The Flash TV Series


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I don't remember which character he was, but yes he's voicing Solovatar(sp).

Sovereign Court

O he's voicing savitar? Awesome.

Keith David voiced Goliath on Gargyoles, played Frank in They Live, he was also in Chronicles of Riddick, Young Justice, Community, the most recent TMNT series, and will be playing Solovar one of the leading citizens of Gorilla City.

Sovereign Court

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Keith David voiced Goliath on Gargyoles, played Frank in They Live, he was also in Chronicles of Riddick, Young Justice, Community, the most recent TMNT series, and will be playing Solovar one of the leading citizens of Gorilla City.

OH Solovar. Ok. He also voiced Admiral Anderson in Mass Effect.

And, most importantly, he was the Vice President of the United States.

Sovereign Court

Sundakan wrote:
And, most importantly, he was the Vice President of the United States.

Ah yes, so he was :D

Scarab Sages

Keith David also had roles in such classics as John Carpenter's The Thing, Platoon, and Men At Work.

Regardless of his roles, I think he's an under-rated actor.

And yes I meant Solovar.

Scarab Sages

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Indeed. Completely underrated.

So I was thinking about this and it was kind of bugging me. All of the flashes powers are form the speed force of course and I know it fixes some of the physics problems that would normally occur from running down a street at mach 3 in a populated area. I just feel like some of the tricks really shouldn't get possible without the speed to get there the whole vibrating bus thing for example I feel like if he could do that he should be moving at mach 10 or etc. Then there is the time travel which to me until hes hitting light speed should not really be an option. I suppose phasing through objects is more finesse then anything got to match up the vibrations but man the calculations to do that on the fly would be just I don't even have words for it.

I realize its a super hero show and suspension of disbelief is a perquisite but just some idle thoughts.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

So I was thinking about this and it was kind of bugging me. All of the flashes powers are form the speed force of course and I know it fixes some of the physics problems that would normally occur from running down a street at mach 3 in a populated area. I just feel like some of the tricks really shouldn't get possible without the speed to get there the whole vibrating bus thing for example I feel like if he could do that he should be moving at mach 10 or etc. Then there is the time travel which to me until hes hitting light speed should not really be an option. I suppose phasing through objects is more finesse then anything got to match up the vibrations but man the calculations to do that on the fly would be just I don't even have words for it.

I realize its a super hero show and suspension of disbelief is a perquisite but just some idle thoughts.

It's a tv show of a comic book, not science fiction. Just bring up the neccessary suspension of belief that is mandatory when reading a DC or Marvel comic book and you'll be fine.

Yeah its true Just like if someone really could pick up a bus the would really just be pushing their hand through it and bending it around them. cause physics yo. always ruining a good time.

Except in Young Einstein, when physics (and beer) were the source of the fun.

All I know is Barry phasing an entire train is way cooler than turning off a Meta's power via phasing.

Vidmaster7 wrote:

So I was thinking about this and it was kind of bugging me. All of the flashes powers are form the speed force of course and I know it fixes some of the physics problems that would normally occur from running down a street at mach 3 in a populated area. I just feel like some of the tricks really shouldn't get possible without the speed to get there the whole vibrating bus thing for example I feel like if he could do that he should be moving at mach 10 or etc. Then there is the time travel which to me until hes hitting light speed should not really be an option. I suppose phasing through objects is more finesse then anything got to match up the vibrations but man the calculations to do that on the fly would be just I don't even have words for it.

I realize its a super hero show and suspension of disbelief is a perquisite but just some idle thoughts.

I'll agree. I don't have a problem with the vibrating bit so much... but the time travel is just annoying. Multiple times he runs fast enough to go back in time.... then complains that he isn't fast enough then learns to be faster...

Once you hit that 'Time Barrier' THAT should be about as fast he should EVER be able to go.... without y'know.... TRAVELING THROUGH TIME. I don't care what speed they want to make it... mach 3, mach 5.... 88mph... but once he goes that fast, and EVERY TIME he goes that fast, then THAT is what should be happening. Everything power stunt he does and every enemy he faces he should be actively tryin to NOT go that top speed.

