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Just wondering if TEO is at war with Stoneroot Glade settlement and their allies in the High Road Covenant and I somehow missed the announcement?
First, a TEO member attacks one of our members in a starter village, knowing that player was a member of Kabal - which has been sent to goblinworks to handle, a few days ago.
But then, last night, TEO takes a tower away from the Tre Company, a Stoneroot Glade company.
Just wondering if these actions are due to an overeager member of TEO or if you have decided to butt heads with us? :-)

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No state of war exists between TEO and any other company. if you could let me know which member attacked a new player inside a settlement, I will begin working on resolving that. If you could also let me know which tower was taken and when, I'll also look into that as well.
I apologize for any friction these incidents may have caused.

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No state of war exists between TEO and any other company. if you could let me know which member attacked a new player inside a settlement, I will begin working on resolving that. If you could also let me know which tower was taken and when, I'll also look into that as well.
I apologize for any friction these incidents may have caused.
I wasn't the one attacked so I don't know their name but it was sent to goblinworks to handle, so we figure that is a closed thing now. It wasn't a new player who was attacked but one of our regular members trying to post recruitment notices in Marchmont.
I'm at work but if memory serves it was one of the towers held by Tre NE of Rathglen. We will take it back tonight then.
Then go on our tower taking spree against Golgotha, Calambea, Aragon ....
who are the other evil settlements or who have left the NAP? :-)
Have to figure out who they are so we can take their towers too!

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FMS Quietus wrote:Curious as to why you just didn't contact TEO directly on this matter. Oh and Buni check your PMs. We would like a response from you about another matter.But wouldn't contacting TEO directly have removed any possibility of forum drama? The piranha need something to occupy them.
This forum has a way to go before it becomes the GD of PFO.

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Now that killing players in starter settlements is officially against the rules, GoblinWorks is the appropriate entity to contact about it, not the leadership of any settlement.
I would prefer if you contacted me in addition to Goblinworks regarding inappropriate behavior of any citizen of Phaeros.

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(I am speaking for myself, not Stoneroot Glade)
It's not a core six. It was near Hammerforge. I know because I was harvesting in the area and got a "This hex belongs to TEO" message, but didn't notice it til later because I was in the Help channel. I think it's very possible that the entire thing was a result of confusion, since it was surrounded by Golgotha towers and in a similar PvP window.
I'm not aware of any agreement over who will control those towers, unless Hammerforge suddenly begins taking them, so I'm of the opinion there's anything here that can be construed as an act of war.
Just a no-man's-land incident in a tense region of the map. Perhaps we could all relax a little?
The Marchmont incident is a bit more irritating, but unless the victim still remembers the name of the attacker, there's not much point arguing about how it was handled. We can all learn from it, and expect that with a constant stream of new players, there will be more incidents. They should be reduced as much as possible, on both sides.

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Curious as to why you just didn't contact TEO directly on this matter...
Its easier just to add a name to a KOS. We're not here to babysit for other settlements' members. TEO* is doing widespread recruiting and has to live with the consequences if their not vetting people before signing them up. And I don't mean that in an insulting way, its just the reality of open recruiting. WoW taught me that much.
Re: Reporting to GW, its more of a civic duty.
Edit: * or any settlement doing open recruitment

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What kind of vetting can a company do for their rank and file members that would detect that?
That's an excellent question that each company/settlement will have to decide for themselves.
I assure you the member in question is a nice guy and a solid member, nothing any kind of vetting would have sorted out. You just can't expect new players to know everything about the game.
I suspect we're talking about different people because any player that knows enough about the flagging system to be timing attacks to try and lure others into getting flagged can't be called new anymore. To be clear, there really is not any hard feelings. I think its actually good for the game at this point to have members in TEO that aren't necessarily in lockstep with their compatriots. When they misbehave, it gives an excuse between good aligned settlements to have some "engaging content". And its worth it to other settlements for these players to remain anonymous and in TEO so that they can cause future headaches for their leadership :D

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Well, until someone gives me the name of a member that actually did this, or screen shots, or basically anything at all other than "a member of TEO attacked someone in a starter settlement," I am pretty much not going to do anything. This thread is just targeting TEO without any actual evidence. Yes, a new guy accidentally took a tower out in the middle of no where, no harm no foul, but calling a member out without any actual evidence is erroneous and debasing.

