BlkSabbath74's page
Organized Play Member. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

The Skinsaw Man and the Misgivings itself are by far the most compelling villain in the scenario.
I plan to actually extend the screen time of the Skinsaw Man when I run it.
I want to have some cat and mouse encounters in the city itself as the players try to prevent murders by the Skinsaw Man, stringing out some of the red herrings to give it a Jack the Ripper investigation feel, before leading them to Foxglove Manor.
I plan to modify the Skinsaw Man so that he actually still appears as a somewhat human, though unraveling Aldern Foxglove, who believes, somewhat correctly, the Skinsaw Man to be his grandfather Vorel, and believes Vorel to be a completely seperate entity who is stalking him and has killed his wife, among other things.
I am definitely ripping off the idea of ghoulish dinner engagement, and will use the ghoul crows to trap the players inside Foxglove Manor.
At the climax of the Misgivings exploration, the players will 'save' Aldern from the Skinsaw Man, or believe they have, by destroying Vorel's fungus. Then, the Skinsaw man will take control and sever Aldern's head with his war razor and throw it at the players. The Skinsaw man, now a headless Dread Ghoul with a tentacle tongue issuing from it's neck, will escape up the well.
Regenerating his head, the Skinsaw Man will now be the Lich Vorel, in the body of a Ghast, at last gaining his freedom, as the Misgivings begin to crumble, Usher-like, around the players, forcing them to escape.
The Skinsaw Man will then kill the 'Angel', taking over her tower and control of the Skinsaw Cult.
It's not JUST about storage for me either. The Game Box insert has everything organized perfectly for ease of play.
The cards aren't difficult to store at all, even with that many, but I want to story them as compactly as possible and still have that ease of use.
Wow there's some really swanky stuff out there.
Thanks, guys. You've inspired me. If I don't come across something I really love, I may just buy a sheet of plywood and make my own.
I could use heavier plyood and small screws along with wood glue to make the box, then thing wood or cardboard on the inside for dividers, covered in red cloth. I could put the lid on with hinges and a small bolt, and then maybe paint it up so that it looks like a large book.
I could put a pocket on the inside of the lid for rulebooks and character sheets, and design it so that whe you sat it down and opened it up like a book, the cards would be facing you.
Where's my tape measure?
Mixing/Consolidating Sets, Storage Solutions?
Don't get me wrong, the boxes are perfect to keep it all organized, and really allow the game to flow along quickly, with a place for everything and everything in its place.
Having said that, with two big boxes and another on the way in April, and the characters (and to a large extent, all of the content) being compatible, I would like to consolidate them all into some sort of carry case.
Ideally, I was thinking of keeping all the character building cards together, and then maybe even reorganizing the monsters according to type (undead, goblinoid, human, aquatic, ect), to better suit the locations.
I've looked at some on Amazon and at Walmart and Hobby Lobby, but really just haven't found anything that is modular and perfect for a large number of cards.
Any suggestions?
Merryho wrote: Troymk1 wrote: Andrew K wrote: BlkSabbath74 wrote: Du Nord wrote: Mike Selinker wrote: Troymk1 wrote: Call them feats. Just had a minor heart attack there. Nothing to worry about. I choked a little when he said "call them feats". My thought was how I was going to explain this feat isn't like this other feat. Call them feets? Footses, clearly. Now we're just toe jamming. We have definitely gotten off on the wrong foot. I feel like such a heel!
Troymk1 wrote: Call them feats. No characters start with any and the recharge on a feat would be based off a specific stat or skill (making some better for your character than others)
For example the "Jump" feat may make you auto pass an acrobatics check,
the "Cleave" feat may add +3 to a second check against a Monster type on your turn, etc
In fairness, there are RPG feats that equate to exactly what I am talking about, and Cleave would be a prime example, but I am really think more specifically of martial feats than the broad spectrum of what feats can be, and a way to include them that would actually work with a boxed set, WITHOUT overlapping existing material.
But yes, tons of RPG feats would work well, probably most of the combat ones, and you'd want some that would work well with spellcasters too.
