What's your trick?


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Hey there!

I am looking for character concepts that are competetiv in optimized game but use unusual ways to deal with their problems.

You know - other than beatung things up with falcata or falchion, other than pit spells and shocking grasp spellstrike action... just things that do not come up often as main schtick of a character.

Just for example: I had that sorcerer who used some pimped up enervation action to defeat his enemies or another one who used fear effects and phantasmal killer.

Maybe a character who effectivly uses poison to kill his enemies? Or a hydraulicnpush sorcerer with bullrush feats and high CL?

I somehow feel like I kinda fail at explaining what exactly I am looking for, but maybe you have an idea and can provide some ideas:)

Scarab Sages

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Bad Touch Magi who just wear down their opponents with status effects as well as damage.

Support witches who just use evil eye and enemies have no reason to go after her ("why'd you attack her?" "uh.... she looked at me funny").

There is a terrifying build involving grenadier alchemist that knocks out anything not immune to disease for 2d12 minutes with every hit.

Bards being... bards. Singing and dancing and using diplomacy.

Heavens Oracles who color-spray everything into oblivion.

Summoners, where the PC is the sidekick.

Elven Druids who have Treefolk companions.

Holy Tactician Paladins who give free teamwork feats to allies within 30'.

If you don't have an idea of what you want to play, I'd just look through the classes/archetypes in the SRD until you go "ooh, that sounds cool" and play it, balance be damned.

Liberty's Edge

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Butterfly's Sting crit fishing while TWF with Kukris is pretty awesome if you have a Magus or someone two-handing a x3 or x4 crit weapon to pass the crits to. Does require a little coordination...but not a lot. Doable by 2nd level as either a Fighter or Human Ranger, though it gets much better with Improved Critical around about 8th or 9th.

Kitsune Fey Bloodline Sorcerer with Enchantment spells...because damn, DC 23 with 2nd level spells at 4th level? That's ridiculous.

Combat Bards (either melee or archers) who actually focus on the combat aspect of that (plus buff spells) always seem to surprise people, despite being a classic.

TWF Order of the Dragon Cavalier. Challenge makes TWF seriously badass by higher levels, and you're buffing your mount and the rest of the party, too.

Melee Druid with dumped Str and maxed Dex. Get (or make) an Agile AoMF. Turn into, oh, a House Cat and murder everything. Laugh.

Be a Sacred Servant Paladin. Get the Rage subdomain. Be a Paladin with Rage. Grab Lesser Celestial Totem when you can (so awesome on a Paladin). This one only really kicks in at high levels, but it's a standard Paladin until then, and amazingly fun afterwards.

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Clerics with lots of summoning spells. Summoning 1d3+1 aurochs a few times makes for an... inventive battlefield.

Scarab Sages

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Human Cavalier with a Camel Mount: Camel + potion of fly = Camel-Copter. Has Eye For Talent, granting his Camel +2 Strength. Is of the Order of the Tome, meaning he will eventually be able to supply his own scrolls of fly, use scrolls of shield on himself while he fights with a greatsword, and just plain surprise people with the occasional fireball.

Human Hungry Ghost Qigong Monk: Punishing Kick + 16 Strength + Combat Reflexes + Vicious Stomp + Belier's Bite = Pain as only an adherent of Zon-Kuthon can deliver it.

Dwarven Sanctified Swashbuckler: Balanced ability scores. Behaves as much like a Fighter as a Rogue. Dual-wields a heavy and light pick. Has the Killer trait for good measure.

Emberkin Aasimar Razmiran Priest Sorcerer: Martyred Bloodline. Pyromancer trait and preference for fire spells. Godless and proud of it, has the History of Heresy trait and the Godless Healing and Divine Defiance feats. Spent the full 100 gp on his False Focus, and can mock-up most alchemical power components at will.

Aasimar Theologian of Ymeri: Focused Domain (Ash). Starts with 17 Wisdom and 19 Charisma. Channels Negative Energy.

Wayang Shadowcaster Illusionist: Has the Wayang Spellhunter trait applied to color spray, and the Persistent Spell metamagic feat. Has a Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 that provides him with maximum ranks in Stealth. Has Greater Spell Focus (Illusion), Wayang Magic, and Shadow Stencils, meaning illusions with the [Shadow] descriptor get +4 to their DCs.

Elven Time Witch: Faerie Dragon Familiar + staff of minor arcana and assorted wands = Elven Time Witch with shoulder-mounted plasma cannon. Though he has yet to try this, he could cast silence on his Familiar, who could use his greater invisibility spell-like ability and then hover over the shoulder of a nasty enemy spellcaster. Also, he's got the Pnakotic Manuscripts, and a jar of eyeballs that protect him from flanking and gaze attacks.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Halfling dressed in black dragonhide full plate armor with bat ears and bat motif, including bat shaped shuriken.

