Agent Carter


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3 people marked this as a favorite.

I think I'd enjoy living in the dreamscape of your mind.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
I think I'd enjoy living in the dreamscape of your mind.

It is largely filled with badass spy chicks and chocolate, mainly.

Also, realized the Cartinelli should be a rhubarb pie glazed with schnapps.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
I think I'd enjoy living in the dreamscape of your mind.

It is largely filled with badass spy chicks and chocolate, mainly.

Also, realized the Cartinelli should be a rhubarb pie glazed with schnapps.

DeathQuaker, Agent Carter is over. Let it go.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Dude, this is the Agent Carter thread. You don't want to discuss it, there are other threads, but please don't police my posting just because you don't want to talk about the thread's actual subject. If others feel what I am posting is irrelevant, the responsible thing to do is ignore me.

And no, I'm not clicking on whatever nasty or snarky thing you linked to.

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:

I also love the fact that Hawkeye is the consummate professional to the point that Nat and Fury were the only ones that knew he had a family. It also makes Nat's refusal to give up on him in the first movie that much stronger since she would probably have been envisioning having to make the Casualty notification and look them in the eye.

You also realize how much of a badass Clint is when you consider he's the person waiting on the kill order to put down Thor.

In all fairness, he doesn't know he's aiming at the Norse God of Thunder, just some big broadshouldered blonde guy good enough to give Shield flunkies a bad day... (not exactly a high bar in itself)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:

It is largely filled with badass spy chicks and chocolate, mainly.

My body is ready!

DeathQuaker wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
I think I'd enjoy living in the dreamscape of your mind.

It is largely filled with badass spy chicks and chocolate, mainly.

Also, realized the Cartinelli should be a rhubarb pie glazed with schnapps.

I'm not sure I like the possibility of having to deal with constant musical numbers. The occasional one is great though.

{ponders the ethics of attempting to substitute DQ's Agent Carter/Dottie addiction by instead addicting DQ to Eva Green in Penny Dreadful}

*prefers to substitute mint chocolate chip with chocolate chip cookie dough and fudge brownie ice creams*

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
I think I'd enjoy living in the dreamscape of your mind.

It is largely filled with badass spy chicks and chocolate, mainly.

Also, realized the Cartinelli should be a rhubarb pie glazed with schnapps.

DeathQuaker, Agent Carter is over. Let it go.

So. I've been thinking. Post more on thread topic? Go away? Rant and rave?

Decided to try to keep it simple as I could:

- I made the mistake of having a very silly idea and wanted to share it, hoping to share my harmless and irreverent joy with other people. My bad.

- I was of course almost immediately told to shut up and stop talking.

- My feelings are hurt, because I am a human being, and human beings don't like being told to shut up.

- I am tired, here at the Paizo boards and elsewhere on the Internet, of seeing some folks post just to piss on other people's parades.

- Already was avoiding posting on most places here and elsewhere (PBPs aside) because of this reason.

- Also, I avoid posting because no one ever has your back here. No one ever supports you when you're down and says, "Hey, it's mean to tell people to shut up!" (Clicking the favorite button doesn't count.) You're just standing there, all alone with egg on your face. There's an illusion of community here, but it's not real.

- My parade is covered in piss and it's stinky as hell.

- I don't want my parade to pissed on any more.

- So I'm officially done.

- You win, Lord Fyre, you've silenced me and I will never commit the sin of discussing imaginary lesbian pie in front of you again. Congratulations! You win three Internets and no pie.

- In b4 "you're overreacting." Ya know what? I'm unhappy with this situation. I don't like being unhappy. I'm'a do what I need to stop being unhappy here, and I don't give a flying f$%# about your opinion of my reaction, over-, under-, around, or through.

- As of this posting, I'm outta here--this thread, all threads on except for PBPs. Hiding all threads. Bye everyone.

- Those of you who did try to have fun with me, thank you for trying to push back the endless tide of misery that is otherwise communicating on the Internet. (And I wrote this before the latest of sillyposts, which takes a bit of the wind out of my sails of righteous indignation +2 but yeah, still done here, folks.)

- Have a good and happy life, everyone. I really mean it.

- I drew you a picture as a parting gift.

*takes ball*
*takes dice*
*takes Dottie*
*goes home*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I found your posts fun... Even if I didn't say so.
But I totally understand many times guys have pissed all over my good intentions. It IS frustrating. You might not ever read this but the people who make the MOST noise on the internet are the ones trying to defeat you. It's what kept me going but I totally sympathize.

I will miss your posts.

Damn it. >:(

You won't see this DQ, but I wish I'd visibly supported you better on the boards. Yeah, a Favorite is meager backup/validation, but too often I Fav something because I shouldn't write a paint-blistering invective that'll just make things worse. :(

I wish you well, and I hope in time you'll venture back onto the rest of the boards, but I can understand if you don't. I too will miss both your insightful and your silly posts.

And I hope at some point you'll be able to check out Eva Green's amazing performances in Penny Dreadful too.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

*is happy too with posting about favorite ice cream while waiting for Agent Carter to appear in Netflix*

Wish they had the whole series on Hulu.


Eh. I think Hulu has this no compete clause with Netflix or something.