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, until someone gives me the name of a member that actually did this, or screen shots, or basically anything at all other than "a member of TEO attacked someone in a starter settlement," I am pretty much not going to do anything. This thread is just targeting TEO without any actual evidence. Yes, a new guy accidentally took a tower out in the middle of no where, no harm no foul, but calling a member out without any actual evidence is erroneous and debasing.
Welcome to the last 2 years of my PFO life.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, until someone gives me the name of a member that actually did this, or screen shots, or basically anything at all ...
This is a PvP game and this is PvP in a different way. These boards can be used to smear your opponent while looking great yourself using nothing more as a little bit of hyperbole.
There is still a 'war' raging for new recruits and yes - TEO surely is at was with nearly everyone else in this.
My advice: Don't try to be whiter then white. There is no way to stay clean all the time. I remember Nihimon denying the core 6 that someone from his alliance had taken.
Stuff happens and you come out better if you assume without proof that is has happened - or you might look ridiciolus afterwards.
TEO is growing - TEO takes on a lot of new players - TEO is like a big great machine. Assume that people will try to throw some sand into the workings of TEO on a constant basis.
Look at threads like these as a compliment of what TEO has achieved.
Looking for some goblins cappable of throwing sand into the machinery of large groups - good or evil.
Just deny that is was me who incited you. I'm just harmless and never have written anything like this and you must have misinterpreted me.
Edit: Kobold Beavers also qualify and get double pay

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FMS Quietus wrote:Curious as to why you just didn't contact TEO directly on this matter. Oh and Buni check your PMs. We would like a response from you about another matter.But wouldn't contacting TEO directly have removed any possibility of forum drama? The piranha need something to occupy them.
Actually I was at work near the end of the day and juggling too many things and totally forgot that they had their own website and this was the only place I could think of contacting them. Brain fart all around!!! :-)
But after I posted it, it dawned on me that some folks would love to read the title of this and either get excited or worried. Didn't plan it that way, just happened. ;-)

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Don't know what that means... Google, hit me with some knowledge! :)
Urban Dictionary wrote: QED
An abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum". It literally translates as "which was to be demonstrated", and is a formal way of ending a mathematical, logical or physical proof. It's purpose is to alert the reader that the immediately previous statement, which naturally was arrived at by an unbroken chain of logic, was the original statement that we were trying to prove.
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that" and promply vanishes in a puff of logic." -- Douglas Adams, from "A Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Proof that x + 3 = 0 if x = -3
x + 3 = (-3) + 3
= 0

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An abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum". It literally translates as "which was to be demonstrated", and is a formal way of ending a mathematical, logical or physical proof.
Physicists rarely bother with either the square or QED in my experience.
We used to joke that QED meant "Quite Easily Done", something you reserved for the trivial proofs.
Though I did have a prof who ended his proofs with lightning bolts. Cause lightning strikes and you're done ... or something? He had an odd sense of humor so I never really got it. But he definitely fell into the lazy category. He abbreviated everything eg. "continuous" was cts.

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@Thod, if someone in TEO did something we would pay the price, we would own up to something. We aren't trying to be whiter than white, hell one of our guys AoE'd and killed someone by accident a month ago while trying to kill Gpunk. I made things right, I offered to pay for the damages, and let them kill me.
Bottom line, if you have proof, or can at least give me some information that will lead to the truth, then fair enough, we will deal with it, it is important to us to make things right. However, if you are just smearing our name all over the place with no evidence, we aren't going to feel inclined to do much about what ever someone is yapping about.

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Only those with true and pure convictions shall rule the day!
Isn't it interesting how quick the people of "good" settlements are to attack and claim things based on their own view of who deserves retribution? I've never done anything to TEO, but they were sure quick to help themselves to my belongings when the light from their armour distracted me and I was cut down by a knight. (OOC: Lag death from a big group showing up. Real good show of being "good guys" there.)
Edited to add: And no - when I'm surrounded by 10 thieves I don't stop and take pictures, I grab my stuff and get outta there.