ArcGygas's page

Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I cannot recall exactly where it is, but I believe that unless otherwise stated, it is assumed to be a standard action for anything that does not mention an action otherwise.

So, I dunno if maybe my eyes are broken or not, but the fighter archetype trades out bonus feats at 3rd and 5th level? And they get bonus feats at 2nd, 4th, and 6th? Am I missing something? Or are these features free because they replace something that doesn't exist?

I'm at work and away from the books right now, but I recall looking at them last night and seeing 3rd and 5th level bonus feats. But maybe that's the 40 hours in three days talking...

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I do believe that, as per RAW, it does work. Putting the guns into the gloves is a free action, and each turn of the barrel is also a free action. If one were so inclined, yes, you could limit the number of free actions, and as long as everyone is having fun, what does it matter?

However, with that said, that is a lot of free actions. Nocking an arrow is a non-action according to the CRB and is just simply part of the attack. While I don't know what level this gunslinger is, the number of free actions can get fairly high. Switching the guns is a free action, but since you have to switch back and forth, that's one to two free actions. Each turn of the barrel, RAW, is a free action, meaning that if he is full attacking, that's two free actions more per iterative attack. So, we'll say 11th level, he gets three shots with each, for a total of 8 free actions (assuming, in this case, that neither gun was drawn and therefore had to be pulled from storage).

Now, if he had Rapid Shot and Haste, that's two more free actions, one for each bonus attack. But, for now, we'll stick with our base of eight for reasons that will quickly become obvious.

A pepperbox, RAW, can fire six shots before it needs to be reloaded. That gives our theoretical gunslinger two rounds of full attacks before needing to reload. And this is where I think limiting free actions might come in, because if he wants to fully reload his two pepperboxes, that's TWELVE free actions, meaning that either on his third turn before he attacks or after he fully attacks on the second round, that's a full twenty free actions.

That is a *lot* of free actions. So, expect table variance, but that is my observations. The only limit is the GMs adjucations of free actions. Otherwise, yeah, I agree, he'said good to go.

Bulette Style requires you to be wearing heavy armor, not just have an Armor bonus. It isn't noted on the d20PFSRD, but that's because they don't list all the details about the style like they are presented in the book. Otherwise, why would there be the special qualifier for the feat stating that a Fighter with Armor Training can use medium and light armor with lesser bonuses?

Yes, same for any kind of caster casting a spell that requires a ranged attack. Being a Kineticist doesn't explicitly state otherwise. That does make things interesting for Kinetic Blade/Whip, I don't recall anything about them making it not provoke, either, for the Spell-Like Ability...

Spellscribed Armor? What is it, and why do I want it for my Hellknight Signifier? Also, Armor and shield fighting styles, please and thank you.

Perfectly fair, and greatly appreciated! But do know that an armored wizard type character is something I love, I just don't love having to spend so many feats or multiclassing for it.

Thanks a ton, Owen, and do please keep up the fantastic work!

It all sounds super exciting! But I need to know, is the Armored Battlemage a magus or wizard archetype? Magi can already wear armor and are battlecasters, so I sincerely hope it's a wizard archetype.

I would go ahead and activate Rule 0; this is your game, you are running it, and you have final say on what is and is not allowed. This also includes rule debates and "making a call" that might not be RAW, but is made for either the sake of balance, keeping the game moving, or even because the rule interactions are not what you anticipated.

If they disagree with your ruling, politely tell them that they can run the game instead, and you would be happy to be a player rather than a GM.

Skills: For each skill in which either the master or the familiar has ranks, use either the normal skill ranks for an animal of that type or the master's skill ranks, whichever is better. In either case, the familiar uses its own ability modifiers. Regardless of a familiar's total skill modifiers, some skills may remain beyond the familiar's ability to use. Familiars treat Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim as class skills.

Cut right from the PFSRD (not the d20).

It merely says to use the ranks, and then goes on to list what are considered class skills for the familiar. The Sage familiar archetype specifically calls out all knowledge skills being class skills, and also gets its own skill ranks every level.

So, by that logic, I would say no to both.

Ahh, I see. Chess Pwn is viewing the runners as the arrows, rather than the archers. Clever and appropriate!

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Ooh, fantastic. Might ask my GM in my Way of the Wicked game if I can switch to the Insinuator Antipaladin, instead of my Dread Vanguard.

And is that at 4th and every 4? Or some other crazy spread?

Thanks in advance, Kalindlara! You're always awesome!

Does the Insinuator Antipaladin get to choose what feats, or is there a list?

Mark Seifter wrote:
ArcGygas wrote:

Hey, Mark, was wondering if you could offer a bit of insight.

