Need Help Murderhobo Build Killing Pally


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Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
Muad'Dib wrote:
Question to Naruto Uzumaki: Is everyone having fun, including the Paladin?

I dont care about them really, im only friends with the necro and dm.

Anyways, ill try to be less evil with my next character, but first i gotta set up the scores with this paladin guy, hes been pissing me off for some time already trying to tell what i can or cant do when im just playing in character. So what if i have some slaves? Hes the only good guy in the team anyways, i can just kill him and they shouldnt get in the way while i do it.

Besides, if we talk it out of game, i would probably get into fight with him anyways. If someone screw with me in game, hes not gonna get out of it so easily.

Actually i played with a group like this, not sure if its the same one or a big coincidence. Anyways i just play for the laughs, why should i care?

I hope this is just a phase you're going through

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Is it just me or does this board get preachy from time to time. I get how the attitude expressed by the OP would be annoying, but it seems like the entire group has these issues. Everyone has been preaching respect of character choice, but only really the paladin. Because being evil is badwrongfun. But these characters were generated simultaneously. OP has no more obligation to behave than the paladin has to chastise. In fact, the paladin is the one who killed his partymate. In the name of good...

Great, that druid guy told the gm about the thread and he just called me, i got kicked from the group.

Seriously, he better not show up on school tomorrow. Im totally pissed now.

Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
Muad'Dib wrote:
Question to Naruto Uzumaki: Is everyone having fun, including the Paladin?

I dont care about them really, im only friends with the necro and dm.

Anyways, ill try to be less evil with my next character, but first i gotta set up the scores with this paladin guy, hes been pissing me off for some time already trying to tell what i can or cant do when im just playing in character. So what if i have some slaves? Hes the only good guy in the team anyways, i can just kill him and they shouldnt get in the way while i do it.

Besides, if we talk it out of game, i would probably get into fight with him anyways. If someone screw with me in game, hes not gonna get out of it so easily.

Actually i played with a group like this, not sure if its the same one or a big coincidence. Anyways i just play for the laughs, why should i care?

[off-topic]That exact group, or just one like it? If it's the former, you still haven't apologized for killing my gnome rogue without having any in-character reason.[/off-topic]

Also, the reason you should care is because being a good person means caring about other people. The most important rule is "Don't be a jerk."

Silver Crusade

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*shakes cane*

Okay kid, first bit of advice.

Get over yourself, you're a neophyte in this world. And what your talking about is going to hurt the feelings of a living breathing person.

Second bit of advice

The necromancer needs to get over themselves. Really, playing an evil character doing evil things around a paladin. The paladin isn't able to just ignore it without risking loosing their class abilities.

Third bit of advice

Characters are more than just stats on a page.

Even if you're just friends with the necromancer, you should still consider if everyone is having a good time. Because that's what playing Pathfinder is about, it's about being an adventuring team. It's about saving the world from unimaginable evils, and hoping you survive. It's about having characters who grow together, who are characters of their own right.

Why is the necromancer working alongside a paladin, and vice versa. It shouldn't just be because those are our characters. The more mature person should stat up a new character that fits more harmoniously with everything.

The very fact that you're planning to build a character just to engage in PvP gives me the idea that you have a mindset better working for MMOs than for a cooperative game. It comes off as highly immature and the sort of behavior that makes older gamers use words like munchkin and groan into their GM screens.

Long Story short, as stated above. Get over yourself. Find your big kid underwear and put it on and start acting like a mature adult. Because really, you're sounding like an immature little so and so.

NoncompliAut wrote:
Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
Muad'Dib wrote:
Question to Naruto Uzumaki: Is everyone having fun, including the Paladin?

I dont care about them really, im only friends with the necro and dm.

Anyways, ill try to be less evil with my next character, but first i gotta set up the scores with this paladin guy, hes been pissing me off for some time already trying to tell what i can or cant do when im just playing in character. So what if i have some slaves? Hes the only good guy in the team anyways, i can just kill him and they shouldnt get in the way while i do it.

Besides, if we talk it out of game, i would probably get into fight with him anyways. If someone screw with me in game, hes not gonna get out of it so easily.

Actually i played with a group like this, not sure if its the same one or a big coincidence. Anyways i just play for the laughs, why should i care?

