Ice Troll

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Here comes the idea!

The PC looks like a little batman, a crappy one:
-He's wearing black, with a black mask of a bat
-He's scared by the dark
-He think he could become invisible putting his cloack on his face(and maybe really could, but he think that also when he couldnt)
-He think he can fly, but he's afraid of heights
-If being scared start to scream in face of the nearest person
-If someone has a good idea, he ignore that then say to all he had a good idea and copy the idea that person just explained

This is what my mindless brain created... i need help to definite the class, and maybe the build :3

Additional Mounts i can choose:

- Giant Gecko
- Cave Scorpion
- Giant Dragonfly
- Slurk
- Boar
- Cheetah
- Giant Crab
- Giant Spider
- Kangaroo
- Giant Porcupine
- Shadow Hound (Revised)
- Troll Hound (Revised)
- Giant Locust
- Giant Weasel

All are medium sized

in case of mounted fury build, the pc will surely start to charge and charge and charge again... is it viable to focus on charge feats?
i'm trying to make clear to me the i can create that PC..

i've 20 PB (so a try...)

LEVEL:5 -> going into 6!


STR 16 (17-2RAC+1LVL)
DEX 14 (12+2RAC)
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 12
CHA 10 (8+2RAC)

Feats: ?
Weapon: ? (thinking of a Lance-like weapon to use when charging (possible?)

Thanks for the you see i'm really in trouble and i must do this in 2 days.

cool idea... i don't think any of my party caster will accept this "crazy" idea, but its a cool one.

About the class, have you any advice?

okk risky striker seems a "must have".. +2 on damage every 4 levels after 4th is really yummy!

now this feat make sense also on a magus build? A magus build is viable? Maybe hexcrafter?
Or which class am i supposed to use to build my little war machine?

thanks all!

i cant understand what FBA means (maybe due to my bad english)

Rangers and Slayers are completely new to me...never played one.

A DEX Magus could be very interesting...but as rangers and slayers...never build one, never played one.

maybe if you have some advice on how to build (i'm actually reading the guides on which class you proposed, but i need also a more specific advice on the build) i will be happy to see it (when you have time to post ;) )

Here i am with a new challenge :)

now the first Small PC i had to build is okay...i just have to write it..

now i'm looking for the 2nd one i need.

I was thinking about a small race (oh really?!) two weapon fighting build

maybe focusing on doing damage with DEX i think; maybe goblin?

advices are really welcome, and i thanks in advance for spending your time!

okk i think i'm really considering to build it ^-^!!

i'm still reading all these advices...reading and reading... and i'm really attracted (my curiosity) on Fruian's Build... can you explain more the Barbarian/Alchemist? Maybe an example of build, and how it works?

thanks again... i'm really considering mounted barbarian, taking halfling, gnome or goblin...
range build i don't like so much;

if someone have builds i'll be happy to see some, just for making an idea on how build it up

Thanks again for the help..

Mounted barbarian seems a cool build :) if someone has advice on it, it could be useful and flavourful.

@I3igAl: The build u propose is i'm trying to use small races

thanks for advices...
the STR loss will probably affect the weapon i must choose... i mean usually with barb bonuses to hit, one of the best choices is to go TWF, but here i'll have lower using a small race with penalty (with Wayang i could erase the problem) i'll probably need THW?

Looking for a small-race barbarian build, and trying to optimizing it( as possible, i know small races aren't good for this class, but i like the flavour).

better going into TWF? Or stay on classic builds?

PB: 20
Level: 5
Money: Level
Race: Must be small

I really need help here :) i don't know where to start because i never played a barbarian :D

Thank you for the advice, now things seems more clearer to me.

So low BAB classes benefit from natural attacks more than higher BAB classes that going in TWF obtains more attacks with a meaningless penalty (that's what i've understand :3).

I'm creating a new PC and want to use a "little race" like gnomes, halflings, goblins... who have all penalty to STR, so it's probably better to go Natural Attacks build, maybe Rogue?

Which stile fit better between TWF and Natural Attacks?

Thanks for the advice!

