Advice in Vital Strike Build [PFS]


First: I'm Min/maxing a lot in the initial array


18 Str 16+2 (human)
11 Dex (+1?) +1/12?
20 Con 18+2(+2?) (human) +1/4? +1/8?
10 Wis
7 Int
7 Car
No extra feat+skillpoint

He is dumb and ugly, but hits hard, they asked for muscle and not a nice face, they got it.

Lvl Progresion:
Barb 2/Fight 4/Hor. Walk 3/Fighter 3
Archetype: Unbreakable Fighter.


Feat Chain:
3.-EWP Bastard Sword
3.-BF Archetype: Endurance (prereq)+Diehard
4.-Furious Focus
6.-Vital Strike
6.-BF Furious Finish
6.-Retrain Diehard into....?? Lvl 4 Fighter
11.-Imp. Vit. Strike

I'd like help with the feats, open to changes in archetypes for the fighter.
Fighter to take VS at 6 an IVS at 11.
Hor. Walker for Rage ciclyng.
Human for the +2/+2 at cost of the feat/Bonus SP
Try to keep it in Core, APG, UC. I'm open to other sources EXCEPT any ACG-related.

Why Vital Strike for this build? It looks like you're not getting big enough damage dice for it to matter.

What arachno said.

Rage Ciclyng Furious Finish is appealing.
The weapon damage base die is 2d8.
The peak comes around at lvl 6.
Enlarge bumps the damage from 2d8 to 3d8.
+1 Impact (+3) increases it to 3d8. (4d8 enlarged).
I know VS is worse than full-attack.
But I want to do something more than simply stand and full-attack.
I already have a Barb/alch focused on Natural attacks.
Now I wanted to hit only once a round.
But to do that I need to burn my brain BEFORE playing it so I can roll 1d20 and say: I hit for X
Contemplating to build it around large falcata as another option for EWP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would recommend 1 level druid the rest barbarian
take the growth domain, and SHILLELAGH
then take raging leaper and at 6 th level barbarian take

Bestial Leaper (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can take a move action to move and can take her normal standard action at any point during the move. A barbarian must have the raging leaper rage power and be at least 6th level before selecting this rage power.

you could even go a large one handed club in 2 hands .
it would be a 8 d6 vital strike

What the above said. Though I might consider that barbarian build that helps you use larger weapons.. (Though I forget.. if that doesn't actually work by raw? be sure to look it up) cause that might help you get higher dice and just look very classic 'ONE BIG ARSE HIT'

I'm really quite fond of vital strike

Ohsome people talked about the druid dip. could also consider feral hunter. Depending on what yo uwant from it. You would need an item to increase wis or change your point buy, but then yo ucould cast lead blades or shelelegh I think?

Kefler wrote:

I would recommend 1 level druid the rest barbarian

take the growth domain, and SHILLELAGH
then take raging leaper and at 6 th level barbarian take

Bestial Leaper (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can take a move action to move and can take her normal standard action at any point during the move. A barbarian must have the raging leaper rage power and be at least 6th level before selecting this rage power.

you could even go a large one handed club in 2 hands .
it would be a 8 d6 vital strike

While this is really good at low levels, Shillelagh ceases to function as soon as you make your weapon magic. Which I suppose isn't too awful since One Big Hit fighters don't care about damage resistance as much, but you know. Relying on the Growth subdomain for size increases is very limited, too.

If you don't want to turn into a Stegosaurus, the current king of Vital Strike builds is the Titan Fighter 1/Abyssal Bloodrager X. Titan Fighter lets you start off with a Large Greatsword (or Earth Breaker, because hammers are awesome) that does 3d6. Abyssal Bloodrage enlarges you and makes it a Huge weapon, bumping it up 4d6. Make it an Impact weapon and you're now looking at 6d6 before Vital Strike. These are the numbers that make Druids such great Vital Strikers.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Kefler wrote:

I would recommend 1 level druid the rest barbarian

take the growth domain, and SHILLELAGH
then take raging leaper and at 6 th level barbarian take

Bestial Leaper (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can take a move action to move and can take her normal standard action at any point during the move. A barbarian must have the raging leaper rage power and be at least 6th level before selecting this rage power.

you could even go a large one handed club in 2 hands .
it would be a 8 d6 vital strike

While this is really good at low levels, Shillelagh ceases to function as soon as you make your weapon magic. Which I suppose isn't too awful since One Big Hit fighters don't care about damage resistance as much, but you know. Relying on the Growth subdomain for size increases is very limited, too.

