Has anybody recieved their shipping email yet for S&S?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi Hawkmoon,

The thread you linked above leads to a discussion about the OP Demo kit for RotR...unless I am missing something? I don't see any chatter about payment authorizations. I've gotta be missing something...

Oops. Yeah. That should be this link:
Correct link.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ok, phew! I thought I was going crazy. Thanks a ton.

You are welcome. Sorry for the confusing link. I must have had multiple tabs open when I posted that and copied the wrong URL.

For those keeping track, My Amazon order for the base set just shipped with a projected delivery of Monday the 15th. I pre-ordered in June, so that may effect the timing.

Dumb question...

Has the Character Add-on for S&S been released yet? I don't show it as being shipped in my account, but the order shows as "complete".

Grand Lodge

It was released but back-ordered since GenCon.

Hoping that it shows up in stores by the 24th.

Well I am awaiting a response from the customer service desk.

I received my copy of the base set which has no promo's or add-ons with it.

No confirmation that this was being sent on its own and for someone living in the UK this has been a costly experience. The only reason I opted to pay the charge was that it kept me in the subscription and I received the promos.

I could have got this quicker and cheaper and would have taken that route if I knew I was just receiving the base set with nothing.

To add insult to injury I got a letter stating a £20 charge to even get the copy from the courier they use.

Disappointed and it has taken the fizzle of getting this.


May consider cancelling my subscription soon as this has seriously put me out of pocket.

Apologies if this in the wrong place to post this.

Grand Lodge

You really want to post this in the Customer Service board if you want some resolution.

Meggypeggs wrote:

Well I am awaiting a response from the customer service desk.

I received my copy of the base set which has no promo's or add-ons with it.

No confirmation that this was being sent on its own and for someone living in the UK this has been a costly experience. The only reason I opted to pay the charge was that it kept me in the subscription and I received the promos.

I could have got this quicker and cheaper and would have taken that route if I knew I was just receiving the base set with nothing.

To add insult to injury I got a letter stating a £20 charge to even get the copy from the courier they use.

Disappointed and it has taken the fizzle of getting this.


May consider cancelling my subscription soon as this has seriously put me out of pocket.

Apologies if this in the wrong place to post this.

The character add-on deck was delayed until this month. You should have received an email about it on or around August 26th. The promos are all associated with the base set, so they will be coming this month. And to help make up for the delay, Paizo is giving a copy of the Blessing promo in every subscription order for the rest of Skull and Shackles.

And, while it isn't much consolation now, Paizo actually offers to allow subscribers to cancel their subscription and restart with the character add-on (skipping the base set). That is the reason all the promos are tied to the character add-on. And the purpose is actually to help international subscribers like you avoid the high shipping cost for the base set. Those people then buy the base set locally. You don't miss any promos, and you save money.

Sorry you had a bad experience. But if you do decide to stick around for Wrath of the Righteous, I'd recommend looking into that option, as it sounds like it will save you a good bit of money.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Meggypeggs wrote:

Well I am awaiting a response from the customer service desk.

I received my copy of the base set which has no promo's or add-ons with it.

No confirmation that this was being sent on its own and for someone living in the UK this has been a costly experience. The only reason I opted to pay the charge was that it kept me in the subscription and I received the promos.

I could have got this quicker and cheaper and would have taken that route if I knew I was just receiving the base set with nothing.

To add insult to injury I got a letter stating a £20 charge to even get the copy from the courier they use.

Disappointed and it has taken the fizzle of getting this.


May consider cancelling my subscription soon as this has seriously put me out of pocket.

Apologies if this in the wrong place to post this.

The character add-on deck was delayed until this month. You should have received an email about it on or around August 26th. The promos are all associated with the base set, so they will be coming this month. And to help make up for the delay, Paizo is giving a copy of the Blessing promo in every subscription order for the rest of Skull and Shackles.

And, while it isn't much consolation now, Paizo actually offers to allow subscribers to cancel their subscription and restart with the character add-on (skipping the base set). That is the reason all the promos are tied to the character add-on. And the purpose is actually to help international subscribers like you avoid the high shipping cost for the base set. Those people then buy the base set locally. You don't miss any promos, and you save money.

Sorry you had a bad experience. But if you do decide to stick around for Wrath of the Righteous, I'd recommend looking into that option, as it sounds like it will save you a good bit of money.

