - Adraniel "Adran"
GM Arkwright - Elara of Kore
Moonjuice7 - Kyzin Lialis
Rikash - Roderick MacDuncan
Anyone I missed? Also, how many people do we accept in the end?
mdt |
That seems to be everyone who is still in (we had another who dropped out).
At the moment, I believe I will take 3, bringing us to 6 total. Unless you guys think we should take in more with the idea that we'll have attrition due to normal pbp losses. :) So if you think I should take more (or less) make that point in the PM.