When to play a Gnome?


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Hi, I'm wondering when would a Gnome be a good choice for your race out of the core races? At first glance I feel anything a Gnome can do a Halfling could do better. Is there something I'm missing or are Gnomes just a bad pick?

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at the risk of being obvious, when it fits your character concept?

An illusionist?

Personally I like Gnomes, and they have some great racial feats.

so Gnomes as an illusionist or if you want to be a Gnome? Is that really it? Not many reasons to pick one.

Scarab Sages

why play half elf, human is better?

I would imagine that a gnome heaven oracle would be quite good. This would work off of their illusion DC bonus to color spray everything as a note.

Gnome is not a bad pick.

  • First of, Gnomes with 11 (or above) CHA gets SLA's.
  • Some classes favour CON over DEX, making the Gnome a better pick.
  • Gnomes get low-light vision. +2 racial bonus to either a craft or profession skill. Halflings get their +2 racial to climb and acrobatic. Climb isn't usefull after flying is an option.
  • Both get +2 to perception.
  • Both are meh when it comes to Weapon Familiarity.
  • Both get a +2 in all saves, Gnomes against illusion spells and Halflings against fear.
  • Halflings gets another +1 to all saves.
  • Gnomes have two extra that are situational, since they only apply to sertain race types. However, both those can be switched for another trait that lets them re-roll a nat1 each day which is crazy good.

  • In many ways I would say that Gnome is supperior.

    Half elf has access to three favored class options, and they help multi-classing. Also you can get a stacking bonus to will save. Better vision. spell like abilities. Paragon surge.

    Because of their favored class they can make better use of channel energy. extra evolutions for summoner. Or boost up the oracles mysteries.

    So while not superior to humans, there are quite a few reasons to want to play a half elf over a human and I'd say they are competitive to what you get from being Human.

    Now for Gnomes I'm having a hard time seeing them having a competitive time doing anything. They make good illusionists, but is there anything else that they can do competitively? SO they don't even need to be better, I just don't want them to be weaker.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    When you want to be a summoner who rides in their mech, and fires crossbow bolts out while waiting for all systems to be nominal?

    ...no? Maybe that's just me.

    Low-light vision is a good boon (keep in mind it let's you see perfectly fine outside at night under moon or stars), and Gnomes can get darkvision with an alternate racial trait. Halflings get no special vision, which arguable makes gnomes better rogues :P

    SLAs can be handy, especially at low levels.

    Speaking of, their magic trait can be switched out for a +1 DC to necromancy or fire spells, instead of illusion, and different SLAs. Seems that might make them a good fire sorcerer, and I have a gnome Thassilonian necromancer in PFS that works well.

    The Effortless Trickery feat is awesome, IMO, even for non-illusionists.

    Gnomes are also just quirky, and really fun to play. They're not specifically a bad choice for most things.

    I'm having fun with a pyromaniac gnome alchemist. Picks up bomb dice one level early, which is nice.
    I don't think Halflings get anything more useful.

    For a Christmas themed adventure.

    Adoril Recond wrote:

    why play half elf, human is better?

    Because you want Eldritch Heritage. Human is only strictly superior to Half-Elf if Skill Focus (or EWP) are not on your list of desired feats. And even then, if your build isn't feat heavy the +2 Will from dual minded might be better than the bonus feat.

    Gnomes can make good Sorcerers, but they're still not the optimal pick what with Humans vomiting spells with their FCB. I don't think they're the best for anything.

    You might ask your GM if the First World features prominently in the adventure.

    Silver Crusade

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    When you want to be a tinytank...

    Arachnofiend wrote:
    Adoril Recond wrote:

    why play half elf, human is better?

    Because you want Eldritch Heritage. Human is only strictly superior to Half-Elf if Skill Focus (or EWP) are not on your list of desired feats. And even then, if your build isn't feat heavy the +2 Will from dual minded might be better than the bonus feat.

    Gnomes can make good Sorcerers, but they're still not the optimal pick what with Humans vomiting spells with their FCB. I don't think they're the best for anything.

    Humans can get 3 skill focus feats if they're taking one at first level, though it's hard to argue that's better than the half-elf bonuses if you're not a skills character.

    Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Our group has a gnome wizard. He has the second highest hit point total in the group.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Chess Pwn wrote:
    Hi, I'm wondering when would a Gnome be a good choice for your race out of the core races? At first glance I feel anything a Gnome can do a Halfling could do better. Is there something I'm missing or are Gnomes just a bad pick?

    Why does it matter if a halfling would have more bonuses for whatever class you choose?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    When you want to be happy when your character dies.

    Gnomes have a race trait that allows them proficiency in any weapon they create. They have a race trait that gives them +1 levels in fire magic/bombs.

    Shadow Lodge

    Well, in addition to making good Illusionists, they also make great ninjas. Mainly because of this Amazing Ninja Feat! Also a bonus to Con[on a squishy class], a bonus to Charisma[on a Charisma-based class], and Darkvision option[on a class dependent on Sneak Attack], along with free SLA's for Arcane Strike all combine to be a good deal.

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    That about covers it, IMHO.


    But that is just me.

    At the end of the day a +1 bonus here or there is not going to make or break a character. It make a slightly less effective version of somethings but I that is part of the fun of some characters.

    Now I think you are asking what times favor playing a gnome. Well any of the Cha classes can benefit from their bonus.

    Silver Crusade

    After perusing this thread I was considering making my upcoming heavens oracle a gnome. I decided I wasn't THAT stupid, though.

    Gnomes make great heavens oracle.

    Silver Crusade

    It came down to a choice between being a human with 1 lower on the DC but 2 higher spell penetration, or a gnome with 1 higher DC and 2 less spell penetration.

    Since all of my color sprays are going to be persistent anyway, I decided on the human for the extra skill per level.

    The character isn't finalized yet, so it's entirely possible I will go back and change that around before I play her in a PFS scenario.

    Gnome ranger. I like building off their racial traits.

    The main answer to any 'when to play a (X)' is 'whenever you feel like it).

    Bigdaddyjug wrote:
    After perusing this thread I was considering making my upcoming heavens oracle a gnome. I decided I wasn't THAT stupid, though.

    Why is it stupid?

    Cheapy wrote:

    When you want to be a summoner who rides in their mech, and fires crossbow bolts out while waiting for all systems to be nominal?

    ...no? Maybe that's just me.

    Thats when I played a Gnome.

    Though crossbows are for wussies.

    Silver Crusade

    Paulicus wrote:
    Bigdaddyjug wrote:
    After perusing this thread I was considering making my upcoming heavens oracle a gnome. I decided I wasn't THAT stupid, though.
    Why is it stupid?

    Just a gnome joke. I still haven't entirely decided not to make her a gnome. It's a really tough decision. I realized in addition to higher spell DCs the gnome will have more HP.

    Gah! I hate being so indecisive!

    Or do I?

    The choice depends on what you want, halflings are a better choice for the characters I want to play but I don't want to play all possible characters. Off the top of my head a gnome can make a better bomb throwing alchemist (racial class bonus is more bombs), mundane who wants use arcane strike (not an option for halflings), fire oriented magic user, barbarian of any type, or front-line druid (racial class bonus of resistance rocks). The only one of those that sorta interests me is an arcane strike using barbarian, but those were just off the top of my head, if I wanted to actually look at the races I'm sure I could find more examples.

    When I want to play a character called Indiana Gnome. *casts Prestidigitation, theme music plays*

    Grand Lodge

    I would say gnomes are slightly better mounted combatants, too.

    A gnome cavalier can talk to his mount, can use heavy armor without wasting a dex bonus, and gets proficiency with one of the best melee weapons in the game.

    I play a gnome so I have an excuse to be insane

    EvilPaladin wrote:

    Well, in addition to making good Illusionists, they also make great ninjas. Mainly because of this Amazing Ninja Feat! Also a bonus to Con[on a squishy class], a bonus to Charisma[on a Charisma-based class], and Darkvision option[on a class dependent on Sneak Attack], along with free SLA's for Arcane Strike all combine to be a good deal.

    This looks like it would be great for an Iroran Paladin, actually...

    Lantern Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    When you want to be a halfling, only badass.

    When an aasimar just isn't cool enough.

    When a human is too tall and a kitsune is too furry.

    When eyebrows are more important than beards.

    When half-elves or half-orcs fee incomplete.