I'm looking at making a psychic and want to put a lot of focus into the Phrenic Pool. I figure with a decent Charisma, the Abomination Discipline, and some feats put into Expanded Phrenic Pool and Extra Phrenic Amplifications, I could do this quite well!

But, one thing I noticed is that Expanded Phrenic Pool does not have the Special where you can take it multiple times. Was this an oversight? Or is this intentional? I wouldn't question it as much if all the other feats that give more points/uses (Grit, Rage, Performance, Arcane Pool, Resevoir, etc.) all have that stipulation, but Expanded Phrenic Pool does not. Would appreciate your insight!

As Chess Pwn mentioned, it's like Extra Channel.

A bit disappointing that that is the case. Is there a particular reason that was the decision? I understood for Extra Channel and Extra Lay on Hands, because that allows for more healing, but the Psychic doesn't have healing options for Phrenic Pool as far as I'm aware.

Just want to understand from a developer's standpoint, if you wouldn't mind?

Aside from armor, AC and save boosters, and Dex/Con boosts, I have bought a lot of potions and wands. Save up for a kineticist's diadem, and maybe invest in some magic items to help shore up some things the party may be lacking.

I also find myself spending gold on items I have always found interesting but not mechanically effective, and surprising myself when they do prove to be useful.

Quick Runner's Shirt does not work that, (un)fortunately. It says you can spend a swift action once per day to get an additional move action to move on their turn.

So, it sounds like that swift needs to be for moving. Which means you could charge up and then move? But not for move equivalent actions because the item is specific about what you can spend that move action on.

Hey, Mark, was wondering if you could offer a bit of insight.

I'm looking at making a psychic and want to put a lot of focus into the Phrenic Pool. I figure with a decent Charisma, the Abomination Discipline, and some feats put into Expanded Phrenic Pool and Extra Phrenic Amplifications, I could do this quite well!

But, one thing I noticed is that Expanded Phrenic Pool does not have the Special where you can take it multiple times. Was this an oversight? Or is this intentional? I wouldn't question it as much if all the other feats that give more points/uses (Grit, Rage, Performance, Arcane Pool, Resevoir, etc.) all have that stipulation, but Expanded Phrenic Pool does not. Would appreciate your insight!

Lucky I was just looking at it for a Warpriest just the other day! You're quite welcome and happy trails!

Just a MacGuffin. But, if you're running it as part of an overarching story, you could easily have it be the key for the front (or even back!) door.

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Corset of Delicate moves, from the Melee Tactics Toolbox. Once per day, spend a move action to use a swift action ability.

Away from books, so you'll have to forgive me if I don't quite recall every nuance.

But first, you mentioned a 9th level Paladin. Since caster level for Paladin is level - 3, that makes him caster level 6 which I believe nets him a +2 from Divine Favor.

Secondly, Sun Metal is a dice adder, so the damage from that is not multiplied. It only adds 1d4 fire after totalling everything else.

Third, Litany of Righteousness does double your damage, but in that regard, it just increases your multiplier. Mounted, with a lance, with Spirited Charge, is a x3, and with Litany it gets bumped to a x4, not x5.

As for your attack and damage... well, you have +9 BAB, +1 from Bless, +2 from Divine Favor, and +3 from strength and no penalty because Furious Focus and the lance is a 2-handed weapon, for a total of +15 to hit, +17 on the charge which is required for lance shenanigans. Damage, however, is +4 from strength (because two-handed), +2 from Divine Power, and +9 from Power Attack. That's +15 damage. Reduce by 6 if I am misremembering how lances and mounted combat works.

So your lance charge, without Smite Evil, is 4d8+60+1d4fire with a +17. Damage goes up by 36 if Smiting, and to hit by the Paladin's Charisma modifier. And your multiplier goes up by two (to a x6) on a crit, because lances are x3 weapons.

Suffice to say, smiting lance charges are painful, if they can pull it off.

... should have looked at the spell before I did so. For some reason I just thought it was like Summon Monster and the Roman Numeral reflected it's spell level. But otherwise, Undercasting Ego Whip III (which is 5th level) to Ego Whip I (which is 3rd level) costs a 3rd level spell slot as listed, right? Exactly as it is written in the book.

Okay, nevermind, I was a dork, thanks Mark!

But while I have your attention, how does Psychic Crush III-V work? They take the damage on a failed Will save, and then more on a successful Fortitude save? And drop to dying on a failed Fortitude?

Hey, Mark, I had a question about Undercasting; in the first paragraph, it says you can use Ego Whip III using a lower level spell slot to use it as Ego Whip II, or Ego Whip I, but it uses the saves and spell effects of the lower level spells. It says it uses the appropriate spell slot.

