So, how do I roleplay this?


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Well, I got the crunch, and thanks to an earlier post, I got a nice backstory, but now I'm having a hard time figuring out how to roleplay my latest character.

He's a duergar untouchable and primalist bloodrager, arcane bloodline. He's lawful evil, and his mental stats are 7int, 15wis, 3(!!!)cha.

First off, the duergar are a puzzle to me. They're a LE society that serve a NE god who makes his home in the CE abyss. That alone is just weird. They barely have any flavor text, also, so there's not a lot to work with there.

Next, I have a hard time figuring out how to represent the mental stats. Very below average intellect and absolutely abhorrent charisma, but surprisingly wise...what is that? The best media representation I could think of for low int high wis was Forest Gump, but he's absolutely dripping with Charisma, so that's not exactly a perfect representation (plus, he's pretty clearly lawful good). I can think of a few dumb villains, but most of them were not wise as well, so I'm having an extremely hard time painting a mental picture of this guy and his personality.

I had a session with this character, and I played him gruff and quiet, with enough sense to realize he wasn't bright and therefore deferential to other's opinions. But, really, it was a combat heavy session, so I didn't have much chance to develop him as a character, and I'd like to know what direction to take this kind of guy in the future.

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An evil rager with a charisma score in the crapper and prefers to live in a dark place away from everyone who might be alive...

I'm thinking you play him like Rush Limbaugh.

With a 3 charisma, I would play such a character as a sycophant. Find a party member the character can mostly closely identify with (or the one with the highest charisma) and be very malleable to their opinions and attitudes. Try to gain their favor with words or deeds.

3 charisma would also reflect a general lack of a verbal filter. Be careful not to let it get too disruptive, but occasionally give your (poorly educated) opinions when they are neither asked for nor particularly helpful. Say something incredibly insensitive to an NPC and act like you did nothing wrong. Being polite and poised is a waste of your characters time, and a sign of weakness.

As a curiosity, which of the mentioned back stories did you go with?

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chbgraphicarts wrote:

An evil rager with a charisma score in the crapper and prefers to live in a dark place away from everyone who might be alive...

I'm thinking you play him like Rush Limbaugh.

You know, that's just what the liberal media would want you to believe my character is like, but I believe that Obama and his socialist agenda are pushing for the elves to rise against us all...

No, honestly, I don't have enough prescription drug jokes to keep that up for multiple sessions. Plus, I am trying to make this a serious character, not a joke.

Kryptik wrote:

With a 3 charisma, I would play such a character as a sycophant. Find a party member the character can mostly closely identify with (or the one with the highest charisma) and be very malleable to their opinions and attitudes. Try to gain their favor with words or deeds.

3 charisma would also reflect a general lack of a verbal filter. Be careful not to let it get too disruptive, but occasionally give your (poorly educated) opinions when they are neither asked for nor particularly helpful. Say something incredibly insensitive to an NPC and act like you did nothing wrong. Being polite and poised is a waste of your characters time, and a sign of weakness.

As a curiosity, which of the mentioned back stories did you go with?

Great ideas! I never thought about making him a makes some sense, but...ugh, it's just a character trait I disdain so much it would make me dislike my character in short order and try to swap, which I'd rather not.

I decided to go with a sort of merger of a couple of the submissions. Long line of family wizards, too dumb to get it, forced to study until he grew to hate it and still didn't get it, eventually snapped and killed family, exiled as a result. Ended up on the island as a result of magical backlash when fighting some drow in the darklands who thought to capture a lonr victim, not knowing just how powerful he was.

Well, let's see. He could be incredibly indecisive and unmotivated. Poor hygiene. Maybe he won't stop talking about this crazy conspiracy theory...or maybe he expresses his dislike for (X race) on a daily basis. Maybe he follows a trend without any real reason (ie the North Face bandwagon)

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I RETURN AGAIN. To provide you with further detail on how to play him!