Thank you for the response and yeah it was a costly experience.

Wish I was aware of that as I would have taken that route.


I never received an email confirming my payment method, and this morning my subscriptions page doesn't show a September subscription AT ALL. Instead, all material (including the duplicate S&S base set!) from the September shipment has been moved to my October subscription.

Has the September shipment been cancelled, or is this just another "display glitch"?

I just posted this in the customer service thread, but I'll repeat it here.

It is display issues. And a few different ones are combining together to create a perfect storm of confusion.

I'm an example of a typical subscriber (got my Base Set in August, didn't get my Character Add-on Deck due to the delay). Here is what my subscription page says. I'm going to number them so I can use them as examples:

Hawkmoon's Sub Page wrote:

Payment method authorized: October 2

Should ship by: October 24

1. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Subscriber Promo Card: Ranzak~ (in sidecart)
2. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Mogmurch~ (in sidecart)
3. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Keelhaulin'~ (in sidecart)
4. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Weidling~ (in sidecart)
5. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99 (in sidecart)
6. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set, $47.99
7. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99
8. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
9. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Owlbeartross~
10. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 2: Raiders of the Fever Sea, $15.99
11. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
12. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Pegleg~
13. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 3: Tempest Rising, $15.99

Ok. So what's happened here? Well, first of all the subscription system knows you were scheduled to have your subscription authorized already (it was pushed back). And you haven't (no one has). So it is saying "Hmm...You missed your September subscription. I'll reschedule it all for October." But that is just one part of the system. It isn't the part of the system that actually creates the orders. So don't worry, they are hoping to authorize today. That order will not include items 11, 12 or 13, since they really do belong to October. (The Blessing of Zogmugot that belongs in September is item 8.)

Now, what about items 6 and 7? Both are display glitches. I already got my Base Set (item 6) and my character add-on deck is sitting in my sidecart (compare items 5 & 7). So items 6 and 7 won't authorize. Because again, we are seeing the "subscriber side" of the system, not the part of the system that actually creates real orders.

So, if yours looks like mine, honestly, don't worry. Just check your authorization email when you get it. (It takes a few days for the authorization process to run, so even if Sara Marie starts it today yours might not happen today. Just wait for Sara Marie to say "authorization complete.") Make sure it looks good. Contact customer service if anything is wrong on it. And then just wait for your shipping email.

Thanks for this very thorough explanation!

Sovereign Court

What has me curious is why we never even got the email we always get at the beginning of the month, informing us our payment will be authorized in the next couple weeks? Unless it's just a complete coincidence that noone in my gaming group got that email.

Those are the authorization emails. The process is running as we speak.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yay! Authorization email received. And it looks perfect.

rokeca wrote:
Yay! Authorization email received. And it looks perfect.

Same for me. Yay!

Got mine on the front porch Sunday (SUNDAY?!)

Huzzah! I am so effing pumped to play this.

Was very pleasantly suprised to find the cards have the same backs as RotR, making it more compatable than I had originally understood.

I'm dying in anxious anticipation of my authorization email.

Me too!! Feels like I keep refreshing my email inbox once every 10 minutes...

Sovereign Court

Looking forward to my email, hopefully it comes in today.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Authoriation email received, includes all three class decks that I preordered, the Add-On deck, all the correct promos, and my other subscriptions. Can't wait to see the shipment e-mail!

I got the authorization email, but I still haven't gotten any indication of when Mogmurch/Ranzak are being sent out (I picked up my subscription at Gencon). Are those still being mailed out?

They were mailed out last Friday, but they couldn't do it with an email to everyone who should get them. See this post.

email received and my wife couldn't be happier

Huzzah! Authorization email received promising the long-awaited Add-on Deck, the second adventure, and SIX PROMOS! An early Christmas when the package arrives ...

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
They were mailed out last Friday, but they couldn't do it with an email to everyone who should get them. See this post.


It's too bad all the customer service posts are titled with the order number. Makes it hard to see if anyone's having the same issue as me... but I figured you'd know what was going on XD

Yeah, got an email, but it also says will ship in 2-14 days. Would be really nice if I could get it on, or before, my FLGS...

Grand Lodge

Mechalibur wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
They were mailed out last Friday, but they couldn't do it with an email to everyone who should get them. See this post.


