If you were a druid...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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Imagine you live in a fantastical world where druids in a pathfinder sense were real. Imagine you were a druid. Now imagine if your wild shape was limited to one specific animal and you could have one animal companion. The questions I ask of you are what is your animal form and what is your animal companion. Those are the only two rules. Don't let other pathfinder mechanics or druid rules get in the way of your creativity. This is just a completely random question, BTW. I am just curious as to what responses I might get.

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In the real world? For my form, I'd pick a tiny flying animal (a bird or bat) that would not appear out of place wherever I intended to live. Maybe a crow or something, since they seem fairly universal in the US. I could fly wherever I wanted, escape danger with ease, and go places I couldn't as a human to spy or whatever.

I wouldn't want a pet hanging around. Ideally, I'd get the Vermin Hunter ability to kill my pet and get permanent fast healing. If I had to have one, though, I'd probably just want one that was the same kind of little flying animal, for ease.

Since almost all my friends at the table keeps saying it I will be a Snake, probably a Rattlesnake ( i like hot and dry sunny days ) with a Giant version as a Companion !

Both answers would be wolf.

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A honey badger...and have another honey badger as a buddy...two honey badgers is too much :)

Baring that a siberian tiger..with another tiger as a buddy..and get myself a act in vegas.

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Bear, and bear.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Pet dog, turn into a bear.

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Probably a large predatory flying bird of some sort.

Perhaps an eagle.

Whatever I am, my animal bro is going to be the same.


wolf and an eagle

It's hard to peg one thing, with my fluctuating personality.

Probobly a cold blooded creature, for the insanity of the sensation.

As for companion? Probably one of the Dino's.

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Wildshape: Eagle

Companion: Polar Bear

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I'd probably want to pick a parrot for my wild shape, just so I could talk and mess with people to no end. For a companion, it would depend on where I was going to live. I'd probably want a large cat of some kind if I was out in the wild, but if I were living in a populated area, animal control would be called in constantly, so I'd probably want an owl or hawk.

Cuuniyevo wrote:
I'd probably want to pick a parrot for my wild shape, just so I could talk and mess with people to no end. For a companion, it would depend on where I was going to live. I'd probably want a large cat of some kind if I was out in the wild, but if I were living in a populated area, animal control would be called in constantly, so I'd probably want an owl or hawk.

You're a Druid. Explode them with gouts of flame.

I'd probably turn into a barn owl and have a stoat as a companion.

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Ooh! Turn into a bird, and have a monkey with a really high disquise, so he looks like a human, and sit on /his/ shoulder.

Liberty's Edge

I would turn into the motherf@&#ing pterodactyl

Look it up.

My companion would be a wolf, because snuggles are mandatory.

things all druid companions need to be able to do: Be adorable, be snuggly and be good enough to fight.

Grand Lodge

Interesting. For me personally, my animal form would be an orangutan, as would my animal companion. We would live simple lives tending to and protecting nature. I considered some sort of bird so I could fly, but ultimately decided on the orangutan.

This is cool. I like seeing people's responses. Keep 'em coming. :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

Dolphin for both. Assuming my wildshape has a decent duration. Frolic in the ocean with a smart and sexy comapnion!

Raven/crow/whatever for myself (flying, and it is small and inconspicuous; easy to get where I need to go, even if it is just skipping the drive to work) and Deinonychus/velociraptor for animal companion (it is a dinosaur that is small enough to keep in the house; it makes one hell of a guard dog)

The fact that the raptor is cold/lukewarm blooded is another advantage. That would mean that you do not need as much food as a similar sized mammal. That makes it easier to feed on a budget without running the risk of it seeing your wildshaped food as prey.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Can I change my mind?

I would want to be something that can brachiate, and run and jump and climb real well, as well as swim. Flying would be fun, too, but I think the risk of falling while brachiating would be more of a thrill.

Wolf and Pup! Don't know how I was the first to mention this.

Oh, wait - that's taken. Right.


Spirit-animal dire polar bear... and spirit-animal sparrow, maybe?

snickersimba wrote:

I would turn into the motherf*%&ing pterodactyl

Ahem. The correct creature you are trying to refer to is the <cuss>'ing T-Rex. That is all.

