Being Sherlock Holmes: A Gentleman's Guide to the Investigator


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And here we go.

At the time of this post I don't feel it's entirely complete. I think a few things need to be refined adn that will require more time I think. Also I think it could look better. We'll see. In any case if there are any problems with it you see let me know.

Does this make a Investigator//Slayer Prof. James Moriarty?

Sure, why not.

Pretty good. I disagree with your ranking on several class features and talents, but guides are opinions after all and I see where your coming from. Overall its useful. I'd like to see an equipment section at some time.

Shadow Lodge

I love this thread´s title

It's not difficult to figure out, but you should detail the meaning of your ranking color scheme in the intro for user friendliness.

Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
Pretty good. I disagree with your ranking on several class features and talents, but guides are opinions after all and I see where your coming from. Overall its useful. I'd like to see an equipment section at some time.

Feel free to hare your disagreements so long as you can back them up.

An equipment section may be in order. But honestly I hate doing equipment. So much of it seems obvious.

Dotting for later. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

First impression before I go any deeper:

Two notable spell oversights at third level.

Paragon Surge is 2 Dex, 2 Int and a Feat for minutes per level. You can do a lot of clever things with an on-demand investigator talent or feat. It's almost like being a Brawler, and Dex and Int are both core stats.

Channel Vigor is strictly better than haste; with a move action you can swap between having an extra Attack and getting massive bonuses to Fort or Will saves, or a substantial bonus to Perception, Knowledge, and Ranged Attack rolls.

Paragon surge I avoid explicitly because it's cheese and limited to half elves. It's too good to the point I don't allow it in my games. I'm fairly sure it's banned in PFS as well. So yes, it's good.

Channel Vigor is superior to haste but I believe is limited to Irori worshipers only. Something that the site in question leaves out specifically since becoming a store.

-I approve of any guide that uses the word plethora

-Something for Feats/Traits could be nice. Especially Traits, it seems like there's some amusing toys in there what with all the skill manipulation that goes on in there.

-Is there any reason not to take the Steel Hound? Maybe I'm missing something, but by my read it only replaces Swift Alchemy and Poison Use for stuff that, while not great, is certainly less situational than those. Seems like it should be rated Green and pretty much be a go-to over a normal Investigator. Not necessarily over other archetypes that it conflicts with-- I like Empiricist-- but I don't see any reason to play a baseline when the Steel Hound is on the table.

-I'm curious about why the Brains stat array dropped a point of Con in the higher builds. I suppose it's not overly relevant but I did find it interesting.

kestral287 wrote:

-Is there any reason not to take the Steel Hound?

Your GM is playing without firearms. That's at least one good reason.

Paragon surge is allowed for PFS, however, observe the FAQ that toned the spell down a bit: Paragon Surge FAQ

Since most PFS scenarios happen over the course of a single day, this is significant for PFS.

Nice! I had an investigator in the workings, and this will help a lot. :D

I'll go over all of the guide tomorrow, but I already skimmed it: in the archetype section, I'd advise to make the name of the archetypes bigger, to better distinguish them from the abilities they grant.

More to come tomorrow . :)

Shadow Lodge

Thank GOD (TarkXT) this guide exists. I've been screaming for help on fixing a build.

TarkXT wrote:
kestral287 wrote:

-Is there any reason not to take the Steel Hound?
Your GM is playing without firearms. That's at least one good reason.

Well, this is true. But it still seems like it'd rate higher than yellow to me. It's a good 'default' choice if you don't like one of the other archetypes, because you lose basically nothing and there's very little added complexity to it.

Dark Archive

A lot of your builds have Weapon Focus as a suggested feat for first level. Technically doable with retraining, but probably not the best suggestion.

To comment on your dislike of archer investigators, the biggest advantage is that people want a ranged rogue, and those are probably the worst. For people that have been looking for a ranged rogue character, investigator is a decent option.

Mergy wrote:

A lot of your builds have Weapon Focus as a suggested feat for first level. Technically doable with retraining, but probably not the best suggestion.

Ugh, of course I'd miss the +1 bab requirement. That will need to be fixed.

