Tels |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Crikeys Mark, did you guys just name a class "Medium"? ;-) Did you learn nothing from "level"?
Can I play a Large Medium? How about a Small Medium? Most will be Medium Mediums. If I play it pretty good, does it become a "Medium Well"? Or if I am cheerful, am I a "Happy Medium"? Snort.
It also depends on the type of medium you're using
Rynjin |
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Rynjin wrote:Does Mobile Blast or Wall or some other lingering Infusion count as a "source of open flame" for a Pyrokineticist to use something like Smoke Storm?Should work, just like pyrotechnics can use magical fires (though as with that spell, it doesn't extinguish your mobile blast or wall). So throw the ball in there as a move and then throw up a smoke screen as a standard! That's always fun to do.
I was wrong on both counts then (I wasn't sure if Pyrotechnics worked on a Flaming Sphere either, but was leaning twards o).
My logic was that it wasn't really a fire source but more a self-contained ball of energy, unlike a torch or bonfire or something. Good to know, makes Smoke Storm a lot better.
Chess Pwn |
Chess Pwn wrote:here is a thread that says answered in FAQ but I'm not sure it is, do you know what's going on here?Yeah, that's part of a very eerie thing. Maybe you can help me. When we were going through the ACG errata, there was some archetype that had basically that exact problem; it got bloodrager powers at the wrong levels in a weird way that was pretty much exactly the way it happened to eldritch scion, and I even thought it was eldritch scion. I brought it up to the PDT and we figured out the right answer, and it went into the errata. I'm almost sure of it, in that I remember it clearly. But eldritch scion doesn't have a listing in the errata at all, including in older versions I could find (also, apparently eldritch scion has other issues that people brought to my attention only after the errata were out, but that's not part of the eerieness). Can you think of another such archetype in the errata? I can't find one any more.
In any case, that was marked in errata erroneously due to my memory of it being in the errata. We can't unmark things though, the UI doesn't have that option.
the only things I can think that deals with bloodrager is the Magic Item that gives you a bloodrage for like 4 rounds a day if you have a bloodline. Or the barb rage powers based off of bloodlines.
PathlessBeth |
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Crikeys Mark, did you guys just name a class "Medium"? ;-) Did you learn nothing from "level"?
Can I play a Large Medium? How about a Small Medium? Most will be Medium Mediums. If I play it pretty good, does it become a "Medium Well"? Or if I am cheerful, am I a "Happy Medium"? Snort.
Even worse, he followed the 3.5 trend of giving new classes the same names as old! It was bad enough when a multi-class Samurai (Oriental Adventures)/Samurai (Complete Warrior) decided to prestige into Master Samurai (Sword and Fist) and Dragon Samurai (Miniatures Handbook).
Now, though, a Medium (Legendary Classes: Covenant Magic) can multiclass to Medium (Occult Adventures), before having Enlarge Person cast on them to become a multiclass Large/Large!Lou Diamond |
Mark, what would you think of a slayer talent that let the slayer deal sneak attack damage to a target that he has studied for one round. the prereq would be that the slayer have, studied target +2 dex 16+.
what would you think of a rogue/slayer talent that negated the uncanney dodge bonus and an advanced talent that negated the 4 level higher bonus from improved uncanney dodge.
Dragon78 |
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What do TV Shows do you watch?
Gravity Falls is an animated show about 12 year old twin brother and sister named "Dipper"(nick name) and Mabel who are sent to stay with there "Gruncle"(great uncle) Stan for the summer in a small town called "Gravity Falls"(Oregon). Dipper finds a book(one of three) that has information about the strange things that exist in and around town. The show has a lot of mysteries like who is the author of the books(which has been reveled), why is the town like a vortex for the supernatural, and who the real villain of the series will actually be. It's a funny show and has good characters.
David Neilson |
Hi Mark, hope things are going well. I was reading through the Medium and just to check you only get penalties for the spirit you are channeling when you hit 3 influence? I was reading as getting them all the time at first, and so I am not quite sure now.
Also reading through, the first point of influence you must take never seems to do anything. Making me wonder why you did not start your the counter for it at zero, and reduce everything else by one.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Shadow_Charlatan |
When an invisible kineticist uses the feat Delay Blast, when would the invisibility be deactivated ?
Does Telekinetic Invisibility have the same duration as the spell or is it until deactivated or making an attack ?
Occult Adventures contains some Rods meant exclusively for Kineticists, which requires Craft Rod (which Master Craftsman does not grant access to), will Kineticists possibly get an ability like the Alchemist's Spell Knowledge Discovery to qualify for Crafting feats ?