Your character is incredibly boring. I'm talking, INCREDIBLY boring. Have him be stupidly socially incapable, have him make rude comments to your magical friends, ect. Your character doesn't have much to talk about beyond stabbing folks, and stabbing magic folks. But you know what you do have? A clever head. You can tell when folks are lying through their teeth, and point out that, if they do, you'll stab their face off. Then stab them if they lie again. From that point on, you're companions should probably aid another you several times to ensure your intimidation actually gets what you need from them.

Also- Something to note, without training, casting a first level spell deals 1d3 intelligence damage, second level 1d4, and third 1d6.

Also, if your familiar can speak, have him speak for you.

Next up- A decent comparison would be heavy weapons guy from TF2- Read it's comics, and you'll not notice heavy a lot, but he does notice things.

3 charisma means ... well ... frankly I'm at a loss as to what would be comparable.

A sycophant is a possible idea, but I wouldn't go that route myself, for a simple reason.

Some people -like- sycophants. Psycopaths need sycophants to reinforce their self-image as the world's only important person all the time. To them, sycophants are wonderful people because they say all the things they want to hear.

A charisma 3 character shouldn't be liked by ANYONE. Animated turds should run away in disgust. He should be jeered and pelted with rotten fruit when walking onto the stage of a NAMBLA convention. He should say exactly the wrong thing to he wrong people absolutely every single time -as a matter of policy-. He should in fact say just about the most hurtful, cruel, condescending, hateful thing he could come up with in every situation. He should have less personal hygiene than a tarrasque in the world's biggest pigsty. He should stink so badly that even NPC's should ask the GM if they need to roll fortitude saves or lose their lunch. He should be physically AND emotionally repulsive.

He should, in fact, be so constantly, so -completely- and -utterly- offensive in every single situation he ever finds himself in, that he would probably be chased out of almost every settlement he finds himself in within the first ten minutes of being in the city at all.

He shouldn't be attacked on sight ... that'd be Charisma 1 ... but he should be attacked the moment he opens his mouth to speak.

In fact, I'd -insist- that if someone wanted to play a Charisma 3 character in a group I played, that the character should be as deliberately and consistently disruptive as the player could possibly be, but -strictly- In Character, of course. He should interrupt constantly, deliberately offending the people he interrupted. He should have absolutely -no filter whatsoever- on what he said and did. Charisma 3 is so personally offensive and foul that it beggars the imagination. The lowest I've ever seen played is Charisma 6, and that's a dwarven fighter who exchanges every second word she says with as crass an expletive as she can come across and who breaks every social norm she can think of, because she doesn't give a damn.

Charisma 3 is a -lot- worse than Charisma 6.

It wouldn't be very long before the rest of the group would tire of it and either squib him off themselves, lose him down an alleyway where he turns right and they turn left, or the rest of the world would attack him.

But that's what being charisma 3 -should- be like. There should be absolutely no redeeming features -whatsoever- about such a character. No one ... -no one- should like a character with Charisma 3.

It's probably as close to an unplayable character as I can think, in fact.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

int more represents your education mechanically than your "know how" that seems to be more wisdom. so you may not remember the name of a plant or what ever, but your character isn't mentally deficient. the charisma means you have trouble exterting your personality on the outside world, which means he could be brutish or he could just be shy.

so basically, he isn't an intellectual and he doesn't enjoy or probably feel happy around people or social situations.

don't go so far to make, as others are saying, your stats making your character horrendously mentally handicapped in some regard. as your charisma malus is entirely fixed by having diplomacy as a class skill, it is more akin to him not enjoying it, or not having a knack for it, so still play your character however you want.

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Sounds like your character is the classic murderhobo. Goes around to kill stuff, grab their gear, to kill even tougher stuff, rinse/repeat, doesn't care about anybody but himself and maybe his other murderhobo friends, doesn't have anywhere he calls home, etc.

Frankly...I think you've built yourself into a corner here in a mad quest for optimization.