It's too bad all the customer service posts are titled with the order number. Makes it hard to see if anyone's having the same issue as me... but I figured you'd know what was going on XD

Actually, customer service posts can be titled just like any other post. Mine (that was linked) was because it was that specific order number. But another that was about the bard deck I bought at GenCon was titled differently. Hawkmoon has a way of searching posts to find just about anything.

Did the happy dance last night when we received our email!!

Mine was actually set to deliver between Sept-22 and Oct-4, but then showed up on the front porch on Sept 14 (or possibly the afternoon of Sept 13 and we didn't notice) as a VERY pleasant surprise.

Broke out the box, organized the cards, read through them. Hopefully I will get a chance to play this weekend.

Grand Lodge

BlkSabbath74 wrote:

Mine was actually set to deliver between Sept-22 and Oct-4, but then showed up on the front porch on Sept 14 (or possibly the afternoon of Sept 13 and we didn't notice) as a VERY pleasant surprise.

Broke out the box, organized the cards, read through them. Hopefully I will get a chance to play this weekend.

Just the base set?

I got an email yesterday saying that my order is expected to ship by NEXT Friday. Is this normal? every other company I've ever ordered from send the shipping email when the package actually ships.

Only started subscribing in August, and as I was character add-on only, it never got past spending 4-weeks at "Pending" so still not really sure what to expect.

MightyJim wrote:
I got an email yesterday saying that my order is expected to ship by NEXT Friday. Is this normal? every other company I've ever ordered from send the shipping email when the package actually ships.

Yeah, that's what all the 'shipping' emails I've had so far have been. I've just learnt to estimate based on that.

It's because they use a subscription model, rather than the more usual selling structure. As such, most of the month is quiet(er) and then they get a phenomenal number of orders in the space of twenty four hours.

Paizo are also not interested in hiring an army of casuals one day a month, so the permanent warehouse crew of five or so (possibly augmented with the odd CEO*) deal with the monthly "spike" in orders by spreading fulfillment of them out over a week or two.

The goal is for subscribers to get their shipments on or about the street date but some will be a few days early and some will be a few days later.

No offense, Lisa

Actually, virtually every company will give you notice when the system prints a shipping label. But as they ship every day it is pretty much the same day it leaves their facility. The difference here is that Paizo does hundreds of picks and shipment labels in one day, but their shippers probably simply grab from the pile whatever they can fit on the truck for one day.

Hopefully as they grow their next building will include a proper dock and they can just call up FedEx or USPS and say 'Hey, next Tuesday bring a real truck'. But for now we can just hope their printer doesn't screw up immediately before GenCon again.

So can any other Europe-based subscribers give any indication of how long it typically takes from the shipping email to actually receiving the package? I think the official timescales are quite broad.

Despite the vast delivery timescale given in the shipping emails, I tend to get mine (London) exactly a week after the 'ship by' date, so if I was a betting man, I'm expecting it on 3 October

(This month's estimate comes with a caveat, however, which is whether the inclusion of both the character add-on deck and the adventure deck forces me to pay import fees. Pretty sure the combined price is enough to trigger them, although I thought I saw something in the details online that said they waive any fee that's sufficiently small. If I've completely imagined that, or I'm right but the fee is not sufficiently small, that'll add another business day for me to get the notification and another to actually get the delivery, so I'll be looking at more like 7 October)

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
BlkSabbath74 wrote:

Mine was actually set to deliver between Sept-22 and Oct-4, but then showed up on the front porch on Sept 14 (or possibly the afternoon of Sept 13 and we didn't notice) as a VERY pleasant surprise.

Broke out the box, organized the cards, read through them. Hopefully I will get a chance to play this weekend.

Just the base set?

Yes, the Character Expansion is still backordered....

Wait, are you not subscribing? You are just buying them off the Paizo website as pre-orders? I notice you don't have the subscriber tag. If you are buying them from Paizo, you probably definitely want to subscribe instead of simply ordering each one. First, its cheaper. Second, you get promo cards.

Or are you buying them from a different retailer than Paizo? (Which is perfectly fine. I just wasn't sure exactly what you are saying.)

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wait, are you not subscribing? You are just buying them off the Paizo website as pre-orders? I notice you don't have the subscriber tag. If you are buying them from Paizo, you probably definitely want to subscribe instead of simply ordering each one. First, its cheaper. Second, you get promo cards.

