Advanced Class Guide Potential Errors

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Robert Brookes wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Damn, I was all set to make a monk/warpriest whose flurry comes from all the separate images. . . . : D

...All I can say is . . . nice. Nice. *thumbs up*

Did the query about the slayer's bonus to attack and damage roll ever get answered? :)

Liberty's Edge

toxicpie wrote:
Did the query about the slayer's bonus to attack and damage roll ever get answered? :)

Do you mean the one about Studied Target adding to skills? Yes, and the skills do indeed go up as you level.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Onward to the next chapter.

Chapter 3:

p. 144: Divine Protection is several times as good as the next best Save enhancing feat. I'm not normally listing things I think are too weak or too strong...but this is an exception on the basis of being ridiculous.

p. 153: It is highly unclear what effect Pack Flanking has for an animal companion who possesses it, if any.

p. 154: Pummeling Style makes reference to a 'punch' but has no actual restriction against being used with any weapon the user desires. Is being able to use this style with a scythe or rapier intentional?

p. 157: Spontaneous Nature's Ally does not add summon nature's ally spells to your spell list, which makes the mechanics potentially not work.

Huh. That wasn't too many at all. Or maybe I'm just worse at noticing problems with Feats.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
toxicpie wrote:
Did the query about the slayer's bonus to attack and damage roll ever get answered? :)
Do you mean the one about Studied Target adding to skills? Yes, and the skills do indeed go up as you level.

Awesome, thank you. Was it one of Sean's comments or is there a separate FAQ? Just in case my GM asks for official clarification.

Liberty's Edge

toxicpie wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
toxicpie wrote:
Did the query about the slayer's bonus to attack and damage roll ever get answered? :)
Do you mean the one about Studied Target adding to skills? Yes, and the skills do indeed go up as you level.
Awesome, thank you. Was it one of Sean's comments or is there a separate FAQ? Just in case my GM asks for official clarification.

Neither. Mark Seifter mentioned it in the Slayer Preview Thread. It'll also apparently be part of a more official clarification of that and another thing in the near future (as gone into in the linked post).

Much obliged!


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toxicpie wrote:
Awesome, thank you. Was it one of Sean's comments or is there a separate FAQ? Just in case my GM asks for official clarification.

BTW, I've really tried to stay out of these "is this an error or is it intentional" ACG rules discussions because I left Paizo right as the ACG files went to editing, and that was the end of my involvement with the book--and therefore the end of my knowledge about what happened to the text. Anything that's different in the printed book could be from the design team making a deliberate decision to change something, or it could be an accidental error introduced at some point in the production process.

Basically, I don't want to second-guess my colleagues by talking about anything that's different from files, as I don't want to be the jerk who says, "well, in my awesome, perfect turnover, it worked like this, but now it says something else..."

I'm glad we have official confirmation from Mark-of-the-design-team that the bumps to the studied target ability are also supposed to affect skills (which matches the Word document I have from my last day at Paizo). :)

Ah I see, no worries at all! I wholly and completely appreciate your position.
I'd forgotten that you left, actually, it's so cool how you still respond to the fans and whatnot. :)

Dark Archive

Strangler archetype for Brawler gets 1d6 sneak attack at level 1, and 2d6 sneak attack at level 2. That seems like it might be a typo to me.

Any word on that elusive blessing of the faithful ability?

Great stuff, Deadmanwalking, thanks for taking the to go through this for we GMs who aren't so good at deep reading rules material.

Liberty's Edge

idilippy wrote:
Great stuff, Deadmanwalking, thanks for taking the to go through this for we GMs who aren't so good at deep reading rules material.

No problem. I'm always happy to be of assistance. :)

Chapter 4 probably up later today.

This isn't really an error, but it's strangely worded in a fun way. It's the minor War Blessing: "At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it tactical advantage for 1 minute." How is it that touching my ally will give him/her an advantage? In what way can I touch my ally? Won't it be more disturbing than "advantage granting" if I don't stop touching my ally for an entire minute?
"No, officer, I was just granting her advantage!"

Silver Crusade

The ranger archetype Divine Tracker mentions an imbued weapon in the description but there is no ability with that name. And the ranger gives up wild empathy to gain proficiency with his god's favored weapon but aren't rangers already proficient with all simple and martial weapons?

Liberty's Edge

Sunric wrote:
And the ranger gives up wild empathy to gain proficiency with his god's favored weapon but aren't rangers already proficient with all simple and martial weapons?

Not all Favored Weapons are simple or martial. Indeed, quite a few are Exotic.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I didn't see this addressed already:

In the Sacred Fist Archetype, there is an error in the Class skills. Sense Motive is listed twice, once before and once after the Ride Skill.