Witch is tempting me for a long time... i think i'll try that :3...but don't know if orc... i usually prefer little races like halfling, gnomes and goblins

oh yes just forgot

- Buy Point:20
- Level: 5 +
- Homemade Campaign where we will face almost everything
- All Paizo Manuals are permitted
- No money on the start, items have just to be justified on BG (a good justification lol)
- No traits

I'm totally out of ideas (i'm having an hard time working) so i need some advices on what to play.

i'm starting (after an improvise pc's death) a new character at level: 5+ (will be nice have a build of 3 levels for the future :3)

What i surely will not play:
- Healmachine
- Tank

we are really okay on those...

All ideas are welcome, also not optimized, i'm looking for fun first... and will be nice if the build work too..

thanks to all for advices, but it seems my dm intercepted my conversation here and said to me: Do what you really want to play, not just what the group's lacking in...

ACG is permitted, but i think can be already unbalanced, so i try to avoid...

Master summoner seems a good alternative, i will think of that

i'm absolutely right with Lord of Muck; and i surely prefer a GM who doesn't get mad for reading and applying all the rules how they're write on the book (yeah, epic actions come!).

For this campaign we don't use traits, so i've not the possibility to gain disable device from em.

ACG is permitted, so no problem on playing one of these classes, but i've to say, for what i've already read about, they seems yummy, but i don't know if those classes are really effective and balanced (i've still seen a Beta).

@Daniel Thrace: First of all i'm not choosing instead of Friend who plays the summoner, so i think the choice on "how to make his Eidolon" is right to him.
If i need an Eidolon has a trap finder, i surely play a summoner then :).

So my party lack in Arcane Magic? We never noticed that...never had problems.

thanks for writing, i'm really apreciating this partecipation!

The "Do not have trapfinding=No traps (or less)" is not working... we're facing some dangerous dungeons full of traps and monsters (i died just the day before yesterday :P), so we need to solve traps in anyway; as many said, i don't need trapfinding for traps, i can find otherways.

Sorcerer is a class i've never liked, till D&D3.5; i don't know why, maybe because i must select spells, maybe because i prefer wizard.

What about a witch? Too Arcaneless?

Thanks for all those replies!

About Disable Device, maybe i'm wrong but i thought you can use it only with training.

Corvino is right, but seems we're running in a big dungeon now (For a Quest, same dungeon where my ex-PC is dead by a trap), so traps are at the order of the day.

I'm right with Darkwarriorkarg, usually summon monster could be used like this, but the summoner is a sensible gnome, who don't like that creatures like animals and monsters hurt themselves, so it will be a little complicated.

About the party:

Paladin - A good tank and a good smiter for evil.
Cavalier - Mounted combat without feats to do it, tactics.
Cleric - Of Sarenrae, Healing-Machine.
Summoner - Buffer + Eidolon, that's the best tank/DPR we have.
Ranger - Ranged combat, now the only we have (i was a gunslinger).

Party composed by:


First suggestion they gave to me was "Rogue", but i.m not sure to wanna play that class, so i'm wondering if i can cover the "lack" with another class/archetype... i was oriented for Alchemist-Bard-Barbarian - Like class

thank you for the advice, i take a look!

thanks for the advices... so no way going into multiclass? maybe will fit better a thief?

Str 5
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 17

Initiative 8 (6 when i use 1 gritpoint)
Ac 20
Fort 6
Refl 8
Will 2
Cmb 0
Cmd 15

Acrobatic 6
Handle animal 7
Craft (alchemy) 5
Ride 6
Knowledge (enginering) 5
Stealth 12
Intimidate 7
Swim -1
Perception 4
Sleight of hand 7
Climb 5

Weapons: masterwork pistol, whip, dague
Armors: studded leather
Shields: buckler

Feats: focused shot, close shot (sorry if it.s wrong but i.m traducing from italian.

it is a custom campaign in a custom world.

Simply sometimes (because i lose that, or because of creatures immunity) i'm not useful with my pistol, and according to my STR, i'm not useful in combat.

The rest of the build will be posted as soon as i have my sheet under my hands.

i'm currently playing a Gnome Gunslinger, Mysterious Stranger.