[off-topic]That exact group, or just one like it? If it's the former, you still haven't apologized for killing my gnome rogue without having any in-character reason.[/off-topic]

Also, the reason you should care is because being a good person means caring about other people. The most important rule is "Don't be a jerk."

So youre that gnome i killed? i guess its the same group then. I had quite some fun out of it, so i cant say i regret it enough to apologize. Its not like were still playing in the same group either, so i cant see why you care.

And i dont think im being a jerk either, im just having some fun around playing my own way. If someone gets annoyed they can simply leave the table.

Silver Crusade

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Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
NoncompliAut wrote:
Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
Muad'Dib wrote:
Question to Naruto Uzumaki: Is everyone having fun, including the Paladin?

I dont care about them really, im only friends with the necro and dm.

Anyways, ill try to be less evil with my next character, but first i gotta set up the scores with this paladin guy, hes been pissing me off for some time already trying to tell what i can or cant do when im just playing in character. So what if i have some slaves? Hes the only good guy in the team anyways, i can just kill him and they shouldnt get in the way while i do it.

Besides, if we talk it out of game, i would probably get into fight with him anyways. If someone screw with me in game, hes not gonna get out of it so easily.

Actually i played with a group like this, not sure if its the same one or a big coincidence. Anyways i just play for the laughs, why should i care?

[off-topic]That exact group, or just one like it? If it's the former, you still haven't apologized for killing my gnome rogue without having any in-character reason.[/off-topic]

Also, the reason you should care is because being a good person means caring about other people. The most important rule is "Don't be a jerk."

So youre that gnome i killed? i guess its the same group then. I had quite some fun out of it, so i cant say i regret it enough to apologise. Its not like were still playing in the same group either, so i cant see why you care.

And i dont think im being a jerk either, im just having some fun around playing my own way. If someone gets annoyed they can simply leave the table.

That, is extremely close to the definition that most people have of jerk.

This is a game build on cooperation, not making your munchkined out murderhobo as awesome as it can be so you can look awesome and kill shit.

Silver Crusade

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Naruto Uzumaki wrote:

Great, that druid guy told the gm about the thread and he just called me, i got kicked from the group.

Naruto Uzumaki wrote:

So youre that gnome i killed? i guess its the same group then. I had quite some fun out of it, so i cant say i regret it enough to apologize. Its not like were still playing in the same group either, so i cant see why you care.

And i dont think im being a jerk either, im just having some fun around playing my own way. If someone gets annoyed they can simply leave the table.

Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
Im totally pissed now.

There is only one person that can be blamed for this. You've really got some growing up to do.

And personal threats, implied or otherwise, are not welcome on these boards.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

*shakes cane*

Okay kid, first bit of advice.

Get over yourself, you're a neophyte in this world. And what your talking about is going to hurt the feelings of a living breathing person.

Second bit of advice

The necromancer needs to get over themselves. Really, playing an evil character doing evil things around a paladin. The paladin isn't able to just ignore it without risking loosing their class abilities.

Third bit of advice

Characters are more than just stats on a page.

Even if you're just friends with the necromancer, you should still consider if everyone is having a good time. Because that's what playing Pathfinder is about, it's about being an adventuring team. It's about saving the world from unimaginable evils, and hoping you survive. It's about having characters who grow together, who are characters of their own right.

Why is the necromancer working alongside a paladin, and vice versa. It shouldn't just be because those are our characters. The more mature person should stat up a new character that fits more harmoniously with everything.

The very fact that you're planning to build a character just to engage in PvP gives me the idea that you have a mindset better working for MMOs than for a cooperative game. It comes off as highly immature and the sort of behavior that makes older gamers use words like munchkin and groan into their GM screens.

Long Story short, as stated above. Get over yourself. Find your big kid underwear and put it on and start acting like a mature adult. Because really, you're sounding like an immature little so and so.

we had two evil guys on the group and one paladin, and the guy still expected to survive? I think its only obvious that he would lose his character sooner or later, it just happened that the other neutrals didnt liked my sorc either so i only got the necro to support me.

I would have killed him but my earlier attempt was interrupted by the party, after it he got the cloak and in our next battle he finished me up.
Really i wouldnt have got into conflict with the guy if he just stoped telling my character what he should and shouldnt do. I wasnt murdering people in front of him, so he could just look the other way instead of messing up my job.