Do what our 6 int dwarf barbarian did. Don't say anything unless you are yelling some one syllable silly word, like SHINY, as you charge for the shiny object. When spoken too either wave a very large axe over your head and yell "ARRRARHRHRHARRGHGHG" or occasionally give out a philosophy quote that has no bearing on the current situation.

CommandoDude wrote:

Sounds like your character is the classic murderhobo. Goes around to kill stuff, grab their gear, to kill even tougher stuff, rinse/repeat, doesn't care about anybody but himself and maybe his other murderhobo friends, doesn't have anywhere he calls home, etc.

Frankly...I think you've built yourself into a corner here in a mad quest for optimization.

... That's actually pretty decent, thinking about it. Your character's brutally boring, but, if your DM gives you free ranks in profession, put those ranks in Profession (Murderhobo), and your character will be well versed in dungeon design, if stabbing stuff is easy or not, good places for traps, best places to lay an ambush, all by putting a few ranks in Profession (Murderhobo) to answer questions about your profession (AKA, killing s!!%).

A lot of replies along the lines of "You shouldn't have made such an abomination in the first place."

Noted. Didn't ask that question in even the slightest regard, and I'd like to add, replying along the lines of "You're SOL, and the GM should have villagers chase you with torches for your very existence," is slightly less helpful than saying nothing. (Well, perhaps a little more as it bumps the thread, but it also gives us a tangent). It might be useful if the GM were reading this, but I'm pretty sure he's not, and I'm sure as heck not going to suggest that to him.

I do like some of the suggestions that answer questions I did actually ask.

I think I will adopt the suggestion of interruption, and obsessions, that makes sense, but I think the hygeine thing is a little cliche. Bathing regularly is not necessarily connected to social can be, but with a 15 wisdom, it seems to be a self-awareness thing as well. You would wash up because you were taught to wash up, and that's what you do.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I believe some kind of autistic spectrum disorder with OCD might represent abyssmal charisma well. Like a low int version Sheldon Cooper. Basic social conventions, sarcasm, proper manners, moments where it's inappropriate to ask a certain question...all alien to him.

It actually makes the lawful alignment fit, too, as everything must make sense and follow the rules, or he can't take it, because it's just wrong!

Sovereign Court

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Funny enough, it is a perfect duergar. At least, if you are a fan of the fluff in the psionic books by DSP, duergar , lives in a world where everything is gray. Every duergar wears the same clothes, worships the same god, they don't have names, go from "boy" to "man" when you are old enough. Plus they all believe the entire world has gone insane except them.

In the outside world, the duergar calls themselves whatever task what they are good at , so people will stop pestering them about their names, like "hunter", would be a good at hunting, as for them, having a personal name is a waste of time.

I miss the good ole days where these low scores (dump stats) were a rare exception instead of the norm.

Ok Guys, Help me be really ___________.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

He sounds like he'd be stubborn and intractable, even in the face of sound advice otherwise. He'd be very "pics or it didn't happen", and he'd have no patience to wait for the evidence. He also would not care one whit about another person's viewpoint. A debate would be pointless, getting answers like "I'm sorry you think that" or simply "Ok" when he has nothing meaningful to respond with.
Sheldon has a charm about him in regards to his naivete. This character would have none of that.
He would be abrasive, to say the least, and probably quote raunchy dwarven colloquialisms like a frumpy Forest Gump.

Things to note about Charisma:

1) It's force of personality. It's your ability to get people to do what you want them to do by whatever means you use.

2) It's also, in a way, your social willpower.

3) Pathfinder includes "Appearance" among the things that are defined by Charisma. While I can ignore this if other qualities of Charisma are lacking, at this point... yeah...

4) This is your degree of being an individual. If you have a high charisma, you are very much a person. If you have low charisma... You sort of stop being a person.

Let me give you an example I've quickly yanked from the OGC for Pathfinder online:

Charisma Scores + Their Comparisons wrote:

6–7 | Badger, troll, fire beetle, bear | Uninteresting, rude, boorish, and generally unpleasant to be around

4–5 | Dire rat, weasel, chuul, donkey | Has no awareness of the needs of others, almost no sense of empathy

2-3 | Spider, crocodile, lizard, rhinoceros | Capable of only minimal independent decision-making

So, with 3 charisma, you are...