Chess Pwn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So I'm curious if there's already an answer to this question. What things that effect spells effect SLA? I know Metamagic don't and augment summoning does.
Would Elemental Focus feat work on SLA?
Would Spell Focus feat work on SLA?
Would Spell Specialization feat work on SLA?
Sorcerer's bloodline arcana?
Medium's Archmage seance boon?
Does it matter if it's a SLA that is a spell opposed to a SLA like the Occultist's evocation's Energy Blast and the fire domain's fire bolt?
if it's easy, could you share the "rule" to know if something that works for spells works for SLA?
Gordrenn Higgler |
Can a kineticist use multiple uses of Omnikinesis to get wild talents with prerequisites? Such as using the first burn to get the prerequisite wild talent then another to get a wild that requires the first?
When using Omnikinesis to switch out wild talents can they be any level or must they be the same that's being switched out?
Le Petite Mort |
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I know this question was asked a few times during the playtest, but I haven't seen an answer for the released version.
Basically, does using Intimidate to demoralize a psychic caster prevent them from casting spells with emotion components? As written, the effect they must suffer to disable must have the emotion or fear descriptors, which only exist for spells.
However, in this thread about the playtest you pretty clearly state that Intimidate is intended to work (or any shaken condition) in order to provide martial classes with a method of disabling psychic spellcasters analogous to grappling for arcane casters.
Is this no longer true? My Hellknight of Terror simply must know. :)
Puna'chong |
Asked in the Kineticist Damage thread:
"My next campaign we'll be using [the Revised Action Economy] full-stop from day one, and I've used it now for half of my campaign that's ending, and all of another little short campaign. One of the players in the next campaign wants to be a Kineticist, and I'm debating whether or not to leave the normal blasts at just 2 actions or expand them a bit.
Would it break everything if I allowed the 2 action attack to be broken into 1 action attacks that deal half damage? It'd allow for Gather Power to do more in a single turn and for the character to sling three blasts as a full round, all dealing half but with the iterative penalties, or a 2 action blast and a 1 action blast, etc. Composite Blasts would be locked in at 2 actions."
I saw the earlier response on Gather Power, which is how I'll be running it. For the blasts themselves, is it better to leave the player with their 2 action attack, or let them get in on the action with some more (less damaging) attacks?
ArcGygas |
Hey, Mark, was wondering if you could offer a bit of insight.
I'm looking at making a psychic and want to put a lot of focus into the Phrenic Pool. I figure with a decent Charisma, the Abomination Discipline, and some feats put into Expanded Phrenic Pool and Extra Phrenic Amplifications, I could do this quite well!
But, one thing I noticed is that Expanded Phrenic Pool does not have the Special where you can take it multiple times. Was this an oversight? Or is this intentional? I wouldn't question it as much if all the other feats that give more points/uses (Grit, Rage, Performance, Arcane Pool, Resevoir, etc.) all have that stipulation, but Expanded Phrenic Pool does not. Would appreciate your insight!
Chess Pwn |
Hey, Mark, was wondering if you could offer a bit of insight.
I'm looking at making a psychic and want to put a lot of focus into the Phrenic Pool. I figure with a decent Charisma, the Abomination Discipline, and some feats put into Expanded Phrenic Pool and Extra Phrenic Amplifications, I could do this quite well!
But, one thing I noticed is that Expanded Phrenic Pool does not have the Special where you can take it multiple times. Was this an oversight? Or is this intentional? I wouldn't question it as much if all the other feats that give more points/uses (Grit, Rage, Performance, Arcane Pool, Resevoir, etc.) all have that stipulation, but Expanded Phrenic Pool does not. Would appreciate your insight!
Extra channel also can't be taken multiple times.
Kalindlara Contributor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Secret Wizard wrote:I thought so.Mark:
Are racial FCBs a good idea?
Shameless plug. :D
Kudaku |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Holy crap! :)
Edit: Hm... Battle Host and Bladebound Magus text on being immune to the broken condition is identical, so we can extrapolate from this FAQ to figure out how Black Blades work as well. That's neat, the Black Blade's immunity to breaking has been a source of confusion for our table in the past.
Unbreakable (Ex): As long as it has at least 1 point in its arcane pool, a black blade is immune to the broken condition.
The bonded item is immune to the broken condition for as long as the battle host lives.
Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Kineticist Torrent Infusion: This infusion seems to be missing lightning blast as an associated blast. Is that intentional?
Lightning blast should be included. This will be reflected in the next errata.
...Even though that game appears to have died before it truly began. =(
Still, I hope to shock people one day.
Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Quote:Kineticist Torrent Infusion: This infusion seems to be missing lightning blast as an associated blast. Is that intentional?