In silver age it was light speed... in modern days it was entering the speed force... but there is that 'top speed' where something happens that you just can't go past without consequence.

They hit it for Barry in season one, and have just made it a stepping stone for further speed feats.

Kind of my issue with Thor's early transformations. One stomp of the hammer turns him human and the hammer a cane... stomping it twice summoned lightning... How do you get to that second stomp if you've already activated the first one...

Just nit-picks.


I always prefer Thor not having a human side. Strange I know but it made him having a hammer that needed him to be worthy seem more...important.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


I always prefer Thor not having a human side. Strange I know but it made him having a hammer that needed him to be worthy seem more...important.

Ehhh... I'm kind of the opposite. Since they so RARELY ever dealt with 'actual' thor being unworthy... despite still having a lot of questionable character traits... The hammer choosing him seemed more irrelevant. There was also the debate about whether the hammer gave him his Thor powers... His powers were inherent in 'Thunder god' aspect.... or if the Hammer was augmenting his natural powers. And the answer would alternate between writers. There wasn't a lot of consistency over the years.

Myself, I always liked 'Whosoever lifts this hammer if he be worthy gains the power of THOR..." Whether it was Donald Blake, or Eric Masterson... I Loved that 60 second time limit that transformed him from all powerful deity to pathetic Human. It gave 'The GOD OF THUNDER' an actual limitation and weakness that inspired a little drama. Can Juggernaut beat Thor? No.... Can Hulk beat Thor? Nahhhh.. Can they separate him from the hammer till he's helpless??


Also, I much preferred the god living among human stories more then the asgardian politics that... really didn't seem to matter in the grand scheme of things. Odin comes back, Heimdall on the bridge, Loki scheming to take over... rinse repeat...

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Kind of my issue with Thor's early transformations. One stomp of the hammer turns him human and the hammer a cane... stomping it twice summoned lightning... How do you get to that second stomp if you've already activated the first one...

Just nit-picks.

Same way you can click or double click or hold click your mouse for different effects, I imagine.


I never thought Thor needed weaknesses. Mostly because he's always been fighting just outside his weight class. I mean Thanos? Galactus? Hell he once fought a pantheon of evil gods! That's the kind of stories I liked.

Also his human side stuff was always kind bleh to me.

Good episode. I think they did a good job of show casing Grodd's intelligence. But the fact remains, Team Flash wasn't that smart.

I look forward to seeing Grodd fight on Earth-1 with all the Speedsters there.

Also Earth-2 Harrison Wells is still slightly better than HR.

I wonder how he was able to hire Gypsy. Wasn't she from HR's earth rather than Earth-2? I suppose it's not too far fetched that Grodd would know about her since it's implied that she regularly travels the multiverse but it did get me thinking.

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I love how excited Julian was for this "Are you going to planet of the Apes?! You ARE going to planet ofthe Apes!" followed by his whole Indiana Jones outfit. It's like this wonderful geek side to Julian that was slipping through the cracks of his snark.

I'm really enjoying him as a part of Team Flash.

Scarab Sages


I loved the episode. Grodd was classic. Plotting and planning to depose Solovar so he could rule all of Gorilla City as a prelude to (eventual) world domination. That end scene with him in the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes style helm was pretty f$#*ing cool.

I was a bit put-off by Solovar's willingness to just kill. I recall him being much more peaceful in the comics.

My one other little nitpick was the lack of (obvious) tech in Gorilla City.

Julian was fun to watch.

Speaking of Solovar - apparently, I've been saying his name wrong in my head all these decades. NOOOOOooooo......!!!

I was really expecting Solovar to use more if his mental powers in the fight against Flash.

Apparently, Wally subscribes to the John Wayne school of "You grab the girl and kiss her". I approve. He still needs to not be Kid Flash, though, if only because he's kind of not a "kid". I still want Jay Garrick to come back and call him "Junior".

