Is Improved Weapon Finesse Really OP?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Pathfire wrote:
I mean if you were getting stabbed by a scrawny person, wouldn't you take barely any damage, compared too a strong guy, whom would probably kill you with that blow?

If someone is accurate enough to get a blade between the proper ribs, it doesn't take much force to kill you. Meanwhile someone slashing wildly but forcefully against your ribcage well hurt you, but is less likely to kill you.

Someone precisely striking your larynx with a baton can kill you with about 8lbs of force, not much more than crushing a Styrofoam cup. A strong (but less precise) beating with a baton will leave welts, and fractures most often.

Sometimes it is being able to hit the right spot.

Oly wrote:

There should be no such thing as Dex to damage, not even the limited feats that exist.

Str then becomes a dump stat for, well, any class, if they take the feat, and Dex becomes super-powered: Defense, to hit, and damage

It doesn't though. In order to get your full dex bonus to AC you need to be a light load, dumping str makes that hard and also makes you vulnerable to any spells or abilities that impact strength.

Dex based fighters have plenty of drawbacks and will never outshine two handed fighters.

Str based fighters
typically have more ac
hit harder
keep most of their ac during ambushes
keep most of their ac when opponent feints
do not collapse after getting str damage
spend less money on weapons

Dex based have a few benefits I admit: touch ac, reflex saves, and skills; I would say mobility but pathfinder killed that with armor training.

Oly wrote:
Weapon Finesse is fine. Dex to hit actually makes sense; but to do major damage should require Strength. Dumping Strength should be impossible without creating a character who's worthless in melee.

I find your lack of wisdom disturbing. I don't need to cut deep to kill you, dex represents speed and agility. With that I could make 8 cuts in the amount of time it takes you to make one swing with your great axe. Really feats that add dex to damage, thematically, represent more wounds rather then deeper wounds. We call it one attack, but really it is several.

Do you not understand that the whole point to strength, other than carrying capacity and swim and climb checks, is to deal damage and to see your attack bonus? I mean with me having a 9 strength, I don't do any damage, but with weapon finesse, I hit all the time, but it would make Dexterity an overpowered score if you had my scores, and strength almost useless? I mean strength is supposed to be your most important score (unless you are a magical character other than the magus) and Dexterity supposed to be its equal? If i had this feat(Improved Weapon Finesse), i would be even deadlier than the 20 strength Barbarian on our team, which is absurd. So, think would it make sense in Pathfinder, not in real life.

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Pathfire wrote:
Are you really blinded to the fact that this feat would be completely OPed? I mean would you be killed by someone using their agility or by someone using their strength? I mean if you were getting stabbed by a scrawny person, wouldn't you take barely any damage, compared too a strong guy, whom would probably kill you with that blow? I mean, isn't that the point of strength? Weapon finesse makes some sense, as you wouldn't need much strength to carry a knife, but it would to carry a 5 foot sword now, wouldn't it?

I would rather get hit by a half orc then Bruce Lee.

Pathfire wrote:
Do you not understand that the whole point to strength, other than carrying capacity and swim and climb checks, is to deal damage and to see your attack bonus? I mean with me having a 9 strength, I don't do any damage, but with weapon finesse, I hit all the time, but it would make Dexterity an overpowered score if you had my scores, and strength almost useless? I mean strength is supposed to be your most important score (unless you are a magical character other than the magus) and Dexterity supposed to be its equal? If i had this feat(Improved Weapon Finesse), i would be even deadlier than the 20 strength Barbarian on our team, which is absurd. So, think would it make sense in Pathfinder, not in real life.

Make your OP dex based character and I will make a basic two handed fighter that will be more powerful. 20 point buy.

VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
Pathfire wrote:
Do you not understand that the whole point to strength, other than carrying capacity and swim and climb checks, is to deal damage and to see your attack bonus? I mean with me having a 9 strength, I don't do any damage, but with weapon finesse, I hit all the time, but it would make Dexterity an overpowered score if you had my scores, and strength almost useless? I mean strength is supposed to be your most important score (unless you are a magical character other than the magus) and Dexterity supposed to be its equal? If i had this feat(Improved Weapon Finesse), i would be even deadlier than the 20 strength Barbarian on our team, which is absurd. So, think would it make sense in Pathfinder, not in real life.
Make your OP dex based character and I will make a basic two handed fighter that will be more powerful. 20 point buy.