Lightning blast should be included. This will be reflected in the next errata.=D
...Even though that game appears to have died before it truly began. =(
Still, I hope to shock people one day.
Thank you for spotting it so I could add it to my list of possible FAQs (it also caused me to obsessively check a few other things, which caused me to find something involving infusions and void and wood element before it was too late, so even more so!). We were able to do all of the ones that everyone agreed on today, which is most of the ones I had on there. Given how much complexity went into some of the tender loving care of Occult, I remain super psyched that it's so few!
Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah, I was really impressed with Occult Adventures' general lack of mistakes at least ones that I spotted).
Especially given the high complexity of the classes. I STILL don't fully understand how the Occultist works, though maybe I'll have an easier time now that they're on the SRD (I find that site much easier to read than the PDFs. Easier and faster to scroll up and down a lot).
DarthPinkHippo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am the one who asked about Gravity Falls the first time. From what you have said here, the show seems right up your alley. Also, it takes place in the Pacific Northwest, is the basis for the Occult Adventures section of my setting. There are mysteries aplenty, gorgeous background art (as it is animated), and compelling characters. I wholeheartedly recommend it. Googling "world of gravity falls" will lead you straight to the website that hosts all of the episodes.
Tels |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just got done reading the Kineticist archetypes and the Mindblade Magus. Gotta say, I'm a little disappointed the Blood Kineticist isn't able to take control of peoples' bodies like a Bloodbender can. Unless I'm missing something? Still in love with the class and, up until I read the Mindblade, I was pretty much set on the high probability that I am unlikely to, ever again, play a different class than the Kineticist.
However... after reading the Mindblade Magus, I wish there was a prestige class that further allowed the Mindblade to manifest armor, in a similar fashion to the weapons, so I could build a really accurate 'Erza Scarlet' character. The ability to manifest different weapons on the go, especially once she hits 8th level, is just super cool.
Oh well... just gonna have to add it to the 'homebrew' list since Occult Adventures has been released.
I swear... No book Paizo has ever published has inspired me to homebrew as much as Occult Adventures has.
Oh yeah, can the Mindblade manifest a weapon as a swift action, and then another weapon as a standard action? Or does does the Mindblade have to wait until 13th level to be able to manifest two weapons in a single round?
Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Eh, if you want to make Erza, roll with a Soulknife (Armored Blade) instead.
No need to homebrew when a 3PP has already made it for you. All it loses is a max of +2 Enhancement off the normal Soulknife, but can add the number to both its Mind Blade and Mind Armor.
Tels |
Eh, if you want to make Erza, roll with a Soulknife (Armored Blade) instead.
No need to homebrew when a 3PP has already made it for you. All it loses is a max of +2 Enhancement off the normal Soulknife, but can add the number to both its Mind Blade and Mind Armor.
Soulknives are locked into a single form for their blade at first level. The Mindblade Magus can create any type of weapon each type they form their Mindblade.
Erza frequently swaps between dual wielding, single weapons and two-handed weapons when fighting. While the Armoured Soulblade is an excellent choice for it's flavor, I'd prefer a homebrewed prestige class instead.
BigP4nda |
I seem to be having some trouble finding a post for this, but is there any kind of Paizo-published system in Pathfinder for gathering components, reagents, herbs, etc. in the wild yourself to bypass the gold value, perhaps through a skill check or by taking a feat?
If there is a thread with this question answered that I overlooked please point me to the right direction.
Tels |
Mark, do you think there should be a rules element to allow the classic maneuver of putting a knife to someones throat to hold them hostage?
There are so many scenes of a villian or anti-hero or w/e grabbing someone from behind and holding them with a knife to their throat threatning them or someone else. At first, one might think to use the grapple rules combined with a coup de grat, but you're not exactly pinning them in this situation, and you can't use a coup de grat unless the enemy is rendered helpless.
This isn't something that should be exclusive, either, as anyone could do this. So it shouldn't be a feat or class ability. Just curious on your thoughts on the matter.
BigP4nda |
Mark, do you think there should be a rules element to allow the classic maneuver of putting a knife to someones throat to hold them hostage?
There are so many scenes of a villian or anti-hero or w/e grabbing someone from behind and holding them with a knife to their throat threatning them or someone else. At first, one might think to use the grapple rules combined with a coup de grat, but you're not exactly pinning them in this situation, and you can't use a coup de grat unless the enemy is rendered helpless.
This isn't something that should be exclusive, either, as anyone could do this. So it shouldn't be a feat or class ability. Just curious on your thoughts on the matter.