Note: I don't actually know what you're referring to, but it's close enough to this that I felt compelled to link it. :)

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Grizzly Bear and Grizzly Bear

Why settle for anything less than the hardest animal?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber
Big Lemon wrote:
Why settle for anything less than the hardest animal?

Because the OP question wasn't about how to murder stuff?

Turn into: Tiger.

Animal Companion: Gorilla. And I will totally teach him to talk and be my gorilla butler/bodyguard.

AC small cat
WS tiny tree frog

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You said we should not let pf rules get in the way. So I pick dragon for both.Not yet decided which kind.

Bigfoot (Yeti)

& Ruprick the monkey boy.

Bat. I'm Already close enough to pass for several land mammals.

Raccoon. Eye for talent and it can do my taxes.

Sloths. Two sloths, playing catch...

Grand Lodge

Awesome. Keep em coming.

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I have always had a soft spot for the Snow Leopard. I think I would make that my Animal Companion.

As for Wild Shape... Boy, that's so tough. I think I might go Polar Bear. For combat, it should suffice. But it can survive in brutally cold temperatures (important where I live) and happens to be a partially marine animal. It's like the Navy SEAL of the Wild Shape world!!!

My pardon to the real seal animal...

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Here is a link to some crazy animals if anyone needs ideas:

22 Strange Animals

And some cool ones not mentioned:
Also there is the Coatimundi

And the Pangolin

And not to be forgotten, the Red Panda

The pangolin has been hunted, unfortunately, for the fact that it's "scales" made armored clothing. I don't how good the armor actually was, since they are basically the same material as fingernails.

Wildshape : Eagle ... why: It is small, and can fly. At 4th level you are limited to small or medium sized animals, so it is the 1st form you can take with Fly.

Companion: Horse ... why: It can be used as a mount, provide damage and scent ability, does not stand out in wilderness or citys.

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icehawk333 wrote:
Ooh! Turn into a bird, and have a monkey with a really high disquise, so he looks like a human, and sit on /his/ shoulder.

Better yet, since "different race" is always the same modifier, have it be an octopus.

A secret octopus.

(Nobody suspects a thing.)

My pet would be a blue whale. I would turn into a seagull and sit on my pet when I'm tired of flying.

Einhänder wrote:

Here is a link to some crazy animals if anyone needs ideas:

22 Strange Animals

Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah: (red-lipped) BAT! FISH!

(in the second article)

EDIT: incidentally, I didn't mention earlier, but in the second article THe nIgHTmAre iS REaL~! Q.Q (I'm talking about the goblin shark and pacu fish). Also, Hentai is based on reality (atretochoana eiselti), while the scotoplanes, indian purple frog, and glaucus atlanticus prove that aberrations may not be as unnatural as we think.

Einhänder wrote:

And some cool ones not mentioned:

Also there is the Coatimundi

And the Pangolin

And not to be forgotten, the Red Panda

The pangolin has been hunted, unfortunately, for the fact that it's "scales" made armored clothing. I don't how good the armor actually was, since they are basically the same material as fingernails.

Pangolins be dope, yo. And terrible artifacts of great power. (Dungeons & Doritos, represent!)

icehawk333 wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:
Ooh! Turn into a bird, and have a monkey with a really high disquise, so he looks like a human, and sit on /his/ shoulder.

Better yet, since "different race" is always the same modifier, have it be an octopus.

A secret octopus.

(Nobody suspects a thing.)

Suspect what? That fine looking gentleman over there? Outrageous, I say! What a fine, upstanding fellow! Clearly! Just look at those glasses! Clearly an intelligent, normal human!

EDIT: for the reference

My wildshape would probably be some kind of bird, I'm thinking Eagle.

As for my AC? Elephant. Because you don't f*+~ with an Elephant. He f+!$s you. And you ever need some muscle, Elephant is your bro.

Companion: Wolf
Wildshape: Raven

because of reasons...

Dark Archive

Flying is just too rad. I'd go with Hawk for sure.

For AC, it's hard to decide but I'm leaning towards Snapping Turtle. Just having a big, dopey pal waddling about is just too adorable. Also, less likely to get me in trouble with the local law enforcement. (Still love you, Wolf)

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