Ahm, my dexterity based character has a 22 dext. score, please, and i would have 2 weapon fighting by 3rd level.

And the barbarian I was talking about, it was a half-orc. he once dealed 38 damage on a critical hit at 3RD LEVEL.

Claxon wrote:

Easily obtaining dex to damage would invalidate strength as an ability score.

Paizo may one day cave to this host of complaints, but I hope they never do. I hate Slashing Grace and Dervish Dance and the Agile enhancement.

Dex builds should be worse at dealing damage.

Now, how much worse is the real question. Dex builds, and TWF builds should not be so far behind strength builds in damage. But if you make dex builds deal as much damage as strength, then you've left strength with nothing to do. Sure, it applies to climb and swim checks. Those are real important.* Oh, and carrying capacity, except bags of holding, ant haul, and a myriad of other things can negate this problem. I do agree dex build should probably get a little more benefit, but I don't think dex to damage is what they need. Combining two weapon fighting feats into one, would be a good start.

So no, I'm sorry. I can't agree with your position because you're too concerned with getting what you want, instead of looking at the whole picture.

*Outside of some specific campaigns these are almost completely unused by level 3. And by taking 10 you can usually get over whatever challenge there is, even if you don't have ranks or a bonus by simply using some equipment.

I didn't know that fighters got Ant Haul as a spell. That would hurt my argument a bit as all of my dex based fighters needed to stay within a light load without losing AC. Bag of holding is nice except I still need to carry a sword, armor, and anything else I might be wearing. Those things tend to weigh me down a bit once I get hit for any strength damage.

What big picture are we talking about? Everyone dumping strength. If you read through this forum you will see plenty of evidence of that never happening. What is it exactly that I want? An OP character? Hardly. I play Dex based characters all the time and usually find myself laughed at regularly, and consistently under preforming. I'll take the less effective character if I like the flavor. If it makes sense thematically for the character to be less effective, then I wouldn't complain, but it doesn't. We have plenty of examples in real life of small guys beating the living crap out of bigger opponents due to skill and speed. That is why martial arts is so f*%#ing cool. I want to be the Bruce Lee, or the Jackie Chan of the campaigns, unfortunately I usually end up playing their retarded cousin due to poorly thought out rules.

Oly wrote:
Weapon Finesse is fine. Dex to hit actually makes sense; but to do major damage should require Strength. Dumping Strength should be impossible without creating a character who's worthless in melee.

THAT'S what i was meaning but in a shorter version

Pathfire wrote:
=Ahm, my dexterity based character has a 22 dext. score, please, and i would have 2 weapon fighting by 3rd level.

Well if he had 22 dex then I guess that invalidates my arguement :-)

Build him. I want to see this OP character. In fact I will give you dex to damage and dex to hit for free. No feat tax. Let's compare AC and damage to the fighter I build. I want all of the stats, feat, armor, and weapon choices. Race too please.

He has a 22 armor class at 4th level, 3 rogue levels, 1 cleric(arson/day), and he has 2 mwk +1 daggers, both found in adventures and enchanted later on, and a mwk orc-bane hammer, also found, and a enchanted mithril shirt, also found, and he is beast at creating alchemist's fire, but hates blood, and has a +18 to stealth checks, Dodge, Weapon finesse, Bleeding attack(2 dam. every round), and sneak attack +2d6, and call fire, and burning hands, and Day's blessing, and channel energy 1d6+1, and endure elements, and Summon Monster I.

Now can your character beat that?

his race is goblin

This is my main character as well, and I have 5219 gold pieces

BTW, i rolled his scores, if i didn't i wouldnt have a
9 strength (11-2(-2 racial))
22 dexterity (17+5(4 racial, one because of 4th level))
13 con.
8 intelligence (10-2(-2 racial))
13 wisdom,
9 charisma.