Turns into a bat (dimunitive), rages, and attacks 3 times/round for 1d2 + 25 while rocking a +33 to stealth and casting druid spells.

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@Deadmanwalking: DC23 only for [Compulsion] spell... Enchantement's DC is 21

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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i like the Wis based melee cleric...
gorum is great for that- channel negative energy, destruction[rage] and strength[ferocity] domains
channel smite and guided hand feats (then power attack and other classics)

can do well with 13-14 Str... attack rolls are Wis based, bonus damage comes largely from destruction and ferocity smites (which are stackable) and channel smite (which can also be combined with them).

IMO its competitive with any Str based melee cleric (except in games with a very high number of encounters per/day, or many unusually long encounters), but its surprisingly in that you still have a good DC so you can bust out occasional save or sucks (unlike any other melee cleric). plus its just got a cool factor ;)

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Rogue with Major Magic talent, select the Unseen Servant.
Have the servant carry a cloak around that always blocks where you are sneaking.

RAW for stealth, you get full cover, and you're undetectable.

Gnome/Halfling barbarians.

Getting one level of Divinist Wizard (Scryer) and one level of fighter. You can prestige into arcane knight by third level.

Fighter who specializes in using a whip. There are LOADS of cool feats for it.

Scarab Sages

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Velix Okah wrote:

Fighter who specializes in using a whip. There are LOADS of cool feats for it.

Better yet, Warpriest using a Whip. Not having to rely on a d3 makes the whip much nicer.

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I like the polearm builds based around Pushing Assault, keep enemies out of melee indefinitely and ignore their CMD, yes please.

Enchanters who just charm everything and fight nothing.

Lockdown maneuver builds like Tetori and Dirty Fighter.

Horizon Walker/ Rogues with insane favored terrain bonuses and Terrain Dominance.

Mist assassin types who focus on blocking everyone else's vision and then seeing through the obstruction.

Liberty's Edge

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Orthodox Banjoist wrote:
@Deadmanwalking: DC23 only for [Compulsion] spell... Enchantement's DC is 21

Never said otherwise. My point was simply that DC 23 spells were in your arsenal.

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you're right... but just to make it clear ;)

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Greater Grapple, Expert Captor, a level in Alchemist (or something), and level 4 Quinngong Monk.

With Greater Grapple, you can grapple as a Move Action in addition to as a Standard Action. So you can Initiate a grapple as a standard action, then Tie Up as a move action.

Most people Pin their opponents before tying them up because tying up opponents you haven't pinned first imposes a -10 on your check. With Expert Captor, a level 2 Cavalier Order of the Penitent ability, you don't take the -10.

If you take a level in Alchemist, you can cast True Strike on yourself the round before you start to grapple.

The level 4 Quinngong Monk Ki Power is True Strike.

Now you can run up to your opponent and use a Wand of True Strike on yourself on round 1. Then on round 2, initiate a grapple as a standard action with an extra+20 for True Strike, give yourself True Strike again as a swift action, then grapple and tie him up with another +20. Hogtied and spit-roasted Tyrannosaurus, anyone?

If the Monk is a Quinngong Master of Many Styles, she (My PFS character I'm doing with this is she) can have Snake Fang and Paired Opportunist, when someone attacks and misses her, she and all her participating allies get Attacks of Opportunity at +4.

When she gets another level, she will grow a Tentacle and use a shield at no penalty to her GrappleMB. She may take Feral Combat Training and be able to use her Tentacle for her attacks of Opportunity, then use the Grab ability as Free Actions and do bonus damage with her armor spikes.

With 2 more levels in Alchemist, she may grow a Tumor Familiar and use the extract Alchemal Allocation and the Familiar ability Share Spells to have the familiar use a potion of Shield Other. All damage will be halved between the familiar and my character, and with the Tumor's Fast Healing 5, that will be offset.

She also has Keen Scent, Blind Fighting, and an Eversmoking Bottle.

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Build an adamantine box on my shoulder, and enchant it to be pretty much immune to everything.

Put permanently shrunk gnome witch with cackle and fortune hex in the box.
profit :)

That and having a bunch of lvl1 followers be wizards with true strike and having them man the ballista on my airship.

Or building a bounty hunter with a caceodaemon familiar to get the soul gems, and a portable hole to keep the bodies to sell to necromancers, specked out knowledge skills to know who to sell this stuff too, and just go maximum profit in an evil campaign.

Or using wish to reduce the opening of a everflowing bottle thingy 1 micron diameter. Due to the flow being a constant number of gallons... they make great engines for your airship of doom... or you can just turn it into an adamantium cruise missile.

