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Organized Play Member. 547 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
Magic fang states:
"The unarmed attack becomes a +1 striking unarmed attack, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of damage dice to two."
Most animals already have a 2 die attack
Ape: fist Damage 2d6
Bear: jaws Damage 2d8
The spell 'Animal form' grants the same above attack damage.
So magic fang does nothing to these attacks beyond adding +1 to hit?
So would a "Bonded Animal" (Skill Feat) be better than a 'Animal Companion' for combat?
I was just making sure I wasn't missing something somewhere that said Uncanny Dodge didn't apply when balancing.
But moving at full speed just increases the DC by 5.
And the benefit is only when on "narrow surfaces". Wouldn't help you on balance checks for anything else (ice fields, rubble, underbrush).

The rules for acrobatics cover uneven ground as well as narrow places.
If the ground is uneven you have to make an acrobatics check if the DC is 10 or higher. Rule
Acrobatics specifically calls out that you are flat-footed if balancing.
Quote: Cross Narrow Surfaces/Uneven Ground
First, you can use Acrobatics to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground without falling. A successful check allows you to move at half speed across such surfaces—only one check is needed per round. Use the following table to determine the base DC, which is then modified by the Acrobatics skill modifiers noted below. While you are using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any). If you take damage while using Acrobatics, you must immediately make another Acrobatics check at the same DC to avoid falling or being knocked prone.
I said less than 3 feet, not inches. 1-3 feet is DC 5. Severely Obstructed gives +5, which brings the DC to 10.
Width is the area your passing though, not the size of the environment. Even "the width of the planet" is DC 0, a icy cavern floor 100' wide is DC 10.
Spells like forest friend removes underbrush penalties when moving through forests.
Yes, clear cutting with a machete can help create a path.
But doesn't help in combat.
If you created the rug using the trap rules. 500gp*CL*SL
You could add the spell Improved trap to it and up the DC by +2. Which would be +150gp if you hire a hireling to cast it.
Heighten Spell would increase the DC also.
DC includes the Improved Trap Spell (but not the cost)
DC 13 = 500gp - Lv 1 spell (11 stat)
DC 15 = 3000gp - Lv 2 Spell (12 stat)
DC 16 = 7500gp - Lv 3 Spell (13 stat)
DC 18 = 14000gp - Lv 4 Spell (14 stat)
So there is no open area in the dense underbrush greater than 3' wide, with lots of branches, roots, etc.
Surface width 1-3'= DC 5
and Severely Obstructed +5
Now its a DC 10 acrobatics check, which requires them to make acrobatic checks.
Wouldn't this make them flat-footed and be difficult terrain?
Thick underbrush
Quote: Fetters
Fetters are manacles fitted around the ankles rather than the wrists, and use the same rules for breaking, escape, and cost relative to size. A creature in fetters is entangled and can only move at half speed. In addition, a fettered creature must succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check to move more than its (reduced) speed in a round. If it fails the check by 5 or more, the creature falls prone.
So they are manacles for your feet and give the entangled condition.
Quote: Entangled
If you want to cast a spell while entangled in a net or by a tanglefoot bag or while you're affected by a spell with similar effects, you must make a concentration check to cast the spell (DC 15 + the level of the spell you're casting). You lose the spell if you fail.
Concentration DC to cast while entangled is 15+SL.
The DC to cast in manacles should be atleast the same as for fetters.
Now when using animate dead only affect gorillas.

Quote: Cross Narrow Surfaces/Uneven Ground
First, you can use Acrobatics to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground without falling. A successful check allows you to move at half speed across such surfaces—only one check is needed per round. Use the following table to determine the base DC, which is then modified by the Acrobatics skill modifiers noted below. While you are using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any). If you take damage while using Acrobatics, you must immediately make another Acrobatics check at the same DC to avoid falling or being knocked prone.
Quote: Uncanny Dodge
Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex...
So if balancing you're flat-footed unless you have uncanny dodge.
Then what is the point of the rouge talent 'ledge walker'?
Quote: Ledge Walker
This ability allows a rogue to move along narrow surfaces at full speed using the Acrobatics skill without penalty. In addition, a rogue with this talent is not flat-footed when using Acrobatics to move along narrow surfaces.