My G.M. didnt let me reroll strength. i should have a 10 in that.

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The day I accept that Inigo Montoya can deal damage like Conan is the day I hang up my dice bag...

Lipto the Shiv wrote:

The day I accept that Inigo Montoya can deal damage like Conan is the day I hang up my dice bag...

Then why haven't you hung it? A swashbuckler can do it easily.

Of course a Swashbuckler gets their level to damage on all attacks.

A Slayer going sword and board dex to damage style with a rapier deals a good deal less than a Barbarian.

VegasHoneyBadger wrote:

I didn't know that fighters got Ant Haul as a spell. That would hurt my argument a bit as all of my dex based fighters needed to stay within a light load without losing AC. Bag of holding is nice except I still need to carry a sword, armor, and anything else I might be wearing. Those things tend to weigh me down a bit once I get hit for any strength damage.

What big picture are we talking about? Everyone dumping strength. If you read through this forum you will see plenty of evidence of that never happening. What is it exactly that I want? An OP character? Hardly. I play Dex based characters all the time and usually find myself laughed at regularly, and consistently under preforming. I'll take the less effective character if I like the flavor. If it makes sense thematically for the character to be less effective, then I wouldn't complain, but it doesn't. We have plenty of examples in real life of small guys beating the living crap out of bigger opponents due to skill and speed. That is why martial arts is so f@%~ing cool. I want to be the Bruce Lee, or the Jackie Chan of the campaigns, unfortunately I usually end up playing their retarded cousin due to poorly thought out rules.

So lets take a look at carrying capacity versus what you need...

10 Str gets you 33 lbs.
Light armors that have high max dex, are about 10 lbs
Depending on what weapons you choose to use a light or 1 handed is about 6 pounds. I think two handers might be 12 or so. So...33 lbs is plenty. Not even a problem. Everything else goes in a bag of holding. No carrying capacity problems unless you just really feel a need to super dump str.

Not everyone dumps strength because at this time strength builds still do more damage. And it needs to stay that way. If dex builds deal damage on par with strength, the strength builds will disappear.

I agree dex builds should be stronger, but dealing more damage isn't what they should do. They need to reduce the feat chains to make them be more effective.

Pathfire wrote:

BTW, i rolled his scores, if i didn't i wouldnt have a

9 strength (11-2(-2 racial))
22 dexterity (17+5(4 racial, one because of 4th level))
13 con.
8 intelligence (10-2(-2 racial))
13 wisdom,
9 charisma.

My G.M. didnt let me reroll strength. i should have a 10 in that.

I said dex based fighter, not rogue. Rogue are supposed to out damage fighters. You DM is pretty generous. It sounds like he hands out treasure like candy. At level 4 you should 6k worth of items, it sounds like you have double that. Anyway here it goes

Human Fighter

20 Str (17+2racial+1 level)
14 Dex
14 Con
8 Int
8 Wis
11 Chr

Trait: Defender of Society
Feat: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus (Great Sword), Cleave, Weapon Specialization, Skill Focus Intimidate
Gear: +1 Great Axe, +1 MW Fullplate

Attack +10 and 18-28 damage (2d6+16)
AC 24 (10 + 2 Dex + 10 Armor + 1 Dodge + 1 Trait)

I think I am out damaging you, and I also have more AC. I am going to be consistently hitting too.

Edit: Note this is not optimized. I am using a standard race and no archtypes or multiclassing.

Claxon wrote:

So lets take a look at carrying capacity versus what you need...

10 Str gets you 33 lbs.
Light armors that have high max dex, are about 10 lbs
Depending on what weapons you choose to use a light or 1 handed is about 6 pounds. I think two handers might be 12 or so. So...33 lbs is plenty. Not even a problem. Everything else goes in a bag of holding. No carrying capacity problems unless you just really feel a need to super dump str.

Yeah, when I hear dump stat, I am picturing below 10.