Capable of only minimal independent decision making

Have no awareness of the needs of others, almost no sense of empathy


Uninteresting, rude, boorish, and generally unpleasant to be around

You are a highly boring sociopath unable to make decisions independently.


That "M-O-O-N, that spells Mom and Dad" character from Stephen King's "The Stand"

Its a really long movie, and a much longer book, but I think you could gleam the gist of it via a YouTube search of the character's name (which escapes me). He's big, very unintellectual, ugly and incapable of doing anything without his companions. But he's got a bit of wisdom here and there.

Actually, that makes it a bit easier. He's kind of a perfect soldier, in a way, then. A tool carved for destruction by his overlords who follows orders to the letter and doesn't question authority at all.

Makes me feel pretty good that I instinctively made him deferential to others' opinions and obedient.

It really fits the lawful evil view of society is greater than individuals in every way shape and form, too.

And I assume you made the boring sociopath comment in mockery, but unlike a psychopath, a sociopath does make sense. Sociopaths can make due and function at a certain level in society, even if everyone thinks they're completely off.

The rage aspect, from this theme, though.

Seems the "one obedient cog in the great machine" trope will work well enough.

He's eeyore, or eevilore. essentially a super sad sack devoted to the labor of evil. You can constantly point out all the terrible things likely to happen to people.

And I assume you made the boring sociopath comment in mockery

Kind of. I'm trying to be funny but serious at the same time. I don't actually mean to offend you (if I did), but to poke fun at 3 CHA.

but unlike a psychopath, a sociopath does make sense. Sociopaths can make due and function at a certain level in society, even if everyone thinks they're completely off.

Precisely. And he is a Duergar. This is what Duergar are all about - at least the mooks among them.

Want to RP the rage with that? Okay: make it a silent rage. In fact, don't even make it a rage. Make it a sudden killer instinct coming over him. When you activate his Bloodrage, it's all this training, all this drilling that's been worked into him activating at once. He becomes a cold, quiet murder machine, hacking methodically, fighting on through pain because he doesn't feel pain. He has his job. His job is to kill s&~&. He does his job well.

That's how I'd use that rage.

That spells Tom Cullen, laws yes. Everybody knows that.

I like it, Inlaa!

Again, I can't help but use movie examples, but Forest Gump was dumb as a sack of potatoes, yet a damn good soldier.

This seems like the kind of elite who'd easily make it into special ops or SEALs, or whatever elite group requires skills, awareness, and raw ability and the kind of cunning represented by wisdom, but would never get promoted or put in any position of authority because, as stated, he's just incapable of independent thinking, and would do literally everything by standard operating procedure and be completely predictable by the enemy if not directed by another better mind.

I really wish I had an example to go by, but I think I'm getting the picture pretty well.

One last thing to consider:

This sort of character probably has very little survival instinct. That is, he can tell when danger is coming; he can tell when things are about to get ugly, and he may even mention it when he sees that. However, if his last order is to fight, then he'll fight like Hell itself even as he's being hacked apart. Someone will have to tell him "Dude, run AWAY! You're DYING!" or else he'll keep being a good little soldier.

At his core he is Lawful Evil, so I would define the laws of the Duergar society to which he subscribes. Those laws are most likely twisted and cruel but he is philosophically bound to them and in many way define how he might approach a given scenario.

The 3 charisma is problematic and I'm frankly amazed a GM lets this fly. If I was forced at gunpoint to GM this game I would do everything in my power to make you regret abusing a dump stat like that.

Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why: So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God, what is that thing?" will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain" means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever...

Krell44 wrote:
That spells Tom Cullen, laws yes. Everybody knows that.

YES. Evil Tom Cullen.

I was also thinking Eeyore, but figured that wouldn't fit the player.

