We all know 'em. Here, I'll lead off with a few - but please, try to keep them good-natured. Plenty of other threads where the claws come out.
1. "Your argument has convinced me. I see now that the position I took during my first post was in error. Although I am of course reluctant to seem weak by allowing your argument to change my opinions, your superior grasp of the rules - to say nothing of your courtesy and your masterful skill at debate - have swayed me. Thank you for helping me understand!"
2. "Since all situations regarding paladins require a fairly complete knowledge of your GM, your group, the in-game situation and even how late in the session the incident occurred, it would be presumptuous of me to apply general truisms to your particular situation."
4. "I'm worried that my anti-paladin has done too many lawful and good things. Please analyze the following situation..."
5. "Is it morally wrong to loot the dead? Because we're now sixth level, and I can't help noticing that I'm still using my starting gear."
1. "Your argument has convinced me. I see now that the position I took during my first post was in error. Although I am of course reluctant to seem weak by allowing your argument to change my opinions, your superior grasp of the rules - to say nothing of your courtesy and your masterful skill at debate - have swayed me. Thank you for helping me understand!"
I've actually done this one. Well, not as flowery, but still, I've admitted being wrong. I suspect others have as well.
And at least one person has indeed b++&&ed about a Pharasmin not allowing looting of the dead.
"My barbarian is so much more powerful than the other PCs in my party, it's causing tension. What should I do to lower her damage output to bring her in line with the others?"
"Our GM is incredibly accommodating to our play style, even though we know he'd rather run a bit differently. What should we do to express our appreciation?"
"Is it improper to volunteer to spring for pizza for the group? I don't want to insult anyone by paying for their dinner. If they insist, should I let them tip the deliveryman?"
"Monks really can hold their own in the party against mostly anything our GM throws at us. In fact, he frequently outshines the barbarian and I think I need to take the barbarian's feelings into consideration and tone down my monk and take less of the spotlight in combat"
"Paizo's writers and editors are really awesome. They have such an amazing grasp of the rules and everything they touch turns to gold. I really, really, really like everything they're putting out. The balance, the flavor, the power level... it's just perfect. Kudos Paizo employees!"
To be horribly blunt. I have seen soo many instances where clever roleplaying and good grasp of the mechanic beats stronger classes.
Our Paladin, (horrible diceroller through) rarely does more than 10 dpr. At level 7. With holy smite!
Our old Barbarian managed to miss about every full attack possibility by using spring-attack. Even our rogue managed to outdamage him. usually 5-1.
"And after defeating our honorable but misguided enemy, we buried him in a place of honor, wearing his armor and holding his weapons, so he can still use them in the afterlife."
"I vow never again to create a character solely or even predominantly based on cool mechanics, optimize him to the point of laughable absurdity and then bîtch like a contemptuous little princess when 'the other players don't pull their weight.'"
"My fellow murder-hobos and I have put up our swords and formed a debating society: We shall convince every BBEG in the cosmos through our finely-honed logic to abandon their evil ways and take up community service and other charity work!"
I know #1 is merely very, very rare rather than being totally unheard-of. But I grow so weary of people defending ludicrous positions with increasingly weak, outlandish, illogical defenses. There comes a time to admit you were wrong, or at least that your position is simply based on emotion and not logic. Preferably before the thread passes 500 posts. ;)
Meantime, there's some really good stuff here. Oh, here's one:
"I discovered a cheap way to exploit the rules in an obviously unintended way... but I'm not going to share it because I'm afraid it would be abused by others."
"And after defeating our honorable but misguided enemy, we buried him in a place of honor, wearing his armor and holding his weapons, so he can still use them in the afterlife."
"I know that the rules for this spell are kinda open for interpretation, and could be seriously abused, but I think I'll save my GM some pain and go with the spirit of what's intended!"
"Welp, my argument that psionics are overpowered has been seriously destroyed with logic and existing rules examples. I shall refrain from waiting a week or two and raising the same exact concerns again in a new thread!"
"And after defeating our honorable but misguided enemy, we buried him in a place of honor, wearing his armor and holding his weapons, so he can still use them in the afterlife."
"And after defeating our honorable but misguided enemy, we buried him in a place of honor, wearing his armor and holding his weapons, so he can still use them in the afterlife."
"And after defeating our honorable but misguided enemy, we buried him in a place of honor, wearing his armor and holding his weapons, so he can still use them in the afterlife."
has done this
I've done this in Skyrim.
Old Orc. Every time.
Off topic:
I really get into the RP of my characters, and my Nord rogue has an honor streak. She only kills when not killing would threaten her life, and she only loots what she needs, leaving the bodies of her foes equipped with their armor and weapons because honor.
Except for that one particular weapon she looted from that one particular foe as a trophy that now hangs above her bed...
"I just realized that the post I just made was in the 'Advice' forum, when it should have gone in the 'Abuse' forum. An apology isn't enough. Come on over to my house and punch me. Here's my address..."
"It's just a game. In fact, it's just a bunch of opinions about a game. Maybe I'm taking this too seriously."
"We realized that the entire cycle of killing things for loot which we use to kill more stuff for more loot was trapping us in a purgatory of death and violence so we beat our swords into plowshares and now run a charity farm for orphans created by the now-unopposed BBEG's rampage."
s it wrong that I read one thread title as "get your love back by mantis"?I
I'm going to say that given the content, I don't blame you at all. Everyone else on the other hand thinks you're a horrible person for misreading the stupid spam title like that.