Claxon wrote:
Not everyone dumps strength because at this time strength builds still do more damage. And it needs to stay that way. If dex builds deal damage on par with strength, the strength builds will disappear.

If that were true then we wouldn't have Dex based builds.

Not everyone is playing characters simply because the numbers are better. Most of us are trying to create a character with the flavor they like. I like the idea of a half naked fighter dodging and ducking blows, and as a result I typically play them.

I would like to see them preform much better so the experience is more enjoyable, but no one is going to stop playing str based fighters because the dex guys are now doing the same damage. Few things sucks more fun out of the game then being feat starved, and dex based fighters are typically feat starved.

Claxon wrote:
I agree dex builds should be stronger, but dealing more damage isn't what they should do. They need to reduce the feat chains to make them be more effective.

In what areas should they be stronger? Should they have better defense then two handed fighters? Should they hit more often? What advantages should they have over the two handed fighters? They should be better at them in at least one area.

I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to do as much damage as a two handed fighter. They have two weapons which means they are sometimes hitting twice as often.

Against opponents immune to precision damage I agree two handed fighters should preform better, but against squishy humans and elves dex should be just as effective.

Sorry but I don't have an armor check penalty of -5, and that means that you would have a 5 attack bonus, and a 11 damage, and my G.M. did not give me all the gold, i gambled and got 9219 gp, and i had 2 mwk daggers, so i enchanted them to be +1 weapons. And we fight in a group of 4, so of course we come across big enchants.

P.S., you cant have 6 feats at 4th level.

Claxon wrote:
Not everyone dumps strength because at this time strength builds still do more damage. And it needs to stay that way. If dex builds deal damage on par with strength, the strength builds will disappear.

I keep hearing people say this, but I've run about half a dozen campaigns with Dex to damage as a single feat, and have still had primarily strength based melee in every one.

I think I'll believe my actual experiences more.

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Pathfire wrote:
P.S., you cant have 6 feats at 4th level.

A level four human fighter has six feats.

Level one, and three regular, level one, two and four fighter bonus, and a Human bonus.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
I don't care about that. I care about flavor for my game. Before this new book came out I had to make a scimitar wielding character if I wanted to make a viable dex based character.

THIS is why there shouldn't be any DEX-to-damage feats (or, I might argue, weapon properties). I mean, no offense meant, but boo-hoo. You already get loads of mileage out of a high DEX build in so many ways, not least of which are DEX-to-AC and DEX-to-attack bonuses and synergistic things like multiple AoOs. And you already have so many ways to increase the damage you put out.

And yet, folks come on the boards wondering why DEX-to-damage isn't a core "thing".

IMVHO there should be perks and penalties for each and every high stat and low stat for most character classes. One of the most significant penalties for low (meaning less-than-fully-optimised through-the-roof high) STR is lesser STR-to-damage.

So I would have to argue that a DEX-based character can very much be "viable" without having to make every sam-hill-jack of them into a whirling dervish clone. "Viable"!!! As if, in order to be "viable" one needed top stand on the very tip-top point of the DPR-Olympics pyramid and then step up a bit.

Sorry. Bit of rant there. Nothing personal meant by it.

But I for one am very glad that DEX-to-damage isn't a routine core "thing". YMMV.

Lantern Lodge

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Wheldrake wrote:

But I for one am very glad that DEX-to-damage isn't a routine core "thing". YMMV.

It is though... Like it or not paizo has accepted Dex to damage as "core" through the use of feats and weapon enhancements. What most players are upset by is the fact pazio is pigeon holing these options to only rapiers, one-handed slashing weapons, or behind a pay wall instead of being available for iconic finesse weapons like daggers.

If paizo is willing to allow Dex to damage in their game then it should be available within the first three levels, if not level 1. It should also allow players creativity in their weapon selection. Instead of a feat limiting them to one weapon type, let them even pick one from a group of different types. Sometimes I feel like they release these weapon specific feats, that do virtually the same thing, to spread them across different books...