Yeah, I don't get how Grodd got hold of what's her face. If he had her all along, why bother with Flash and friends. She's powerful and skilled enough to have helped him overthrow Solovar.

All this Grodd action made me realize he hasn't yet shown up in the latest Flash comics. Hopefully that will soon change.

Looking forward to next week's episode.


It's unclear but I'm assuming he sent that invitation thingie to more than one Earth place. That's my best guess atm.

As for why he didn't just use Gypsy first, probably two reasons; 1) He wasn't sure he could get her to fight for him like he could Barry and 2) Mental control is probably very taxing for him. Doing more than talking through a person seems to drain him.

This apparently was easier.

I also agree that the homage to Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes was kind of neat. I almost expected to see either Kris Kristofferson or maybe Tim Roth to show up.

As for why Solovar was willing to kill, I think it's pretty firmly established these apes aren't peaceful people. Even if their leader isn't bloodthirsty. Mental control I think is something that I also think Solovar uses more for communication purposes than like Grodd does.

Also, yes this was totally Grodd's world. We just live in it.


Great episode, loved it. I notice that Barry, however, still has things to learn. For example, he needs to stop thinking out loud. In the time he took to say "It's a trap," he could have sped the whole team out of there.

Isn't Gypsy from a world where no one is allowed to travel dimensions, except for those sent to hunt lawbreakers, and only when they have a mission? That means she's breaking the law herself by being on Earth 2.

Maybe she was fired/exiled for failing to bring in HR.

Yeah, this show in general really, really, really doesn't show how supserspeed should work. These guys are fast enough to effortlessly dodge anything the baddies throw and them and attack them from behind, break their fingers to disarm them, run out of the ring and pick up a weapon of some sort and come back or whatever, yet Barry gets punched by a gorilla.

I realize this is pretty much the same as the source material and try to ignore the issue.

my bigger issue is all the conversation they have during the fight. The speed that Barry is zooming around town, he really doesn't have time for the detailed instructions and brainstorming sessions they have over comms...

No one else upset the the majority of gorilla city was viewed from in a cage although the Colosseum fight was legit.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
No one else upset the the majority of gorilla city was viewed from in a cage although the Colosseum fight was legit.

I actually saw this episode (Attack on Gorilla City).

and here's why I won't ever see one again:
They even saved on gorilla FX by having humans be gorilla-mind-controlled puppets. The payoff wasn't worth it. The acting (or was it the script writing?) was... sorry, no words for that.

"Me Grod. You die now."

Okay, not an exact quote but still this bad guy is some sort of cryptographic super genius ape and talks like a 4th grader wrote the dialog for Young Conan.

I binge watched Firefly last summer sometime.

Few things in this world are as incomprehensible than that Firefly would be canceled and The Flash is on it's third season.

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He is gradually becoming smarter as far as that goes. every time hes shown hes more intelligent. I think its a catch up kind of thing.

Don't get me wrong I liked firefly but its been 15 years I'm over it.

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Cut the gorilla some slack, he could barely string two words together a few months ago.

It's almost like viewing episodes out of context in a tv series makes it seem worse than it actually is.

Incidentally, that's part of the reason why Firefly was canceled.

The bigger one is that it was a ridiculously niche property that relied on an intersect of sci-fi fans and Western fans, both of which are niche markets in their own right overall.

Meanwhile the Flash is a tv series that falls squarely into a currently booming market (comic book adaptations) and is above average entertainment in its own right.

Nothing incomprehensible about it if you apply about 2 seconds' thought.

Sundakan wrote:

Cut the gorilla some slack, he could barely string two words together a few months ago.

It's almost like viewing episodes out of context in a tv series makes it seem worse than it actually is.

Incidentally, that's part of the reason why Firefly was canceled.

The bigger one is that it was a ridiculously niche property that relied on an intersect of sci-fi fans and Western fans, both of which are niche markets in their own right overall.

I still blame the advertising. The commercials sucked and if you didn't already glorify Joss Whedon, then there was no point to watching. I had only seen a few Buffy episodes at the time and thought they sucked (no pun intended... and I did change my mind when I actually watched them en-masse.) Most of my friends felt the same and 'From the creator of Buffy' wasn't a draw at all.

