Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

An old high school friend, who is currently working as a nurse in Alaska, posted a funny story from his most recent ER shift. A young lady came in with a small vibrator stuck in her bladder.

Scarab Sages

Well, that was a kind of sucktastic lunch and learn. I hate when such a big ass company goes all cheap s&!! on the lunch and just gets catered sammiches.

Not like the guy week or so ago. That dude brought chicken and beef kabobs, a rice dish, salad, and various desserts.

Scarab Sages

Still, the learn part was pretty cool. Dude was showing us his company's software for simulating multi-phase flow in pipelines.

Scarab Sages

'Tis Friday.

Mayhap I'll get important things accomplished this weekend.

Mayhap I'll have some fun with my family.

Mayhap I'll just sit around, veg in front of the TV, and drink beer.

'Tis Saturday

And I'm working

I really wish I wasn't
But oh well

Scarab Sages

My (somewhat ironic) Father's Day gift from Man Crates

Hey, imagine the survivors' dismay when you brandish that machete and holler


Scarab Sages

Mmmmmm...smoked turkey legs.

Guess which movie I watched last night....

Star Wars?

Aw, how'd you know?

Scarab Sages

Saw an article the other day that said we could be looking at $80 per barrel oil by sometime in 2017. Same article said it might not last that long at that price, but that it wouldn't go back down to these craptastic levels we've been seeing.

That makes me happy. Mainly because (a) I like work, and (b) I like not having rolling blackouts across the country, which is what you risk if the s&**head greenies get their way.

Scarab Sages

On the other hand....there's coffee.

Coffee good.

Scarab Sages

I might just be in the mood for an alias blitz.

Scarab Sages



Too right, lad!

Burn, baby burn. Disco inferno!

Fill your hands, you sonofab+**%!

Don't worry. Be happy!

It's a madhouse!!!

I miss the Lord Jason.

No one ever misses me.

puts on tin foil body suit

G$*#~*n whippersnappers!

We all float down here.

force choke

Help! I being oppressed!



Vote for me, serfs!

G*&!@~ned meatbags.

I don't need any of this working-class hero crap!

Scarab Sages

Korean Style Baby Back Ribs

• 4 teaspoons cornstarch
• 1/2 cup water
• 1/4 cup sesame oil
• 6 green onions, chopped
• 4 teaspoons minced garlic
• 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
• 1/4 cup chili sauce
• 1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
• 1/4 cup Hungry Jack® Original Syrup
• 1/2 cup sodium-reduced soy sauce
• 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
• 2 racks baby back ribs, (about 3 pounds each)
• Salt and pepper

Preparation Instructions
1.HEAT oven to 325°F. Line two 17 x 11-inch baking pans with enough 18-inch wide heavy-duty foil to fold over ribs, approximately twice the size of the pan. Dissolve cornstarch in water.

2.HEAT sesame oil in 3-quart saucepan over medium-high heat. Add green onion, garlic and ginger. Cook and stir 1 minute until light golden brown. Whisk in chili sauce, brown sugar, syrup, soy sauce, vinegar and cornstarch mixture. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly. Cook 4 to 5 minutes or until slightly thickened.

3.PLACE one rack of ribs, meat side up, on each prepared pan. Season with salt and pepper. Baste each with 1/4 cup sauce. Turn racks over. Repeat seasoning and basting. Fold foil tightly around racks, meat side down, to make a sealed packet.

4.ROAST 2 hours or until ribs are tender and internal temperature reaches 160°F. Reheat sauce. Brush ribs with sauce. Serve remaining sauce with ribs.

I am Spartacus!

So much for being a trendsetter.

Ah reckon so.

Dark Archive

Bread goes in the toaster. Toast comes out the toaster. Where does the bread go?

Quiet down you damned serfs. Do what you're told.

Shadow Lodge


Here I come to save the day!


Uhm, drugs r'bad. M'kay?


passes through the thread like an errant breeze

Make luv! Not war!

Warm weather? You know what that means? PICNIC TIME!!!

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