When the agile property came out, it made absolutely no sense for a weapon enchantment to be the determining factor of a character build. If they design a weapon enchantment specifically for letting a character build work, this is bad design in my opinion. Anything designed for a character build should be available through feats/classes NOT magic items. And the agile enchantment was there solely for a Dex build to be viable. And I say viable, because at the end of the day STR will win on damage (unless you're a swashbuckler but that's a debate for another day ;)

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Scythia wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Not everyone dumps strength because at this time strength builds still do more damage. And it needs to stay that way. If dex builds deal damage on par with strength, the strength builds will disappear.

I keep hearing people say this, but I've run about half a dozen campaigns with Dex to damage as a single feat, and have still had primarily strength based melee in every one.

I think I'll believe my actual experiences more.

I believe your actual experiences aren't relevant to my comment. I said if dex builds dealt as much damage as strength builds. They do not. So strength builds still exist.

Unless you start allowing dex to damage with two handed, and scaling like two handed weapons strength will continue to deal more damage.

But that's all strength gets to do. You all want dex to encroach to much on the one thing strength gets to do. I'm sorry, but no.

If in the next version of pathfinder they combined strength and dex into 1 stat then it would be fine, and we wouldn't have this argument. But until that time, every step towards dex builds dealing equal damage is a step closing to making strength irrelevant.

Precision is deadly against creatures with weak spots. So,

Deadly Precision
You may add your dexterity modifier to melee weapon damage rolls. This damage is precision damage and is not applied against creatures that are immune to critical hits, flanking, precision damage, or have no discernible anatomy. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Makes for flavorful dex builds, doesn't neuter strength builds since both would use it, incentivizes a variety of stats, and keeps strength builds better at putting down animated rocks. The problem is that every melee build would take this feat. There is no perfect solution to this issue.

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Pandora's wrote:

Precision is deadly against creatures with weak spots. So,

Deadly Precision
You may add your dexterity modifier to melee weapon damage rolls. This damage is precision damage and is not applied against creatures that are immune to critical hits, flanking, precision damage, or have no discernible anatomy. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Makes for flavorful dex builds, doesn't neuter strength builds since both would use it, incentivizes a variety of stats, and keeps strength builds better at putting down animated rocks. The problem is that every melee build would take this feat. There is no perfect solution to this issue.

If every melee build will take something then it need to be a class feature. You shouldn't need feats just to be have average competency in your chosen profession.

JoeJ wrote:
If every melee build will take something then it need to be a class feature. You shouldn't need feats just to be have average competency in your chosen profession.

System feature, rather. Strength applies to all melee damage rolls, and make dex work as described above. Would make strength and dex both desirable to all builds. What I said above would work as an addition to the current system.

Power Attack and Pirahna Strike are good for the game as a meaningful option for martial characters. Martial characters need more to distinguish one round of combat from each of the next thousand. However, if everyone takes them, they too should be built into the system.

It's a Mythic feat, so...

Pathfire wrote:
Sorry but I don't have an armor check penalty of -5, and that means that you would have a 5 attack bonus, and a 11 damage, and my G.M. did not give me all the gold, i gambled and got 9219 gp, and i had 2 mwk daggers, so i enchanted them to be +1 weapons. And we fight in a group of 4, so of course we come across big enchants.

Armor check penalties do not apply to attack or damage rolls.

Wheldrake wrote:
VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
I don't care about that. I care about flavor for my game. Before this new book came out I had to make a scimitar wielding character if I wanted to make a viable dex based character.

THIS is why there shouldn't be any DEX-to-damage feats (or, I might argue, weapon properties). I mean, no offense meant, but boo-hoo. You already get loads of mileage out of a high DEX build in so many ways, not least of which are DEX-to-AC and DEX-to-attack bonuses and synergistic things like multiple AoOs. And you already have so many ways to increase the damage you put out.

And yet, folks come on the boards wondering why DEX-to-damage isn't a core "thing".

IMVHO there should be perks and penalties for each and every high stat and low stat for most character classes. One of the most significant penalties for low (meaning less-than-fully-optimised through-the-roof high) STR is lesser STR-to-damage.