Would it just be for rogue archetypes who've switched out uncanny dodge?

Quote: Difficult Terrain
Hampered Movement: Difficult terrain, obstacles, and poor visibility can hamper movement. When movement is hampered, each square moved into usually counts as two squares, effectively reducing the distance that a character can cover in a move.
Quote: Cross Narrow Surfaces/Uneven Ground
First, you can use Acrobatics to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground without falling. A successful check allows you to move at half speed across such surfaces—only one check is needed per round. Use the following table to determine the base DC, which is then modified by the Acrobatics skill modifiers noted below. While you are using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any). If you take damage while using Acrobatics, you must immediately make another Acrobatics check at the same DC to avoid falling or being knocked prone.
Are you flat-footed when in difficult terrain?
Last game we had this discussion (PCs moving through thick underbrush, lots of roots they could trip over) and ruled that when moving you were flat-footed, but if you didn't take a move action you weren't. (Unless someone had uncanny dodge).
Want to see what other say.
If the spell requires an attack roll; its an attack.
To 'touch' the creature's armor or equipment in combat would require an attack roll.
Quote: You can only have one light spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. So you couldn't have affected more than one object on the orcs.
Quote: Attacks of Opportunity
Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down or takes a reckless action. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free. These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity.
Quote: Helpless
A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound, sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise completely at an opponent's mercy.
So if just letting your guard down provokes, shouldn't being held provoke?
What is the DC to notice Camouflage netting? Not the DC to see what it is hiding, but the DC to notice it is netting and not bushes or sand?
The shard has the ioun stone in it so the curse is disabled.
I don't force the characters down the AP, it is added as part of their adventures. If they want to sell it (randomly) then they would just move to another adventure.
If they want to follow the AP, they can wait until they have a vision of where the next one is, then sell this one. Most likely they would try to sell it to the Pathfinder organization.
Since their adventures don't only follow the AP they do run into more powerful enemies they shouldn't start fights with. If they run into a bad guy who casts detect magic (or someone looking for the item) and its hanging around someone's neck, the bad guy is going to try to take it.
Having an artifact hanging around your neck (or in your pocket) should make you a target. If your not powerful enough to hold your own, you should get rid of it. They asked about how much it would be worth. I was looking for even a rough idea.
So we finally started shattered star. And they have recovered the "Shard of Pride". And they don't want it.
They like the item and its abilities, but the idea of a bunch of 3rd-4th level character running with an artifact scares them, they don't want powerful artifact seekers looking for them.
They want to sell it.
What does a minor artifact go for?
Magnimar's purchase limit is 75,000 gp, I think they would sell it for that.
Picture of a Culverin is 40lbs and can fit in it. So I would say yes almost any other weapon could fit in it.
Ring Gates would allow you to use enter image so long as you within 100 miles.
Lets say someone is looking around a bar for someone suspicious, or your walking through a crowd trying to remain innocuous.
Would these be stealth, bluff or even disguise checks?

Blood of the Mood, Page 27 --
"Magic: Spells like remove disease and heal are more definitive and safer ways to break the curse, as long as they are cast by a holy person of sufficient skill (typically a cleric of 12th level or higher). However, the window of time in which such mystical treatments function is short healers have but 3 days after a victim's exposure to the curse to use their restorative magic before it is no longer sufficient. Since many lycanthropes make their homes far from civilization, those who are infected by such reclusive monsters usually have no hope of reaching such a cure in time. After the 3-day window has passed, a victim's only chance of a cure through magic is a remove curse spell, cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher, during the time of the victim's transformation. To make matters more troublesome, spellcasters of sufficient power are rare in the Inner Sea region, and even if such a prodigious cleric is found, the price of his services can be cripplingly expensive."
A barbarian rages and then someone hits them with Frostbite (fatigue, no save), does their rage end because they are fatigued?
The reason I ask is because a barbarian's rage is in rounds and not a set duration (10 rounds) it is chosen round by round to keep going and "A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted...". So if something caused him to become fatigued would he be able to continue his rage the following round? If not would he become exhausted? Frostbite says the spell cannot make them exhausted but can another source?