If you don't want to turn into a Stegosaurus, the current king of Vital Strike builds is the Titan Fighter 1/Abyssal Bloodrager X. Titan Fighter lets you start off with a Large Greatsword (or Earth Breaker, because hammers are awesome) that does 3d6. Abyssal Bloodrage enlarges you and makes it a Huge weapon, bumping it up 4d6. Make it an Impact weapon and you're now looking at 6d6 before Vital Strike. These are the numbers that make Druids such great Vital Strikers.

When did this Titan fighter become a archetype? Is this 3PP? Or a real book that they made. This is almost like the Titan mauler. But I can see this only allows you to wield a 2hw but the barbarian allows weapons to be treated as smaller. Seem messed up. They should completely swap this. Let the barbarian take the 2hw and the fighter have the double great swords. But that may be really overpowered.

Also I think this archetype suffers from the same thing as the Titan mauler. He can't physically break the limits of wielding the weapon. So it seems to be a bust. I'm surprised they would make this type of class. ESPECIALLY after the Titan mauler debate.

It's totally ligament.
It's in the giant hunters handbook.
But to wield a two handed weapon that is one size larger than you is a -4
to your attack roll.

Scarab Sages

why not go with death or glory + lunge+ large bastard sword + titan mauler barbarian? the escape reach ability as well as lunge should keep you out of harm's way for the most part

Mmmm Death Or glory doesn't seem to combine with VS since it's Full-Round
Don't want to go Druid, wanna keep it simple.
The focus in this build is to get VS+FF at 6, rage ciclyng at 9 and IVS at 11.

Titan Fighter sounds "ok" but it's too far from Core/APG/UC

Lunge...this one can be Die-Hard retrained, taking in consideration.
The build could be to have lead blades:

Oh Damn!! I made an awesome mistake...the general feats ar at 1-3-5-7-9.....
So... the Feat chain for lvl 6 VS+FF is:
3.-BF Endurance+Diehard
4.-Furious Focus
6.-BF Vital Strike; Retrain Diehard/lvl 5 feat
7.-+6BA Feat

If you find another way to have VS+FF at 6 I'm open.
I thougth in mixing some ranger levels, VS+FF at 6.
And remember ACG is BANNED from my list. Don't want to hear about that.

Grand Lodge

Titan Fighter isn't ACG. And if it's for PFS why are you banning yourself from ACG?

fel_horfrost wrote:

It's totally ligament.

It's in the giant hunters handbook.
But to wield a two handed weapon that is one size larger than you is a -4
to your attack roll.

Yep; it's probably best to use a regular Medium-sized weapon and only take the Titan Fighter level once Vital Strike comes online, since -4 to attack is a huge deal at level 1 but basically irrelevant at level 6.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Titan Fighter is from Paizo's Giant Killer Handbook or whatever.

I looked at the archetype on d20pfrpg, and it says at 1st level the Titan Fighter can use a Large 2-handed weapon with 2 hands with a -2 penalty, but the RAW say ANYONE Medium-sized can wield a 2-handed weapon with 2 hands at a -2 penalty. Like icon Amiri (sp?). Am I missing something?

ACG is a book that I don't have in high regards, personal opinion.
As I said the options need to let me use VS+FF at 6, Rage Cicle at 9, IVS at 11.
I'll look into Titan Fighter and see if I pick that Arch over Unbreakable.
But it looks that I can't fit it without another method for Rage Ciclyng.
Unbreakable gives me Endurance(prereq for Hor. Walk.)+Diehard that will be retrained into FF.
If I'm feat starved I'll see if I can manage it.

Dark Archive

SmiloDan wrote:

Titan Fighter is from Paizo's Giant Killer Handbook or whatever.

I looked at the archetype on d20pfrpg, and it says at 1st level the Titan Fighter can use a Large 2-handed weapon with 2 hands with a -2 penalty, but the RAW say ANYONE Medium-sized can wield a 2-handed weapon with 2 hands at a -2 penalty. Like icon Amiri (sp?). Am I missing something?

That's very specifically incorrect.

Any Medium-sized character can wield a 2H weapon sized for a Medium-sized character.
Any Medium-sized character 100% cannot wield a 2H weapon sized for a Large-sized character, unless they are a Titan Fighter, in which case they take a total -4 (-2 for using an incorrectly-sized weapon and -2 from the class feature that lets them use weapons for creatures a size larger).

Amiri is using a Large Bastard Sword, and has EWP: Bastard Sword. This allows her to treat the Bastard Sword as if it were a Large 1H weapon, and therefore she can wield it in two hands with a -2 to-hit.

Titan Fighter is the absolute only way to use Large 2H weapons as a Medium character*.