Haha, some great ideas there - I love the halfling batman!


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1) human barbs with spell resistance and superstition to be almost immune to spells.

2) any ecclisitheurge with fire domain and some kind of support (Ra)

3) an evangelist cleric with glory/heroism diabolist 3 serving a LG deity. Yes that's legal!! Augment summon is free and you can take superior summons, sacred summons, summon good monster. Who doesn't like super boosting their 7 lantern archons for 2 or 3 feats? An imp on top of that is just gravy.

4) any gunslinger shooting his pistol behind a tower shield :) practically immune to ranged attacks when combined with deflect arrows feat and the fact ur in total cover. Pretty decent against melees as well thanks to armor and shield.

Dot dot dot

I've posted this build before but I've designed a fighter that doesn't like making full attacks.

Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint
Furious Focus
Weapon Focus
Combat Reflexes
Improved Trip
Felling Smash
Greater Trip
Greater Feint
(Monk MOMS) Viscous Stomp, Dragon Style
(Monk MOMS) Monkey Style or Dragon Ferocity

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can find over 100 such concepts in Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium. Please be sure to hit hit the favorite button and to leave a comment.


I cant remember the exact build but something to do with a Barbarian with a weasel familiar.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Now you can run up to your opponent and use a Wand of True Strike on yourself on round 1. Then on round 2, initiate a grapple as a standard action with an extra+20 for True Strike, give yourself True Strike again as a swift action, then grapple and tie him up with another +20. Hogtied and spit-roasted Tyrannosaurus, anyone?

I liked many of your ideas, and this one is still pretty strong, but I think you overlooked something here. The qinggong monk's ability to use truestrike is a Spell-Like ability which is a standard action unless otherwise mentioned. I am not sure how you were getting your second true strike as a swift.

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Heh heh...

My PFS wizard build comes to mind, or an experimental Magician Bard/Tattoed Sorc that operates on the same lines.

NOTE: Although taking an item bond is a nice method for lower levels, I would reccomend getting a thrush familiar instead so that at third level, you'll be able to hit more consistently.

Wizard Build (Only Works in PFS):

To create an overpowered blasting wizard in PFS, follow these steps:
1. Be a human.
2. Take Gifted Adept (Shocking Grasp).
3. Take Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp).
4. Take Admixture as your specialty school.
5. Use your Spell Focus for Evocation.
6. Take Spell Specialization (Shocking Grasp).
7. Take Reach Spell.
8. Now, you have a short-range attack that deals 4d6+1 points of any elemental damage. If you take 20 Intelligence and use your Arcane Bond for a ring, you can cast that 4 times per day, or three if you use a spell slot for Mage Armor like any smart caster should.
9. At third level, take Intensified Spell for a

My Weird Magician Bard/Tattooed Sorc Idea):

1. Be a halfling.
2-3. As last build.
4. Take your first level in Magician Bard. Have your Charisma at 20 for 9 rounds of Dweomercraft, granting you + your allies + 1 CL and other cool effects.
5. Take Reach Spell.
6. Take your second level for Wildblooded Tattooed Sorc (Primal Elemental (Air)).
7. Now, you have a 4d6+4 lightning-only attack. I prefer my Wizard build more, to be honest.

Feedback is appreciated!!!

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Sundering build using greater sunder with a maul of the titans and spirited charge as a druid with one of the giant masks so your huge and you smash stuff. Bonus points for cohort or party member throwing red cloaks on people so you can sunder the dragon (matador anyone?) also raw dmg bonuses for maximum goodness, abilities for ignoring hardness... anything im missing here?

Edit: Also the lantern archons are really really good if you summon enough of them (touch attacks that bypass DR)

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Here would be my build for a Dimensional Warrior

7 levels of wizard
1 level of swashbuckler (Inspired Blade Archetype)
5 levels of EK

Levels 1-6 you play as a dexterous wizard.

Wizard 7 - Dimensional Agility
Swash 8 - Weapon focus (Rapier), Swashbuckler's Finesse
EK 9 - Dimensional Assault, Fencing Grace
EK 10
EK 11 - Dimensional Dervish
EK 12
EK 13 - Dimensional Savant, Outflank

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1) I love to use Mad Monkeys, Pilfering Hand, Ranged Legerdemain, and related combat maneuvers to take away enemies' wands, headbands, spell component pouches, and pants.

2) Grease can be a lot of fun. Although, in an incident involving a trio of stone giants who made their saving throws, I learned that it is a good idea to stand BEHIND the paladin when taunting enemies.