Not answering for Mark here but just wanted to add in my two cents, my character has done this many times and we usually just RP it, because typically when you get into a situation as that, combat is virtually "ended" and you basically just talk until somebody either surrenders or makes a surprise attack (initiating another surprise round). I am assuming you ask this for PFS purposes, in which case I agree, that kind of mechanic would be nice to see in writing, but so far it has worked for us as a sole roleplaying situation where if I decide I just say, "K I slit his throat then..." and they die (unless they are an important character or high-level then maybe it'd be a coup de grace just for the off-chance they survive the strike).
Either way I give this a +1, I'd like to see Paizo create some kind of maneuver or rule for this situation.
Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Rynjin wrote:Eh, if you want to make Erza, roll with a Soulknife (Armored Blade) instead.
No need to homebrew when a 3PP has already made it for you. All it loses is a max of +2 Enhancement off the normal Soulknife, but can add the number to both its Mind Blade and Mind Armor.
Soulknives are locked into a single form for their blade at first level. The Mindblade Magus can create any type of weapon each type they form their Mindblade.
Erza frequently swaps between dual wielding, single weapons and two-handed weapons when fighting. While the Armoured Soulblade is an excellent choice for it's flavor, I'd prefer a homebrewed prestige class instead.
They're not, though. Not sure where you got that idea.
You can change the form of your Blade as a full-round action. From 2H, to 1H, to Light, or two Light weapons, and with the same action change whether it deals Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage.
When you snag the Alter Blade Blade Skill at 2nd you can do that as a Move, and by 5th it's a Free (since Alter Blade lets you change its form any time you manifest your Mind Blade, and Quick Draw the class feature not the Feat drops that to a Free). Alter Blade also now lets you mix it up when TWFing (forming a 1H weapon and a Light weapon if you so choose).
It seems to do exactly what you're asking for after 1st level, once you understand all the little fiddly bits involved with it. By 5th level, you're Erza, able to swap between 2H, 1H, and TWFing as a Free action.
At higher levels, you can even do so on the fly if it tickles your fancy, making one attack with a 2H weapon and then your Iteratives with a pair of Light weapons or some such. Drop your Mind Blade and reform it if you need to overcome a different kind of DR. For example, you're using Slashing damage and need to fight something with DR/Bludgeoning. First hit is ineffective, swap to a different damage type as a Free action.
By 8th level with Bladewind you can replicate her "Summon a bunch of weapons and attack with all of them" ability, gaining a sort of Whirlwind Attack by summoning multiple Mind Blades.
Soulknife even bypasses that pesky problem of "My Feats only work with one weapon!". Even with Emulate Melee weapon, you only have one weapon: Mind Blade, and all your weapon specific Feats like Weapon Focus and Improved critical apply to it equally.
Hell, with Improved Armor you can even visually justify stuff like her skimpier looking armor (Light Armor is treated as wearing no armor, but you still gain the armor bonus).
Alternately, you could roll with an Aegis/Soulknife multiclass, and enter the Metaforge Prestige Class, netting you even more fun abilities to play with at the cost of...Blade Skills, mainly. And a scaling bonus to Craft Feats. Yippee.
You can have essentially full progression in both classes with the use of the Fighter's Blade(?) and Student of the Astral Suit Feats, raising your effective levels by 4 for enhancement bonuses (and qualifying for Blade Skills IIRC) and number of Customization points and which Customizations you qualify for respectively (at 20th level, you'd be something like a Soulknife 7/Aegis 3/Metaforge 10 and have an effective Soulknife level of 20 for Enhanced Mind Blade and an effective Aegis level of 17. Or you could go 5/5/10 and be at 19th for both). By expending your Psionic Focus you can Exquip Manifest your Astral Suit and Mind Blade with the same Free action.
I dunno, take it or leave it as you will. I've thought a bit about these classes and that PrC in particular for a while, and how well they work to make weapon and armor masters like that.
The Mindblade Magus is a perfectly fine class, but IMO even with a Prestige Class (which doesn't exist yet) it wouldn't do what you want to do as well as the option above (which already exists, and works quite well both flavor-wise and mechanically). They can't even TWF at all until 7th level, and that takes two Standard actions to set up (and they take a bigger penalty, the Enhancement being reduced by 2 instead of just 1, and no Full Enhancement Blade Skill to eliminate that). The base class itself is far less flexible at doing the same thing, so the PrC would have to do quite a lot.
Catharsis |
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Thank you for spotting it so I could add it to my list of possible FAQs (it also caused me to obsessively check a few other things, which caused me to find something involving infusions and void and wood element before it was too late, so even more so!).
Void and wood elements? Neat! :) What book will they come out in? Are there going to be even more elements than those? Are there going to be more infusions and utilities for those dry first 5 levels?