When I picked up firefly based on a recommendation and almost on a whim... I loved it and had a near 100% recruitment to the fandom from even the people who hated Buffy. If the commercials had actually shown us what it was like... then it may have done better.

Scarab Sages

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Not to mention, this is a CW show - the budget might not be there for the kind of special effects needed to bring Gorilla City to life in greater detail.

They were definitely looking for ways to cut costs on this episode so they could do the effects they absolutely had to (I imagine they also held back on this episode so they could do more during the next.) It was mildly annoying, but didn't ruin it for me.

The jungles of Africa looking like the forests of the Pacific Northwest were more jarring (Cisco lampshading it didn't help much).

Dark Archive

I do sort of wonder why 'Gypsy' referred to her world as 'Earth 19.'

Barry might call his world 'Earth 1,' but I would expect that many other worlds would also call themselves 'Earth 1,' and Barry's world 'Earth 12' or whatever, depending on how many parallel Earth's they discovered before Barry's Earth.

Set wrote:

I do sort of wonder why 'Gypsy' referred to her world as 'Earth 19.'

Barry might call his world 'Earth 1,' but I would expect that many other worlds would also call themselves 'Earth 1,' and Barry's world 'Earth 12' or whatever, depending on how many parallel Earth's they discovered before Barry's Earth.

I've wondered that myself.

Maybe they all recognize Barry's earth as Earth-prime.

For...whatever reason.

Liberty's Edge

There have been some passing references to the numbers being based on some type of frequency scale rather than 'order of contact', with the implication that Barry's Earth is somehow at the 'origin' point of the scale.

Harry was annoyed about it because he HAD been arguing that his Earth was Earth-1 from his perspective.

CB makes a good point. It might be Earth-1 merely because of the closeness of Big Bang origin point or something like that.

In any case I LIKED Gorilla City. It was good. Grodd is improving, both in speech and planning. He's still about 3-4 years off from being the best villain in HIS timeline (Not TV time) but he's closer than when he started out. I fully expect by 2018/2019 he'll be making closer to human sentences and fully completed plans next time.

I think its human nature to assume your universe is number 1. doubt it correlates to what DC says is universe 1.

Sundakan wrote:

Cut the gorilla some slack, he could barely string two words together a few months ago.

It's almost like viewing episodes out of context in a tv series makes it seem worse than it actually is.

Incidentally, that's part of the reason why Firefly was canceled.

The bigger one is that it was a ridiculously niche property that relied on an intersect of sci-fi fans and Western fans, both of which are niche markets in their own right overall.

Meanwhile the Flash is a tv series that falls squarely into a currently booming market (comic book adaptations) and is above average entertainment in its own right.

Nothing incomprehensible about it if you apply about 2 seconds' thought.

Not to mention that the CW is in general not nearly as competitive about ratings as Fox. Modest ratings are still (paired with low budgets) likely to result in renewals, when equivalent ratings elsewhere would be cancellation.

Sundakan wrote:

Cut the gorilla some slack, he could barely string two words together a few months ago.

It's almost like viewing episodes out of context in a tv series makes it seem worse than it actually is.

Incidentally, that's part of the reason why Firefly was canceled.

The bigger one is that it was a ridiculously niche property that relied on an intersect of sci-fi fans and Western fans, both of which are niche markets in their own right overall.

Meanwhile the Flash is a tv series that falls squarely into a currently booming market (comic book adaptations) and is above average entertainment in its own right.

Nothing incomprehensible about it if you apply about 2 seconds' thought.

I did give it more than 2 seconds. Far more time than it deserved. In fact, I watched the whole episode.

Remember they go to "Earth 2" (or wherever) because Grod had sent an encrypted message that took Dr. Wells (Uber-scientist Wells!) two weeks (iirc) to decrypt. As I said in my spoilered portion:

QB wrote:
Grod is some sort of cryptographic super genius ape and talks like a 4th grader wrote the dialog for Young Conan.