The Brawler archetype Shielded champion uses shields, but the AC Bonus class ability can't be used with shields. Is this deliberate or an error?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Pg. 22 - Bloodrager spells

4th-level spells, change "ride waves" to "ride the waves".

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Pg. 48 - Shaman spells

9th-level shaman spells; change "shamble" to "shambler".


toxicpie wrote:
Any word on that elusive blessing of the faithful ability?

I can't provide any more info at this time, as my saved version of the archetypes file isn't the final one.

The Sacred Fist Flurry of Blows ability on page is written as

Advanced Class Guide, page 131 wrote:
Flurry of Blows (Ex): At 1st level, a sacred fist can make a flurry of blows attack as a full-attack action. This ability works like the monk ability of the same name. This ability replaces sacred weapon.

This should say that it works like the monk ability of the same name, using the sacred fist's class level in place of monk level, and then address if they would like to stack with the monk ability of the same name (as it doesn't make sense to have it twice, as it would do nothing, and this is the default way abilities, even the same ability, from multiple classes work).

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Vanguard (Slayer) wrote:
Ever Ready (EX): At 7th level, a vanguard is never considered an unaware combatant (Core Rulebook 178) and is always able to act in the surprise round. The vanguard is still flat-footed in the surprise round until he acts. This ability replaces stalker.

Seems to over complicate things.

Core Rulebook wrote:
Unaware Combatants: Combatants who are unaware at the start of battle don't get to act in the surprise round. Unaware combatants are flat-footed because they have not acted yet, so they lose any Dexterity bonus to AC.

Why mention unaware combatant at all? Since you restate that the vanguard can act, but then remove the flat-footed until acting. Why not use an ability from existing source instead?

Ultimate Combat Sohei (Monk) wrote:
Devoted Guardian (Ex): At 1st level, a sohei can always act in a surprise round even if he does not notice his enemies, though he remains flat-footed until he acts...

That is much more concise.

Rewrite wrote:
Ever Ready (EX): At 7th level, a vanguard can always act in a surprise round even if he does not notice his enemies, though he remains flat-footed until he acts. This ability replaces stalker.

Shadow Lodge

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
toxicpie wrote:
Any word on that elusive blessing of the faithful ability?
I can't provide any more info at this time, as my saved version of the archetypes file isn't the final one.

I dont have the link here but i read that Cheapy, who wrote the archetype, stated that the blessing of the faithful was left out on the development part so all in all the archetype has an ability that doesnt exist but was not suppoused to have it anyway. Was just a misprint.

Grand Lodge

LOL at bounty hunter's dead level 2. Awesome ability, to bad you need to be level 3 to have sneak attack to use it.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Unsworn Shaman

In synopsis:
Minor Spirit: "At 1st level, the unsworn shaman also forms a temporary bond with a minor spirit each day, granting her access to a witch hex of her choosing, but not a major hex or a grand hex."

"...This ability replaces spirit and hex."

The crux of this is that Unsworn gain but lose Hex as an ability within the same text. Also, Unsworn lose all ability to gain Shaman hexes other than Witch (and Wandering) including Extra Hex feat which requires as a prereq Hex class ability.

Suggested fix:

...granting her access to a "shaman or" witch hex of her choosing, but not a major hex or a grand hex."

...This ability replaces spirit and "alters" hex.

Have the devs really not given any statement about how lousy this release was? Every day they ignore this issue is less and less trust. I don't know if I'll ever buy a first edition book from Paizo again.

Dark Archive

Curse of Burning Sleep p. 179
stat block order/formatting
"Casting Time" should be on its own line and before Components
Duration should be on its own line

Dark Archive

Familiar Double p. 181

description says "This spell functions as project image"
However the material component for project image is ""a small replica of you worth 5 gp", it should probably be a replica of the familiar.

Dark Archive

Gentle Breeze p. 183

minor formatting

"School evocation (air)" subschool should have brackets not parens

Grand Lodge

Pg. 137 - Believer's Boon table entry

Minor typo, the table description for Believer's Boon says "Gain that use of a 1st-level cleric domain ability." Probably meant to say "Gain the"

page 21
Dark Wings: There is no improvement in ability between level 16 and level 20; both have the same listed bonus.
" your fly speed increases to 80 feet with good maneuverability."

Pg. 121

The Vanguard Archetype lists "Feat" as a recommended Slayer talent even though Feat is not on the list of Slayer Talents. As Feat was a Slayer talent in the beta, I'd like to assume the error is in the main entry and not the archetype...

Grand Lodge

Pg. 137 - Draining Strike table entry

Draining Strike needs an asterisk after it in the table, as it is a combat feat.

