Kobold Catgirl |
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EXPLANATION: my party just beat some bandits (humn) and came to their nursery only to find six babies there. we have a paladin in the party which I am playing. I said we should kill them but the GM says it's evil so I told him the thing in the title so logically we should be finee with killing HALF the babies
so how do we tell which???
Thx for your supportive messages which you will post, NO thanks for trolls and spammeers who post other things especially you mizake GO AWAY MIZAKE

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Alignment is dictated by actions and choices. As such, there is no way for the paladin to tell which babies will be evil. None are at this point, as they have not done anything to become evil (they have not selected a class and thus do not have an aura, nor will they have the 5HD needed to detect even minor evil). Now, if you go see this gypsy fortuneteller, she might be able to tell you which will be and which will not be evil once they reach adulthood.
Course, that is assuming the gypsy is not evil and telling the truth.
Basically, half the Adult Humans in the world are evil, half are good. However, children are undecided, at least until the teens.

demontroll |
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The babies don't have an alignment yet, and if you allow them to be raised by humans, half of them will become evil. Unfortunately, you don't know which half will turn out to be evil.
The solution is to have the babies raised by wolves (or some other mammal animal other than humans, like bears, foxes, etc.) Then all the babies will grow up to be feral and have a neutral alignment, similar to wild animals. This way none of babies will become evil, and you didn't have to kill any of them.

Gilarius |
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There is another argument to make here.
Even if someone is evil, there is no obligation on even a Paladin to kill them. Not unless they actually do anything evil, or possibly unlawful.
Eg random person who is mean to strangers gets annoyed by one in particular and thinks 'I'm going to kill him'. While he's thinking that, he's likely to detect as evil. But if then he doesn't actually do anything about it, killing him would be murder not justice.
The vast majority of Evil humans probably just think nasty thoughts and refuse to return balls kicked into their back yards.

StDrake |
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My that's a silly question. Babies aren't undecided, they're as evil as it gets! Selfish, greedy little monsters thinking nothing of harming others for the sheer amusement and and caring only for their own gain and safety.
Then they get proper upbringing..or not..and patient teaching that this way no society can function..or not and they become a cancer on said society.
Been there, done that, heard my exploits, not very proud of them in the long run.
So yeah - either get them a proper home at a good temple or have mercy on the world and slay them all if you can't do any better.
All - no halves.
And lose your paladin status because you didn't even try the first option.

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EXPLANATION: my party just beat some bandits (humn) and came to their nursery only to find six babies there. we have a paladin in the party which I am playing. I said we should kill them but the GM says it's evil so I told him the thing in the title so logically we should be finee with killing HALF the babies
so how do we tell which???
Thx for your supportive messages which you will post, NO thanks for trolls and spammeers who post other things especially you mizake GO AWAY MIZAKE
God, I can't even believe this is a thread. This is such a silly issue.
Obviously the solution is to KILL ALL HUMANS!

Melkiador |
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There is not equal chance of being in any given alignment. Neutral is the default for humans. Any other alignment is an aberration.
Interestingly babies actually can be considered evil by alignment rules. Babies only think of themselves. Babies will do anything in their power to get what they want without regards to morals. Babies often laugh maniacally if someone gets hurt.

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I am completely cool with fantasy being fantasy game and I respect that, but when people are asking questions about murdering babies or (from personal experience) murdering NPCs who haven't done anything wrong, they get question by question answer. We all know that there are "happy trigger" players out there. I reserve these questions for them, not just anyone.

KestrelZ |
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What if all six might grow up to be chaotic neutral. With good or evil, you know where someone stands, yet you can't ever trust neutral.
What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for power, gold, or was he just born with a heart full of neutrality?

