SeeDarkly_X |

I am Excited for this!
I have said for a while that Arrow has been among the very few things DC is getting right these days.
This really looks like they are going to get it right too!
The origin, as it played out on Arrow , was already superb! Adding to the story that the effects of the STAR Labs accident have even broader repercussions is both logical and believable. And even if the "monster-of-the-week-made-by-kryptonite' mechanic from Smallville is a little obvious, I think as a tool to tell this story it will work.
I can't stand that I hate everything DC "Comics" is doing with their books...
so I'm really happy that I like what they are doing with the DCTVU!

Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Is that we see that Iris West and her father ("played by Jesse Martin aka that guy from Rent") are black. I know the conversation about racial representation in media comes up a lot. This happens to foreshadow something that long time fans of the Flash should instantly recognize: If Wally West is ever introduced, then it is HIGHLY likely that Kid Flash will be black. Of changes they might make to characters of the DCU for the show I think this one is welcome and far better than any changes DC has made to the character in the New 52.
I'm okay with this. A lot more consistent and seems less "change for the sake of tokenism" than other recent race changes in comic adaptations (like the Fantastic Four one).

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Trailer looks great. I was surprised that they will be using an Arrow cameo in the first episode though. I'd have thought that would be a sweeps stunt (or even something to hold off on until season to and let Flash stand on its own first).
The "standing on his own" part should happen after people are already invested in the show, and the Arrow cameo is meant to boost the initial popularity of the show. I'd guess.

Cthulhudrew |

The trailer looked pretty good. I'm kind of curious, after seeing that, if they're going to try some misdirection in regards to a particular Flash villain.

Fallen_Mage |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have to admit, I had goose bumps the entire time I was watching the trailer. I grew up watching The Flash series back in the early 90's. I have a suspicion that's why Flash is one of my favorite heroes. The thing I'm most excited for is, where is John Wesley Shipp going to appear? He played Barry Allen in the earlier Flash. I think it would also be nice to see Amanda Pays make an appearance somewhere as well.

SeeDarkly_X |

I have to admit, I had goose bumps the entire time I was watching the trailer. I grew up watching The Flash series back in the early 90's. I have a suspicion that's why Flash is one of my favorite heroes. The thing I'm most excited for is, where is John Wesley Shipp going to appear? He played Barry Allen in the earlier Flash. I think it would also be nice to see Amanda Pays make an appearance somewhere as well.
Some believe that is Shipp behind young Barry Allen in the scene where his mother is under attack. It's just quick and blurry enough to not be certain, but if you play the scene frame by frame he does look similar.
That might indicate that he will be Allen's father.
Legendarius |

I think the Flash looks really good and shows promise. The real question I have is whether or not Warner Bros/DC Comics will really manage to do some connections between their properties in the way Marvel has done (at least in terms of Iron Man/Captain America/Thor/Avengers/Agents of SHIELD). It would be great if at least some of the new movies had links to Arrow and The Flash.
Having seen Man of Steel, not sure if the events of that film can be explained to have happened in the Arrow/Flash world. Maybe they could make it so the plot of Man of Steel overlaps with a future show of Arrow/Flash and the fall out from that movie impacts their world.
Not sure if they have to pay a lot of cash or something every time someone says Superman or Batman which restricts them.

SeeDarkly_X |

I think the Flash looks really good and shows promise. The real question I have is whether or not Warner Bros/DC Comics will really manage to do some connections between their properties in the way Marvel has done (at least in terms of Iron Man/Captain America/Thor/Avengers/Agents of SHIELD). It would be great if at least some of the new movies had links to Arrow and The Flash.
Having seen Man of Steel, not sure if the events of that film can be explained to have happened in the Arrow/Flash world. Maybe they could make it so the plot of Man of Steel overlaps with a future show of Arrow/Flash and the fall out from that movie impacts their world.
Not sure if they have to pay a lot of cash or something every time someone says Superman or Batman which restricts them.
They have already made it clear that DCTVU will be separate from the movie universe they are attempting.
Personally, I'd prefer they maintain that division. Man of Steel had a LOT of problems and was just abysmal. The critical anticipation of the BVS:DOJ film is largely negative and its production is riddled with problems of its own on many levels.By comparison, Arrow is the single thing DC is is doing right. Flash has shown as much promise.
I'd really rather they stand apart from the mess many expect the films will be.