Besides playing evil is a insta jerk move now? didnt knew that.

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Naruto you need to learn the golden rule:

"Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes."

This means you need to start being excellent to your fellow players, your GM, your friends and fellow students. Start considering their point of view, and think about apologizing for your behaviour.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Naruto Uzumaki wrote:

Great, that druid guy told the gm about the thread and he just called me, i got kicked from the group.

@OP This sounds like the best possible outcome. Why would you expect any other outcome when you behave in such a spiteful, hostile, and unpleasant way?

P.s. There's nothing wrong with playing evil characters. It can be fun. Your problem is that you are mixing in-game evil with out-of-game evil.

P.P.s. This sounds a lot like how Norman Arminger got his start, according to Mike Havel.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Naruto Uzumaki wrote:

Great, that druid guy told the gm about the thread and he just called me, i got kicked from the group.

Seriously, he better not show up on school tomorrow. Im totally pissed now.

Guess you better hope the cops don't think to check your browser history after they get called for you beating someone up after school. Oh that's right, the other players can fill them in since they've all read this thread.

Sure is a shame that you can't hide behind an anonymous Internet avatar in RealLife™. I've read news articles about schools taking disciplinary action towards students for even the appearance of cyber-bullying. Might not be a bad idea to rethink your vendetta before it causes you 10× the pain you hope to inflict.

This thread has seriously escalated to intense levels with real world repercussions. If for no other reason OP you should reconsider you behavior in life as this has had serious real world consequences.

Hopefully you learn a lesson here without serious repercussions such as the cops that have been mentioned.

Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Either this is an extreme troll thread, or it is an example of just about every negative stereotype of adolescent gamers. Neither is very flattering or amusing.

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I've DM'd for my teenage son and his friends, and they're quite mature in their role playing and stuff (one was even a paladin).

I hate it when people give young gamers a bad rep. I started when I was young, as did many of us, but I know I wasn't like this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Phewwee! I thought I used to play with some questionable individuals but Naruto this is crazy talk buddy!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah ... To be 14 again and think I know how to play an evil character.
Listen, OP. Naruto is it? Yeah.
Revenge is best served cold and over a long period of time.
Next time a Paladin kills your CE character, don't go off half-cocked and plan to kill him the very next session.
Here's what you do:
When the group makes it back to town, they'll come across a lovely bard.
Siddle up to the Paladin. Make nice with him. Tell him you've learned the locations of a few nasty men. (Naturally, your competition in whatever criminal endeavor you plan to partake.)
Go along for a while like this, earning his trust, all the time he's secretly helping you.
This way, you have a few choices: Betray him at the absolute worst moment. (He might even ask you why.) Or, and this is the truly evil path, slowly have him descend until he has no choice but to fall from the straight and narrow.
... ...
Not that I condone grieving, but if you're going to do it, do it right. ...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The OP needs help dealing with some real life issues me-thinks.

Silver Crusade

This is why I don't play with anyone under 18

This gets my vote for Troll of the Month. Good job Naruto well trolled sir well trolled.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I swear if Luffy D. Monkey posts about how nobody wants to play with him because of his adversarial GMing style, I quit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BiggDawg wrote:
This gets my vote for Troll of the Month. Good job Naruto well trolled sir well trolled.

Hehe, i was wondering when people would notice it! Im actually quite surprised it lasted this long, seems like no one looked my previous posts to know what kind of user i am! :P

You seemed remarkably believable, because you sound exactly like someone I used to be stuck gaming with. I feel somewhat silly now.

Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
BiggDawg wrote:
This gets my vote for Troll of the Month. Good job Naruto well trolled sir well trolled.
Hehe, i was wondering when people would notice it! Im actually quite surprised it lasted this long, seems like no one looked my previous posts to know what kind of user i am! :P

Dude you narrate your breathing.

Sovereign Court

Naruto Uzumaki wrote:

He killed my sorc, its only fair killing off his pally now,

Why would your new PC know anything about your last PC?

If he killed your last PC because the sorcerer was evil, you are exasperating the issue by now building a PC only to kill the paladin.