3) Although it's not directly hurting the beasties, I enjoy playing a half-orcish inquisitor focused on monster lore. I get to look at the beast, make a Knowledge roll, and say, "Why yes, this is a the rare Enlarged Lobster Demon. It is particularly vulnerable to the Molten Butter spell." That I don't have the Molten Butter spell is immaterial. It's up to the wizard to prepare for such contingencies.

Hawktitan - what is the advantage of your build compared to wiz 1 EK X or even some horizon walker build?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How about I share a few of my tricks?

How about being able to control hundreds of hit dice worth of undead? [link 1] [link 2]

How about the ability to destroy your enemies with mere rocks picked up off the ground? [link]

How about bending your enemies to your will utilizing the class abilities of arcanists, sorcerers, AND wizards? [link]

How about being able to put Robin Hood's archery to shame? [link]

How about being able to put Green Arrows/Hawkeye's trick archery to shame? [link]

How about being a freaking time lord? [link]

How about being a mad monkey known for stomping enemies into the earth? [link]

How about weighing over 400 pounds, and yet being able to move faster than any horse, and more nimbly than any hummingbird? [link]

How about being able to attack someone with 30-foot reach? [link]

How about being the fastest damn thing alive? [link]

How about being a fully functional adventurer, while also being a quadriplegic? [link]

How about being a transmuter, with higher than full base attack bonus? [link]

How about oppressing the world with your troll armies from your flying ice crystal palace? [link 1] [link 2]

How about being able to take out 90% of the Bestiary monsters, in a single bite? [link]

How about invading the Material Plane from the Plane of Shadow to assert your rightful dominance in your original homeland? [link 1] [link 2]

How about being a master of fire and flame, able to incinerate armies of enemies in the blink of an eye? [link 1] [link 2]

How about spreading terror across the countryside, while dressed as Santa Claus? [link]

How about being the ultimate scourge against demon kind? [link]

How about being the world's foremost "master dispeller" capable of utterly crippling any and all fools who would dare to utilize magic against you? [link 1] [link 2]

How about taking on the Tarrasque single-handedly, in melee, and winning? [link 1] [link 2]

How about having saves and backup defenses so high and multi-layered, that you will never come to harm save on multiple consecutive natural ones? [link]

How about being able to knock someone out with tons of sneak attack damage? [link]

How about flying about on your own tumor? [link]

How about being able to hear a mouse breath, from 100 feet away, through a thick stone wall, while sleeping? [link]

How about bringing about the downfall of multiple world through the manipulation of their people? [link]

How about being the undisputed master of the forest? [link]

How about possessing absolute mastery of earth and stone? [link]

How about...all this and more in Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium?

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I support this thread.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Greater Grapple, Expert Captor, a level in Alchemist (or something), and level 4 Quinngong Monk.

With Greater Grapple, you can grapple as a Move Action in addition to as a Standard Action. So you can Initiate a grapple as a standard action, then Tie Up as a move action.

Most people Pin their opponents before tying them up because tying up opponents you haven't pinned first imposes a -10 on your check. With Expert Captor, a level 2 Cavalier Order of the Penitent ability, you don't take the -10.

If you take a level in Alchemist, you can cast True Strike on yourself the round before you start to grapple.

The level 4 Quinngong Monk Ki Power is True Strike.

Now you can run up to your opponent and use a Wand of True Strike on yourself on round 1. Then on round 2, initiate a grapple as a standard action with an extra+20 for True Strike, give yourself True Strike again as a swift action, then grapple and tie him up with another +20. Hogtied and spit-roasted Tyrannosaurus, anyone?

If the Monk is a Quinngong Master of Many Styles, she (My PFS character I'm doing with this is she) can have Snake Fang and Paired Opportunist, when someone attacks and misses her, she and all her participating allies get Attacks of Opportunity at +4.

When she gets another level, she will grow a Tentacle and use a shield at no penalty to her GrappleMB. She may take Feral Combat Training and be able to use her Tentacle for her attacks of Opportunity, then use the Grab ability as Free Actions and do bonus damage with her armor spikes.

With 2 more levels in Alchemist, she may grow a Tumor Familiar and use the extract Alchemal Allocation and the Familiar ability Share Spells to have the familiar use a potion of Shield Other. All damage will be halved between the familiar and my character, and with the Tumor's Fast Healing 5, that will be offset.

She also has Keen Scent, Blind Fighting, and an Eversmoking Bottle.

I'll add the Feat Potion Glutton from Inner Sea Gods. You can drink any potable as a Swift Action. That includes Extracts of True Strike.

Hawktitan wrote:

Here would be my build for a Dimensional Warrior

7 levels of wizard
1 level of swashbuckler (Inspired Blade Archetype)
5 levels of EK

Levels 1-6 you play as a dexterous wizard.