Unless you count Powerful Build, which can pretty much only be gotten from 3pp stuff, or if your DM lets you use one of the alternate racial features of Tieflings from the d100 chart in Blood of Fiends.

I like the way you think, though I would go about it a little differently.

Barbarian 2/Ranger 3/Fighter 1/Horizon Walker 3/Fighter 1/Horizon Walker 1

1 Power Attack
3 Furious Focus
4 (Cleave/Pushing Assault) this is a Ranger style feat and you can't use it if you wear heavy armor
5 Endurance, Diehard
6 Vital Strike
7 Lunge
9 Improved Critical (nodachi)
10 Devastating Strike
11 Improved Vital Strike

Important stuff: Wand of Lead Blades + spring loaded wrist sheath, Potions of Enlarge Person, nodachi

The idea here is to hit once, really hard, often for a crit. Enlarge + Lead Blades will get that nodachi up to a respectable 3d8. With Lunge added in you shouldn't provoke getting to the enemy and should have the HP to survive. You are also a better Horizon Walker without sacrificing much at all.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Seranov wrote:
SmiloDan wrote:

Titan Fighter is from Paizo's Giant Killer Handbook or whatever.

I looked at the archetype on d20pfrpg, and it says at 1st level the Titan Fighter can use a Large 2-handed weapon with 2 hands with a -2 penalty, but the RAW say ANYONE Medium-sized can wield a 2-handed weapon with 2 hands at a -2 penalty. Like icon Amiri (sp?). Am I missing something?

That's very specifically incorrect.

Any Medium-sized character can wield a 2H weapon sized for a Medium-sized character.
Any Medium-sized character 100% cannot wield a 2H weapon sized for a Large-sized character, unless they are a Titan Fighter, in which case they take a total -4 (-2 for using an incorrectly-sized weapon and -2 from the class feature that lets them use weapons for creatures a size larger).

Amiri is using a Large Bastard Sword, and has EWP: Bastard Sword. This allows her to treat the Bastard Sword as if it were a Large 1H weapon, and therefore she can wield it in two hands with a -2 to-hit.

Titan Fighter is the absolute only way to use Large 2H weapons as a Medium character*.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks for clearing that up for me. So a Medium-sized character can wield a Large-sized one-handed weapon with two hands....and you take a -2 penalty. The Titan Fighter lets you wield a Large two-handed weapon in two hands....with a -2 penalty. OK. Cool. Now it's crystal clear. :-)


Oh crap. -2 for being too big and -2 for being WAY too big, for a total of -4.

OK. Maybe now it's crystal clear.


Gregory Connolly wrote:

I like the way you think, though I would go about it a little differently.

Barbarian 2/Ranger 3/Fighter 1/Horizon Walker 3/Fighter 1/Horizon Walker 1

1 Power Attack
3 Furious Focus
4 (Cleave/Pushing Assault) this is a Ranger style feat and you can't use it if you wear heavy armor
5 Endurance, Diehard
6 Vital Strike
7 Lunge
9 Improved Critical (nodachi)
10 Devastating Strike
11 Improved Vital Strike

Important stuff: Wand of Lead Blades + spring loaded wrist sheath, Potions of Enlarge Person, nodachi

The idea here is to hit once, really hard, often for a crit. Enlarge + Lead Blades will get that nodachi up to a respectable 3d8. With Lunge added in you shouldn't provoke getting to the enemy and should have the HP to survive. You are also a better Horizon Walker without sacrificing much at all.

I've contemplated filling in ranger levels for Wand of Lead Blades, but it stops me from getting that level 6 VS+FF and Delays it to level 7.

Since it's going to be a PFS Character I want to enjoy that combo the fastest and longest.
Thanks for your input, maybe I can add the ranger levels AFTER Hor. Walk.

About Titan Fighter. It's a nice Arch but I think it's not for me.
1.-Power Attack
4.-BF Furious Focus
7.-Furious Finish
No EWP, delayed VS+FF. Yes, I can go back and not use the racial change of +2/+2 but I want to use it. SO Titan Fighter discarded for not meeting my prereq.
Good choice overall, but not for this one.

Instead of 4 levels of Ranger, you could dip two levels of Lame Metal Oracle. You'd end up just as fast as before (-10ft for Lame curse, +10ft for Dance of the Blades revelation), 2nd level Metal gives you Lead Blades, and Lame curse makes you immune to fatigue at level 8 (so faster rage cycling ever so slightly).