So I would have to argue that a DEX-based character can very much be "viable" without having to make every sam-hill-jack of them into a whirling dervish clone. "Viable"!!! As if, in order to be "viable" one needed top stand on the very tip-top point of the DPR-Olympics pyramid and then step up a bit.

Sorry. Bit of rant there. Nothing personal meant by it.

But I for one am very glad that DEX-to-damage isn't a routine core "thing". YMMV.

Put your money where your mouth is and stop talking s+!&. Make a Dex based character and explain the advantages he has over the str based build. You can compare your character to the Str based one I made on this forum.

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Chengar Qordath wrote:
When to Dex-to-Damage can already be done with Sawtooth Sabres, Rapiers, and Scimitars, why is the dagger a deal-breaker?

Because optimizer would not stop there, they will start asking for crossbow to be as good as bow. Or, God forbid, Slings to not suck. Silly optimizers.

Cheapy wrote:
It's a Mythic feat, so...

So mythic is not taht well thought?

Melkiador wrote:

Most real world arguments.

And honestly there should be BAB to dodge as well. A highly trained martial artist should be harder to hit than an untrained one.

I've argued for BAB to AC. Mostly because because I feel like AC not scaling contributes to the whole 'Christmas Tree' effect.

I've also argued for BAB to Initiative for the same reasons.

Somehow BAB doesn't apply to things that it probably should.

Mythic adventures are very hard to make, as you would have to have an adventure that includes you not only killing your boss, but going out and killing all of the boss's minions as well. That is why you have such OPed feats in Mythic Adventures, and also you rank up much differently in a Mythic Adventure.

Malwing wrote:
Melkiador wrote:

I've argued for BAB to AC. Mostly because because I feel like AC not scaling contributes to the whole 'Christmas Tree' effect.

I've also argued for BAB to Initiative for the same reasons.

Somehow BAB doesn't apply to things that it probably should.

Do you not see that it is your attack bonus, not your agility, that you would be applying to those things? That's why Pazio didn't make that.

Scythia wrote:

I keep hearing people say this, but I've run about half a dozen campaigns with Dex to damage as a single feat, and have still had primarily strength based melee in every one.

I think I'll believe my actual experiences more.

You know, that's the way that we are in. An ideal group would be a dexterity based character, a strength based character, and a magic based character. That's the way that we play, and we always do great. You could also have an archer, just to cover everyone, but those three are the primary characters you should have in your Pathfinder group.

Nicos wrote:
Chengar Qordath wrote:
When to Dex-to-Damage can already be done with Sawtooth Sabres, Rapiers, and Scimitars, why is the dagger a deal-breaker?
Because optimizer would not stop there, they will start asking for crossbow to be as good as bow. Or, God forbid, Slings to not suck. Silly optimizers.

Ya I hear you, I love trap options and punishing roleplayers for making sub-optimal choices! Viva la Ivory Tower Design!

(The above is sarcasm.)

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Pathfire wrote:
Scythia wrote:

I keep hearing people say this, but I've run about half a dozen campaigns with Dex to damage as a single feat, and have still had primarily strength based melee in every one.

I think I'll believe my actual experiences more.

You know, that's the way that we are in. An ideal group would be a dexterity based character, a strength based character, and a magic based character. That's the way that we play, and we always do great. You could also have an archer, just to cover everyone, but those three are the primary characters you should have in your Pathfinder group.

You meant three casters I'm sure. Since that would be from an optimization standpoint a vastly superior group. Preferably with at least one arcane and divine amongst them.

I'm cool with Imp. Weapon Finesse as long as there is a high-strength feat to grant full movement on heavy armor and the like.

Claxon wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Not everyone dumps strength because at this time strength builds still do more damage. And it needs to stay that way. If dex builds deal damage on par with strength, the strength builds will disappear.

I keep hearing people say this, but I've run about half a dozen campaigns with Dex to damage as a single feat, and have still had primarily strength based melee in every one.

I think I'll believe my actual experiences more.

I believe your actual experiences aren't relevant to my comment. I said if dex builds dealt as much damage as strength builds. They do not. So strength builds still exist.