Whatever you end up doing to represent a 3 cha try to do it in a way that other players will plausibly still want to be in your company, forcing others to play along with your sociopath because you made it isn't enough.

I'd also go towards the very boring route, take some hobby equivalent to modern day stamp collecting, but you only collect stamps from the 20s to 30s that were produced or designed by one obscure artist, and you actually already own all of his work except one stamp and its been your obsession for 10 years to find it, but you know there are only 3 existent copies and they are all owned by some tiny bank in another country etc etc

perhaps you're a near mute, people never pay you any attention so you hardly pay any attention to others, you keep the occasional pet but most mammals and lizards end up biting you and running off within weeks if not days, so you collect grasshoppers in jars and often ignore them until they shrivel up and die. The only thing that visibly excites you is soldering and killing, and you often sing off-tone during combat (no need to RP this more than once or twice for others to get the point).

I'm not familiar with Tom Cullen.

Google brings up an actor, which I assume you're not referring to.
Really? More of the "this is an abomination of a character" stuff? Didn't I already address that? Pretty sure I did.

Considering during social events I shut my mouth and stare quietly while the important people talk, due to being wise enough to know people get mad when I talk and that I'm a peon and the captain is the man who speaks, you'd be surprised how little it comes up as a problem.

Frankly, anything more than "I don't like how that creepy dwarf is looking at me" would be metagaming on the GM's part, and few characters who aren't based on Joe Pesci in Goodfellas would react violently to a creepy guy standing quietly behind the four other people, one of whom is gorgeous and eloquently delivering the real speech they should be paying attention to.

I like those touches to make him more three dimensional, Trimalchio. An odd fondness for animals is a nice touch. Perhaps birds, since they're not common in the darklands and a beautiful new creature to capture his attention.

We're talking about the blonde in this scene.

The two differences being he isn't evil and he doesn't show his wisdom until much later in the film.

thegreenteagamer wrote:

Considering during social events I shut my mouth and stare quietly while the important people talk, due to being wise enough to know people get mad when I talk and that I'm a peon and the captain is the man who speaks, you'd be surprised how little it comes up as a problem.

Frankly, anything more than "I don't like how that creepy dwarf is looking at me" would be metagaming on the GM's part, and few characters who aren't based on Joe Pesci in Goodfellas would react violently to a creepy guy standing quietly behind the four other people, one of whom is gorgeous and eloquently delivering the real speech they should be paying attention to.

I disagree. You are playing a Chr of 3! A person with a Chr of 3 just can't simply hide by not speaking.

You are basically Frank from Always Sunny in Philadelphia only shorter, sweatier, smellier, with a unibrow, and licking his chapped cole sored lips while staring and undressing people with his eyes.

Furthermore if I was playing at the table with you I would pretty much ignore everything your character says. Why? Nothing your character can say could possibly be persuasive. I might make at points RP that I forget you are in the party and/or call you by the wrong name all the time.

yeah have fun, put a skill point into perform (something) or UMD so you can roll the occasional -2. Unfortunately handle animal is trained only and a class skill for bloodragers, so the worse you can get is a 1, but maybe your DM will let you roll handle animal untrained.

If your DM is allowing traits, I'm almost positive there's a Handle Animal as a class skill trait in there somewhere.

Grand Lodge

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Consider a personality, that gives you constant nearly emotionless state.

To you, these things were long put to bed, if you had any to really start with.

You don't have to be ugly, but you could have such little amount of truly distinguishing features, that you may as well be a smooth rock, that breathes.

Play to Duergar aspect, and be the gear in the machine, the rock in the wall of defense, the pointed edge of a spear.

You are tool to be used in the endless toil, that is life, and the hammer that strikes the anvil, until the smith falls from exhaustion.

You never needed to develop a personality, and you only needed to educate yourself in what was needed to do your job. Nothing else matters.

The iron blade need not know poetry, or ponder love, but only cut flesh.

You, are that cold emotionless iron.