Scarab Sages

Here is my setup for a Vital strike build:
Mustket Master Gunslinger 5
Weapon Master Fighter 4
Bloodrager 1
Divine Hunter Paladin 1

Obtain a Trait that Scales with Character Level, like Light Bringer

Human (DEX - 18+2) - Weapon Focus (Double-Barrel Musket)
1 (G1) - Point-Blank Shot, CA: Rapid Reloader
2 (G2) -
3 (G3) - Deadly Aim
4 (G4) - BF: Arcane Strike
5 (BR1) - Recovered Rage
6 (G5) - CA: Musket Training
7 (F1) - Furious Finish, BF: Vital Strike
8 (F2) - BF: Bloodied Arcane Strike
9 (F3) - Devastating Strike, CA: Weapon Training
10 (F4) - BF: Weapon Specialization (Double-Barrel Musket)
11 (P1) - Improved Vital Strike, BF: Precise Shot

I know that Precise Shot is way, way at the end, but you are aiming at touch, not to mention that you will be consistantly moving around to get a better shot.

Grab yourself these items:
Snakeskin Tunic
Belt of Stubborn Resolve (When Furious Finish resolves, you take 1d6 nonlethal damage instead of the Fatigue Condition)
Duelist's Vambraces
+1 Greater Reliable Double-Barrel Musket

Calculations on Damage:

Vital Strike - 4d12; Furious Finish - 48 Damage
Improved Vital Strike - 6d12; Furious Finish - 72 Damage

(+1) - Point-Blank Shot
+1 - +1 Weapon
+6 - Deadly Aim
+7 - DEX 20 + 2 (Level 4/8) + 2 (Snakeskin Tunic)
+3 - +1 Weapon Training + +2 (Duelist's Vambraces)
+2 - Weapon Specialization
+9 - Bloodied Arcane Strike (+3)x3
+4 - Devastating Strike

+32(+1 if in 30 ft.)

Damage Total Calculations:
Top Barrel - 1d12 + 2d12 + 32 = 3d12+32 -> FF - 36+32=68 Damage
Bottom Barrel - 1d12 + 2d12 + 32 = 3d12+32 -> FF - 36+32=68 Damage
Total - 2d12 + 4d12 + 64 = 6d12+64 -> FF - 72+64=136 Damage

1 Shot Crit - 4d12 + 2d12 + 128 = 6d12+128; FF - 72+128=200 Damage
1 Shot Crit with 1 Normal - 5d12 + 4d12 + 160 = 9d12+160; FF - 108+160=268 Damage
Both Shots Crit - 8d12 + 4d12 + 256 = 12d12+256; FF - 144+256=400 Damage

Make note that you can only Bloodrage/Furious Finish for 4+CON, so make those shots count.

They are nice Builds, but as I previously said, my main focus is:
VS+FF at 6, delaying it at 7 is delaying the fun.
Really really interesting the gunslinger's a nice one to check.
Don't like the ACG content, try to remeber that ^^
I'll check if I can build a "Bazooka" Build around 1 shoting things with furious finish with a ranged weapon, that picked my interest ^^
I'll say something about that again.
BTW, since I'm not really interested in rage powers, maybe I can do this to include ranger:
1Barb (12HP)/ranger 1(acces to lead blades wand)/4 fighter/3hor.walk/3X

As I said, I'll say something ^^
Thanks for the inputs everyone, and keep it rolling there are some nice ideas in there.

I rethinked about the Titan Fighter, even if I'm not going to use it (for personal reasons not for being bad) and came to a nice conclusion: It has all my needs (but still won't use it in PFS, don't have that suplement)
Here is the Basic build up to level 6

One Hit Human
Basic Array: 16(+2)/10/18/11/7/7
Traits: Not thought about them, Berserker of the society+Fast Drinker?
1.-Power Attack EWP Falcata/Bastard Sword
3.-Endurance "BF" Giant Weapons
4.-BF Furious Focus
5.-WEapon Focus
6.-BF-VS Retrain Weapon Focus to FF
After this you enjoy your Large Greatsword or lower your Con to 18 (no+2 racial) for your EWP of choice ^^

At 6(first spike):
+4Str +2Rage -1 Large Greatsword(-2 EWP Size) (we got 3 levels 1 less penalty)+6 BA
+11 (-2EWP) without equipment bonus, not bad.
Damage: Only Rage
6D6+15 Total 51Dmg 1 attack Satisfied. We did it Guys!!
Now Buffed: Lead Blades+Enlarge (Wand+Potion 1 Round)
GS/Falcata 6D6+16>(VS)12D6+16
BS 6D8+16>(VS)12D8+16
GS 18D6+32
Falcata 24D6+54
BS 18D6+32
Without TF these numbers go down 1 size:
GS/Falcata 4D6>8D6(VS)+16
BS 4D8>8D8(VS)+16
These are my final results, not bad the TF but I'll go with the "underpowered" Unbreakable Fighter or even a WeaponMaster.
Thank you everyone. I'll open another topic when I decide to try the Bazooka Build previously mentioned I hope everyone finds this useful as I did.
Again, Thanks guys.