Dark Archive

Stunning Barrier, Greater p. 195

"Duration 1 round/level or until discharged" this is exactly the same as Stunning Barrier.
Either this isn't needed or you forgot to make the change for the Greater version of the spell.

Dark Archive

Thunderstomp, Greater p. 196

you have all the same sections from Thunderstomp, which have the same values, except Target, but the in description you say "It
allows you target multiple creatures"

Usually you leave off the sections that are the same for a Greater spell and only have the different ones.
You should have included the new Target section.

Shadow Lodge

I find it amazing how all those folks that gave this book a 4 and 5 star review did not actually seem to have read the book.

Shadow Lodge

Warpriest says:

"Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a warpriest gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats. The warpriest must meet the prerequisites for these feats, but he treats his warpriest level as his base attack bonus for these feats (in addition to base attack bonuses gained from other classes and racial Hit Dice). Finally, for the purposes of these feats, the warpriest can select feats that have a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite, treating his warpriest level as his fighter level."

1.) Was this supposed to be intended to only apply to the few bonus Feats they receive, or was it supposed to be all Feats?

2.) It indicates that "use BaB for these Feats" as opposed to the later treat warpriest levels as Fighter levels "for prereqs only". Do you get to retain that pseudo full BaB when using you Bonus Feats, or was that supposed to read more like "for meeting prereqs only, the warpriests act as if they had full BaB for their warpriest levels and also those warpriest levels as if they where Fighter levels but only for meeting prereqs of feats such as Weapon Specialization.

3.) If it only applies to Bonus Feats, then it's kind of pointless, as the Bonus Feats do not line up with the levels for such Feats, requiring you to retrain into them at later levels. Or to multiclass with Fighter, which is basically the exact thing the entire class was supposed to do for you.

Feats wrote:

"Weapon of the Chosen (Combat)
The influence of your deity guides your favored weapon.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with deity’s favored weapon, must worship and receive spells from a deity.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can call upon your deity to guide an attack you make with your deity’s favored weapon. On your next attack in that round with that weapon, your weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction or striking an incorporeal
creature. If your attack misses because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance one time to see whether you actually hit."

"Improved Weapon of the Chosen (Combat)
You gain even greater favor when you use your deity’s favored weapon.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with your deity’s favored weapon, Weapon of the Chosen†.
Benefit: This feat acts as Weapon of the Chosen, except you gain the benefits on all attacks until the start of your next turn. Your attacks gain a single alignment component of your deity—either chaotic, evil, good, or lawful—for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If your deity is neutral with no other alignment components, your attacks instead overcome damage reduction as though your weapon were both cold
iron and silver.

"Greater Weapon of the Chosen (Combat)
Your deity guides your hand when you fight with her favored weapon.
Prerequisites: Improved Weapon of the Chosen†, Weapon Focus with deity’s favored weapon, Weapon of the Chosen†, worship and receive spells from a deity.
Benefit: When you use your deity’s favored weapon to attempt a single attack with the attack action, you roll two dice for your attack roll and take the higher result. You do not need to use your Weapon of the Chosen feat to gain this feat’s benefit."

1.) These Feats where specifically intended for the warpriest. Was it then intentional to specify that they only work with a deity's favored weapon when that class moved away from that idea long ago?

2.) Weapon of the Chosen requires a Swift action to activate, for a class that is already extremely strapped for swift and other action types. It's a pretty mediocre benefit for how many class features it makes you loose in order to use it.

3.) Greater Weapon of the Chosen requires you to A.) make a single attack, and B.) doing so while using the Attack Action, which is a specific form of Standard Action. As written, that precludes you from using this with other feats like Vital Strike, (which can not be combined with others that require a specific action type). This really makes this entire chain a pretty bad Trap Chain of Feats, and a really poor option for warpriests who it was designed specifically for.

Feats Wrote:
"Divine Protection
Your deity protects you against deadly attacks.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells; blessings†, domains, or mystery class feature.
Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on all saving throws. If your Charisma modifier is already applied as a bonus on all saving throw (such as from the divine grace class feature), you instead gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws."

Probably the single more contested option in the book. Would it be possible to rewrite the prereqs to something like

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, ability to prepair 2nd-level divine spells; blessings† or domains class feature.

It's actually a pretty nice new little toy for pretty much everyone except the Oracle (where it's pretty clearly broken as heck). For the Oracle who is so SAD and Cha focused, it's a no-brainer Feat choice that offers benefits that are better then all of the other Save boosting Feats (possibly combined). For pretty much every other Divine caster class though, they are MAD, generally very strapped for Feats, and not likely to have a Cha over 14 or 16, which means it may be a nice boost, but not a must have.


Arachnofiend wrote:

Pg. 121

The Vanguard Archetype lists "Feat" as a recommended Slayer talent even though Feat is not on the list of Slayer Talents. As Feat was a Slayer talent in the beta, I'd like to assume the error is in the main entry and not the archetype...