Now, most of the time i'm not useful in combat, this has not been a big problem (i built the character for roleplay, and i'm not trying to optimize).

Now i decided to multiclass, just to have more resources when i've not my pistol;

i was thinking about Magic, and because of my charisma, summoner.

My stats:

DEX 18
CON i can't really remember that (i will post that when i've my sheet)
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 17

Gunslinger Mysterious Stranger lv.4 going into 5

The party:
- Human Paladin
- Human Cavalier
- Gnome Summoner
- Half-Elf Ranger
- Aasimar Cleric

Ideas are welcome.
I was thinking of Summoner, and for this option are welcome advices on the Eidolon. The Gnome Summoner's Eidolon is Quadruped, two arms added wielding a two-handed weapon.
If you need other details just let me know.
Thanks for the help!

i'm wondering on how can you do that... a sling is loaded with stones or something similar.. if you load it and then put the sling in your sack or near your leg, the stone(or else) will fall.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes thank you, i've also added my guides to the Zenith's site.

Maybe will be better to write or edit(maybe admins could) the first post to make this clear... the Zenith's Link is almost invisible in that list.

i agree with Deadmanwalking... an Vampire Antipaladin will be very great :)

as subordinates:

-Cleric -> as Tonyz said, a divine spellcaster could fit very well this role, could also have a lot of minions too.
-Thief/Assassin/Ranger -> this character probably will fit the role of spy.
-Bard -> this character will fit the role of Lurer.
-Inquisitor -> this character will fit the role of minion-attorney.

thank you! :3

I've consider it, but for Focusing on Polymorph and Melee/Range is not a good choice to have -2CON and +2INT, i'm assuming to have the INT wrote in "Roles"

EDIT: and thanks again!

RE-EDIT: and if you have other advices are really welcome :3 i'm trying to do my best, but these are the first guides for me :)

okay, so you anwered yourself :3

only reading the word "Slayer", this come in my mind:
slayer = ranger, inquisitor

explain "removed"...i clicked on the link, in the Guide post (this where we're writing) and it doesn't work.

first thing: wanna thanks all :)

@Sub-Zero: BBF is assumed to Polymorph hisself. GC not; you probably take less advantage on polymorph yourself in a range build, unless you go for Centaur and similar.

@Fruian: Wizard's BAB is poor. BAB can be solved through multiclassing, maybe i can focus on that section of the guide more.
Eldritch Knight is a Prestige Class, and yes, you got it, i've not included Prestige Classes, and i'll do the earlier i can!
Familiar Polymorph will be add as well :) i'll make a section for this!

Thanks guys, i'll fix it when i can :)

Axe’s Guide to Finding Divinity (Core only) [Discussion]

This link doesn't work.

Here i've tried to do a Nonclassic Transmuter Wizard Guide: Here

Any comment, advice will be appreciated.
Hoping to have done a nice job...

@Ace diamond: the link is broken.

@Qunnessaa: you got it, thank you.

My Transmuter is not going going melee, with Polymorph use and choosing forms to kick with natural attacks.
Would be great if someone give me a build on archery, just to see how could it be.

I can give my help for the non races if you want :3 just let me know.
I was just looking yesterday at the guides and noticed there wasn't one complete for the rogue.

thanks all! :)

thanks for the advice; still no one has answered to my question on that feat, hope someone could.

thank you for the advice.
I was thinking about this: see the question is "Can i take this and apply it when polymorphing, or can't i?"

I'm working on a Transmuter Wizard, focusing on melee.

I'm wondering if it's worth Multiclassing (I can think about Fighter, Barbarian this give me Rage but i can't use spells while in Rage)

Skills: Which i want more? I can think of Perception.

Equipment: Something that enhance STR/DEX/CON, maybe something for Natural Armor (or it doesn't stacks with N.A. given by the form)? Something else?
Armor, Weapon?

Eschew material eliminate only cheapest Guano etc

Reduced font size for easier scrolling.

Here we are, i think now someone can control if it's complete or something is wrong! Thank you :)

thanks for the advice!