Everything about the fight is metagaming, except for the paladin wanting to destroy undead.

Sovereign Court

The_Lake wrote:
Naruto Uzumaki wrote:
BiggDawg wrote:
This gets my vote for Troll of the Month. Good job Naruto well trolled sir well trolled.
Hehe, i was wondering when people would notice it! Im actually quite surprised it lasted this long, seems like no one looked my previous posts to know what kind of user i am! :P
Dude you narrate your breathing.

That wasn't breathing...

So let me get this straight...

You all started out Neutral, but then apparently decided to involve a LG Stick-In-His-Bum with a couple of NE/LE/CE necropheliac goofballs that you absolutely expected to go well, even though hundreds of threads about this almost identical subject matter have clearly stated this doesn't lead to frilly pink bunnies and rainbow unicorns? Looks like it's "I HATE MY PARTY MEMBERS AND WANT TO KILL THEM FOR NO REASON" thread #92183190731032765893834534565412309172381039. Anyway...

I'm all for having a little PVP scuffle between players, provided that it's a "one-shot" with set and agreed upon rules for both battlefield layout and what is or is not allowed. But when you're trying to run an AP or similarly designed campaign, whose sole purpose is to have your party members work together toward a unified and worthy goal, in the manner that it's "everyone for himself," or trying to pit your party members at odds against each other, simply because you can, should be enough clues to tell you that this is only going to lead to ruin between friendships and gameplay experiences.

I highly suggest you be the nice guy and either find a way to play nicely with the other children, or play a different game, since it appears teamwork is not your strong suit.

Do not feed the troll.

He should get the ban hammer.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a feeling he's telling the truth. He didnt get the reaction he wanted. So covering his QQs

james loveland wrote:
I have a feeling he's telling the truth. He didnt get the reaction he wanted. So covering his QQs

Nah, just look at my previous posts really ^^

I dont like to brag around, but with this i guess im kinda good at impersonating imaginary characters! Hehe

You have a total of 54 posts...and none of them indicate a troll history. You may be trolling here, and I hope that you were. However, I responded seriously so as to discourage the alleged behavior if it happened to be real.

Also, you shouldn't brag about being a troll. This too is childish.


Code of Conduct

A paladin must be of lawful good alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if she ever willingly commits an evil act.
Additionally, a paladin's code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents.
Associates: While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good.

When the paladin started out with the party he should have used detect evil and noticed that 1-2 of the party was evil. Now not knowing the adventure plot, the paladin should have left the party at the first opportunity. Went to his local church and got other people to go deal with the adventure's problem. If not, he probably should have lost his paladin-hood by now.

That doesn't mean everyone else has too make new character, the guy playing paladin does.

Naruto Uzumaki wrote:

Great, that druid guy told the gm about the thread and he just called me, i got kicked from the group.

Seriously, he better not show up on school tomorrow. Im totally pissed now.


Dude, Naruto, I encourage you to start a blog that chronicles your RPG experiences. I would follow that thing avidly.

This thread is made of pure win. Whether this an epic troll thread or the real deal, it is awesome.

A sincere thanks for sharing. Still laughing.

I'm dotting this for later.

This thread is so immature, but extremely awesome and entertaining! Please, don't delete it!

Stinks you got kicked, because I wanted to hear the story and fallout. If you really want to punish the gm, then reward him in your game, and he'll feel guilty for kicking you from his game. KILL HIM WITH KINDNESS

The PALLY destroyed another man's property? Doesn't seem too lawful good to me.

Great thread. Regardless of the real situation, it definitely exposed a groupthink that Pathfinder is a "team game", or "built around co-operation". I respectfully disagree, and advise those that promulgate such a view that it is not completely true. There are other approaches to Pathfinder...

I do agree that everyone should hold enjoyment and having fun as the highest goal, and that annoying others or directly harming their ability to enjoy the game is not the object of the pastime.

But the idea that all the characters are a team or act like a team is not an automatic assumption. This is not X-Crawl, although you can play that way if you like, where all the characters are created with group synergy in mind and all party roles managed and accounted for in a "team" that shares a common goal and spirit. This is a mature and useful approach to playing Pathfinder with many inherent benefits to the players.