The hung platform is area B9 seems like its noticeable if the PCs just look up from area B1. So couldn't they just cast levitate and go right to the top?
After Natalya Vancaskerkin comes to her senses (and maybe charmed) how much information would she provide for the PCs? A Map? Does she tell the PC's about the illusory walls, so they can just climb/levitate right up B23?
Per the rules you cannot make it permanent using the permanency spell.
So instead use 'Craft Wondrous Item' and make a trap.
Craft Trap Rules
500gp x Spell level x caster level for automatic reset.
The trap is set off by a 'visual' effect. You choose that effect to be 'light' and install a enchanted torch in the room.
The 'trap' automatically resets every round and is set off every round.
Permanent desecrate at 3rd level.

Found a couple online and modified one in case anyone else ever looks for one....
I. Definitions
A. The Party
i. The Party is the collective group of persons consisting of the following members:
B. The Contract
i. The Contract consists of all explicit and implicit directives, regulations, bylaws, imperatives, procedures, and any other terms agreed to by all members of The Party for the duration of The Contract.
C. Contract Duration
i. The contract is valid from the date signed, through _____ days.
ii. The contract becomes invalid on the first stroke of midnight at the end of the last day of the duration.
iii. The Contract Administrator reserves the right to terminate the Contract early at his/her discretion.
iv. Individual Members formally removed from the Contract are no longer entitled to its benefits nor beholden to its tenets.
D. The Contract Administrator
i. The Contract Administrator is here named _________________. As a legal member of the Party, he/she is so named above in sec. I.A.i. “The Party.”
II. Objectives
A. The Primary Objective of this Party is to advance our skills, knowledge, and wealth by undertaking various Quests, Jobs, and
Duties in our travels.
B. The Secondary Objective of this Party is to ???
C. The Tertiary Objective of this Party is to ???
III. Responsibilities
A. Structure
i. The Party shall be structured such that there is no hierarchy of ranks.
ii. Seniority, where applicable, shall be based on the Experience of the individual member.
B. Decision-Making
i. Decisions which affect the Party or a simple majority of the Party are to be decided by a simple majority vote. In the case of a tie the Contract Administrator is allowed to break the tie.
ii. Decisions which affect the Contract, including alterations, addendums, or amendments, are to be decided by a super majority vote. A super majority vote is one in which at least 2/3 of the Party must agree upon the decision.
C. Leadership
i. No individual member may act as a leader or commander of The Party, except in extremely limited and temporary circumstances.
ii. Titles and ranks, such as royalty, nobility, knighthood, officers, etc, are to be respected accordingly. However titles and ranks do not entitle any individual member to leadership within the context of The Party or The Contract.
D. Roles
i. The Contract Administrator, as named in section I.D, is responsible for maintenance of The Contract, any official correspondence of The Bloody Nine and administration of the Party's finances.
ii. Combat Specialists are responsible for maintaining the security of The Party.
iii. Magic Users are responsible for using their power to the benefit of the Party such that the Party’s Objectives are more easily achieved.
iv. Healers and Wardens are responsible for preventing and healing harm done to any member of The Party. They are responsible for putting the wellbeing of other individual Party Members before their own wellbeing, but after the Party’s well being as a whole.
v. Skill Specialists are responsible for applying their specific skill sets to the advancement of the Party towards its goals.
vi. Stewards and Support Personnel are responsible for the Party’s maintenance, logistics, and miscellaneous needs.
E. Commitments
i. Each individual member of The Party is hereby committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of their Role.
