[Update] Kabal a Pathfinder Online Community [NG]

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Goblin Squad Member

The only name I find somewhat interesting is Shadowfen, though "Shadow" is kind of overdone; back to the drawing board Kabal.


Goblin Squad Member

Some of those names seem a little sinister for a Neutral Good group, though I do favor the sound of Blackwatch Keep. Looking forward to potential trade and diplomacy.

Goblin Squad Member

Don't forget Agents of Erastil's Settlement is "Blackfeather Keep", in case that affects anything.

Goblin Squad Member

Why do you think we put in Blackwatch Keep, knowing that? :-)

Really had to come down hard on the pornographic names some of the members came up with. Kept telling them, "No way GW will allow that." :-)

And sinister names are good. Scares the stupid bad guys. ;-)

Hey porn names can be famous too!

Also I can make it far worse pretty sure I could list 1,000's of names on a daily basis do not doubt my powers!

Goblin Squad Member

Oh no you don't! You get one more list of no more than 75 names and then I'm cutting you off.

Now that we know where we are, we can come up with some location appropriate names.

Probably should start thinking about alliance names with our neighbors too. I lean towards the Western Federation of the River Kingdoms myself. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

The Nation of the Holy Order of Beer!

(Too much?)

Goblin Squad Member

Breakin' rocks! Breakin' Rocks! We love to break them rocks! Why don't you come and help us break them rocks? Join Kabal! And build a town of stone!

No sissy wooden structures for us! Nosiree! We have all stone structures! Stone laid streets, not wood, not dirt, not mud. Stone Walls. Stone fences. Stone bathhouses even.


Breakin' Rocks! Breakin' Rocks! Come help us break them Rocks!

Goblin Squad Member

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<Kabal> Sunnfire wrote:

Rabble is not all we raise.

We had no interest in X, actually the only hex we were considering that we could not get was E.

Which Elkhaven pushed out of our grasp... for now! (dun,dun,dunnnnn!)

Appreciate the honesty, but with all due respect, get bent.

Goblin Squad Member

FMS SirZac wrote:
<Kabal> Sunnfire wrote:

Rabble is not all we raise.

We had no interest in X, actually the only hex we were considering that we could not get was E.

Which Elkhaven pushed out of our grasp... for now! (dun,dun,dunnnnn!)

Appreciate the honesty, but with all due respect, get bent.

Someone's been drinking. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Well Now that the Land Rush is over and you guys decided not to move from F it appears that Terra Australis Incognito and Kabal will be Neighbors.

I've just submitted an application to your forums, simply to make diplomatic relations easier. :)

Goblin Squad Member

FMS SirZac wrote:
<Kabal> Sunnfire wrote:

Rabble is not all we raise.

We had no interest in X, actually the only hex we were considering that we could not get was E.

Which Elkhaven pushed out of our grasp... for now! (dun,dun,dunnnnn!)

Appreciate the honesty, but with all due respect, get bent.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

Corwyn you should be all set.

Additionally, anyone else that wants to chat with us about stuff and things, feel free to head on over.

Goblin Squad Member

<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:

Fort Sassy Pants.

and this is still up for debate, why?

Goblin Squad Member

It is settled, as unofficially official unrelated spokesperson for <Cable> Sunfyre, I nearby (I happened to be near) sanction this possibly wholly land, Fort Sassy Pants! Had I any real capacity to speak for Sunnfire, I would have had to get him really drunk to agree to this....and I'm not saying I didn't, or maybe he got me drunk and had his way with my words?

Goblin Squad Member

Oh, what a giveaway!

Goblin Squad Member

Instead of flying flags, we fly pants!

Bright colorful pants with crazy patterns that should never be combined in the realm of sight.

Who needs settlement defense, when your flapping pants of madness cause any who approach to turn and flee in agony.

I'm down for FSP. The question is, will we be able to get sufficiently sassy pants in game.

Goblin Squad Member

Indeed. This is a question of utmost importance for the devs to dedicate their precious time to.

Goblin Squad Member

Fort Sassy Pants is still doing well in the poll. I know I voted for it. Unfortunately, some really hackneyed weak sissy name is doing better.

Join Kabal and help make Fort Sassy Pants our settlement's/capital's name!

Goblin Squad Member

So, is there a TS or mumble to talk to you duders and dudettes about Eisbocks, lack of pants and Covenant Pornography?

I reeeeeeeeealy like hanging out in voip servers.

Goblin Squad Member

Yep, details are on our webpage.
Its hit or miss who will be on, but wednesdays are a meeting night so there are usually a bunch of people on.

Goblin Squad Member

Times for the Meet and Greets are also listed on our home page and sometimes our Event page. [mumble btw, except for the diehards who use Ventrilo or Skype and Sunnfire has to tell us what they are saying to him] :-)

And this Wednesday, we apparently are having a number of folks who did not sign up for Pathfinder Online and we are going to try to wow them with how wonderful the game is and how much greater it will be in the future. So if anyone has folks who haven't gotten involved in PFO and you think that they will enjoy it, send them over too. And then convince them to join our guild.