Wizard 7 - Dimensional Agility
Swash 8 - Weapon focus (Rapier), Swashbuckler's Finesse
EK 9 - Dimensional Assault, Fencing Grace
EK 10
EK 11 - Dimensional Dervish
EK 12
EK 13 - Dimensional Savant, Outflank

My favorite way to get Dimensional Warrior is to make intelligent armor with Dimension Door. When someone else (your armor) DimDors you, you don't get disoriented.

Jayder22 wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Now you can run up to your opponent and use a Wand of True Strike on yourself on round 1. Then on round 2, initiate a grapple as a standard action with an extra+20 for True Strike, give yourself True Strike again as a swift action, then grapple and tie him up with another +20. Hogtied and spit-roasted Tyrannosaurus, anyone?

I liked many of your ideas, and this one is still pretty strong, but I think you overlooked something here. The qinggong monk's ability to use truestrike is a Spell-Like ability which is a standard action unless otherwise mentioned. I am not sure how you were getting your second true strike as a swift.

Good point: I found the answer. There is a feat in Inner Sea Gods called Potion Glutton. That feat lets you drink any Potable, like an Alchemal Extract, as a Swift Action.

I like the idea of developing a Claw attack with the Feral Combat Training Feat, the Monastic Legacy Feat, and the Improved Natural Weapon Feat. Your Claws can do 2d6 each by level 6. Be a Tengu with the Claws trait, and you have a Bite Attack, too. Take Snake Fang and Combat Reflexes, and you can get an unarmed attack of opportunity every time someone attacks and misses. With Feral Combat Training, you can use Snake Fang with those Claws. Get a Mammoth Helm, you get a Gore Attack, too.

Take 2 levels in White Haired Witch. At level 2, your hair (plume) gets Constrict. That qualifies you for the Final Embrace Feat. Then your Bite, your Hair, your Claws, your Gore, and your Unarmed Strike all get Grab and Constrict. The Constrict damage is your primary natural attack damage: your 2d6 Claws. Wear Armor Spikes, and you get insta-damage from those too. for every attack.

Learn Quick, Great, dirty trick, and you you can make your opponents Blind with any of your many, many attacks. Take levels in something that gives Sneak Attack like Rogue or the Vivisecgtionist Alchemal Archetype. You get Sneak Attack Damage vs. your Blinded opponents for every one of your natural attacks AND for your Constrict!

Dark Archive

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You wanted underused or unconventional ways to be effective and not as much of the 'norm'. So here you go:

Barbarian who tanks with HP and Dr and doesn't care about ac- at all.
To compensate for the brutal beatings, he is hyper efficient at being healed.

Human or half-orc Invulnerable Rager.
Diehard and stalwart line of feats.
Fast healer feat and lesser celestial totem rage power.
Start with a 19 or 20 con and get a +4 con belt eventually. If you start with 20 con push it to 22 through advancement. Take raging vitality for +2 con when raging.

You now have 1d12 HD + 8 HP per level and when raging gain +3 HP per level. A wand of cure light wounds heals you for 8-15 while raging, becoming a viable in-combat healing tool. A legitimate cure light wounds spell from a fifth level caster would heal for 16-23. Once you get into other, stronger healing magics and higher level casters, you begin healing close to some mid-level characters max hit points off a single casting. For instance, Cure Serious Wounds cast by a 10th level cleric heals you for 28-49. If you wanted to push this further you could take Fey Foundling at first level for an additional 2 hp healed her dice rolled. With healing this efficient combined with Dr 5+ and an average of 15 hp/level without toughness, you should be very capable of tanking almost anything very well without ever being concerned about armor class.

There is also the ultimate bad touch monk.
Pick monk and cleric.
This now provides you two domain powers and stunning fist.
Select any two domains with powers that apply horrible effects on a hit. Apply stunning fist to given hit.
Take crushing blow, scorpion style, and the enforcer feat and invest in intimidate. Purchase a conductive amulet of mighty fists, dilequescent gloves and if you have room grab the domain strike feat.

Now, you can add 2 domain powers, stunning fist, the shaken condition and either destroy enemy ac or destroy their mobility. It is advised to have a high wisdom modifier. I play an optimized version of this character who also uses spell storing bodywraps and stores scorching rays to unleash as needed for epicness. He also has martial flexibility for even more effects to add on a single attack. His saves are obnoxiously high making him very durable against magic and he supports the party and himself by giving advise (inspire courage). He is very different from the typical 'bad touch' build.