IV. Regulations
A. Prohibited Actions & Penalties
i. It is forbidden to cause serious bodily or psychological harm to another Party Member, except in self defense. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, is formally and immediately Expelled from The Party and The Contract. This includes, but is not limited to, magical compulsion.
ii. It is forbidden to kill another Party Member, except in self-defense. Any Member found in violation henceforth shall him/herself be killed, and their property forfeited unto The Party. Outstanding financial obligations then fall unto the violator’s next-of-kin or legal successor(s).
iii. It is forbidden to steal from another Party Member. Any Member found in violation once must return what was stolen, plus three times the stolen property’s value into The Party Fund. Any Member found in violation more than once henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, is formally and immediately Expelled from The Party and The Contract.
iv. It is forbidden to steal from The Party Fund. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, is formally and immediately Expelled from The Party and The Contract, and is to have their hands forcibly removed at the wrists.
v. It is forbidden to act against the Party’s Objectives or aid others in acting against the Party’s Objectives. This includes willfully violating the contract in such a manner as to risk total or partial failure of achieving the Party’s Objectives. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, and is to be executed in a manner and at a time of the Party’s choosing by simple majority vote. The violator is considered formally Expelled from The Party and The Contract prior to Execution.
vi. It is forbidden to engage in high-level diplomacy (including negotiations with heads of state and acts of war) without the consent of The Party. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, plus all funds paid to the violator over the course of the current Contract, on further penalty of being found guilty of treason by way of acting against the Party’s Objectives (see Sections IV.A.v.)
B. Dispute Resolution
i. Disputes shall be resolved by a supermajority vote (2/3).
ii. If two or more individual members are in conflict, they have the right to agree upon a duel and the terms of said duel to resolve the conflict.
iii. Contractual disputes are to be clarified in correspondence with The Bloody Nine through the current Contract Administrator.
iv. Coins of precious metal are the preferred form of payment, followed by gems, followed by paper currency, followed by barter-able property. The value of barter-able property, where it affects The Party, must be agreed upon by a simple majority vote.
C. Standard Operating Procedure
i. General Conduct
1. The Party shall conduct itself in a manner cogent to and consistent with the efficient achievement of its Objectives. Where necessary, tactical considerations shall be made to ensure the safety and success of the Party. Where necessary, proper etiquette in accordance with local customs shall be followed to ensure a professional appearance.
2. When sleeping in an unsecure or unsafe area, the Party shall set up a rotating Watch. Each Party Member must participate; severely wounded Members are excluded from Watch duty so they may recover. The willful dereliction of Watch duty is considered Treason as defined in section IV.A.v of The Contract.
ii. Combat
1. Combat Specialists are to be the primary source of tactical authority when in combat. In general, threats are to be quickly assessed, prioritized, and neutralized. Enemy spellcasters represent a greater threat than hired thugs, for
2. In the event of a Fallen Party Member, the Party is hereby contractually obligated to make every reasonable attempt to prevent Death, including immediate evacuation of the critically wounded or a full tactical retreat in order to provide medical aid, under penalty of Treason as defined in section IV.A.v of The Contract.
iii. Prisoners
1. The Party may take and indefinitely detain prisoners, provided they are reasonably cared for. The Party must determine its own guidelines for prisoner interrogation, handling, release, discipline, and transport. Execution of prisoners must be decided by a supermajority (two-thirds) vote of the Party. Considerations must be made for the acquisition of useful information, ransom, and morality, when dealing with prisoners.
2. Prisoners must be remanded to local authorities when asked, unless there is overwhelming probable cause to believe that doing so conflicts with the Party’s Objectives.
iv. Subterranean or Urban Exploration
1. The Party must swiftly join in formation, with a scout or skill specialist at the forefront, followed by combat specialists, followed by high-risk members of the Party or persons travelling with the Party, followed by spellcasters, and if possible, trailed by a scout or skill specialist for rear security.
2. Scouts or skill specialists are responsible for the detection and neutralization of threats presented by traps.
V. Finances
A. Party Fund
i. The Party Fund is managed by The Contract Administrator, and grants equal access to each official and legal Party Member. The Contract Administrator is not to willfully interfere with the affairs of the Party Fund under penalty of Theft as defined in section IV.A.iv.
ii. The Party Fund also includes the Slush Fund, a small depository of cash equaling between 5 and 10 gold coins per Party Member in value. The Slush Fund is drawn from the Party Fund and must be maintained at all times. The Slush Fund provides for food, lodging and minor incidentals for the Party.
iii. The Party Fund’s status is to be made knowledgeable only to the Party: it shall therefore be considered a contractual secret. The Party Fund's status is to be made available at any time.
iv. Party Members may borrow from the Party Fund with no interest. Loans must be approved by a simple majority (1/2).
v. Party Members may exchange items and cash between the Party Fund and their own private funds with unanimous approval from the rest of the Party.
vi. At any reasonable time, the Party may unanimously vote to Distribute Payment from the Party Fund. The items and cash within the Party Fund are then distributed equally among all Party Members. Individuals may purchase items from the Party Fund at 1/4 their appraised cost, with a simple majority vote.
