Erosthenes |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am an Old Gamer, really a Grognard. I also love the comic book Knights of the Dinner Table, a spoof on all things FRP. As a joke they have elaborate methods for restoring "luck" to their dice. Since the authors are all old gamer's, their stories are based upon their experience and collected stories from across the world.
Here's the question-----What do you do, or your friends, to restore luck to dice, or the funniest story concerning folks behavior and their dice?
cnetarian |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Restoring luck to dice is one of the silliest things I've ever heard of, dice don't have luck in the first place. If one needs the dice to roll a certain way the only thing that works is sacrificing to the dice Gods. Well except for the God of 4-sided dice, S/He/It seems to be satisfied with a simple invocation or prayer, perhaps because of the few times the 4-sided die is used anymore.
Erosthenes |
Restoring luck to dice is one of the silliest things I've ever heard of, dice don't have luck in the first place. If one needs the dice to roll a certain way the only thing that works is sacrificing to the dice Gods. Well except for the God of 4-sided dice, S/He/It seems to be satisfied with a simple invocation or prayer, perhaps because of the few times the 4-sided die is used anymore.
UMMMM alright, I was trying to be silly, because I think it is a silly thing. Sheesh - some people are so literal! LOL ;)
Rapthorn2ndform |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Every once in a while, I line up all my dice. Take one and smash it with a sledge hammer. Then the other dice learn their place. I usually use a d12 or d4, but i can;t let the others get to comfortable. If a die crosses me to many times it's on the chopping block.
Sometimes i get creative, blowtorch, fireworks, mix it into cement and drop it to the bottom of a lake. Make sure to set an example.
Berti Blackfoot |
I would be very interested in any suggestions you good people have.
One guy we game with has always rolled well, ever since we were in gradeschool. And now even using the internet (we play on, computer random number generators still favor him, and not us. One other of us also seems cursed with 1s, whether rolling physical dice or typing "/roll"
The problem is our current DM is the good roller. We are halfway through a battle trying to avoid a TPK, and only have a week till next session to bring luck back to our dice!
Erosthenes |
I would be very interested in any suggestions you good people have.
One guy we game with has always rolled well, ever since we were in gradeschool. And now even using the internet (we play on, computer random number generators still favor him, and not us. One other of us also seems cursed with 1s, whether rolling physical dice or typing "/roll"
The problem is our current DM is the good roller. We are halfway through a battle trying to avoid a TPK, and only have a week till next session to bring luck back to our dice!
You have to start reading KODT (See my previous post) it is a scream - and would answer your question. My personal favorite method is to put all my dice in a Mayonnaise jar, fill it with gasoline and place them on Funk and Wagnel's front porch with a book of matches atop the jar. That will scare the luck back into them! LOL
Seriously, I have seen two guys in my years playing various incarnations of FRPG get so upset they threw all their dice into a waste basket! The other guy was out rolled by his beautiful girlfriend playing Pathfinder for the first time. Needless to say the display was so childish she dropped him like a hot potato.
Montana77 |
I usually play music to my dice.
My d20s really like Katy Perry, but my other dice hates it. The d10s likes Enya, but the d20s hate it,
All of my dice seems to love Justin Beiber, they roll incredible numbers after his music.
However, it makes my ears bleed so I can't hear what the GM says. But I guess some sacrifices has to be made.
Zwordsman |
Note: I have very durable dice.
I hold it in one hand. cross my other hand over my wrist. Then pull back the dice hand and move it fast (though not to ofast considering dangers) so it hits my crossed arm the dice flies upwards (sometimes bouncing on the ceiling) that usually ends a bad streak. I'm guessing the streak is because i tend to roll the same way after I roll a lot in a short time period. That act kinda resets my habit.
Sadurian |
My dice seem to gain or lose their effectiveness over the time between sessions. I can (and have) rolled five or six 17+ in a row, yet other times not been able to get above a 5.
I'm thinking of installing mood lighting and a stereo in the dice bag to let them recharge their mojo for each new session.
cnetarian |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
My dice seem to gain or lose their effectiveness over the time between sessions. I can (and have) rolled five or six 17+ in a row, yet other times not been able to get above a 5.
I'm thinking of installing mood lighting and a stereo in the dice bag to let them recharge their mojo for each new session.
If it varies between sessions you might be storing them wrong. Always store them with the 20 on top so the molecules fall down to the bottom and weigh down that side.
Terronus |
At our table (and in my area, as well) a lot of players consider it very bad juju to touch someone else's dice. Even if they roll off the table and hit someone's foot!