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N. Jolly wrote:Can this topic please drop the 'rape' references? Please?Is that worse than murdering babies?
Yes, yes it is, and I don't understand why this is a difficult thing to drop. But let me explain why it's a worse thing, at least to talk about in a joking concept.
The amount of babies killed in this country in the method being described is quite low (it's not 0, but it's far lower than the next number I'm going to talk about).
The number of people who face sexual assault like rape is a great deal higher, the exact numbers being inaccurate due to the amount of people who don't report it due to a myriad of reasons (societal pressures among other things). The majority of people you talk to will not have had a murdered baby, especially in the way that you're talking about in this thread. The majority of people will probably have someone in their lifetime that was sexually assaulted in some way, if not have been the victim of such actions themselves, and having the topic treated in such a light fashion is insulting and very damaging.
Even in this game, murder is a response to a problem, it's something that happens, which lessens its impact in discussions like this. It's a solution, pure and simple. Sexual assault is NOT the norm for this game, and shouldn't be treated in the same way. I really don't feel like I should have to explain this to what I assume are mostly adults.
Edit: In response to the comment above mine...WHAT THE HELL?!?!
What makes you think that the topic of sexually assaulting a baby is anywhere NEAR acceptable to talk about?

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Fantasy world, with fantasy people, commiting fantastically evil acts.
My first comparison was not even done in a joking manner.
Both are bad.
I have personal dealings with sexual assault, and the death of child.
There is no "worse".
I, know better. Like the ability to not metagame, I can tell the difference between fantasy, and reality.
You have entered a dark thread, on a dark subject, but suddenly became the judge of what is, and is not, too dark?
Walk away. I have no better advice.

Taku Ooka Nin |

EXPLANATION: my party just beat some bandits (humn) and came to their nursery only to find six babies there. we have a paladin in the party which I am playing. I said we should kill them but the GM says it's evil so I told him the thing in the title so logically we should be finee with killing HALF the babies
so how do we tell which???
Well, detect evil isn't going to work since last I checked babies have 1hd, and therefore the only thing you can do is assume they're all going to be true neutral. I recall reading somewhere, I don't have the source, that the vast majority of people start off as true neutral and then transition towards the alignment around them.
So, unless otherwise noted, you should try to assume that everything that does not have a stated alignment is neutral in an infant state similar to animals.Then again, it all just boils down to how the GM decides this works. It would probably be better for the Paladins to try to redeem these possibly criminally minded infants, perhaps he might take them to his paladin order's local fortification so they can be properly raised.

McBaine |

Murder is murder, rape is rape. Both are atrocities no matter the victim or how often it happens, and it happens way to often in real life, yet here we talk about a hypothetical in a fantasy game. I don't see how you find one of these things too terrible to write about here and another not just because you differenciate between "murdering babies" and "all murder".
The Paladin doesn't think things true. He has to guess which babies are evil. If he only kills half of the babies, he risks killing only the innocent ones. What a disservice to the world. Better to be thourough.

bookrat |

Walk away. I have no better advice.
This is the best advice anyone can give if someone has a problem with the topic at hand. Paizo has these little bottoms next to each thread that make it so they don't show up on the list anymore.
If this really bothers you, use the ignore function and pretend this thread doesn't exist.

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Thing is, you're supposed to be offended.
Outrageously horrible evil acts are offensive.
The idea of parsing them out, in some sort of "halfway", or "partial" manner, to some how make them lesser evils, is ridiculous.
That is the joke. The idea that someone could even try to soften the evil nature of these acts, is a joke.
So, you can freely laugh. Laugh at those who would try to seriously argue such a point.

bookrat |

I have an issue with the statistic of "about half."
Even if we assume a normal distribution, wouldn't it be approx 1/3 evil? So only kill two babies.
With the "about half" we're looking at a skewed distribution, with the other half a mix of good and neutral. And if "most people are nuetral, that means that more than 50% are nuetral, slightly less than 50% are evil, and a tiny sliver are good. That just doesn't seem right.

Lemmy |

Aren't 90% f all humans some shade of True Neutral? They may lean towards one alignment or another, must most of them lack the conviction to become Good/Evil/Lawful/Chaotic with a capital letter.
I any case... Babies are jerks! Kill'em all!
(I also find it funny that someone considers talking about a different crime to be offensive, but a whole a thread about murdering babies is a-okay!)