To Vidmaster7:

My mention of Firefly was not to derail but to say, as does phantom1592, that I liked it at first viewing and so does everyone else I've talked to about it. That Firefly is now ancient history is not relevant to my point. For me there was nothing to get over, I've always known (starting last year) that Firefly was only one shortened season. People speak of it with a high degree of reverence. I was skeptical but ended up binge watching it because it is that good.

I liked the episode.

I caught the cost saving efforts. The only one that bothered me was how primitive Gorilla City looked. Especially the Roman-designed Coliseum.

Also, Gypsy might have been a bigger surprise if she wasn't in the opening credits. Usually when having a character appear right at the end as a surprise, DC/CW puts them in the end credits to maintain the surprise.

I'm looking forward to the explanation of how Grodd got a hold of her.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
If he had her all along, why bother with Flash and friends. She's powerful and skilled enough to have helped him overthrow Solovar.

If Grodd never intended to honor his deal with Barry, then capturing Barry made good sense because taking the Flash out of the picture would make his attack on Earth 1 that much easier.

Shadowborn wrote:
Isn't Gypsy from a world where no one is allowed to travel dimensions, except for those sent to hunt lawbreakers, and only when they have a mission? That means she's breaking the law herself by being on Earth 2.
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Maybe she was fired/exiled for failing to bring in HR.

That was my guess.

My "issue" with the episode is that ifCaitlin's cold powers were functioning in the cage because whatever MacGuffin was cancelling Barry's and Cisco's powers didn't "know" about Caitlin's (and I was never all that clear how the power cancellation worked anyway), I would have liked to have seen at least a throwaway line about why she couldn't use her powers directly to get them out. Like freezing the lock till its brittle or something less risky than putting Barry into a frozen trance.


Good point about keeping Barry of the table. I almost forgot that point.

As for why she didn't freeze the bars or stuff, my guess is she's still not 100% in control of using them for huge bursts and/or she still doesn't trust herself to not go Killer Frost.

Anyways we'll see how this turns out on Tuesday when Battle for Earth 2 meets Planet of the sentient telepathic apes.

Freezing the lock seems a lot less dangerous and fine-tuned than putting someone in a near-death state.

So I looked up and aparently you have to freeze a lock to -13F to make it able to be smashed open. still would probably need like a hammer or something too. maybe she just isn't potent enough to get it to that temperature or more likely the writers didn't think of it >.>

Oh and apparently the lock needs to have a good variation for it to make it brittle so it would have to drop to that temperature very quickly.

Scarab Sages

Luke Styer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
If he had her all along, why bother with Flash and friends. She's powerful and skilled enough to have helped him overthrow Solovar.
If Grodd never intended to honor his deal with Barry, then capturing Barry made good sense because taking the Flash out of the picture would make his attack on Earth 1 that much easier.

Good point, but then why even make a deal with Barry? Just capture him and be done with it. Hell, even kill him if he's that much of a threat.

Scarab Sages

I was a little underwhelmed.....

[spoiler]The FX for Grodd and Solovar were pretty good, the remainder of the Gorilla army was.......meh. They looked ok, but they didn't really do much.

Still not crazy about Solovar being uber-violent. Very out of comic-book-character.

Grodd's plan was.....meh. Why bring an entire army if your main plan was to render the city an irradiated wasteland? And the back-up plan, from someone who's supposed to be "steps ahead", is to march your gorillas down main street with spears and shields?

I will say, though, for once I actually enjoyed the CW's focus on relationship issues, as the entire sub-plot of Jessie/Wally/Harry was hilarious. Especially Harry's threat to Wally near the end.

Speaking of endings, it looks like Megatr.....I mean back.

I'm cool with this episode. I will agree Grodd didn't think his plans through but at least he went with the tried and true method of "Nuke it from Orbit." Just to be sure.

Otherwise I enjoyed the relationship stuff too.

I don't think that's Savitar in terms of I think it's just Wally SEEING him, but he's not actually there.

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