B. Treasure
i. Treasure encountered is to be placed into the Party Fund.
ii. If a Party Member can demonstrate an immediate need for an element of Treasure, they may borrow it from the Party Fund until the need has passed.
C. Payment
i. Payment made to the Party goes into The Party Fund.
ii. While under Contract, a Party Member which enters into a separate Contract with a third party that includes payment paid specifically to that Party Member, the Party Member is hereby contractually obligated to remand 50% of their payment into The Party Fund under penalty of Theft as described in section IV.A.iv. Money earned outside of contracts is hereby contractually obligated to remand 10% of their payment into The Party Fund under penalty of Theft as described in section IV.A.iv.
D. Optional Surcharges
i. Life Insurance
1. The Party Member can request to activate his life insurance plan and must make a monthly payment of 10 gold coins into the Party Fund.
2. In the event of death or dismemberment of a Party Member with active Life Insurance, the Party is contractually obligated under penalty of Treason as defined in section IV.A.V. to pay for the Resurrection or Restoration of the dead or dismembered Party Member as quickly as possible. Payment comes first from the deceased member's funds (gems, gold, selling of equipment) and then from the party fund. Monies drawn from the party fund must be repaid in a timely manner with no interest charged. If there is not enough funds for the individual to be healed, a 'Gentle Repose' spell will be cast upon them often enough so healing can occur later.
3. If a Party Member without active Life Insurance dies or is dismembered, see section VI.A. for details.
VI. Extraordinary Circumstances
A. Death of an Individual Member
i. Each Party Member is responsible for maintaining their Will and Testament.
ii. The Party is under no obligation to resurrect dead Party Members without active Life Insurance (see section V.D.i.)
iii. Upon the death of a Party Member, the Party must make a Payment Distribution from the Party Fund as soon as is reasonable, including any dead Party Members in the Distribution. All funds and property of the Deceased are to be remanded to the next-of-kin or legal executor of the Deceased’s Estate. If there is no next-of-kin or legal executor of the Deceased’s Estate, the Deceased’s funds and property shall be used to provide a reasonable Death Rite (burial, funeral, cremation, etc.), and any remainder shall return to the Party Fund.
iv. Upon execution of the Death Rite, or upon releasing the Deceased’s remains unto their next-of-kin or legal executor of the Deceased’s Estate, the Deceased is henceforth removed from The Contract.
v. The Party is Contractually Obligated to add an objective seeking some form of vengeance or reparations, as required, for each Party Member killed in the execution of the Party’s attempts to achieve the Party’s Objectives.
B. Warfare
i. In the event that large-scale, sustainable warfare breaks out which partially or fully and directly involves any one of the Party’s individual Members, the Party must immediately convene and vote on whether to suspend the Contract temporarily, or to add provisions to this section (VI.B.) which specify contractual directives and obligations related to the warfare.
C. Titles & Land
i. Titles bestowed to any individual Party Member are the sole possession of that Party Member, and may not be applied to the Party.
ii. Lands or properties bestowed to any individual Party Member are the sole possession of that Party Member. The rest of the Party are not obligated to pay its taxes, nor may they benefit from the Land in any way not sanctioned in writing by the rightful Owner.
iii. For the Duration of the Contract, each Party Member must allow access and passage through any land they own to the rest of the Party.
iv. And land or property acquired by or bestowed upon the entire Party becomes the equal responsibility of all Party
Members. A Party Member may sell their share of ownership of Party Property or Land to the Party Fund.
v. In cases of Party ownership of land or property, the majority shareholder becomes the manager and primary executor of the land or property, and votes regarding decisions made concerning the land or property are weighted according to shares held by individual Party Members.