Or are you buying them from a different retailer than Paizo? (Which is perfectly fine. I just wasn't sure exactly what you are saying.)

No, not a subcriber, just pre-ordered them. I probably should, but...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BlkSabbath74 wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wait, are you not subscribing? You are just buying them off the Paizo website as pre-orders? I notice you don't have the subscriber tag. If you are buying them from Paizo, you probably definitely want to subscribe instead of simply ordering each one. First, its cheaper. Second, you get promo cards.

Or are you buying them from a different retailer than Paizo? (Which is perfectly fine. I just wasn't sure exactly what you are saying.)

No, not a subcriber, just pre-ordered them. I probably should, but...

Oh. Well yeah. If you are buying from Paizo you should definitely subscribe. You can cancel the subscription whenever you want (no obligation what so ever). So, you'd save money, get extra cards, and probably get it sooner.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Throknor wrote:

Actually, virtually every company will give you notice when the system prints a shipping label. But as they ship every day it is pretty much the same day it leaves their facility. The difference here is that Paizo does hundreds of picks and shipment labels in one day, but their shippers probably simply grab from the pile whatever they can fit on the truck for one day.

Hopefully as they grow their next building will include a proper dock and they can just call up FedEx or USPS and say 'Hey, next Tuesday bring a real truck'. But for now we can just hope their printer doesn't screw up immediately before GenCon again.

We have a large warehouse with multiple "proper" docks—that's not the issue here. The main issue is optimizing throughput, so we split things into two groups—a "label run", which covers all of the shipments that many people have in common, and a "pick and pack" run, which involves all of the unusual orders that don't benefit from bulk processing. So in one part of the warehouse we have workers assembling the latter group package by package, while in another part of the warehouse we have machines cranking out thousands and thousands of labels while workers pack thousands and thousands of identical boxes or envelopes, place labels on them, and put them into shipping bins for those trucks. Labels come out far faster than boxes can be packed—it takes a day or two to generate the labels, but it takes many days to process them, meaning a package could actually take a few days to leave the building after the system has processed the shipment, so we provide a wide shipping window to cover that range. It's a worst-case estimate—most packages will actually leave the building well before that window closes.

The Exchange

Hmm, makes me wonder what subs I might have that make me non standard and thus always a couple of days behind... could simply get those locally to speed the rest of the month up. Would be nice for months such as this where I won't likely get my class deck in time for OP to start as the auth happened Wednesday but the package still wasn't boxed by end of day Friday.

Paizo totally needs lots of interns to work as packer-bots.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
NOG the Demoralizer wrote:
Paizo totally needs lots of interns to work as packer-bots.

If you select gamer-interns, you may be able to pay them with after-work gaming sessions :P It could be the proverbial carrot-on-a-stick too: "Sorry, folks. Game can't start until this pile of boxes has been processed." Whoo, look at them work!

By the by, if you start doing that, let me know. We might need to move to the US then ^_^ (or do you want to have a EU warehouse, wink wink, nudge nudge)

Has anyone actually received Adventure 2 yet?

I got the authorisation email last week saying it had been sent (wouldn't have arrived yet, as am in UK) - then I saw Vic's comment on the Organised Play thread that it's been delayed.

Does this mean that Adventure 2 will be in these dispatches, or not?

MightyJim wrote:

Has anyone actually received Adventure 2 yet?

I got the authorisation email last week saying it had been sent (wouldn't have arrived yet, as am in UK) - then I saw Vic's comment on the Organised Play thread that it's been delayed.

Does this mean that Adventure 2 will be in these dispatches, or not?

Adventure Deck 2 has not been sent out to anyone yet, at least that is what I understood from Vic's post.

Raynair wrote:
MightyJim wrote:

Has anyone actually received Adventure 2 yet?

I got the authorisation email last week saying it had been sent (wouldn't have arrived yet, as am in UK) - then I saw Vic's comment on the Organised Play thread that it's been delayed.

Does this mean that Adventure 2 will be in these dispatches, or not?

Adventure Deck 2 has not been sent out to anyone yet, at least that is what I understood from Vic's post.

Hmm I think it has been shipped. I've got a tracking number, at least, for a package that Paizo says includes Deck 2. I won't know until Friday what's inside the box, but I doubt they'd bill me for something and not ship it and not say anything. Especially after last month.

My adventure deck two has shipped also. Though I haven't received it yet..

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