Unless you start allowing dex to damage with two handed, and scaling like two handed weapons strength will continue to deal more damage.

But that's all strength gets to do. You all want dex to encroach to much on the one thing strength gets to do. I'm sorry, but no.

If in the next version of pathfinder they combined strength and dex into 1 stat then it would be fine, and we wouldn't have this argument. But until that time, every step towards dex builds dealing equal damage is a step closing to making strength irrelevant.

I allow it for two weapon fighting, which is potentially x2 rather than the x1.5 that strength allows for a 2h weapon. Somehow strength has yet to vanish from melee.

Dex builds are not necessarily TWF builds. TWF is strictly worse than 2 handed because of the inherent penalty to attack rolls and the high feat cost. However, this has nothing to do with dex other than the fact that TWF requires a high dex. However, making a dex build does not mean you must TWF.

These are two separate issues that are being conflated.

kestral287 wrote:

I guess my confusion stems from the fact that these numbers, despite being run often enough and in an obvious enough place that everybody has them but me, cannot be readily provided. Discourse has a concept known as the burden of proof, which means that it's the responsibility of a party making a claim to support that claim. Where is this support then? Where are the numbers.

Because a great deal of the balance of such a feat would stem not just from which is higher but the margin by which one is higher than the other, which in turn would allow one to decide on whether or not it's fair and reasonable for such to exist.

People aren't providing you with numbers because it is easy to calculate for yourself.

15 point buy is standard right? Here is a bare bones, non-optimized two handed fighter.

I challenge you to build a dex based fighter that has combat advantages over him. I will give you weapon finesse and improved weapon finesse for free, no feat cost, and I will still out damage you. Our AC will also be comparable. The only advantages you will have are in skills, and initiative.

Human Level 4 Fighter

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8

1 Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus Glaive, 2 Combat Reflexes 3 Combat Expertise 4 Weapon Specialization

Attack +10 (MW Glaive), Damage 1d10+14
AC 21 (MW Full Plate)

One big advantage that two handed fighters will see is AoO as we can have reach weapons, and our AoO add 1 1/2 str bonus where as dex based will not gain that benefit.

VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
One big advantage that two handed fighters will see is AoO as we can have reach weapons, and our AoO add 1 1/2 str bonus where as dex based will not gain that benefit.

Not to mention that synergizes well with buff spells like Enlarge Person. One of the hidden costs of dex builds is that most of the best buffs for martials target strength

Claxon wrote:

But that's all strength gets to do. You all want dex to encroach to much on the one thing strength gets to do. I'm sorry, but no.

If in the next version of pathfinder they combined strength and dex into 1 stat then it would be fine, and we wouldn't have this argument. But until that time, every step towards dex builds dealing equal damage is a step closing to making strength irrelevant.

I'd go both ways and add something like a feat that allows one to add their Strength as a dodge bonus while wielding a shield. Then you have a similar dichotomy with Strength builds still being better at 2handers and Reach with better spell enhancement opportunities.

Wheldrake wrote:

So I would have to argue that a DEX-based character can very much be "viable" without having to make every sam-hill-jack of them into a whirling dervish clone. "Viable"!!! As if, in order to be "viable" one needed top stand on the very tip-top point of the DPR-Olympics pyramid and then step up a bit.

The issue is that without spellcasting or extensive class features, Dex based without Damage isn't viable in most campaigns at all. You have to contribute to combat through some other means if you're only using Dex to get AC, Reflex, and Initiative. At that point you're really not a Dex-based martial.

Secret Wizard wrote:
I'm cool with Imp. Weapon Finesse as long as there is a high-strength feat to grant full movement on heavy armor and the like.

Fighters already get that as a class feature, but that isn't really an issue as str based fighters are already viable. I would even remove that from the class feature as it doesn't make sense. It doesnt matter how strong you are, heavy armor limits your movement. You should be slower.

The problem is dex fighters are not viable. The fact is Dex based fighters, in real life, have several big advantages over strength based builds that is not at all reflected in pathfinder. Dex based fighters are fast and agile. They should be hitting far more often as they don't have cumbersome armor slowing them down or limiting their movements. They are also far more exposed and more likely to get dropped on one good hit.