TarkXT wrote:
Mergy wrote:

A lot of your builds have Weapon Focus as a suggested feat for first level. Technically doable with retraining, but probably not the best suggestion.

Ugh, of course I'd miss the +1 bab requirement. That will need to be fixed.

Well it can work for humans taking adoptive parents.

Grand Lodge

What a lovely job you've done so far!


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
kestral287 wrote:

-Is there any reason not to take the Steel Hound? Maybe I'm missing something, but by my read it only replaces Swift Alchemy and Poison Use for stuff that, while not great, is certainly less situational than those. Seems like it should be rated Green and pretty much be a go-to over a normal Investigator. Not necessarily over other archetypes that it conflicts with-- I like Empiricist-- but I don't see any reason to play a baseline when the Steel Hound is on the table..

You said it yourself. The problem wih Steel Hound isn't Steel Hound. It's that its incompatible with Mastermind or Empiricist, both of which are better choices. If you're not playing one of those two, odds are its because you place some value on poison, at which point, Steel Hound remains a nonstarter.

i'm debating if picking an alch level or two would be a good thing.

2lvls of alch would grant you:
mutagen+1 discovery
int damage on splash weapons
4+ 1st levels extracts
lvl1 bombs

and you will delay your spell progression with investorgator alchemist.

basically, p.e. at lvl5:
with investigator you will have 2 discoveries (lvl3+5)
with alch2/inv3 you will have 3 discoveries (lvl2 alch +lvl3 inv, +mutagen)

and you will have the ability to throw 1d6+int bombs, as well as 1-2d6+int really cheap consumables (3.3gp to craft a single acid flask)
as aoe touch attacks, which is something that investigator lacks.

further more:
a mindchemist/investigator 2/3 can have:
all knowledges untrained (even without breadth of knowledge), and have a 2xint+1d6+1d20 on them, without spending a single skill point on them, and without spending an ispiration point with just 1 discovery.
he would also have cognitogen which he won't otherwise have access to.
be able to deal 1d6+int with splash weapons, and basically throw all of his bombs for 1d6+2xint (using targeted bomb admixture) or have 1d6+int(1+int) aoe healing through healing bombs for more support.

delaying studied combat and level restricted discoveries though, which some of them are really good.


Some section about possible multiclassing options could help... for example, a 1-level dip in Inspired blade would be nice for a dex-based Investigator and help the build at starting levels, like adding some Gunslinger (maybe Pistolero or Musket Master) to a Steelhound (you waste the duplicate Gunsmithing, but you add a lot of skill-mastery and buffing without sacrificing too much).

Looks interesting.

First page your links are to ".../edit?...", and should probably be ".../view?...".

You write in a two column format. Great if you print it, not so good if you view it. I recommend change the in column pictures to ones that wrap text on the side, and make the document single column. That way you don't need to go back up to continue reading, and you don't have to sometimes guess if you are at the bottom of a page.

For equipment, I recommend the Circlet of Persuasion. +3 on all Cha skills for 4500 gp is a great item.


Scarab Sages

Great guide so far. It has really informed a build I'm working on.

I will critique the formatting though and second Cevah's suggestion. The current format is very hard to read on my IPhone as it doesn't zoom properly or allow horizontal scrolling when zoomed for some reason.

I really quite liked the guide, and i probably just found the class for my next backup if both my current and backup guys die (im thinking a Brains investigator)

I personally rate Expanded Inspiration as a green simply for perception (although sense motive with empathy is nice too, along with diplomacy and, if you bother to put a point into it heal). Consider the half elf empiricist with an Int of 18 at 3rd level: Perception +15 +1d6+1 (+6 skill, +2 keen senses, +3 skill focus, +4 int, +1d6+1 inspiration from favored class bonus) averaging +19 on every perception roll, probably the most important skill of the game.

Dark Archive

The only thing I can say about the steel hound is that it's good for high level games as you can get evasive at 19th. Otherwise I agree with you on most everything.