So if you want to shamelessly drop in and after we all convinced them that they should dedicate the next few years of their lives to PFO, then you can try to convince them about how your settlements are almost as good as Kabal's and try to convince them to join your lesser settlements instead. ;-)

Goblin Squad Member

<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:
...some really hackneyed weak sissy name is doing better.

Please share?

Goblin Squad Member

Currently Shadowfen leads by one vote. See? Sissy name for such a sassy group as us.

Goblin Squad Member

Can we change that to Fort Sassyfen Shadowpants?

Goblin Squad Member

Don't people realize that a fen is a stinky swamp... adding shadows just makes it more likely you can't see where you're stepping either. :/

True. And then you have to make sure you roll up your sassy pants really high.

Goblin Squad Member

And there is only one settlement that has a swamp near it and it ain't us!

Maybe Shadowhills or Shadowmount will be on the next poll of possible settlement names.

But see if you add shadow it's sounds sneaky. So sneaky swamp or silent and deadly.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, there's the common usage of a collective of fans, as in "the residents are all shadow fen"

Goblin Squad Member

Or it is just that our hills are so high that they cast large shadows everywhere!

Naw! I don't buy that either.

Goblin Squad Member

There's also the upside that the classical "fen" is often populated with carnivorous plants.....

For that I am posting 100 new names as your punishment!

Looking forward to the gnome-punting name series.

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Hunter wrote:
Don't people realize that a fen is a stinky swamp... adding shadows just makes it more likely you can't see where you're stepping either. :/

My recollection is that fens are a type of swamp, but without the forest canopy and while clogged with plant life, it is not free floating, but rooted. Yes, fens tend to be low areas unlike bogs.

I think to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire fens.

Goblin Squad Member

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I believe the essential difference is that "Fen" is high PH, while Bog is low "PH"

Edit: and I'm mostly wrong. The actual difference is in whether there is a groundwater source filling them.

Fen's have a source of ground water, often picking up calcites and are herefore High PH, while bogs are rain dependent, with no natural inflow, so tend to be lower "PH"

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:

I believe the essential difference is that "Fen" is high PH, while Bog is low "PH"

Edit: and I'm mostly wrong. The actual difference is in whether there is a groundwater source filling them.

Fen's have a source of ground water, often picking up calcites and are herefore High PH, while bogs are rain dependent, with no natural inflow, so tend to be lower "PH"

OH! Science! My brain hurts! I feel like a Kobold Cleaver now!

"A fen is one of the four main types of wetland, the others being grassy marshes, forested swamps, and peaty bogs. Along with bogs, fens are a kind of mire. Fens are usually fed by mineral-rich surface water or groundwater. They are characterised by their water chemistry, which is pH neutral or alkaline, with relatively high dissolved mineral levels but few other plant nutrients."

Hence, the Boston fens after which the Fenway and Fenway Park were named.

Goblin Squad Member

You aren't going to spout this stuff at our Meet and Greet tomorrow night are you? Brains exploding is not a good way to make friends!

Indubitably, my dear Bunibuni.

Goblin Squad Member

Then, just to defend my poor brain, I'm inviting Kobold Cleaver to come too!

Goblin Squad Member

For you folks who are just now realizing that your company didn't get a settlement and folks who have decided that they are unhappy with their current settlement, be it location/personalities/whatever, Join Kabal!

We have lots of room for more players and more companies.

Goblin Squad Member

Just watch your back once they get you in bed. Especially if they bought you dinner first. Some of them seem to have expectations.

Goblin Squad Member


What the hell now I also have to fear the boot that you have and I don't. For the love of god please tell Dan that I want to hug him. Please!

Seriously you guys!

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Just watch your back once they get you in bed. Especially if they bought you dinner first. Some of them seem to have expectations.

Well, once you're in bed, I wouldn't be surprised if there typically are some expectations.

Goblin Squad Member

Papaver wrote:


What the hell now I also have to fear the boot that you have and I don't. For the love of god please tell Dan that I want to hug him. Please!

Seriously you guys!

I told everyone we were the cool kids.

You can lead a horse to water.. :)

I thought it was lead a horse to the glue factory?

(no horses were harmed in the making of this post. The horses betrayed in this posts were puppets. The names of the horses have been changed to protect the innocent)

Goblin Squad Member

<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:

For you folks who are just now realizing that your company didn't get a settlement and folks who have decided that they are unhappy with their current settlement, be it location/personalities/whatever, Join Kabal!

We have lots of room for more players and more companies.

Just be wary of the fens. Don't let them house you in the fens.

Goblin Squad Member

I think if we drop enough rocks into a fen we can make ... a FREEWAY!

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