D. Universal Threat
i. A Universal Threat is a serious threat to the continued existence of large parts of the population, planet, or reality, itself as acknowledged by at least one expert on the subject.
ii. In the event of a verified Universal Threat, the neutralization of the Universal Threat automatically becomes the primary objective of the Party.
iii. The Party may only remove the neutralization of the Universal Thread as an objective by unanimous vote.
iv. The Party may vote unanimously to temporarily suspend the Contract in cases where contractual obligations may potentially interfere with the neutralization of a Universal Threat.
VII. Signed
The signatures below represent those persons solemnly sworn into this Contract for its Duration.
Quote: See Invisibility
You can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing you easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, and ethereal creatures.
Quote: Ethereal Plane
The Ethereal Plane is home to phantasmal creatures such as ghosts, as well as things born from the dreams of mortals. It is also the home of night hags and the xill.
So when you cast 'See Invisibility' you see lots of weird stuff beside just people who are invisible. Xill going about their daily lives, ghost, night hag covens, cast off mortal dreams all roaming around...
Would permanent see invisibility just drive you mad?
Ultimate Equipment Page 81 or Core Rulebook.
Chicken 1 gp vs 2 cp
Cow 50gp vs 10 gp
What book is correct?
Does anyone have an actual 'Guild Charter' written out? I had one that I use to modify depending on the game and what not, but I appear to no longer have it.
So I am looking to see if anyone has one written out. Guild offices, tax, item reselling rules, etc.
Quote: Hunter's Animal Focus States: If the hunter's animal companion is dead, the hunter can apply her companion's animal focus to herself instead of her animal companion. This is in addition to the normal one she can choose, and (as with a companion's focus) remains in effect until the hunter changes it instead of counting against her minutes per day. Quote: Planar Focus: When you use your animal focus class feature, you can choose any of the following new aspects unless they conflict with your alignment. So with your dead animal companion you can use the Planar Focus powers at will?
Quote: Master Performer (Kitharodian Academy)
When using your bardic performance abilities, you grant your allies greater bonuses.
Prerequisites: Bardic performance class feature, Extra Performance, Kitharodian Academy 15 TPA.
Benefit: When any of your bardic performance abilities grant your allies a bonus, that bonus is increased by +1.
Under skald it says...
"A raging song counts as the bard's bardic performance special ability for any effect that affects bardic performances."
Quote: Inspired Rage (Su): At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. Would a Bard 1/Skald 1 using Inspired Rage grant a +3 bonus to Str & Con and a +2 to will?

It depends on if the plants live until they naturally die or if they only persist for a limited time (minutes/hours)
You would need to make a custom Spell similar to other plant affecting spells plant growth (overgrowth)/entangle/etc.
If the plants only last hours then you could use something like entangle as the base of the spell.
'Any area the character steps on causes normal vegetation (grasses, flowers) that would normally bloom in the area to do so. The plants wilt after an hour.'
A spell like this is a 'flavor' spell to me and would be 1st level, since it has no effect on game play.
If the plants lived until they would normally die I would add the caveat that the plants are young (not in full bloom) and are not useful as nutritional (fruit bearing).
If you wanted the plants affected to be fully grown plants then you would need to increase the level to 3rd at a minimum (as per plant growth).
Plant growth affects 31400 sq ft. So if you could affect 1 5'x5' square per round then it would take a 1 minute to fill the same area (30 base movement * 4 for running * 5*5 square = 30,000 sq ft affected). So I would make the duration 1 round/lv.
As a magical item it would be 5th lv * 3rd lv spell * 2000gp * 4 for duration = 120,000gp
As a 1st level spell that is just for flavor and doesn't really affect anything 1st lv * 1st lv spell *2000 * 2 for duration = 4000gp.
Quote: Teleport
You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster levels.
"Can" does not mean "have to".
Opt to not bring it along when you teleport, thus it doesn't come with you.
You should also be able to teleport out of being poisoned, diseased, possessed, grappled, entangled, etc.
You opt to not take along the object/creature affecting you.
Quote: Freedom of Movement
This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell...
Spell allows you to move normally.
Quote: Entangled
The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement...
Entangled impedes movement.
One makes it so you can move normally, other impedes movement. If my movement cannot be impeded, then entangle doesn't do anything.