Dark Archive

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One of my favourite characters to play is the "I'm too smart for you" character. Investigator covers it pretty well now, basically you defeat enemies by leading them into traps(whether they are social traps, or actual physical traps is up to you/what your DM allows). You just have very high mobility, bluff, diplomacy, and trap creation mechanisms to cause your enemies to become disheartened and/or crushed underneath a boulder.

Reach alchemist that grabs the tentacle discovery. If it is his only natural attack, it will always be primary, and deals 1.5x str and power attack, making it rather effective for threatening adjacent squares.

Also, it has the grab property, which gives a +4 to grapple and free grapple on a hit. Combined with decent BAB, mutagens, and buffs (enlarge person is common), you can be a fairly decent grappler (it is possible to get both reach and the needed grapple feats by level 9; you can still do your shtick at level 2 though). At the very least, you are a character with tentacles that is highly effective at taking down magical girls (or guys- not judgin')

An Alchemist with the Tumor Familiar can take advantage of its Fast Healing ability by having it drink potions of Shield Other. At level 4, the Alchemist can cast Alchemal Allocation and spare the cost of the potion.

Alchemal Allocation itself seems stupid powerful. It lets an Alchemist cast any Wizard, Bard, or Cleric Spell that can be put into potion form. Wow.

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How about

Shield Slam
Great Bull Rush
Paired Opportunist.
Combat Reflexes?

A Klar or a Large Spiked Shield do 1d6 damage. With the Bashing Enchantment, it goes up to 2d6. I was thinking in terms of Thunder and Fang.

With Shield Slam, you get a free Bull Rush with every Shield Bash.

With Greater Bull Rush, all your allies get an attack of opportunity with every Bull Rush.

With Paired Opportunist, you get the AoO because your allies do.

That Attack of Opportunity can be another Shield Bash, followed by another round of AoO's, which can be another Shield Bash, and so on....

Paired Opportunist is a Teamwork Feat, which means that it normally only works if all your allies have the Feat, too. You can get around that by getting the Feat via 1 level in Cavalier or 3 levels in Inquisitor.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Jayder22 wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Now you can run up to your opponent and use a Wand of True Strike on yourself on round 1. Then on round 2, initiate a grapple as a standard action with an extra+20 for True Strike, give yourself True Strike again as a swift action, then grapple and tie him up with another +20. Hogtied and spit-roasted Tyrannosaurus, anyone?

I liked many of your ideas, and this one is still pretty strong, but I think you overlooked something here. The qinggong monk's ability to use truestrike is a Spell-Like ability which is a standard action unless otherwise mentioned. I am not sure how you were getting your second true strike as a swift.
Good point: I found the answer. There is a feat in Inner Sea Gods called Potion Glutton. That feat lets you drink any Potable, like an Alchemal Extract, as a Swift Action.

Another possibility is the Volatile Vaporizer. It can turn an Alchemal Infusion into a pellet that can be turned into a Vapor as a swift action. You could have your Tumor Familiar break the pellet right in your lungs.

But I think Potion Glutton is the way to go.


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Honestly, since I mostly play low-powered games, investing in horses.


An armoured Combat Trained Heavy Horse costs 250gp + armor and is a CR2+ creature. Three attacks, at +7(!) to hit, and if all of them hit, an average of 25 damage per round. Before Fury Drops. Before Buffs. A heavy warhorse walks over animal companions until level 4.

Also, I was thinking about a character for the E8 game I was running. He was level 8, using 5 levels in Exemplar Brawler, 2 levels in Vanguard Slayer and 1 level in Daring Cavalier. Half-elf for either +2 to Will(preferably, since you only have +1 base at level 8 this way) or Ancestral Arms, and for the additional 2 favoured class bonuses. And all other goodies.

What this build gives you is the ability to take about 20-30 commoners and turn them into a thing that Tucker's Kobolds(Yes, them) fear. He's able to sustain either Enfilading Fire for 19 rounds, which allows for 2 attacks per round for even your first level commoners, which either have javelins or are proficient with bows, or, with some preparation, the Escape Route/Outflank/Precise Strike combo, which allows for the BBEG's army to quickly be surrounded by angry villagers. Inside it.

He's also not a slouch in one-to-one combat, because he has 1 floating feat he can use at any time for anything, has full BAB, and only needs Dex and either Con or Str depending on whether he's a frontliner or not. While being free to use Dex for Damage and a heavy shield. Or Strength and a Bow. Or a Spear. Or, well, anything.

Int is flavourful, but unnecessary, due to Brawler levels. Charisma opens up a path into more Daring Cavalier levels and more of a morale-boosting leadership, while Wis shores up the Will Save penalty and lets you be more of a shrewd tactician going more on feel than example.

I am yet to stat him up, but a level 8 character built in such a manner would have 10 feats, three of which need to be teamwork, one is the Daring Cavalier's Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus and Slashing Grace, which leaves 5 of them to play away with.