Hunter1 (Feral packmaster)

So you're going to be an orc or a half orc, Why? Because your other options are Aasimar, Half-elf or human and those would require an additional feat.

Let's go with full orc, just because +4 str with the minor penalty of.... well all of your mental stats (Who needs em anyways right? they're worthless, you're using Orc magic... that's right! SPECIAL ORC MAGIC! IT'S CALLED A BIG THING THAT HURTS BAD)

Now you need to start off with Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Double Crossbow) as quickly as possible, which is GREAT because i found out how!

You're going slayer3 early on, using combat feat (One feat)

Then you'll be going for some good old Bloodrager 4 (Abyssal), this will give you a nifty size increase whenever you feel like... being killy

You're going to grab two levels in fighter

You need at least one level in brawler, but don't worry you'll be happy!

And the rest of your levels will be in feral shifter hunter, you'll get any spells you still need, and two more ways to increase your strength for... when you need more strength because it's funny.

Slayer2,bloodrager4, fighter2, Brawler 2, hunter 8, zen archer 2

What I'm actually building for

Double crossbow=2d8 damage
when it's large, which is the only version you're going to have, is 4d6 damage
but that's not how large it's gonna be
4d6 when it goes up a size is 6d6 (Grav bow)

now forget about 6d6 because you're going to wildshape, you need to be a dire ape... well a dire ape under the effects of enlarge person, with 8d6 points of damage BEFORE YOU VITAL STRIKE!

also you're going to have somewhere between 30 and 38 strength depending on your mood... it's just a side effect of the build so you might as well love it :3

Things you're going to need

thrill of the kill(1st level),
recovered rage(3rd level)
X: 5th level
EWP Double Crossbow (slayer combat talent, level 7),
vital strike (7th level feat),
furious finish(Fighter)
seething hatred (Martial flexability),

Prereq feats:

Point blank shot(zen archer),
Rapid Reload(Fighter),
Rapid shot(zen archer),
wild speech

THings you just get that you don't actually need

Flurry of blows
improved unarmed strike
Climb speed

Class features you'll need: Studied target

That's 13 feats, not too bad honestly

SOOO you're going to start off each BIG fight casting one of the various ranger spells which make a target become your favored enemy, and begin to study your target

then you bloodrage and are hopefully already an ape at this point (You can become an ape for eight hours a day twice a day, so just do it when you wake up and stay an ape)

then you'll continue on to use martial flexibility to apply seething hatred to the target (Yup)

So before any nifty mods, or weapon enchantments, we're talking about 12d6 damage, which will be completely maximized,

72 damage in one hit is pretty beefy, with your spell+martial flex combo you're going to deal 144 damage

now this is a quick top-of-the-brain build, but there are other ways to increase the damage

you'll be able to hop into finding a few other feats such as deadly aim and devastating strike, which will also be doubled.

I haven't factored in the damage from favored enemy, point blank shot, or studied strike yet.

Laif wrote:

They are nice Builds, but as I previously said, my main focus is:

VS+FF at 6, delaying it at 7 is delaying the fun.
Really really interesting the gunslinger's a nice one to check.
Don't like the ACG content, try to remeber that ^^
I'll check if I can build a "Bazooka" Build around 1 shoting things with furious finish with a ranged weapon, that picked my interest ^^
I'll say something about that again.
BTW, since I'm not really interested in rage powers, maybe I can do this to include ranger:
1Barb (12HP)/ranger 1(acces to lead blades wand)/4 fighter/3hor.walk/3X

As I said, I'll say something ^^
Thanks for the inputs everyone, and keep it rolling there are some nice ideas in there.

I didn't catch that when building, Please look into my build and just shift some thing, particularly, brawler can get vital strike and FF at 6th level through use of martial flexibility.

Or simply retrain.

The build that i've posted works fine with melee combat for a while, later levels it just includes ranged combat, and has quite a few open feats for switch hitting (I mean you DO get claw attacks anyways right?)

1st-No Bazooka Version in this topic.
2nd-NO NO NO NO NO NO ACG. I hate this book. You are free to use it, not here.
3rd-Waste of str.
4th-Your build takes too long to be effective.
5th-¿Did I mention that No ACG?, yes I did, but I hate it so much that I'll say it again: NO ACG

Read what I asked:
VS+FF at 6
Rage Ciclyng at 9
IVS at 11
Core, APG, UC/UM, maybe other supplements, ACG BANNED

Your build can work but not here.