Muad'Dib wrote:

I disagree. You are playing a Chr of 3! A person with a Chr of 3 just can't simply hide by not speaking.

You are basically Frank from Always Sunny in Philadelphia only shorter, sweatier, smellier, with a unibrow, and licking his chapped cole sored lips while staring and undressing people with his eyes.

Furthermore if I was playing at the table with you I would pretty much ignore everything your character says. Why? Nothing your character can say could possibly be persuasive. I might make at points RP that I forget you are in the party and/or call you by the wrong name all the time.

In many ways Frank is very charismatic, he is a forceful interesting personality that compels people to pay attention to him, they may not like him exactly but he is fascinating.

a low cha not, especially at 3, is more like a non-entity (inlaas example of spiders and lizards), people just tend to ignore this person, and if forced to interact they quickly try to get away or end the encounter. If a stranger wants to spend more than a minute talking with the duergar then he's probably being too interesting, even his so called friends probably think of him as more of a pet than an a person.

Being so ugly or grotesque that it compels people to react is probably best represented by a high charisma, think of undead like a bodak or wraith.

Being so ugly or grotesque that it compels people to react is probably best represented by a high charisma, think of undead like a bodak or wraith.


Being very plain or boring looking is low CHA. Being just ugly enough to make people look away is low CHA. Being hideously ugly is either a trait, a feature, an extraordinary ability or the result of very high charisma and a combination of one of the above.

Agreed. Not only is Frank not particularly wise, he is surprisingly charismatic. Not as much as Dennis, but he pretty much came in and took over the gang from out of nowhere and is the centerpiece around which many of their schemes revolve. Charlie follows him around like a lost puppy, and Mac thinks he's incredibly enviable.

If anyone has low charisma on that show it's Dee. Nobody listens to her, pays attention to anything she says, or gives a crap for her well being, happiness, or even that she's present half the time!

Grand Lodge

The thing I love the most about that show, is that everyone, I mean everyone, is a horrible human being.

Even if not evident right away, it comes to light eventually.

Everyone on that show used Chr as a dump stat. Maybe this character is more of the Boyle sister....

thegreenteagamer wrote:

Well, I got the crunch, and thanks to an earlier post, I got a nice backstory, but now I'm having a hard time figuring out how to roleplay my latest character.

He's a duergar untouchable and primalist bloodrager, arcane bloodline. He's lawful evil, and his mental stats are 7int, 15wis, 3(!!!)cha.

First off, the duergar are a puzzle to me. They're a LE society that serve a NE god who makes his home in the CE abyss. That alone is just weird. They barely have any flavor text, also, so there's not a lot to work with there.

Next, I have a hard time figuring out how to represent the mental stats. Very below average intellect and absolutely abhorrent charisma, but surprisingly wise...what is that? The best media representation I could think of for low int high wis was Forest Gump, but he's absolutely dripping with Charisma, so that's not exactly a perfect representation (plus, he's pretty clearly lawful good). I can think of a few dumb villains, but most of them were not wise as well, so I'm having an extremely hard time painting a mental picture of this guy and his personality.

I had a session with this character, and I played him gruff and quiet, with enough sense to realize he wasn't bright and therefore deferential to other's opinions. But, really, it was a combat heavy session, so I didn't have much chance to develop him as a character, and I'd like to know what direction to take this kind of guy in the future.

Low intellect high wisdom characters can be described as your stereo typical dumb construction worker, who still knows how to build a hell of a good house. He might not be book smart, but he's got common sense coming out the wazzoo.

Grand Lodge

You can see my experience with creating a low Charisma Duergar here.

chkflip wrote:

We're talking about the blonde in this scene.

The two differences being he isn't evil and he doesn't show his wisdom until much later in the film.

man..... I totally work with a guy just like that.... (Sigh)

Okay, first off, saying everyone in Sunny dumped charisma is straigh-off wrong. Dennis regularly meets women and charms them into bed in like four hours, dumps them in a horrific manner, and re-seduces them for the sheer challenge of it! That's evil, manipulative, and psychopathic, but it sure as heck is charismatic. I know this is a tangent, but I couldn't let that one lie there. Charlie and Mac and Dee, probably, but as I said Frank is a manipulative leader and Dennis is a seducer supreme, so, no, the catch-all just doesn't work.

