Rub-Eta |
In my group we mostly just kill the monsters/enemies we are faced with and don't really bother cleaning after wards.
We only did it once when we were attacked at the in we were staying at, we helped the guy who owned the place to swab up.
Are there any ethics or unwritten rules that says that it's rude to leave corpses everywhere to rot?
How do you, other PsychoPathfinders, do? What do you do after an encounter? Besids stripping every enemy to their bones for loot.
Burn the bodies? Bury them? Sacrifice?
Any character specific quirks?
Would love to hear what everyone have come up with! Feel free to tell a story about how you and your group handle the aftermath of a fight!

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Well, if in a dungeon, then cleanup isn't really a worry. The other critters will take care of it.
If in a city, leave them to rot.
however I've rarely dealt with killing baddies, since most groups I've run with are mostly good. So beat them to a pulp, tie them up, take their stuff then tell them to get lost and that they should rethink their lives of attacking innocent people.
Most kills happen when one of the heavy hitters crits. Then peoples brains get splattered. Because heavy flails.
One time I did end up using the body of a henchman to attempt to prevent the big bad from attacking us. Apparently seeing her burly half-orc henchmen with his head caved in (and on other injuries) didn't give her the idea that backing off was a good idea.

Ashiel |
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How do you, other PsychoPathfinders, do? What do you do after an encounter? Besids stripping every enemy to their bones for loot.
I'll have you know, as a long-standing proponent of the beautiful and useful arts of necromancy, I would never just leave bones lying around.
Burn the bodies? Bury them? Sacrifice?
Any character specific quirks?
My psionic-witch generally says a prayer for the fallen and eats some of them. Sometimes she animates the remains if they would be useful.
Would love to hear what everyone have come up with! Feel free to tell a story about how you and your group handle the aftermath of a fight!
If we're in the wild I'm usually fine with letting nature take its course. Burning the bodies might be wasteful. I guess if you were concerned with someone raising or them coming back as an angry undead but honestly, circle of life.
In civilized places, there are usually undertakers that help out with that sort of thing. However I will regularly assist with any sort of damages that have been caused in a scuffle if at all possible, either in the form of currency or personal assistance.

cnetarian |
It depends.
1) if there might be a market for the corpses then they get stacked on the back of the cart for later sale.
2) if I'm in too much of a hurry to strip the clothing and armor off, dig the fillings out of the teeth and check for inlays on the fingernails and other less obvious forms of treasure then the corpses get tossed into the bag of holding for looting at leisure.
Other than that I usually leave the bodies where they drop.

Te'Shen |

. . . How do you, other PsychoPathfinders, do? What do you do after an encounter? Besids stripping every enemy to their bones for loot. . . .
It depends on the circumstance.
If it's in a town, hide/destroy the body. Nothing says quest detour faster than having the local constables/detective rogues/urban rangers come arrest you for murder. Acid splash will get the job done with enough castings. Cutting them into pieces, a la Dexter, and feeding them to an animal companion will work, or dumping remains in a sewer known for carrion feeders. No, there's no DNA testing, but there are some divination spells that could prove annoying. I'm also a fan of using prestidigitation to clean up afterwards. It's only polite not to leave a mess.
If it's an undead heavy game, hand the corpse off to the Umbrella Cleric/Wizard as another minion. If you don't have one in the party, acid splash the remains to a puddle again or burn it to ash and break the bones. No point in letting it come back in the middle of... something else and eating your face while you sleep.
(Yeah. Over the years, I've seen persons on watch fail a series of spot/perception checks and having the undead get a hold of sleeping party members; having the guards fail saves against sleep/color spray and the party wakes up to being eaten; and having a party member mobbed by a... well, mob, of zombie squirrels while he was in sight of the group, but stepped away for privacy to urinate. Why yes, I used to have a DM who Loved undead. Why do you ask?)
If it's a good character, or a neutral character that errs on the side of good, there are few bodies, and those that there are receive a proper burial, hopefully with a consecrate thrown in.

Captain Wacky |
Depends on where we are.
uncivilized areas (dungeon, forrest, moutains, etc) Just let them rot, something will come along and eat them. Sometimes burn them if the situation demands it. Or hide them if we don't want to leave a trail.
Cities usually have people who take care of this. I'll offer to pay for my share of the damages.

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Most of my characters opt for a hasty grave (outdoors) or at least laying out the corpses in an out-of-the-way corner. Posing the corpses in naughty ways is out.
(My lizardfolk PC, of course, saw all this as a terrible waste, but in deference to the bizarre taboos of his human and elf companions, he did not use enemies as rations.)

Olav |
My Goblin-Ninja in our Skulls and Shackles camp cuts the faces off any "significant" kill he participates in, for one makes it easy to identify victims (cutting off the head and carrying it around would mess with encumbrance), is super creepy and makes him a serial killer, and I've used the faces as the base for a Stalker's Mask, because yea i do need another +5 to stealth thank you very much.