Arnwyn |

I think the Flash looks really good and shows promise. The real question I have is whether or not Warner Bros/DC Comics will really manage to do some connections between their properties in the way Marvel has done (at least in terms of Iron Man/Captain America/Thor/Avengers/Agents of SHIELD). It would be great if at least some of the new movies had links to Arrow and The Flash.
I suspect not. I think DC still considers the TV shows to be 'poor-man's versions' of their properties. As much as Arrow has been doing pretty good things for DC, it's still mired on the second-rate CW, and is filled with bad CW tropes - something AoS got to avoid entirely (and is superior for it).

SeeDarkly_X |

SeeDarkly_X wrote:Are you sure about that? The last I've seen Stephen Amell is still in the running for Green Arrow if/when Arrow would appear in a Justice League movie.They have already made it clear that DCTVU will be separate from the movie universe they are attempting.
I, and likely most people here, can not claim 100% certainty on what DC plans to do until they confirm it with action.
But yes, I have seen news specifying that point.
Also, we have all seen that in the wake of Man of Steel, there has been NO element connecting the story of Arrow to any event in the movie.
And what happened in that movie would CLEARLY be big news in the Arrow universe (far bigger than even the Star Labs particle accelerator news that was present in many episodes.) For them to have dismissed it in the current mythology and draw any character from the DCTVU into any post-BvS:DOJ films would be fairly disingenuous to (and disjointed from) the story they've presented us with thus far.
For that reason alone I would expect them to have better sense...
I have no idea why I expect them to exhibit "good sense" in anything other than what they're doing with Arrow (and what we expect them to do with Flash)... but in this, it's more logical. They already have a separate universe Gotham and Constantine in the works after all.
I would imagine what has been seen regarding Amell was probably something to the effect of reporters asking him IF he'd do it, and him acknowledging interest but not the actual offer or confirmation of the movie role. And then a subsequent misreporting of that confusing the issue further.
But I've seen nothing about that one way or the other.

Rynjin |

Legendarius wrote:I think the Flash looks really good and shows promise. The real question I have is whether or not Warner Bros/DC Comics will really manage to do some connections between their properties in the way Marvel has done (at least in terms of Iron Man/Captain America/Thor/Avengers/Agents of SHIELD). It would be great if at least some of the new movies had links to Arrow and The Flash.I suspect not. I think DC still considers the TV shows to be 'poor-man's versions' of their properties. As much as Arrow has been doing pretty good things for DC, it's still mired on the second-rate CW, and is filled with bad CW tropes - something AoS got to avoid entirely (and is superior for it).
While the last half of AoS' first season was starting to get a lot better (though I haven't seen the last 6 or so episodes yet since I wanted to watch the "new" Cap movie beforehand and circumstances have conspired to keep me away from it =(), I have a hard time saying it's superior to Arrow in any way.
AoS has a lot of POTENTIAL, and could have an amazing second season, but the first one left much to be desired.

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JoelF847 wrote:SeeDarkly_X wrote:Are you sure about that? The last I've seen Stephen Amell is still in the running for Green Arrow if/when Arrow would appear in a Justice League movie.They have already made it clear that DCTVU will be separate from the movie universe they are attempting.
I, and likely most people here, can not claim 100% certainty on what DC plans to do until they confirm it with action.
But yes, I have seen news specifying that point.
Also, we have all seen that in the wake of Man of Steel, there has been NO element connecting the story of Arrow to any event in the movie.
And what happened in that movie would CLEARLY be big news in the Arrow universe (far bigger than even the Star Labs particle accelerator news that was present in many episodes.) For them to have dismissed it in the current mythology and draw any character from the DCTVU into any post-BvS:DOJ films would be fairly disingenuous to (and disjointed from) the story they've presented us with thus far.
For that reason alone I would expect them to have better sense...
I have no idea why I expect them to exhibit "good sense" in anything other than what they're doing with Arrow (and what we expect them to do with Flash)... but in this, it's more logical. They already have a separate universe Gotham and Constantine in the works after all.I would imagine what has been seen regarding Amell was probably something to the effect of reporters asking him IF he'd do it, and him acknowledging interest but not the actual offer or confirmation of the movie role. And then a subsequent misreporting of that confusing the issue further.
But I've seen nothing about that one way or the other.
I know that when asked at Emerald City Comic Con about it, he answered that his people were in discussions about it with Warner Brothers/DC, which made it pretty clear that no decisions were made in March at least. It could just mean that he's expressing his interest, I'm not suggesting that it means anything is planned for this movie or the next, but it was clear that the door hadn't been closed.