That's fine, that makes sense. Using a lower level spell slot for a lower level version, especially reflecting the lower DCs and effects.

But the next part throws me off. The last bit in that paragraph says that it uses Ego Whip I as a first level spell to determine effects and DC, but it still uses a 3rd level spell slot? I feel like this defeats the purpose of Undercasting, casting a lower level version of that spell but still using a high slot.

Is that an error or typo? Or is Undercasting underwhelming?

Query for those with their books; Are there favored class options for the new classes?

That is exactly what I wanted to hear! I have my new favorite healer! Thanks Mark!

Mark Seifter wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:

Hey Mark, I have to ask you this because I feel like I must be missing something (and I'm not low on sleep this time!). Does the Overwhelming Soul kineticist archetype really not gain any charisma related ability to reduce burn? Because the archetype seems.... really gimped right now.

You get charisma as a primary stat, can't accept burn.... but then you don't seem to gain anything in return except for not having to burn yourself to fill your internal buffer and benefit from elemental overflow. How do you even use abilities that actually require you to accept burn to enhance them, like the various defensive powers?

It just seems like a normal kineticist could get the same effect (mostly not getting burnt), by not burning himself except for elemental overflow and filling internal buffer. Seriously, wouldn't the end result be basically the same? Overwhelming Soul seems to be less of an archetype that grants you abilities than one that just takes abilities away.

Hopefully there is something that I'm missing, because I *really* wanted to try out this archetype with a kitsune kineticist.

EDIT: Actually, this seems even worse than I thought. The Overwhelming Soul doesn't gain all the size bonuses from Elemental Overflow either. At high levels the character will be missing a +6, +4 and +2 to varous stats.

So basically two things here, one is bigger, but the other is more fun of an answer, so I'll start with the bigger one and end with the fun one:

The main answer is, if you love the burn mechanic and are really good at using it, the overwhelming soul is more of a niche archetype for you. As is, I learned a lot from my playtesters, and in particular, a few playtesters who were very proficient in the game and just had a viscerally bad reaction to burn got into this frank discussion with other playtesters who were very proficient in the game and were using burn for some really amazing things and getting it to work extremely well. A few of the former, unusually for the...

Hey, Mark, I haven't gotten my copy yet (there was a bit of an issue with the system wanting to skip me this month, but it's been fixed), and I was a bit worried with what MatrixDragon was saying about this archetype, but since it seems to let someone play Firecrafter a la Codex Alera (one of my absolute favorite fantasy series), I am even more excited for this book!

I must say, Mr. Seifter, you really are a great developer. I can see your devotion to the craft in every post, wanting to make the best game possible for as many people as possible.

On that note, could you tell me a bit about this kineticist healer archetype? Like is there a certain element you have to use? Is there an element you think would be most thematic? Does it get AoE healing? Healing a certain number of times per day? Looking to play in a Second Darkness game in a couple months and want to know if this would be a viable healer for a party of four.

Mark. Mark. Mark! Do you have any, I say, *any* idea how much this preview pleases me? I was already eagerly counting the moments till this book comes out, waiting for my hydrokineticist healer and my psychic shenanigans, but now this? Just... take my money. All of it.

I must say, Mark, you are very quickly becoming my favorite part of Paizo, with your fantastic work on Pathfinder Unchained and now Occult Adventures. Don't ever stop being the awesome guy you are, Mark!

It's a point of contention in our group about the Twinned Channeling ability of the Envoy of Balance. It reads;

Twinned Channeling: When channeling energy, the envoy of balance can simultaneously release waves of positive and negative energy. She chooses a category of creatures (either living or undead), and this conjoined energy both heals and harms the affected creatures. Roll the amounts of damage healed and dealt separately. Treat the envoy of balance's effective cleric level as 2 lower than normal for the amounts of damage and the DC to halve damage taken. The envoy of balance can choose whether to include herself in either or both the healing and harming effects. If she has an ability that allows her to exclude targets from her channeled energy, such as the Selective Channeling feat, she can choose to exclude different targets from the healing effect than from the harming effect. An envoy of balance must possess the spiritual equilibrium endowment to choose this endowment.

The part that is hotly debated is whether Selective Channeling can be used as if you were Channeling twice (and thus can use your Cha modifier to ignore harming allies and to prevent healing allies), or if it's considered one channel (and thus you have to use share your Cha modifier between preventing people from getting hurt and healing enemies).

I feel like it should be the former, otherwise I feel like it's completely pointless. You're doing less damage dice (because it drops your level by 2 for the purpose of damage and save DCs), and you're also healing your enemies? It's kind of a mess, and if people could provide some insight on how to properly handle this ability (or a fix if it is broken as written) I would be most appreciative.