With the Ranged Study feat, the steel hound becomes better since you'll most likely choose a pistol as your gun so you'll usually be within 30ft anyway.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dilvias wrote:
I personally rate Expanded Inspiration as a green simply for perception (although sense motive with empathy is nice too, along with diplomacy and, if you bother to put a point into it heal). Consider the half elf empiricist with an Int of 18 at 3rd level: Perception +15 +1d6+1 (+6 skill, +2 keen senses, +3 skill focus, +4 int, +1d6+1 inspiration from favored class bonus) averaging +19 on every perception roll, probably the most important skill of the game.

You can get free inspiration on perception from a slotless Magic item though, along with some other nifty perks (an unseen servant!)

TarkXT wrote:
An equipment section may be in order. But honestly I hate doing equipment. So much of it seems obvious.

Listing the obvious is useful for readers who may not be familiar with the myriad magical options that are out there. Especially for readers like me who have never really looked at Investigators or Alchemists before.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Made some adjustments to the guide particularly the builds section.

This is the new link.

Liberty's Edge

I'm disappointed but not shocked that the ranged investigator doesn't appear to work out too well. You wouldn't call it worthless, would you? I might play one in an upcoming campaign that is looking like it lacks any good ranged damage dealer to deal with flying wizards and other not easily accessible baddies.

I'm curious what your thoughts about the Dex only Investigator that dips into Swashbucker for Slashing Grace?

Liberty's Edge

Why do you suggest that extracts are limited compared to the alchemists? Do they not get the exact same number?

And if I was going to make a brains investigator, I'd ditch TWF and go with a rapier and Kirin Style/Kirin Strike.

Move to study, swift action Kirin Style to identify (which you should nail because duh- Investigator), standard action to quaff whatever buff you most desire, then next round you move up to hit for Studied Combat plus Studied Strike plus Agile Weapon plus 2 times your INT modifier, which should be multiplied on a crit even if your precision damage does not.

Grand Lodge

Doesnt kirin style have a re-read for unarmed strike? It would be awesome but on a feat starved class how do we get it?

Probably the absolute go to for breaking a lot of rules on how we get feats: Master of Many Styles Monk levels.

I'm thinking of a Inspired Blade for a one level dip and pick up Fencing Grace. Got your dex to damage and hit for only 1 multiclass level and a feat.

EDIT: Also you get panache with Cha AND Int added. Not bad for a single level.

Grand Lodge

graystone wrote:

I'm thinking of a Inspired Blade for a one level dip and pick up Fencing Grace. Got your dex to damage and hit for only 1 multiclass level and a feat.

EDIT: Also you get panache with Cha AND Int added. Not bad for a single level.

Pretty cool idea

Liberty's Edge

Kirin style does need Imp. Unarmed Strike, but say you are a human and take IUS and Weapon Finesse at level 1, then at level 7 you take Kirin Style and Level 9 Kirin Strike. That still leaves levels 3 and 5 for whatever other feats you might need. I'd advise against Arcane Strike since Kirin Style and Studied Combat are going to be eating up your swift actions.

Helaman wrote:
graystone wrote:

I'm thinking of a Inspired Blade for a one level dip and pick up Fencing Grace. Got your dex to damage and hit for only 1 multiclass level and a feat.

EDIT: Also you get panache with Cha AND Int added. Not bad for a single level.

Pretty cool idea

Yep with your Derring-Do deed, you can use your Int (+ at least 1) panache to skill monkey Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim with +1d6 after the roll but before the result. You also pick up swim as a class skill, leaving only fly off your list.

It buffs your skills, combat and it's damn cool to boot. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Alternately, just save your Panache for Opportune Parry/Riposte, and it means you don't need anywhere near as much AC in many cases, and can focus your resources elsewhere.

Liberty's Edge

LessPopMoreFizz wrote:
Alternately, just save your Panache for Opportune Parry/Riposte, and it means you don't need anywhere near as much AC in many cases, and can focus your resources elsewhere.

That's quite good. Quite good indeed.

LessPopMoreFizz wrote:
Alternately, just save your Panache for Opportune Parry/Riposte, and it means you don't need anywhere near as much AC in many cases, and can focus your resources elsewhere.

Parry/riposte eats 2 panache from a fairly small pool that doesn't normally increase. It also suffers from you being 3/4 BAB and the -2/size difference. It might be useful sometimes but I'm expecting to use it mostly for skills and I wouldn't neglect AC on the hopes it blocks two attacks before I empty the pool.