    When you want the absolute highest power-to-size ratio.

    When you want innate magical prowess without knife-ears.

    So, always.

    Other than half-orc if you want to take advantage of luck bonus cheese, gnome is superior than any of the base races.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    When should you play a gnome?

    1. When you're the one who will climb up on to the giant's table while everybody else is trying to sneak out of the dungeon, because you've never tasted giant food before.

    2. When you'll risk your life climbing down to the very bottom of a deep pit just because its the lowest place you've ever been.

    3. When everybody else is buffing up to fight a dragon, and you walk right up to the dragon to find out if it knows any jokes you haven't heard.

    4. When you're really annoyed that kender aren't a Pathfinder race.

    5. When you're already compiled a list of at least 200 wonderful pranks you could play using Prestidigitation.

    6. When you think Batman would be a really cool character if only he had more gadgets on his belt.

    7. When you can't even look at a firearm without immediately thinking of at least four different ways it could be improved.

    8. When you believe that adding more colors always improves any outfit.

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    Pyromaniac! Gnomes do that well too!

    Treefolk wrote:
    Pyromaniac! Gnomes do that well too!

    What about a half gnome, half goblin alchemist?

    Shadow Lodge

    JoeJ wrote:
    Treefolk wrote:
    Pyromaniac! Gnomes do that well too!
    What about a half gnome, half goblin alchemist?

    Consider this idea stolen.

    Dark Archive

    Cheapy wrote:

    When you want to be a summoner who rides in their mech, and fires crossbow bolts out while waiting for all systems to be nominal?

    ...no? Maybe that's just me.

    It's not just you. Alina rides around on her flying mechanical snake (which has arms to fire its own crossbow too) firing her crossbow.

    Halflings in Golarion have bad reputations. They are untrustworthy thieves. They're also mainly slaves in many nations throughout the inner sea. So one Golarion specific reason is that gnomes are treated a lot better

    Jayson MF Kip wrote:
    When eyebrows are more important than beards.

    Like a Mini-Monarch

    The only excuse to play a gnome.

    EntrerisShadow wrote:

    I would say gnomes are slightly better mounted combatants, too.

    A gnome cavalier can talk to his mount, can use heavy armor without wasting a dex bonus, and gets proficiency with one of the best melee weapons in the game.


    And with a charisma score of 11 or higher he can pick arcane strike as well.

    Although I'm not sure I agree about the "one of the best melee weapons in the game" thing.

    When to play a gnome?

    What's so good about gnomes?

    Alchemist, Ninja, Cavalier, Bard, Sorcerer & Oracle have been said already some of the favoured class bonuses for Intelligence based casters have real potential too (Magus & Wizard). Gnomes can also have really high save DC's for Language Dependant Spells and can know loads of languages.

    Thier slow movement penalty is somewhat ameliorated by a barbarians fast movement (con bonus too) which also addresses the strength negative - not an optimised Barbarian but playable for flavour.

    The Ranger racial class bonus gives damage resistance to the Animal Companion which synergises beautifully with an archer type ranger - this is definitely going to be a future character of mine.

    Grand Lodge

    Zark wrote:
    EntrerisShadow wrote:

    I would say gnomes are slightly better mounted combatants, too.

    A gnome cavalier can talk to his mount, can use heavy armor without wasting a dex bonus, and gets proficiency with one of the best melee weapons in the game.


    And with a charisma score of 11 or higher he can pick arcane strike as well.

    Although I'm not sure I agree about the "one of the best melee weapons in the game" thing.

    Totally forgot about the 'Arcane Strike' bit. It pretty much offsets the initial STR penalty for a Fighter.

    Although I still maintain the Gnome Hooked Hammer is ridiculously good. You can two hand it or go TWF with it, one side is bludgeoning damage (which is typically considered the best damage type) and the other side gets a juicy x4 crit multiplier. And it's a trip weapon. All in all, pretty darn good.

    But even if you don't think the GHH is that good, there's also the racial trait someone else mentioned that a gnome is considered proficient in any weapon they create. Essentially, pick the best weapon in the game, make it, and voila! Gnome proficiency. You can wield a Keen Falcata without blowing a feat on it.

    Marius Castille wrote:
    Gnome ranger.


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