Second, thanks for the link BBT. Seems like you got to suffer even more cries of "How dare you make such a character" than I did, which really is laughable. (Did they think it would make you change your mind? Honestly...)

I do have to say whoever commented early on in that thread that sociopaths are charismatic was probably mixing up sociopathy and psychopathy. As I understand, sociopaths don't quite understand emotion, but can function in society with difficulty, and psychopaths don't have emotions, but understand them and can fake it and manipulate others using them, often being quite successful in society due to their detachment.

Grand Lodge

By the way, the DM actually ended up loving that Duergar PC.

I will go ahead and say this: when I GM games, I inevitably have the BBEG spy on the party in some way to figure out their weaknesses if the BBEG knows the party is coming.

...Which means your 3 CHA would actually be a very obvious and exploitable weakness. It's the same reason I have Shadows attack the flimsy caster with low STR: my players walk into my game knowing I'm going to play by the rules but that I'm going to throw what's on the field at them in the deadliest way possible.

I don't know what sort of GM you have running the game for you, but I'd suggest having a means of not getting insta-gibbed by CHA drain by some means. Poisons won't work on you, thankfully, but I'm pretty sure there are other means.

Basically, if your GM likes to keep you folks on the edge, prepare accordingly for that. If your GM won't exploit the weakness, don't worry about it and game on.

I'm going to be honest, I don't see how that wouldn't be metagaming knowledge into the NPC if the GM did that. I can see scrying and noticing someone being physically weaker or the like, but charisma is a less tangible concept, and draining charisma is even less tangible. Putting any and all game and mechanics knowledge aside, how does one define what draining one's charisma is? The closest I can conceptualize is "siphoning their inner essence", but by using that particular definition, inner essence is not exactly something you can visualize to know someone would be vulnerable to it.

I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but I can't picture how it could be without metagaming of some sort.

Not that it would be my responsibility, as I'm not the GM.

Plus, it wouldn't really happen anyway. We had a 5str gunslinger who was total wraith bait that never so much as got a ray of enfeeblement shot at him. We're running an AP, and aside from adding more or less mooks as players come and go, or tagging the advanced template on a baddie, he's gone mostly by the book.

thegreenteagamer wrote:

Great ideas! I never thought about making him a makes some sense, but...ugh, it's just a character trait I disdain so much it would make me dislike my character in short order and try to swap, which I'd rather not.

"Why I stopped soaking Charisma" by boring7.

Seriously, I got tired of playing ugly and socially-helpless characters. I am that in real life.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

i seriously don't understand why people think really low stats mean you have the deficiency related to that stat. you can compensate for a 3 by having a skill as a class skill.

I second the "cold emotionless soldier" idea. Your char is basically one wizardly ritual from being a Golem.

In fact, he's only 2 Charisma points more socially aware than a flesh golem...

I would say, silent most of the time; abrasively blunt when he does speak, emotionally cold but highly, HIGHLY focused when needed. His Bloodrage could be the expression of extreme focus.
Mind on the job, whatever the job is and disregards anyone else as a waste of his time if they don't have anything to add to the job.
Also oblivious to others emotions. Has serious trouble picking up on emotional cues unless he's actively trying (Sense Motive).

KenderKin wrote:

I miss the good ole days where these low scores (dump stats) were a rare exception instead of the norm.

Ok Guys, Help me be really ___________.

Actually back when I started playing the standard was 4d6, drop the lowest, rolled straight (first stat rolled is str, second is dex, third is con, etc.) Back then, not having a stat below 10 was a really impressive run of luck. 31.5% chance of having a character without a single stat below 10. At the time everybody had crap stats and roll played them. None of this "Adventurers are special butterflies and don't have weaknesses" bunk.

/gronard off

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