So you want a build that is weaker than a charge build?

Vital strike honestly sucks for melee attackers unless you're a gigantic person.

Do you allow tieflings? Just be a tiefling titan mauler of storm giant parentage, you'll have a colossal sized weapon.

There's also shields, in particular you can get a shield with both Impact and Bashing qualities making it three size categories larger for purposes of attacks, and yes you can wield them two handed

It's not a waste of strength, it's a pleasant side effect in that bazooka build.

Cao Phen wrote:

Here is my setup for a Vital strike build:

Mustket Master Gunslinger 5
Weapon Master Fighter 4
Bloodrager 1
Divine Hunter Paladin 1

Obtain a Trait that Scales with Character Level, like Light Bringer

Human (DEX - 18+2) - Weapon Focus (Double-Barrel Musket)
1 (G1) - Point-Blank Shot, CA: Rapid Reloader
2 (G2) -
3 (G3) - Deadly Aim
4 (G4) - BF: Arcane Strike
5 (BR1) - Recovered Rage
6 (G5) - CA: Musket Training
7 (F1) - Furious Finish, BF: Vital Strike
8 (F2) - BF: Bloodied Arcane Strike
9 (F3) - Devastating Strike, CA: Weapon Training
10 (F4) - BF: Weapon Specialization (Double-Barrel Musket)
11 (P1) - Improved Vital Strike, BF: Precise Shot

I know that Precise Shot is way, way at the end, but you are aiming at touch, not to mention that you will be consistantly moving around to get a better shot.

Grab yourself these items:
Snakeskin Tunic
Belt of Stubborn Resolve (When Furious Finish resolves, you take 1d6 nonlethal damage instead of the Fatigue Condition)
Duelist's Vambraces
+1 Greater Reliable Double-Barrel Musket

Calculations on Damage:

Vital Strike - 4d12; Furious Finish - 48 Damage
Improved Vital Strike - 6d12; Furious Finish - 72 Damage

(+1) - Point-Blank Shot
+1 - +1 Weapon
+6 - Deadly Aim
+7 - DEX 20 + 2 (Level 4/8) + 2 (Snakeskin Tunic)
+3 - +1 Weapon Training + +2 (Duelist's Vambraces)
+2 - Weapon Specialization
+9 - Bloodied Arcane Strike (+3)x3
+4 - Devastating Strike

+32(+1 if in 30 ft.)

Damage Total Calculations:
Top Barrel - 1d12 + 2d12 + 32 = 3d12+32 -> FF - 36+32=68 Damage
Bottom Barrel - 1d12 + 2d12 + 32 = 3d12+32 -> FF - 36+32=68 Damage
Total - 2d12 + 4d12 + 64 = 6d12+64 -> FF - 72+64=136 Damage

1 Shot Crit - 4d12 + 2d12 + 128 = 6d12+128; FF - 72+128=200 Damage
1 Shot Crit with 1 Normal - 5d12 + 4d12 + 160 = 9d12+160; FF - 108+160=268 Damage
Both Shots Crit - 8d12 + 4d12 + 256 = 12d12+256; FF - 144+256=400 Damage

Make note that you can...

I'm eating your build and using it in my build, i think i'll have a drow-orc with deeper darkness cavern sniping on top of using vital strike.



Mauler eagle familiar? Why not? THIS IS AMERICA




It's a PFS character.
I'll need an explanation about Storm giant parentage.
Titan Mauler doesn't work as you think, the "new" titan mauler that allows Large/huge weapons is the Titan Fighter.
I already stated:
"I know VS is weaker than FA."
I'll repeat again.
I want 3 simple things:
VS+FF at 6 only found it posible with lvl 4 fighter at 6 (x2/fighter4)
Rage Ciclyng at 9 (Hor Walker does the trick, other options in consideration "Belt of Stuborn Resolve")
IVS at 11 general feat.

I'm not asking for chargers, full-attackers or other things.
I'm looking for a way to play a character that in his turn does:
-Roll 1 die
Hit? Do X, no rolls.
Miss? Next round I'll try it again.
So I can focus on being the ugly stupid and rude guy that tries to fit in the society without understanding why he can't. He is too stupid to understand that being rude doesn't help.