I am considering homebrewing these rules.

Armor check penalty applies to attack rolls.

New Feat: Armored Fighter: Reduce the armor check penalty to attack rolls by 3, and reduce your armor check penalty to skills by 1

All characters can use Dex instead of Str for finessable weapons. No need for weapon finesse

Characters can use dex for damage with finessable slashing or piercing weapons, but the damage is precision damage and is never more then full dex (ie using two hands does not all dex and a half)

Undead are immune to precision damage

With these rules, Strength based will still be out damaging dex based, and usually have higher ac. I am considering having some other rule that increases the chance of criting a lightly armored opponent.

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VegasHoneyBadger wrote:

Human Level 4 Fighter

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8

1 Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus Glaive, 2 Combat Reflexes 3 Combat Expertise 4 Weapon Specialization

Attack +10 (MW Glaive), Damage 1d10+14
AC 21 (MW Full Plate)

One big advantage that two handed fighters will see is AoO as we can have reach weapons, and our AoO add 1 1/2 str bonus where as dex based will not gain that benefit.

You can't have Combat Expertise with a 10 Int, but that feat isn't really used in your build.

Trade the Str and the Dex, so Str 14 Dex 18, replace CE with EWP(elven curve blade), and your concession of free Finesse/Imp Finesse, and we get:

Attack +10(MW Elven Curve Blade), damage 1d10+12
AC20(MW Breastplate)

So our Dex fighter loses 2 points of damage and 1 of AC, but gains 2 points of touch AC, 2 points of initiative, and a 30' movement rate instead of 20.

Honestly one could also drop Str to 13 and bump Wis to 12 to get +1 on Will saves too.

ryric wrote:
VegasHoneyBadger wrote:

Human Level 4 Fighter

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8

1 Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus Glaive, 2 Combat Reflexes 3 Combat Expertise 4 Weapon Specialization

Attack +10 (MW Glaive), Damage 1d10+14
AC 21 (MW Full Plate)

One big advantage that two handed fighters will see is AoO as we can have reach weapons, and our AoO add 1 1/2 str bonus where as dex based will not gain that benefit.

You can't have Combat Expertise with a 10 Int, but that feat isn't really used in your build.

Trade the Str and the Dex, so Str 14 Dex 18, replace CE with EWP(elven curve blade), and your concession of free Finesse/Imp Finesse, and we get:

Attack +10(MW Elven Curve Blade), damage 1d10+12
AC20(MW Breastplate)

So our Dex fighter loses 2 points of damage and 1 of AC, but gains 2 points of touch AC, 2 points of initiative, and a 30' movement rate instead of 20.

Honestly one could also drop Str to 13 and bump Wis to 12 to get +1 on Will saves too.

:-) I forgot there was two handed finessable weapons. I would amend the rule to prevent more then full dex be used, but even without the amendment I think we are balanced.

You have advantages over me and I have advantages over you. I will be less affected by feinting rogues, and have more AoO.

Edit: I reread my post and realized I was of two minds when I wrote it. What I meant to say was to make something that proves these house rules are unbalanced, and/or a bad idea. Even with these rules I expect two handed fighters will have more AC and do more damage.

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Dex as damage isn't core because it doesn't make sense. Adding dex to damage does not represent the "thousand cuts" approach to combat. That would be more like basing your number of attacks off dex. Theres no reason a dagger should be better at sneak attack than a great axe. A great axe should maybe be harder to sneak up on someone with, but if you can sneak up on someone with a great axe, it'll be more damaging than a dagger. If you want to simulate that feel of the rouge cutting someones throat silently from behind, then house ruling coup de graces to be easier on a sneak attack is probably what you are looking for. Also, death attack is already what you are looking for. You need str to hurt people and put them in the real world. Being very dexterous doesn't do it unless you are using weapons designed to take advantage of our anatomy and easily puncture into the squishy bits. That's why rapiers have a high crit range.

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