SeeDarkly_X |

I know that when asked at Emerald City Comic Con about it, he answered that his people were in discussions about it with Warner Brothers/DC, which made it pretty clear that no decisions were made in March at least. It could just mean that he's expressing his interest, I'm not suggesting that it means anything is planned for this movie or the next, but it was clear that the door hadn't been closed.
That's kind of what I figured. And OF COURSE he'll say he wants to be involved if asked by the media. He does represent a branch of WB/DC entertainment and it would be idiotically bad PR for him to say he wouldn't want to be involved. (Though I would laugh so hard if he did that.)
Plus, you know, there's that paycheck to consider.
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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I like the pilot. It's good. The effects are awesome, acting is great, Berry is the sweet, kind guy he's supposed to be, all in all, nice.
What I didn't like, was when they show him running in closeup, he is moving slowly. What.

Spiral_Ninja |

The pilot episode... might... be floating around out there.
Also, Grodd.
Saw it, enjoyed it, missed the Grodd references, although I did see it, I just didn't make the connection.
As I'm more familiar with the MU than the DCU, I checked Wikipedia and there are several interesting links already.
Weather Wizard was a nice start, Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom is blatently responsible for Barry's mom's death.
Other links from Wiki/names I didn't recognize at first:
Dr. Caitlin Snow => Killer Frost
her 'late' fiance => Ronnie Raymond => Firestorm
Cisco Ramon => Vibe
already mentioned => Det. Eddie Thawn => Professor Zoom(who lusted after -and murdered-Iris)
Looks like they have big plans. Or just like to tease.

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I watched it as well, and I liked it, but the dialog felt a bit clunky in places.
It was like they had an urge to restate the premise in full every 5-10 minutes. No one ever just said "the accident," they had to say "the accident when the thing happened to the stuff and there was a result"
And then someone will walk into the room and say "are you talking about that event where a thing happened to some stuff and there was a result?"
Five minutes later, "I think that event happened to that stuff to cause a result for a reason, Barry"
I think that'll improve though. I intend to keep watching.

Dal Selpher |

I really enjoyed the pilot episode, much moreso than I did the one for Arrow. The scene that really sold me though was when Barry visited his dad in prison. I was entertained and enjoying myself up to that point, but that scene got me invested and hooked.
Up to this point, my favorite version of Flash has been Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal of him in the Justice League and Justice League: Unlimited cartoons from the early 2000's. They captured Wally's heart and his genuine care for people so well in that series, particularly the episode "Flash and Substance". I think they're on the right track with this new series for nailing that same aspect of Barry's character, and that's really what draws me to him as a hero and why I find Flash so endearing.
I enjoyed the easter eggs and references that were sprinkled liberally throughout the show, and was rather glad they didn't name drop "Weather Wizard" and just called him by his last name most of the time. Some of Flash's rogue's gallery really ranks up there on the cheesy charts, and I think they handled Weather Wizard really well without getting too cheesy for the pilot.
All in all, really enjoyed this and I'm looking forward to sticking with the show.

Fallen_Mage |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I did, yeah - and I loved that cameo. I liked that just as much as I enjoyed Christopher Reeve's cameo in Smallville =)
Actually, I think it's more than just a cameo. I have the feeling that he's going to make a few more appearances during the season.
Now, if they could get Amanda Pays somewhere in there, that would be awesome.

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Dal Selpher wrote:I did, yeah - and I loved that cameo. I liked that just as much as I enjoyed Christopher Reeve's cameo in Smallville =)Actually, I think it's more than just a cameo. I have the feeling that he's going to make a few more appearances during the season.
Now, if they could get Amanda Pays somewhere in there, that would be awesome.
That will be very easy for them to do - since they already have. Amanda Pays will be playing a new version of the same character she did in the 1990s version of the Flash even, Dr. Tina McGee.

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The first article I randomly picked from google was this one:
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/flash-amanda-pays-reprising-tina -732946