To restore their luck I've seen two methods: roll til a Nat 20 (or the highest roll) or a Nat 1. 1 gets the bad luck out or 20 puts good luck back in. Some players just put them away for the rest of the session, heh.
Its superstitious, I know, but all in good fun.
LazarX |
LazarX wrote:In the pen and paper RPG community? Please.Peter Stewart wrote:Virgin sacrifice is the best way.The problem may be getting the requisite materials.
I'm going to say that masturbation counts. :)
Steve Geddes |
Steve Geddes wrote:No link - can you repost it plz?Read about confirmation bias.
This one kind of works.
It was an aside rather than a link. Nonetheless, discarding a long held Internet discussion belief of mine, here's a Wikipedia page of interest.
Ciaran Barnes |
Set your die on the table with the highest number face up. While waiting for your turn, tap the top of the die. This will cause the molecules to shimmey towards the bottom of the die, making that side heavier. Now when the die is rolled, the heavy side is more likely to face down, thus more likely to cause the high number to point up. This is scientific fact, due to the shimmey effect on molecules.
EvilPaladin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Virgin sacrifice is the best way.
I always thought the dice gods were more like Banjo.
Myself, I believe in simply buying a new 45 cent die and keeping it next to the failing one. Reminds the dice that they can be replaced for misbehavior.
Game Master Scotty |
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Never really have that issue, mine is when i move from normal spot (GMing at end of table) to anywhere else my rolls go to poop. Any other spot but that and i can barley get over an 12 when it matters.
In my spot, however, my group makes me roll in front of them because I tend to crit and confirm often.
Artanthos |
Restoring luck to dice is one of the silliest things I've ever heard of, dice don't have luck in the first place. If one needs the dice to roll a certain way the only thing that works is sacrificing to the dice Gods. Well except for the God of 4-sided dice, S/He/It seems to be satisfied with a simple invocation or prayer, perhaps because of the few times the 4-sided die is used anymore.
Begone from this table.
Arturius Fischer |
The dice have no luck of their own. They are simply the figurative boots of Lady Luck, used only at Her whims to kick you straight in the genitals. She must be appeased in some way, I recommend going to the nearest Casino and losing 20-40 dollars over the course of fifteen minutes. That usually earns Her pity and she is willing to bless you. Alternatively, bet on the sports game of your choice, preferably for the team everyone else assumes is the losing one. You will either have horrible luck and lose it all, as above, until She likes you again. Or She will smile upon you and you will win a heap of money, at which point you avoid rolling dice as much as possible and instead buy some gaming books with your winnings and read them until her ire wears off.
Although, there is one thing that may help you. I have heard that She loves small dice. If you get those itty-bitty ones that are like half an inch across, they will almost always roll high when you need them. Personally, I think that's bunk, She doesn't care about the dice themselves. She just hates when gamers attempt to overcompensate by using 'large' dice. Don't believe me? Get one of those D20's that's three inches across and weighs half a pound. It'll get you killed every time...
OssumPawesome |
My theory is that dice all have their own inherent luck that they build over time. I never test roll, as that can cause luck to exit the die. I keep several dice around for this purpose. If a die rolls poorly too many times, I simply switch for one on standby. I do this while wargaming too, and it works. Funny story...for six months my dice I use for wargaming rolled poorly to test my faith. I held onto belief that they would save me when the time was right...the gods truly work in mysterious ways.
I like divine classes. Totally not obvious, I know.
Razal-Thule |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I have one 20 sided that dates back to my first dices. Some one stole all my dice i had back when i was in high school and this little green god was all i could find. Ever since then we have always had good luck together. So when my other dice start rolling bad i just dump out my dice bag, Remove everything and put my little greenie in there with the offending dice. I swear sometimes i hear what are muffled screams but after a min or two when i pull that dice out it starts rolling like it should. This trick has never failed me and nether has little greenie.
zapbib |
1-roll all the same number dice together.
2-Pick every dice that roll under 10
3- repeat 1 and 2 with the picked dice until you have a couple dice that have rolled 4-5 time under 10.
then use these dice for a couple turns, they should be less likely to roll under 10. You can preroll them and keep them into a box in such a way they don't roll and use them when you need them in game.
P.S. I perfectly know this is a bogus method (like all of them) and only have the appearance of a statistically sound approach.
Triphoppenskip |
Stick bad dice back into the bag and fish out a replacement- usually by rolling a handful of them a couple of times and plucking out the highest ones.
Serves no point really, but helps rattle off the annoyance at repeatedly rolling badly.
That is pretty much what I do. Before the game I get all my different sets out and roll the D20s to see which ones are rolling hot. These become my starting line up. The one's that roll 1s go back in the back the rest become my reserves in case my starters start letting me down.