Now if you get lucky and are getting crits to refill that pool, have at it.

graystone wrote:
LessPopMoreFizz wrote:
Alternately, just save your Panache for Opportune Parry/Riposte, and it means you don't need anywhere near as much AC in many cases, and can focus your resources elsewhere.

Parry/riposte eats 2 panache from a fairly small pool that doesn't normally increase. It also suffers from you being 3/4 BAB and the -2/size difference. It might be useful sometimes but I'm expecting to use it mostly for skills and I wouldn't neglect AC on the hopes it blocks two attacks before I empty the pool.

Now if you get lucky and are getting crits to refill that pool, have at it.

actually eats 1

to riposte you only need to have 1 available and succeed at a parry.

early levels, that basically means +1 extra attack vs the baddie in addition to not getting hit.

dodging panache too, despite you having usually hideous charisma is still good, due to the 5ft movement.

it translates to: if the opponent moved or 5ft step up to you, he gets only 1 attack and lloses all the iteratives. it can also help with positioning like leaving flank and avoiding the penalties and sneak attack damage and such.

and inspired blade/investigator for me has almost double the panache pool compared to my straight up swashbuckler, 5vs3.
don't forget, that even with negative cha, you still get 1 from cha in addition to what you gain from int (it is worded as: you gain a pool equal to your int (min 1) and your cha (min 1)

although, not replenishing on a kill hurts early levels where swash just replenishes after usually 1-2 opportune parry. the inpired has a bigger pool but only replenishes on a crit, and since you wont get him to lvl5, you are stuck with 18-20 crit range for a bit longer time.

at lvl5, a blade/inv should have something like 4 bab 1 from focus, 1 from masterwork/magic weapon 2 from studied combat 3-4dex 2from mutagen for something like +13-+14 to attack, which is nothing to scoff at, very close, or even higher than a pure martial who would probably have something like 5 from bab 1 from focus 1 from weapon 4-5 from str for +11-+13 also, depending on stats and class abilities.

AH your right. I read parry incorrectly. I'm still wary of using the parry unless the roll was just a hit from a same sized foe.

Dodge still provokes from other from other creatures so only good on single creatures.

Getting to the level that you have studied combat/mutagen are what I was looking at. 1-4th you're a slightly better rogue for attacks. Once you get all the goodies, parry seems more viable. I'd still favor skill use though.

So an Investigator with the Effortless Aid Investigator Talent use his standard action, his move action and his swift action to aid the same check.

Now, it might not seem like much, but if an investigator is in a party with a sorcerer with the accursed bloodline or a witch with the coven hex, they can use aid another to modify caster level.
If you take the traits to to attempt to optimize aid another:

Such as aid allies +1 to aid another,the helpful trait +1 to aid another,the helpful(halfling) that is +2 to aid another, and the fools for friends campaign trait for another +1 to aid another.

That's a +7 aid another bonus, there are others that boost certain uses of aid another further.

Now I know its is involving a specific party combination to pull this off but if you have an investigator 3/witch 1,sorcerer,1 or hexcrafter magus,you could potentially add up to +21 to another spellcasters caster level if they have the coven hex at level 4.

Even with out this very specific combo, effortless aid should probably be rated higher, It is just too damn usefull when you cannot do anything else.

At the very least, something like this should be mentioned in the builds section of the guide.

StrangePackage wrote:

Why do you suggest that extracts are limited compared to the alchemists? Do they not get the exact same number?

Because many of the extracts are built with the alchemist in mind. That means bombs which investigators don't get. Among other things.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

How about dipping into Sleepless Detective as an Empiricist?

Grand Lodge

Harrow of Hightower wrote:
Does this make a Investigator//Slayer Prof. James Moriarty?

Actually I'd say he was a mastermind.

Now his right hand man, Sebastian Moran, may be a good fit for that though steel hound or a combination gunslinger/Slayer.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You should probably look into some of the magic items made for Investigators as well. along with useful alchemical items.

If you don't have it yet by subscription, get the Advanced Class Origins Player Companion on the 22nd. I heard some of the options in there are pretty good. it even has a magic hat for Investigators. :)

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