In addition, he has an average of 4.5+int skill points per level, almost all non-magical class skills, a small studied target, a challenge, an order, bardic performance, a knockout ability, better Fort save than a barbarian and a comparable one to a Swashbuckler, unmatched flexibility and is pretty much damn bloody awesome.

I simply call this guy, The Commander.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

How about

Shield Slam
Great Bull Rush
Paired Opportunist.
Combat Reflexes?

A Klar or a Large Spiked Shield do 1d6 damage. With the Bashing Enchantment, it goes up to 2d6. I was thinking in terms of Thunder and Fang.

With Shield Slam, you get a free Bull Rush with every Shield Bash.

With Greater Bull Rush, all your allies get an attack of opportunity with every Bull Rush.

With Paired Opportunist, you get the AoO because your allies do.

That Attack of Opportunity can be another Shield Bash, followed by another round of AoO's, which can be another Shield Bash, and so on....

Paired Opportunist is a Teamwork Feat, which means that it normally only works if all your allies have the Feat, too. You can get around that by getting the Feat via 1 level in Cavalier or 3 levels in Inquisitor.

Is shield slam/greater bull rush/paired opportunists a legit way to get to blow all your AoOs on an enemy each round?

Tarantula wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

How about

Shield Slam
Great Bull Rush
Paired Opportunist.
Combat Reflexes?

A Klar or a Large Spiked Shield do 1d6 damage. With the Bashing Enchantment, it goes up to 2d6. I was thinking in terms of Thunder and Fang.

With Shield Slam, you get a free Bull Rush with every Shield Bash.

With Greater Bull Rush, all your allies get an attack of opportunity with every Bull Rush.

With Paired Opportunist, you get the AoO because your allies do.

That Attack of Opportunity can be another Shield Bash, followed by another round of AoO's, which can be another Shield Bash, and so on....

Paired Opportunist is a Teamwork Feat, which means that it normally only works if all your allies have the Feat, too. You can get around that by getting the Feat via 1 level in Cavalier or 3 levels in Inquisitor.

Is shield slam/greater bull rush/paired opportunists a legit way to get to blow all your AoOs on an enemy each round?

I don’t see why not. I think you don’t get your +4 Improved and Great bull rush when you Shield Slam, because you use the same attack roll, but it’s still a Bull Rush, and so Great Bull Rush still grants Attack of Opportunities for your allies.

Paired Opportunist was made just for this sort of thing . Normally, you don’t get it unless your allies have it, too, but you can get around that by taking either 3 levels in Inquisitor or 1 level in Cavalier. Both classes have ways around the Teamwork Feat drawback.

There remains the problem of positioning. Normally, when you Bull Rush somebody, they are pushed away, and you can’t keep beating on them any more. If you and your ally are flanking your target, or have him backed up against a wall, the poor bastard just gets pushed up against it and falls down, and the AoO party begins. Normally, you can’t Bull Rush somebody into a square they can’t move into, but the Shield Slam Feat carries a specific exception to this.

The other big problem is that the build depends on having a ally who has Combat Reflexes, or having lots of allies with the discipline to take only 1 AoO at a time, otherwise it will be a short party.

All in all, it’s an expensive build feature, but pretty powerful. What is the cost?
1. Improved Shield Bash
2. Shield Slam
3. Power Attack
4. Improved Bull Rush
5. Great Bull Rush
6. Paired Opportunist
7. Tactician or Solo Tactics
8. Combat Reflexes

8 feats and class abilities makes it a pretty expensive build feature. Whirlwind Attack only costs 5.
1. Dodge
2. Mobility
3. Spring Attack
4. Expertise
5. Whirlwind Attack

[Btw, those numbers aren't levels, and those aren't builds: I'm just counting feats and class abilities.]

An 8-feat build had better be something special.

I’ve vetted this idea on other threads in this forum. I haven’t been able to find any other concerns with the build. If anybody does, let me know, and maybe we can figure out a workaround. Otherwise, feel free to use it, but remember me when you do.

You won't get the +4 on the shield bash attack unfortunately. I could see an arguement saying you get to add it nto the attack roll when determining the combat maneuver check, but I'm not sure if thats RAW.

I agree that normally bull rush pushes someone away, and that's where the order of AoOs and whatnot makes me think this doesn't work.

We'll assume 4 AoOs from me and an ally who also has combat reflexes.

