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The Blade Barrier spell does not indicate it has any real thickness.
If it were cast down a hallway, there should be room on either side to squeeze by if you make your saving throw.

Lorila Sorita wrote:

They were once up in a tower and saw something in the distance and asked me how far away it was, I said. "It will take about half a day to get there." And you know what they did? They said, "Really I can see that far? That seems far..." Then started calculating how far their group could walk in half a day, and how far a person can see from an elevated position, to determine if a person could actually see an object half a day away, or if it would go over the horizon and be impossible to see.

So yeah, they really are that OCD about distances.

Well. In the real world, if you are up in a tower, say 50 feet from the ground, the horizon is about 9 miles away. That should take a few hours.

I had her hiding up on a ledge. She can cast her two summon monster spells and still remain invisible. With Fast Heal 2, she does not need days to heal.

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So my group of 2nd level newbies made it to the end of the Caverns of Wrath. Erylium is hiding up on a ledge, out of melee range, doing 1-2 damage with dagger -- her summons both dead and slumbers all saved-on. None of the players has ranged attacks other than the ranger, who has a normal longbow. The sorcerer's last magic missile has done an ineffective 4-points of magic (healed long ago by Erylium's fast-heal-2. The unchained monk is occasionally getting in a Shuriken for 0-1 after +4 for strength -5dr.

The ranger, whose 1d8-damage arrows are piercing dr only occasionally, gets frustrated and throws down her bow, and whips out the pearl-handled piece-of-art Ranseur they had pried from the statue of Alaznist and takes a poke at the quasit.

20 confirmed. 18 strength. Power attack.
6d4+27. 43 - 5dr is enough to drop her in one hit after all those wasted rounds.

The movement penalty for difficult terrain is when you enter the square. Since you are entering that square, it is hindering your movement, which would prevent the charge.

Locked Gauntlet. Provides +10 to your CMD for disarm.

You can't use Fabricate to make alchemical items. It is only changing the shape of the material you start with. It does not change its nature.

Fabricate wrote:
You convert material of one sort into a product that is of the same material.

In the CRB under Combat.
Attack uses the "Size modifier", while CMB uses the "Special Size modifier":

A goblin fighter would start with 10hp too, just like a PC fighter. The warrior would only start with 5.

They would be walking around with their shield on their head.
Wouldn't they also be giving up their first round of combat every time?
I could see that role-played as a paranoid fraidycat. "Eek! A spider!"

Ah ha. So, perception checks technically have no penalty for failure, other than not detecting the other.

That does not seem to be a very useful hex. Isn't every character constantly making perception skill checks? Otherwise, how would the wizard even know the dragon was there? That perception check would be the first one that could be affected.

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Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category smaller than the swallowing creature.

So, Swallow Whole only works on creatures smaller than the swallower.

It might be like the STTNG episode Darmok, where translating the language is not as simple as translating the words...

That is a weird item, since you generally do not have to make a check to lift an object. Either you can or you can't based on your strength score.

There is a strength check to open a portcullis. Maybe you could use it for that.

If you fail your bluff roll, your targets can see through your ruse. They can see you are trying to be substandard.

It doesnt really matter.
The target is surrounded by 8 directions. Just choose which direction corresponds with which number before you roll the die. I always choose 1=North.

You do know that with the core class, you can trade the animal companion for a spell Domain? That gives you one extra spell to cast per day per spell level.

Chess Pwn wrote:

You have 2 HP at lv12 and die at -2.

No. You always gain at least 1 hp per level.

A Wizard with 7 Int and 7 Strength dual wielding small greatswords?

How about something stupid, like a Wizard with a 7 Int?

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According to this a "Companion" would be 5cp-10gp

CRB wrote:

Constitution: Temporary increases to your Constitution score give you a bonus on your Fortitude saving throws. In addition, multiply your total Hit Dice by this bonus and add that amount to your current and total hit points. When the bonus ends, remove this total from your current and total hit points.

Constitution: Damage to your Constitution score causes you to take penalties on your Fortitude saving throws. In addition, multiply your total Hit Dice by this penalty and subtract that amount from your current and total hit points. Lost hit points are restored when the damage to your Constitution is healed.

In other words, both your current HP and maximum HP change with constitution changes.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Brf wrote:
So how well does your analysis fit in with the Monster Creation Rules?

You linked to the same thing he did in the first post. All of his statistics are derived from that vey thing.

Ugg. tl; dr;

With "statistics" in the title I assumed he was doing some sort of empirical analysis, rather than crunching a table.

So how well does your analysis fit in with the Monster Creation Rules?

Also, you are using your own attribute for the save DC, rather than the minimum required for the spell, as a wand does. A wand of fireball would use the +1 from a 13 Intelligence, while the staff would use the caster's, which is likely higher.


According to the CRB, the animal companion only gets that if it has less than three natural attacks. JJ said it should be errata-ed six years ago in this topic.

With power attack:

At lv1 with greatsword routine = sword +6 2d6+12 -- no hand for claws
At lv6 with greatsword routine = sword +10/+5 2d6+15

You do not get iteratives with natural attacks, so at 6th level you would still get only the two claw attacks.

With power attack you only get 2 damage, not 3, because you are only getting 1*Strength added to damage. You would have 1-1/2*Strength only if you had a single natural attack, such as a bite or gore, not with two claws.

You cannot pick up "poison" from Wild Shape until 8th level, when it uses the rules from Beastshape III.