Somewhere I saw a picture of a Mantlet with a Scorpio built into it.
The carpet of flying is also vastly cheaper than any other flying magical item.
Quote: Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic item increases by 5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting its prerequisites. Quote: Though the listed Caster Level for a pearl of power is 17th, that caster level is not part of the Requirements listing for that item. Therefore, the only caster level requirement for a pearl of power is the character has to be able to cast spells of the desired level. LINK
Caster level is not a requirement to make an item. It only lets you know what the items saves are if it is targeted.
We allowed someone to retrain rich parents. In addition to the normal retrain costs he had to bail his parents out of debt (since they were no longer rich) which cost and additional 9,000gp.
First make a custom item that gives you +5 to spellcraft checks. (2500gp)
Hire a headmaster for 3 gp/day (ultimate campaign pg 89) and have him assist you in crafting; aid another for a +2 to spellcraft checks.
Buy/rent a magical repository (Ultimate campaign pg 99) for a +3 to spellcraft checks.
5 ranks
3 class skill
4 INT modifier
5 Magical Item
2 Aid another
3 Magical Repository
10 take 10
32 - You can make your golem
A spellcaster can create a beheaded with animate dead. Each beheaded created requires two onyx gems worth 100 gp and the casting of one air walk or fly spell. Beheaded can be created with additional abilities from the list below. Creating a variant beheaded counts as I additional Hit Die toward the caster's maximum Hit Dice of controlled undead. For every two abilities added, increase the beheaded's CR by 1.
Poorly worded.
I would say two 50gp onyx gems (100gp total) and doesn't replace the normal cost (extra cost so it flies).
Use a bucket, turn it upside down and you have a little stool.
5sp, 2lbs.
Agree with above (2 Hit Die).
I would however say that in brightly lit areas (daylight/sunlight) that you couldn't (or difficult) tell which one is lit.
Well, if DR reduces the damage done to me from a boulder being thrown by a giant; it should reduce the falling damage of me falling off a roof onto a boulder.
Lets compare all of them to the Carpet of Flying: 20,000gp, Unlimited duration, 40 move at 200lbs, 30 move at 400lbs.
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Quote: Attempting to ascertain the properties of a magic item takes 3 rounds per item to be identified and you must be able to thoroughly examine the object. Had a player as me if spellcraft would let them know how many charges a wand had. I said yes the aura weakened incrementally as charges were used, so they could tell how many were left.
But I wanted to make sure that is correct and to see if anyone did it differently.
There was something about the adventurer's sash being intended to be able to pull an item as part of a move action (like it was a masterwork bandolier). It was intended to be considered "in easy reach" as per drawing a weapon.
Quote: Each pouch has a stiff leather flap that can be secured against jostling with a clasp (requiring a move action to open or close) or left unfastened for easier access. Since unopened makes for easier access, then retrieving would be part of a move action and not a move action in and of itself.

I've tried to think of different ways that this could work.
Feather Fall only affects medium or smaller so that won't work.
Shrink Item & Feather Fall won't work because the Roc is too big to shrink.
Glide might work.
Spell Lv * Caster Lv * Cost * Duration Variable * other mods.
2nd lv spell * 5th lv caster * 2000 * 2 = 40,000 but we can lower that.
50 charges (div by 2) and only useable 1/day (div by 5)
Glide 1/day and after 50 uses the item is no longer magical. Set its trigger to the same one similar to feather fall (but I'd set it to 50' due to aerial maneuvers).
The rider using a teleport item?
Spell Lv * Caster Lv * Cost * Duration Variable * other mods
5*9*1800(command word)/2/5=8100gp (not continuous)
Teleport Rider & Roc 1/day and after 50 uses the item is no longer magical.
But custom items are always up to the DM. I'd make you research a 2nd version of the feather fall spell that could affect large creatures. Then make a magical item out of that (which would be 12,000gp for an Large Feather Fall Ring. 2*3*2000)
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Can the Scizore be enchanted as a shield? I.E. to give a +2 shield bonus.
(Which you would lose if you attacked with it.)
So if I can't use UMD because it's a creature, does that mean I can make a BLUFF check?