Fighting an orc, I shield bash, and connect, deal damage, get free bull rush.
Assuming bull rush is successful, by less than 5. The orc now moves back 5 feet.
But, because of greater bull rush, his leaving of the square provokes an AoO (which happens before he leaves the square).
Ally takes his AoO.
Because of paried opportunists, I also get to make an AoO because he got to.
I make another shield bash, it hits and makes another bull rush.
Assuming its succesful, orc is now pushed back 5 feet.
Because of greater bull rush, his leaving provokes, ally makes another AoO, so do I, for another 2 times.

End result? I shove him so hard he flies 20 feet back at the end having taken 8 AoOs from us?
Or he ends only 5 feet away, because the distances from the multiple bull rushes don't count?
Or this isn't valid because even though I was able to make multiple attacks, his repeatedly leaving the square can't provoke more than once (even through greater bull rush specifically makes it so he provokes on a successful bull rush)

How about a catfolk vivisectionist/beastmorph alchemist with some rogue levels?
Underhanded Rogue Talent + Sap Master Feat + Vicious Claws Rogue Talent + Eternal Potion Discovery (greater invisibility) + Pounce in a surprise round with lots of natural attacks = upwards of 1,700 damage if all attacks hit.

Avoron wrote:

How about a catfolk vivisectionist/beastmorph alchemist with some rogue levels?

Underhanded Rogue Talent + Sap Master Feat + Vicious Claws Rogue Talent + Eternal Potion Discovery (greater invisibility) + Pounce in a surprise round with lots of natural attacks = upwards of 1,700 damage if all attacks hit.

All it takes is something with a way to see invis (see invis/tremorsense/etc) or have any concealment for a lot of that damage to not apply.

Rulership variant negative channeling. Take Selective Channel and just daze everyone but the party. You have to follow Dispater to pull this of in PFS.

That damage isn't based on invisibility in particular, its just based on getting a surprise round. There are lots of ways to get a surprise round, especially when you can move in before making a full attack. If enemies have special detection abilities, either just use mundane hiding or wait for those abilities to expire. If they have concealment, either get rid of that concealment somehow or wait for them to not have concealment any more. And don't forget that they still have the extract-making ability of a level 18 alchemist to deal with situations like that. This build isn't for sustainable damage, it's built for sneaking, pouncing, fleeing, and repeating.

Tarantula wrote:
Avoron wrote:

How about a catfolk vivisectionist/beastmorph alchemist with some rogue levels?

Underhanded Rogue Talent + Sap Master Feat + Vicious Claws Rogue Talent + Eternal Potion Discovery (greater invisibility) + Pounce in a surprise round with lots of natural attacks = upwards of 1,700 damage if all attacks hit.
All it takes is something with a way to see invis (see invis/tremorsense/etc) or have any concealment for a lot of that damage to not apply.

Plus, I am pretty sure that build doesn't actually work due to this FAQ about vestigial arms.

Basically, 'no extra attacks' means 'no extra attacks'. I know the argument you made against that in that linked thread, but this FAQ does directly address that issue.....so yeah....vestigial arms are just curiosities used for things like shields and reloading guns it seems.

But beastmorph with bite/claw/claw/rake(2 claws) stills seems perfectly valid, and extremely powerful, particularly on a sneak attacking vivisectionist. Heck, that number of attacks would be strong by the standards of a full BAB character, let alone a 3/4 BAB one. Throw the rest of your build's tricks onto that, and you still have something fantastic.

Nice catch with the vestigial arm FAQ, I didn't spend enough time looking through that topic. I suppose the build is still pretty nice without it. There are other ways to get more talon, gore, or slam attacks if you really want them, but they require dipping. You can get tentacle or sting attacks just by getting magic items to further increase that total.

There is, however, another way of looking at it. The FAQ says it doesn't let you get a number of attacks per round greater than the number you would have if you didn't have the arms or tentacle. It specifically says you can use them to have more attack options at a given time, which you can use at your desire as long as you do not exceed your normal number of attacks in a round (such as using a tentacle and a dagger in a full attack instead of two daggers). Now, my first instinct (and yours too, it seems) was to think of the character as having a maximum of 5 attacks per round: bite/claw/claw/rake/rake. This is not quite the case. The character has a maximum of 9 attacks per round: unarmed strike/unarmed strike/unarmed strike/off hand unarmed strike/bite/claw/claw/rake/rake. Those attacks would have lots of penalties and many of them would provoke attacks of opportunity, but they are still all viable attack options that the character could take in a single full attack action. So, you could use the discoveries in a cool way that seems to match up exactly with their intent: take 8 attacks, which is less than your total number per round, but instead use bite/claw/claw/rake/rake/aspect of the beast claw/aspect of the beast claw/tentacle. You don't get extra attacks, but you get more attack options that you use in place of other attacks to avoid extreme penalties from using unarmed strikes, using two-weapon fighting, and combining manufactured and natural attacks.

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