Du Nord wrote: Mike Selinker wrote: Troymk1 wrote: Call them feats. Just had a minor heart attack there. Nothing to worry about. I choked a little when he said "call them feats". My thought was how I was going to explain this feat isn't like this other feat. Call them feets?
Hawkmoon269 wrote: Wait, are you not subscribing? You are just buying them off the Paizo website as pre-orders? I notice you don't have the subscriber tag. If you are buying them from Paizo, you probably definitely want to subscribe instead of simply ordering each one. First, its cheaper. Second, you get promo cards.
Or are you buying them from a different retailer than Paizo? (Which is perfectly fine. I just wasn't sure exactly what you are saying.)
No, not a subcriber, just pre-ordered them. I probably should, but...
Theryon Stormrune wrote: BlkSabbath74 wrote: Mine was actually set to deliver between Sept-22 and Oct-4, but then showed up on the front porch on Sept 14 (or possibly the afternoon of Sept 13 and we didn't notice) as a VERY pleasant surprise.
Broke out the box, organized the cards, read through them. Hopefully I will get a chance to play this weekend. Just the base set? Yes, the Character Expansion is still backordered....
Orbis Orboros wrote: Do you mean something like Valeros learning Legend of Zelda's Spin Swing in the form of a card in his deck? (Amusing example, but the first thing that came to mind) Yeah, basically...similar to break moves in video games...
I could give examples in card games. I won't, out of respect to the superior product that is Pathfinder, but yes, I think it would be a cool addition/direction to be able to add special manuevers or moves to your deck.
This is just pie in the sky, and there may be a hundred reasons that this wouldn't work, but...
The upcoming Wrath of the Righteous, and Mythic Roles got me to thinking.
The only thing you find in many other similar card games, that I sort of miss in Pathfinder, is special moves or techniques or manuevers.
I was thinking, it would be really cool if, down the line, they include a box set with Fighting Styles (Jade Reagent??) that would be add-on character cards similar to (presumably) Mythic Roles, that would allow players to add special manuevers, in the form of cards, to their decks.
Like I said, there may be a tone of reasons this would not work, or would upset game balance, but I'm just spit-balling here.
Mine was actually set to deliver between Sept-22 and Oct-4, but then showed up on the front porch on Sept 14 (or possibly the afternoon of Sept 13 and we didn't notice) as a VERY pleasant surprise.
Broke out the box, organized the cards, read through them. Hopefully I will get a chance to play this weekend.
BlkSabbath74 wrote: Thanks guys. That's what I figured, otherwise he would be totally broken.
Still, one of my gamers asked for comfirmation.
Well, we played a game and let the player run it like that, and he basically collected allies until he had a hand of 5, and then proceeded to get +5d4 on every roll (+5-20) which is absolutely insane.
It was fun, but afterward, I was like, let's check with PAIZO...
Thanks guys. That's what I figured, otherwise he would be totally broken.
Still, one of my gamers asked for comfirmation.
Got mine on the front porch Sunday (SUNDAY?!)
Huzzah! I am so effing pumped to play this.
Was very pleasantly suprised to find the cards have the same backs as RotR, making it more compatable than I had originally understood.
When Heggel uses his ability to add 1d4 to any roll by revealing an ally, am I correct in assuming that he may only use this power once per role, or can he use multiple ally buffs on a single roll?
Thanks in advance!
Sarah Bull wrote: Yes. The shuffle part happens after you make your combat check with the Blunderbuss.
(Unless I was doing it wrong at Paizocon, which is possible).
You should change your name to Adora Bull...
ryric wrote: I think if they ever decide to do an official continuation, they would be better off making some "adventure deck 7"s that could be placed at the end of any AP, possibly based off of an existing high level module. That way it could be a one-off thing, kind of like the class decks - not part of the main line, but there if people want it.
When I think of "advanced rules" I think of optional rules- variants to change the game or increase the challenge. Many of the house rules people have come up with regarding death, exploring, building location decks, and so forth could make a decent "advanced" rules section.
Now that I think about it, that is probably a better option...