Or you can play in a freeform, non-balanced group of disparate entities that are companions of convenience who may or may not share some temporary goals. This is a mature and useful approach to playing Pathfinder with many inherent benefits to the players. Violence between these members is not an automatic assumption here either.

These are just two approaches to playing Pathfinder. There are a bazillion stories in the naked city. You will have another one.

I just read the admission that this was fake, and I'm disappointed.

For the real reactions, I personally don't like when people are rude and can't respect the thread and the section it's in. This is advice section, so if you don't have helpful advice, then don't bother participating I feel. Suggestion alternative solutions is cool if done respectfully, but at least be helpful to what the topic is requesting. "You're being a huge jerk in my opinion, but this is how to be an even bigger one since you asked" is acceptable I feel.

Man am I glad I didn't leave my adolescent gaming thoughts on the net.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Great thread. Regardless of the real situation, it definitely exposed a groupthink that Pathfinder is a "team game", or "built around co-operation". I respectfully disagree, and advise those that promulgate such a view that it is not completely true. There are other approaches to Pathfinder...

I do agree that everyone should hold enjoyment and having fun as the highest goal, and that annoying others or directly harming their ability to enjoy the game is not the object of the pastime.

But the idea that all the characters are a team or act like a team is not an automatic assumption. This is not X-Crawl, although you can play that way if you like, where all the characters are created with group synergy in mind and all party roles managed and accounted for in a "team" that shares a common goal and spirit. This is a mature and useful approach to playing Pathfinder with many inherent benefits to the players.

Or you can play in a freeform, non-balanced group of disparate entities that are companions of convenience who may or may not share some temporary goals. This is a mature and useful approach to playing Pathfinder with many inherent benefits to the players. Violence between these members is not an automatic assumption here either.

These are just two approaches to playing Pathfinder. There are a bazillion stories in the naked city. You will have another one.

I agree that enjoyment should be held highest, and that it's not necessarily a team work game as well.

Typically you hear that as the default assumption, because many people not only do play that way, but unless your entire group plays this way it's causes too many problems, and you're all but guaranteed to cause others to not have fun.

Let's take a look at starting with 2 different assumptions

assumption 1: Assuming pvp is fine and good from the start

Imagine if you will that everyone at the table thinks it's a team game, and in the middle of the night you slit a PC's throat, steal his goods, and run away into the night. You've likely ruined the fun for the entire party, and probably the animosity of the player you killed.

Now if this same scenario happened but everyone agreed pvp was ok, said player would probably have safety precautions prepared to stop you, you'd be spending resources defending against him, and it balances itself to a certain degree.

Assumption 2: Assuming pvp is not ok from the start

Imagine if you will that everyone at the table thinks it's a pvp game, and in the middle of the night someone slit a PC's throat, steals his goods, and runs away into the night. You're fun is likely ruined for that character, but now you know that pvp is ok, and can make a character ready for the situation. At worst, you fun has been temporarily stopped.

Now if the situation happens that everyone thinks it's a team game, you go on your happy adventuring way.

So my whole point is that it's a good assumption to assume team game unless everyone explicitly agree's otherwise. Better yet, ask people ahead of time. But if you have to assume the assumption that pvp isn't ok has the least amount of consequences compared to assuming it's a free for all.

Splendor wrote:

Code of Conduct

A paladin must be of lawful good alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if she ever willingly commits an evil act.
Additionally, a paladin's code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents.
Associates: While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good.

When the paladin started out with the party he should have used detect evil and noticed that 1-2 of the party was evil. Now not knowing the adventure plot, the paladin should have left the party at the first opportunity. Went to his local church and got other people to go deal with the adventure's problem. If not, he probably should have lost his paladin-hood by now.

That doesn't mean everyone else has too make new character, the guy playing paladin does.

that only work if he started at level 5+

before level 4 a characters alignment doesn't detect as evil.

Mikaze wrote:
I swear if Luffy D. Monkey posts about how nobody wants to play with him because of his adversarial GMing style, I quit.

put captain Usopp into my party, and I'll put up with anything.

Dark Archive

What armour does said Pally use

Digital Products Assistant

Locking. The intent of the Advice forum is for people to find actual advice for their characters/games. If you are intent on making a silly thread, Off-Topic/Forum Games are more appropriate places to do that. Thanks!

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