Dark Archive

Fighter 4
Oracle (Lame Curse, Metal Mystery) 1-2*
Barbarian X

* = If you take the Lame Curse and the Dance of Blades revelation, your movement speed doesn't change, and you get Fatigue Immunity at level 9. If you take a second level of Oracle, you get access to Lead Blades, and Fatigue Immunity comes at level 8. You only need 11 Charisma to make this work, though a tad more wouldn't hurt.

Replacing Barbarian with Abyssal bloodline Bloodrager would be a 100% upgrade for the kind of build you're looking for, but whatever.

Scarab Sages

Make note on the clause for Furious Finish:

While raging, when you use the Vital Strike feat, you can choose not to roll your damage dice and instead deal damage equal to the maximum roll possible on those damage dice. If you do, your rage immediately ends, and you are fatigued (even if you would not normally be).

Emphasis mine. Though you are immune to fatigue, you can still get the condition even if you are immune to it since specifics trumps general. Cord of Stubborn Resolve bypasses it because it replaces the Fatigued condition with nonlethal damage. Rage Powers that are used for Rage Cycling abilities do not have the clause like Furious Finish, so you can do the 1/rage stuff. However, since Furious Finish has that specific clause, to avoid being gain the unavoidable fatigue, the Cord of Stubborn Resolve must be used.

This means no bonus to STR unless using an Ioun Stone for the maximum of +2 STR, as well as the Snakeskin Tunic for the maximum of +2 DEX.

VS/FF is very fickle in that, but if you work with it, including your much hated ACG (Bloodrager and Bloodied Arcane Strike in the book gives you up to +9 to damage).

Also remember how combat tactics works for Vital Strike. You position yourself to VS into a flank for yourself and your allies. Measure your Armor Class to the attack of the enemy when doing so. If you stand still, full attack. You do not need to Vital Strike when you are able to do a full attack. Also note that when closing in on an enemy and you are unable to get there in a single move (or even against flying enemies), you can Vital Strike with a bow as well. Have in hand at least a +1 Adaptable Longbow. Being deadly versus ground enemies does not mean that you can be deadly against ones in the air.

Nice one the Oracle Dip, it's interesting for a not so min/max build, maybe one along the lines 16/14/14/12/10/8
It can Replace the H.W. and "gain" 1 level

So, it should be:
Can I use the Wand of Lead Blades without the second level of Oracle?
That would be a WIN-WIN.

Since I'll be a Fighter and don't lose Fast Movement I planed to go in Full Plate and move at 30' and with the help of the "cheap" (2k) armor items (ring/neck) it should have around 20 CA, not that high, but enough for some iteratives.
The Fatigue from Furious Focus is intended for Tireless Rage of Barbarian, it has been clarified that Inmune Trumps All. (Don't make me search the topic again pls)

That's why I hate the ACG, it's the: "easy and dumb guide to multiclass with godly results".

I know I'm reducing my options, but as I said, I'm taking them in account.


I want to say that this was covered in many a Rules Questions forum post, but there was never a solid ruling from anyone. It falls squarely in the realm of "expect table variation." Both your argument (that immunity doesn't apply because of that phrase) and the counter (that you apply fatigue just fine, but it immediately disappears because you're immune to that quality) are legitimate in a system that does not define immunity to conditions all that well.

Cao Phen wrote:

Make note on the clause for Furious Finish:

While raging, when you use the Vital Strike feat, you can choose not to roll your damage dice and instead deal damage equal to the maximum roll possible on those damage dice. If you do, your rage immediately ends, and you are fatigued (even if you would not normally be).

My opinion on this, and I believe the opinion of many others, is that immunity still makes you immune, and the furious finish clause is aimed at the Tireless Rage barbarian ability. It gives a similar effect, in the same way that ability damage and ability drain are similar, but different enough that it's a considered separate ability.

It's mostly going to depend on your GM's interpretation, but any decision will be based on player's opinions, rather than rules, unless the developers clarify it.

i'll note something here: warpriests make great vital strikers.

they count as full bab (and full fighter level) for requirements on their bonus feats, letting you grab the vital strike feats earlier than a normal 3/4 bab class, and as a 3/4 bab class you have less iteratives to compete with it damage-wise in the endgame.

tack on scaling sacred weapon damage dice to a high-crit weapon (wielded two-handed for the damage bonus if that's your thing), the impact enchant, and built-in righteous might on class casting (that you can use fervor to slap on as a swift action) and you've got a recipe for some pretty great damage.

- - - - -

another alternative might be the sacred servant (ragathiel) paladin. full bab, amazing bulk and saves, and the rage domain to open up the furious finish feat to maximize VS damage (and you can heal the fatigue with a swift action LoH/mercy).

as well as great buffs on the spell list and ridiculous self-healing if you grab fey foundling and lesser celestial totem with the rage domain power.

