Alpha Invites

Pathfinder Online

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Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Grimmel, you're awesome. THanks

Goblin Squad Member

So, any kind souls aching to relieve themselves of a spare alpha key still?

Hi Guy !!!

Have you got a Spare key of Pathfinder online plz? I would be interested!!

my email :

Thx in advance

Best regards


Sovereign Court

I could use an alpha invite, though all I could really give in return is my eternal gratitude.... Oh and healing, I plan on a Fighter/Cleric build. Hopefully that works out^^

Thx a lot Ixiolander you are my god !!!!! I could really give in return is my eternal gratitude :)

Have a good day and thx again !!!!

See you IG


Goblin Squad Member

I'd like to alpha test. Waiting to enter the EE (i'm pioneer), i'd like to spend sometime testing around. Thanks!

If there are any spare keys I would love to play alpha till I get in early enrollment.

Till then I'll keep prepping up my floppy discs in the microwave

Goblin Squad Member

I have a slightly dumb question. Where do I check for alpha invites to send out? Is it in the "My Account" area on the GW website?


Would love to recieve an invite for this great game! :)

Goblin Squad Member

Bitter Thorn wrote:

I have a slightly dumb question. Where do I check for alpha invites to send out? Is it in the "My Account" area on the GW website?


Yep .. My Account .. Invites

Goblin Squad Member

Jo Jampa wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

I have a slightly dumb question. Where do I check for alpha invites to send out? Is it in the "My Account" area on the GW website?


Yep .. My Account .. Invites

Odd. I have no invites to give.

Goblin Squad Member

I have four alpha invites to give out if anyone wants them, just pm me with your email address!

Goblin Squad Member

Bitter Thorn wrote:
I have no invites to give.

If I've not lost track, it's been about two weeks since they've given invites to all Alphas. That's obviously related to the original release calendar, and, since they've had to change that calendar, I can imagine them being too busy to concern themselves with more invites, which will, we all hope, have limited life.

Hi, I've been waiting for the EE release and found out about the lengthy delays. If anyone has an alpha invite, please send me one.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would be very grateful for an alpha invite if anyone has one left that they are not using. Thank you

Goblin Squad Member

All mine are gone. :/

Goblin Squad Member

Hi there,

If someone have an invite left, I'll be happy to do some testing :)


Goblin Squad Member

Hi folks!

I offered TClifford my last invite on saturday. Since he wasn't answering, i gave it away on monday (see page 7).

He pm'ed me today: "Thanks, Sorry I didn't reply but been laid up with the flu this weekend."

Please relieve him from waiting and me from my bad conscience and get him in.


@TClifford: hope you ain't mad seeing your E-Mail here in public. Sorry i can't help you anymore.

Tersoth wrote:
I would be very grateful for an alpha invite if anyone has one left that they are not using. Thank you

Sluce was able to get me one so I no longer in need of an invite. Thank you to him and everyone else who is passing these out to people.

Goblin Squad Member

So all of mine have been given away! If anyone has extra invites they don't need I strongly encourage them to post it here so all these other wonderful people can possible play as well!

Goblin Squad Member

If anyone has any extra alpha invites and is sharing, pm me.


I am looking for an invite to Alpha as well. Thanks for offering your codes Sluce and for encouraging others to do the same.

Goblin Squad Member

If anyone has any alpha invites that they're willing to give out, I'd love one!

I'm an EE Kickstarter backer, so I'll most likely get in soon anyway, but hey, I really want to play :)

Goblin Squad Member

If anyone has a spare alpha invite, please send one my way.

I have 2 invites! PM me with the email you registered your EE, Explorer, or OE account with AND the name of the test server ;)

Also include whether you are signed up for EE, Explorer or OE

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

2 invites here, and no quiz questions required. PM me with the email you'd like to use. Edit: One sent, one to go!

KarlBob wrote:
2 invites here, and no quiz questions required. PM me with the email you'd like to use. Edit: One sent, one to go!

Thank you Karlbob!

Goblin Squad Member

they gave out more invites, everyone in alpha should have some.
specifically, all you new folks should have a couple : p

Goblin Squad Member

There are lots of new invites available. If you're comfortable putting your email in public, there's a new tab on the public spreadhseet. Enter your email there, and when someone wants to invite you, they can remove it and send.

Looking for Alpha Access tab

Ok party people. I've got two more invites.

PM an email address, first come, first served.

Goblin Squad Member

Operators are standing by to giv eyou alpha access.

If you're comfortable putting your email in public, there's a new tab on the public spreadsheet. Enter your email there, and when someone wants to invite you, they can remove it and send.

Looking for Alpha Access tab

Got one left.

All out. Enjoy Alpha, folks! :D

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Ezuri wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
2 invites here, and no quiz questions required. PM me with the email you'd like to use. Edit: One sent, one to go!
Thank you Karlbob!

You're welcome.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Both of my invitations have now been sent.

Goblin Squad Member

Hogar, Freevale wrote:

Hi folks!

I offered TClifford my last invite on saturday. Since he wasn't answering, i gave it away on monday (see page 7).

He pm'ed me today: "Thanks, Sorry I didn't reply but been laid up with the flu this weekend."

Please relieve him from waiting and me from my bad conscience and get him in.


@TClifford: hope you ain't mad seeing your E-Mail here in public. Sorry i can't help you anymore.

Thanks to our new invites, i was able to amend my mistake by myself. ;)

Invite send.

Looking for an invite if anyone has a spare.

Thanks !

Goblin Squad Member

If anyone has an extra alpha invite and is sharing, pm me, I would love to get into this soon.


Currently looking if anyone has an alpha invite for a veteran 13 year dm, I've been itching to actually be a player for once!!!
I really appreciate it and looking forward to meeting, trading, and hopefully contributing along with all of you,

Thank you so very much hunterofstorms, looking forward to playing with you!

Goblin Squad Member

DM Artemis wrote:
Thank you so very much hunterofstorms, looking forward to playing with you!

You're very welcome. See you in game sometime.

Hi there, new to the messageboards but not pathfinder. looking for an alpha invite to join my buddy online. Thanks so much cant wait to play!!!!
you can send to
Thanks you guys are the best

Goblin Squad Member

Bryan Ice wrote:

Hi there, new to the messageboards but not pathfinder. looking for an alpha invite to join my buddy online. Thanks so much cant wait to play!!!!

you can send to
Thanks you guys are the best

Invite Sent.

Come look over Kabal when you get on. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

I've got 2 invites. Send me a PM with your email address.

Goblin Squad Member

I have 2 spare invites, PM me an email to send them to if interested.

Goblin Squad Member

I have 2 more invites! If anyone wants them pm me :D I will respond as soon as I can.

Goblin Squad Member

My invites are gone if I didn't respond I was out before I got to you, sorry and good luck!

I would really like an invite if anyone gets anymore spares.
Thanks guys!

Goblin Squad Member

I have 3 to give out, one of them is an invite that does not seem to be redeemed so can not guarantuee that it is still valid. Send me a pm with your email so I can send one to you.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

I have one invite available. Post here and I will send it out right away!


I could use a key please

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