Mike Selinker wrote: BlkSabbath74 wrote: Will WotR be another Base Set like RotR and S&S, or will it introduce an advanced ruleset? Seems like a good opportunity to do so if that is the plan. I am curious what you think should be in an advanced ruleset. Ouch, putting the spotlight back on me...
I know there has been alot of discussion of, and call for, an adventure set that would go beyond the Adventure levels 1-6, and allow players to continue with characters who have completed other modules, so something along those lines would be what I primarily had in mind.
Having said that, as long as there is backwards compatability, I am good, and I am looking forward to any expansions of play.
And may I say it is awesome to actually be able to dialogue with the game designer. I am actually currently using PACG to run a hybrid campaign of scenarios and old RPG modules. I love the simplicity, but the resource management introduced by the cards.
Thanks in advance for any infor you can give me.
Mike Selinker wrote: Astral Frog wrote: Wrath of the Righteous looks very Diabloish to me! And that is a good thing! This is not at all coincidental. The PACG core design was influenced heavily by the thousands of hours I've spent playing the Diablo games. Will WotR be another Base Set like RotR and S&S, or will it introduce an advanced ruleset? Seems like a good opportunity to do so if that is the plan.
Either way, I'm all in.
I know we are still salivating over Skull and Shakcles, but has has anyone heard what the next Base Set will be? Has Paizo released any statements?
Okay, watched the video over the weekend and I am even more excited. I can't wait till this set comes out.
I am all pre-ordered, ready to go...
Do you think they will both be dex-based, or something else?
Does anyone have any thoughts or theories on what we can expect from the Gunslinger and Swashbuckler, in terms of how they'll play?
Not specifics, of course, but just a rough idea of how the classes will work?
Thanks in advance!
Hey, Pathfinder ACG has been a huge hit with my game group, but being old school RPGers, they want to substitute painted miniatures for the token cards and, while using the existing character stats and progressions, want to write in their own name/sex/race.
Now, obviously I can just print out the character sheets, cross over that information with a black marker and write it in, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution.
Has anyone created or seen a word doc, excel file or writable PDF that would allow me to do this?
Thanks in advance!

HolmesandWatson wrote: I've seen the "two APs a year" thing presented as a fait accomplis. That's a reasonable supposition, but not necessarily the case.
There may well be a fourth AP in the second half of 2015. Or, they may just be moving the schedule up to strike while the fire's hot and a (potential) fourth AP may not immediately follow on the heels of the third.
Paizo's product output is staggering. I mean, the Skull and Shackles announcement was the SECOND of the day (ACG).
And I'd think resources will be tied up a bit more with Pathfinder Online moving towards early enrollment.
Personally, I don't mind if they accelerated the schedule. They'll probably have an AP I don't want (Jade Regent) along the way, so no loss.
As someone who has a very small gaming budget, I don't understand your concerns.
It's not as though they'll be discontinuing the Base Sets or Adventure Paths. They'll be available whenever you are ready for them.
I've just bought the Base Set, and plan to buy the Character Expansion and eventually buy all the Adventure Path Expansions. I will also probably try to scrape up enough for the S&S Base Set and Character Expansion when it comes out, just to give me more options.
Beyond that, I'll run games for my group and purchase new expansions as needed. It might take us a few months to get through Burnt Offerings, or we might blow through the whole RotR path in a month. Who knows?
My point being, I'm not sure why anyone would be opposed to Paizo coming out with more expansions on a more timely basis. Even if you plan to purchase everything, there is no imperative to purchase everything right when it comes out, and it means you will have more options moving forward.
I'd rather have new expansions available before I need them than to be ready for a new expansion and be stuck waiting. I'd also rather see a product well supported and be unable to purchase everything right away than to be left with an unsupported product line (looking at you D&D Adventure System).
Paizo, keep on trucking!
As far as actual releases, I don't have a preference, except to say I would like to see the collection of banes and boons broadened, and would like to see releases that would do the best job of giving us alot of new material.
As far as characters, I would like to see new/advanced character types seeded in as they fit with the setting, but also new versions of the more standard classes, the way they are doing with S&S.
I would also expect to see some advanced expansions with exotic prestige classes, more powerful banes and boons, ect.