prime shot: +1 ranged if closer to target than allies
shadowwalk: move three squares=concealment until next turn
warlock's curse: type out
Leather armor
+1 pact blade +1 dagger; +1 on all warlock pow's use implements, +1d6 crit, and +1 damage when a cursed fogger hits me.
club s vs ac +3 h, dmg 1d6
dagger s vs ac +4 h, dmg 1d4
hand crossbow d vs ac +6h, dmg 1d6+3
std adventurer's kit
a backpack
- a bedroll
- flint and steel
- a belt pouch
- two sunrods
- 20 days of rations
- a 50' hemp rope (you can climb it, or you can smoke it)
- a waterskin
I buy a tent, two climber's kits, a sunrod, a fishing net, saddle, saddlebags, 10 days horse food, bit and bridle.
Bandit horse....
potion of healing
got 96 g.p. 3 s.p. and 4 copper;
Aleph is from Cheliax.
Now he's not there.
He made a frantic beeline for the frontiers as far away from that hellhole as he could get as fast as he could get there.
Aleph likes the rustic life afforded there, and he'd love to be a nature boy through and through......the fresh air, the wildlife, the pastoral grandeur of it all.....but he doesn't belong in bumf+@&sville.
He's a total 'slicker in the woods.
Flames of Phlegethos (Daily, arcane fire, one target, range 10, Con vs. Ref, Hit: 3D10+Con dmg fire, Effect: 5 fire ongoing save ends). Rituals ...
move action..Aleph moves gaining concealment from shadow walking. Queue Queensryche.
minor action..Aleph puts a warlock's curse on the nearest enemy....
attack action...
flames of phlegethos
attack con vs. reflex so I add my con to attack and damage; add 1d6 for the cursness to damage.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
3d10 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6) + 3 + (4) = 25