Interesting. The slayer document I sent over to editing had a list of slayer talents and advanced slayer talents (listed in the Slayer Talents and Advanced Talents sections for the class), and "feat" was one of the choices.

Obviously those two paragraphs are not in the final version of the book, so someone decided to cut them (probably to make the slayer class layout end on page 55, as the swashbuckler begins at the top of 56).

I developed the slayer archetypes, but I don't have the version of the slayer archetypes document I sent over to editing. I do have the writer's original turnover, which doesn't list talent suggestions for that archetype, so that list was something I added in development (to match how we do rogue archetypes).

Looking at the print version of the slayer archetypes, all except the vanguard say "the following slayer talents (and rogue talents) complement this archetype..." That parenthetical wouldn't be necessary if the slayer class entry still included its list of selectable rogue talents, so that must have been added after I was gone.

I think what happened is this:
* Slayer needed two paragraphs cut to fit the layout.
* Someone decided to cut those rogue talent paragraphs to make it fit.
* In order to avoid having to redesign all of the slayer archetypes that refer to the now-missing rogue talent lists, someone decided to update the slayer archetypes to include the "(and rogue talents)" text so those archetypes could still choose appropriate talents from the rogue list.
* Someone missed updating the Rogue Talents entry in the vanguard archetype (it's the only archetype that's missing that parenthetical note about "and rogue talents").

Good eye, Arachnofiend.

Dark Archive


it lists a price of 12,650 GP and lists bonuses of +1 through +5 with more prices.
Does this means a base price of 12,650 GP plus whatever the bonus is?

also the costs only have +1 though +5 with no base cost

I'm thinking the price of 12,650 GP was listed in error and you should only use the bonus values for price and cost



ERROR 404.....

Grand Lodge

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eh, it's not so bad considering. Anybody who has been at this long enough knows it's par for the course.

Dark Archive


since prices varies so should cost

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Mutation Warrior p. 93 under Mutagen Discovery lists the wings alchemist discovery but as written this particular discovery has no effect for a mutation warrior. This does not seem to be the intent and a clarification and errata is probably in order.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 138 - Kick Up table description

Minor typo. Description for Kick Up in the table says "Retrieve and unattended item as a swift action." "And" should be "an".

Grand Lodge

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Just because I find stuff like this fun and interesting, if you combined all the feats from the Roleplaying Game series of books (not including mythic feats, story feats, or feats tied to specific variant rules [eg: hero points, words of power, and called shots]) the total number comes to exactly 1,000.


Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Interesting. The slayer document I sent over to editing had a list of slayer talents and advanced slayer talents (listed in the Slayer Talents and Advanced Talents sections for the class), and "feat" was one of the choices.

I think when I was working on this post, I fiddled with the wording and the end result is unclear. Let's try that again:

Interesting. The slayer document I sent over to editing had a list of rogue talents and advanced rogue talents (listed as additional options for the Slayer Talents and Advanced Talents sections for the class), and "feat" was one of the choices.

In other words, just like in the playtest, slayers selecting slayer talents were originally supposed to also have a list of rogue talents as options.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 145 - Dueling Cape feat

Dueling Cape is labeled as a panache feat in its description, but its table entry lists it as a general feat, outside of the panache feats. Likewise, it's missing the typical "Amateur Swashbuckler or panache class feature" text in its prereqs that other panache feats have, leading me to believe that the table entry has the right of it.

EDIT: looks like I missed an entire page of feats from this book when i was counting and totaling up all the feats in my earlier post. Make that 1,034 feats.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 139 - Table 3-1: Feats

Several minor typographical and formatting errors here, I'll just combine them into one post.

1) Nature Magic: In the benefits column, "know direction" needs to be italicized. Also, "constant ability" should be changed to "constant spell-like ability".

2) Paralyzing Strike: In the prerequisites column, Improved Unarmed Strike needs to have each word capitalized.

3) Resilient Armor: In the benefits column, delete the word "the".

4) Greater Skald's Vigor: In the prerequisites column, change "Perform (song)" to "Perform (sing)".

5) Spontaneous Nature's Ally: In the benefits column, change "spontaneous" to "spontaneously".

6) Stalker's Focus: In the prerequisites column, change "no ranks in a class" to "no levels in a class".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 63 - Aspect of War class feature

It says "the warpriest treats his level as his base attack bonus". Maybe I'm alone on this, but this sounds clunky and even backwards (like the base attack bonus should be mentioned first since that's the one getting the change).

Also, not an error but a question (and possibly a request for clarification): does a warpriest using this ability get an extra attack for breaking the +16 base attack bonus threshold?

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