Yeah, they're weird. It's just so hard to afford both right now. :-)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I feel your pain Captain Yesterday,

I've not seen supergirl since I don't bother with CBStreaming and we juggle both Hulu and Netflix (And my Amazon)

A to Agent Carter

I do hope to see some visibility both in further movies (via flashback) and in the series (AoS Obviously, but some flashback stuff in the netfli series would work.)

Liberty's Edge

It's that ABC wants to get the Hulu partner revenue before licensing it the Netflix.

Just like how movies used to go theater, rental, premium cable, basic cable, broadcast.

Community Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed some posts and their responses. Please don't advocate piracy on our boards. In addition, coming into a thread and telling someone they can't discuss the very thing the thread is about does not help foster a good community, nor does issuing expletives and insults. Don't do this thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry Liz! Next time I promise to only advertise the piracy that is inherent to Skull and Shackles.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Morris wrote:

As to Agent Carter

I do hope to see some visibility both in further movies (via flashback) and in the series (AoS Obviously, but some flashback stuff in the netfli series would work.)

I feel like the jump forward to the modern day in the end of the first Captain America movie missed some opportunities for later stuff, such as further 'untold tales' of stuff that happened in the war years. It felt to me like it closed some doors in a rush to set up an Avengers franchise, and even a few throwaway lines indicating that a lot of weird stuff that didn't make it into the press releases about the war had occurred could have left that door a little more open.

For instance, upon meeting Quicksilver, Cap could have dropped an enigmatic 'Not my first speedster' line during the fight, which wouldn't have proved anything, but served as a plot seed that could be used later in an Invaders-era flashback (or limited series, or whatever) with Spitfire or some other Invaders-era speedster.

Set wrote:
For instance, upon meeting Quicksilver, Cap could have dropped an enigmatic 'Not my first speedster' line during the fight, which wouldn't have proved anything, but served as a plot seed that could be used later in an Invaders-era flashback (or limited series, or whatever) with Spitfire or some other Invaders-era speedster.

That. would. have. been. awesome.

Yeah too bad they couldn't pull up the Invaders along with the Howling Commandos.

But I guess then they'd have to start using vampires and people would be like "Wait! Why aren't they sparkling?!"

Liberty's Edge

Because, if memory serves, Universal has the rights to Namor and they figured the first Human Torch would confuse people. Plus we did get Union Jack.

Scarab Sages

Krensky wrote:
Because, if memory serves, Universal has the rights to Namor....


Joe Quesada confirms rights to Namor, The Sub-Mariner back with Marvel

Liberty's Edge

That's not what Quesada said at all. Note the part about not being able to speak for the studios.

Also, First Avenger was in 2011.

In any case, I'd still rather see the old Human Torch first then the second one if only because he would be awesome.

Also I stand by my assertion that the Invaders fought mostly Nazi vampires.

Finally, Kren, when did we get Union Jack?!

Scarab Sages

Krensky wrote:

That's not what Quesada said at all. Note the part about not being able to speak for the studios.

Also, First Avenger was in 2011.

Methinks you need to read it again...

Blastr Article wrote:
When asked directly by Smith if Marvel had regained ownership and if Sub-Mariner was now an official part of the MCU again, Quesada responded by saying: "I can't speak for studios ... As far as I know, yeah we do. It’s not at Fox, it’s not at Sony ... Yeah."

And from Wikipedia....

"Wikipedia wrote:
Borys Kit of The Hollywood Reporter stated in May 2014 that Marvel now has the rights for Namor. On June 3, 2014, Kit confirmed that Marvel, not Universal now has the Namor film rights. On July 18, 2014, Feige told IGN in an interview that the Namor film rights are not with Universal or Legendary Pictures, but he explained there are a number of contracts and deals that need to be sorted out.

Liberty's Edge

I don't need to read it again, I listened to the podcast when it was published. They may well have the rights, but Quesada confirmed nothing. Which was actually kind of a theme in the show. Still no idea what events in 2014 have to do with a movie made in 2011.

As for Union Jack, James Montgomery
Falsworth is in First Avenger as one of the soldiers rescued by Steve. You know, the British one. Similarly the Human Torch appears at the Stark Expo as Phineas Horton's Synthetic Man.

Scarab Sages

Krensky wrote:
They may well have the rights....


*has rights too*

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gosh, this thread. Can we have a fun bitter acrimonious argument now about whether or not Namor should have silly little ankle-wings, or rock a green scaly-taint speedo when he probably doesn't ever appear in a hypothetical Invaders movie that isn't likely to ever happen anyway?

Or can we just stipulate to that and move on to why Namor's teammate Captain America can't fly with the little wings on the side of his head, 'cause that always confused six year old me.

Scarab Sages

Set wrote:

.....Namor should have silly little ankle-wings.....

I often wondered what kind of drugs the folks at Marvel were smoking to come up with that idea. Would love to have been a fly on the wall during the discussion. For some reason Cheech and Chong come to mind.

Aberzombie wrote:
Set wrote:

.....Namor should have silly little ankle-wings.....

I often wondered what kind of drugs the folks at Marvel were smoking to come up with that idea. Would love to have been a fly on the wall during the discussion. For some reason Cheech and Chong come to mind.

I wonder if they are a reference to the Talaria? How popular was Greek mythology in 1939, and the character creators? Namor IS Roman spelled backwards - and the similarities between Greek and Roman myths are such that many people think of them as the exact same thing.

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