How about a wand that does like Cure Moderate Wounds or Cure Serious Wounds on the target, but also does Cause Light Wounds on the caster?

How about those brand new colored pawn bases that just came out? Use the green ones for the nauseated characters.

Weird item.
You need Righteous Might to construct that bead, but that spell is basically an bigger Enlarge Person spell with DR, having nothing at all to do with increasing CL.

Suppose you had a multi-classed character with one-level Divine caster. Could they use the item to boost their Arcane casting?

Actually, the item's description does not say you have to be a Divine caster to use it... It only specifies that you have to cast a divine spell. Suppose a cleric used Imbue with Spell Ability to let you cast a Divine spell while you were wearing the necklace. Then you should be able to use the necklace.

Only a masterwork weapon can become a magic weapon

so that mug would have to be a masterwork weapon mug.

Gilfalas wrote:
Brf wrote:
ckdragons wrote:

Every city has a Max Spell Level description, so a small town like Ravengro has a max spell level of 4th (no one in town sells spellcasting or scrolls with spells above 4th level), or a large city as Caliphas has max spell level of 7th.


That limit is for buying spells from spellcasters, not for scrolls.

Scrolls should be limited only by the price of the scroll itself.

Read what you just quoted. It specifically says scrolls as well.

Nope. If you follow the link, it says:

Spellcasting Unlike magic items, spellcasting for hire is listed separately from the town's base value, since spellcasting is limited by the level of the available spellcasters in town. This line lists the highest-level spell available for purchase from spellcasters in town. A town's base spellcasting level depends on its type.

It says the limit is for spellcasting, not for scrolls.

ckdragons wrote:

Every city has a Max Spell Level description, so a small town like Ravengro has a max spell level of 4th (no one in town sells spellcasting or scrolls with spells above 4th level), or a large city as Caliphas has max spell level of 7th.


That limit is for buying spells from spellcasters, not for scrolls.

Scrolls should be limited only by the price of the scroll itself.

There is a very simple question here.

Can an Immediate Action be used to interrupt another's action?

From everything I am reading, only a Readied Action can be used as an interrupt. The wording of Readied Action specifically says that the action occurs before the action that triggered it. There is nothing in the Immediate Action's rules that suggests the same.

The description of Emergency Force Sphere suggests that is designed to protect against natural disasters. Nothing in its description says it can be used to interrupt a spell that is being cast.

Yes. That makes sense.
I would think the full-attacking lion would be perceived as a bigger threat than the fallen human.

35 years ago I would have had the opponent attack the player without hesitation, but I am past that award-winning cruelty I had in my college years.

Story-wise, that works too.
Leave the fallen player prone in the same space as the lion until her tick comes up. The lion is preventing the opponent from attacking the prone squishy.

I assumed that rule is applying to the same turn the character is moving. In that case they would be "put back" during their own turn.

Bill Dunn's suggestion makes the most sense in this situation. Being new players, we all did not think ahead. The Druid should have dragged the Squishy back before doing the CLW. I am not sure of the action-economy of doing that though.

Do you have an Alchemist?
After finding the required plants, it would also require a DC-16 Craft(alchemy) to brew the wolfsbane as a poison.

The closest thing I am finding for searching for a plant is the "Scrounging for Esoteric material components" in the Unchained rules. That section suggests a DC-15 Knowledge(nature) check.

James Risner wrote:
Move them to the closest legal square.

That is what I did -- moved her 2 spaces to the left, but it seemed to be cheating to allow such a move without using an action -- and outside of her turn to boot. If the fourth player (Player E) had also moved-up, she would have been moving around a corner too.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
per RAW you could easily be in concealment while attacking in melee if you are under the effect of Blur, or if you just drop a smoke pellet.

Indeed. Something as simple as Fog Cloud, or whatever, could supply concealment. I am supposing the character in question could have been hiding in the fog. The opponent moves adjacent without noticing him. The character attacks and then moves off with stealth. It seems reasonable...

Well, you would have to start in a cover or concealment situation before you can use stealth. If you are in a melee situation, your opponent would see you moving into that cover/concealment before you could use stealth. With sniping, you are presumably attacking from the concealed location.

So I am GMing again after a long hiatus, and a strange situation came up.

The characters had an opponent flanked in a narrow, 5-foot corridor, like this:


X is the opponent.
A is the Druid
B is the Druid's animal companion
C is a squishy, who should not have been there.

Opponent-X drops the squishy-C, who is now unconscious, at -2.
C is dying, misses save and bleeds to -3.
B moves up into C's space and attacks X.
A moves up and now is adjacent to C. Casts CLW for 6 points.

What happens now? B and C are in the same space, but it is neither's turn.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Brf wrote:
Bardic performance is using the Perform Skill, which is a Charisma-based skill. The only Charisma-based skill you can use while raging is Intimidate.
Not for Inspire Courage. You aren't required to make a Perform check, or use the Perform skill, unless it says you have to in relation to the performance being used.

I found this post which confirms you are correct, and the line I quoted is just flavor-text left over from 3.5.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Not for Inspire Courage. You aren't required to make a Perform check, or use the Perform skill, unless it says you have to in relation to the performance being used.

Is that true? The description of Bardic Performance implies you are using the perform skill.

Bardic Performance: A bard is trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects...

Bardic performance is using the Perform Skill, which is a Charisma-based skill. The only Charisma-based skill you can use while raging is Intimidate.

Why is it impossible to kill someone with unarmed attacks?
You can choose an unarmed strike to do lethal damage.