A Warpriest using their deity's favored weapon can do the Weapon of the Chosen feat line. Rolling 3/4 BAB twice for every attack is pretty fantastic. My guy here has maybe missed once in like five combats. :D

Paladin Ragin...that sounds.......Bizarre at least, I'll check just in case but maybe it's too MAD to work with what I have planned.

Yeah, yeah, WP, BR and whatever THINGS that appear in ACG don't interest me in the least. The las thing I saw was the Mutant Fighter, it was so stupid that didn't even make sense.
If you want multiclass...pick 2 classes, not an overpowered mix of two.
But well, that is my opinion, everyone is free to pick them. Not here.

As I said, I'll check the Paladin.

str>cha>con>everything else, just like normal.

seriously, there's no mad to be found there.

Dark Archive

Laif wrote:

Paladin Ragin...that sounds.......Bizarre at least, I'll check just in case but maybe it's too MAD to work with what I have planned.

Yeah, yeah, WP, BR and whatever THINGS that appear in ACG don't interest me in the least. The las thing I saw was the Mutant Fighter, it was so stupid that didn't even make sense.
If you want multiclass...pick 2 classes, not an overpowered mix of two.
But well, that is my opinion, everyone is free to pick them. Not here.

As I said, I'll check the Paladin.

Besides THE ARCANEST (and the Skald to a much lesser degree) the majority of the classes in the ACG are hardly overpowered. Maybe compared to the Fighter, but that doesn't take much.

Seranov wrote:
Laif wrote:

Paladin Ragin...that sounds.......Bizarre at least, I'll check just in case but maybe it's too MAD to work with what I have planned.

Yeah, yeah, WP, BR and whatever THINGS that appear in ACG don't interest me in the least. The las thing I saw was the Mutant Fighter, it was so stupid that didn't even make sense.
If you want multiclass...pick 2 classes, not an overpowered mix of two.
But well, that is my opinion, everyone is free to pick them. Not here.

As I said, I'll check the Paladin.

Besides THE ARCANEST (and the Skald to a much lesser degree) the majority of the classes in the ACG are hardly overpowered. Maybe compared to the Fighter, but that doesn't take much.

eh, the arcanist is certainly flashier and has a far superior casting type, it still doesnt top the wizard (just by raw spell advancement, and the fact that the wizard can steal it's shtick if it wants)

Dark Archive

Considering the Wizard is more effective than pretty much every ACG class (sans the Arcanist and maybe the Skald) put together, I stand by my statement.

I need to look into a level of Barbarian for Rezol. Furious Finish is a thing he would love to play with. :)

AndIMustMask wrote:
Seranov wrote:
Laif wrote:

Paladin Ragin...that sounds.......Bizarre at least, I'll check just in case but maybe it's too MAD to work with what I have planned.

Yeah, yeah, WP, BR and whatever THINGS that appear in ACG don't interest me in the least. The las thing I saw was the Mutant Fighter, it was so stupid that didn't even make sense.
If you want multiclass...pick 2 classes, not an overpowered mix of two.
But well, that is my opinion, everyone is free to pick them. Not here.

As I said, I'll check the Paladin.

Besides THE ARCANEST (and the Skald to a much lesser degree) the majority of the classes in the ACG are hardly overpowered. Maybe compared to the Fighter, but that doesn't take much.
eh, the arcanist is certainly flashier and has a far superior casting type, it still doesnt top the wizard (just by raw spell advancement, and the fact that the wizard can steal it's shtick if it wants)

The Wizard is more overpowered than the Arcanist, but that doesn't mean the Arcanist isn't overpowered.

Sacred Servant discarded.

It can't do VS+FF combo in a decent way. Rage Cycle with LoH is interesting, but not enough rage available...and let's face it. A paladin should be looking for ways to FA, not VS.

Nice idea...not great in practice... and we are talking about a vital strike build, something that it's sub-optimal already xD

Don't derail this please, it's been a nice topic and I don't want it closed thanks to the ACG.

BTW it's not entirely MAD if you go with the 16/14/14/12/10/8
This Array is amazing, one of my favourites.

ATM we have:
Titan Fighter Archetype for the ones who own the suplement.
Oracle/Ranger dip for Lead Blades.
1Barb/1X/4Fighter for VS+FF at 6
If I'm missing something tell me.
Oracle dip for Rage ciclyng at 8
Hor. Walker for Rage ciclyng (and other benefits) at 9
Cord of Stubborn Resolve for Rage ciclyng.

I'll search the topic about FF+Inmunity interaction and edit this with the answer.

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