Thymus Vulgaris |

Slain dragons should be taken to a taxidermist. I'm very disappointed that my party ended up voting for skinning ours instead.
So skin the dragon, we've burnt some for fear that they'd come back as undead, and otherwise leave the cleanup to someone else. The heroes are too busy for that kind of meaningless busywork!

Liath Samathran |

We bury the dead respectfully and pray that they find the mercy they refused in life. If there is any token that can be traced to any loved ones they may have had, we do our best to see that it gets to them if possible.
No one should be left wondering like that, difficult though it may be to bear the news.
We never simply leave the dead out to rot. We are not savages. We must be better than that, even if they would not offer us the same.

Auskrem |

Bury 'em. Or whatever their ways of putting their dead to rest are, as long as it ain't shady. If no one offers to help, I'll do it my own damn self. Done it before.
Someone fights you honest, you don't leave 'em to rot in a ditch. You do that, you're degradin' yourself as much as them. Bury 'em, in the ground or in the sky, but don't leave 'em behind.

Kassa |

Finish off the wounded unless sparing them promises better sport tomorrow.
Claim their heads so that they may be marked as your own. If they fought with honor and skill, mark them as hunts-kin, so that they may serve in your band in all the hunts to come after death. If they offered only sport, mark them as prey, so that they may serve as your quarry again and again in the jungles of our lord's realm. If they offer neither honor nor sport, mark them as slaves, to serve as whatever you see fit in death.
Then dispose of what you do not need. If there are any better trophies that can be made of them, so be it. Any rations, so be it. Anything of no use, leave it to the beasts.

Irontruth |

Oh, and depending on the enemy we sometimes wear them.
I had a barbarian pirate captain who took trophies off most things he killed. We fought a monster called the Voice of Dagon, I killed it. So I skinned it's face and sewed it into the sail of our ship, so I could scare people with the the Face of the Voice of Dagon.
I had another guy who had acquired an original githyanki silver sword (not just a silver sword, but the silver sword). The githyanki were of course quite anxious to retrieve it and kept sending commando teams after me. The DM described them as cutting holes through reality with the swords and stepping in for his description of their planar travel. As one team was starting to flee from me, I decided, heck, I'll chase them and end this. So I cut my way through reality as well, but I wasn't as good at it, so I ended up on Tarterus (a prison plane). I wasn't prepared for a long journey, it was kind of spur of the moment while staying in a city, and there aren't exactly a lot of mortals doing farming on Tarterus. So I killed and ate demons to survive. I eventually began to radiate evil and act possessed, so we had to exorcise the demons from my body, which involved regurgitating them and having to kill them again. Fun times.

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I have enjoyed playing a noble barbarian who mourns the fallen foes. If they proved a suitable challenge then he will weep and perhaps perform a eulogy. Why does he do this? Because it was such a good fight, they were such worthy opponents, and now he will never be able to fight with them again.
He mourns the loss of the opportunity.

Sissyl |

You guys are forgetting decoration. A very tasteless super"hero" I played once, Mar-Shura, usually went clad in sandals, loincloth and a Stetson, not to mention his massively heroic bronze physique (real, green bronze). After fighting a lot of zombies, he tore off a badly decomposed head/skull and used it as something like a belt buckle. Style really IS paramount!

Rub-Eta |
Extra question: What do you do with someone who was either from the party or a lovable NPC who died?
The only time I can remember it was a NPC paladin that fell about 80ft from a staircase. We spent about 10min poking him untill we decided that he really was dead... and that he probably would have wanted us to have his stuff.
Then we took his head of just to make sure that he wouldn't EVER try to take his stuff back.

Haladir |

Well, in the city-based campaign I'm currently running, I reminded the players at the start that they're in a city, the city's alignment is Lawful Neutral, and that killing people is murder.
Murder is punishible by public execution, usually within a few weeks of sentencing.
So far, when fighting people, the PCs have tied up the bad guys and either left them behind or turned them over to the city guards.
Of course, that one time they did accidentally kill that guy, the PCs wrapped up the body in a tarp along with some bricks, tied it up with ropes, and dumped it into the river...
Oh, and to the necromancers.... Animating the dead is a felony punishible by five years in the dungeon, and/or public flogging, and/or a 20,000 gp fine.

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It depends on the party, and on the PC I'm playing. I had one PC who was from a fierce warrior tribe who liked to take trophies from her fallen foes. Imagine a 7-foot-tall woman with blue-black skin, wearing a necklace of ears and fingers, and a few scalps decorating her belt. :)
Usually, we leave them to rot, unless the dead are some type of creature that we fear might rise again or infect other people with some disease. Then we'll burn the corpses.
If the fallen enemy was someone we didn't really want to kill but were forced to by circumstance, and the party members are mostly good and not in a rush to get somewhere else, we will give them a proper burial. We've also had some paladin or cleric characters who insisted on burying all humanoids.