M. Balmer |

3.) A human patron of the establishment singles out a non-human, declaring, "Your kind isn't welcome here."
4.) A group of clever scoundrels starts a staged fight between two of their number. While all eyes are on the combatants, the others proceed to steal food and drink from the bar and its customers.

Randarak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

26) The dwarf crossdresser in the posh frock questions the fashion sense of the half-orc courtier at the neighboring table after the latter accidently bumps the former's table, knocking a bottle of ridiculously expensive perfume to the floor, causing it to shatter. All within a 10 foot radius must make a Fort save (DC 18) or be sickened for 1d4 rounds.

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29) A heavily drunk Paladin spams his detects evil for the hell of it and finds out a parton or three(Or a PC, if an evil campaign) happen to be evil. Said drunk paladin decides to attempt to smite the patron(s) despite the fact they are just drinking and causing no harm despite their alignment....
30)A low-wisdom Necromancer(Oracle or wizard, perhaps?) walks into a bar flanked by his undead(possibly "disguised" depending on how low/high the guy's wisdom is). Due to the fact Necromancy is Evil, and one or more of the patrons and maybe even the PCs happen to be from a stringently anti-undead religion, fighting ensues.
31)The bar is in a lawful evil city/kingdom/empire/whathaveyou, and happens to be a hang out for dissidents. They haven't been paying their taxes to the overlord lately so the imperial guard who happen to be suspicious decide to stop by and collect what's due...
32)A cleric(evangelist?) walks into the bar with no intent to buy anything. Instead he rants on in a "sermon" about about the "sinful" ways of the patrons, insulting their gods and going on about how his god is the only true deity/god worth following that can save them. All in an effort to "convert" the people of the tavern. Eventually, a PC or patron gets insulted and tires of this guy's holier-then-thou attitude enough to commence the face-smacking..
33)The bar's owner is a perverted old man who's latest target happens to be a female PC. He starts with casual flirtation and free drinks, but eventually things escalates to him "accidentally" brushing against her in certain places; or if he happens to be a caster, he tries to use a spell(like say mage hand) to get a look under her skirt/dress. Obviously, this leads to a brawl...

Vod Canockers |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

No Blasters, No Blasters.
34) Sour beer.
35) Someone finds half a rat in their beer.
36) A distraction is needed.
37) An unpaid loan is collected.
38) The infamous bard Justin Bugbear takes the stage.
(Some fake reasons -
An argument of THAC0 vs BAB escalates.
An argument between worshipers of Ares and Mars starts the fighting.
Less filling - Great taste.
A drunk patron attempts to pinch the barmaids rear, but she moves just in time for him to discover exactly what the Scotsman wears under his kilt.
Alternative sexuality night at the local biker bar.)

Dojen |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
41. Thievery in the bar!
Perception check (DC 5):
You hear a loud shout from the other end of the bar followed by the loud sounds of fighting a minute later. As you peer over to see what has happened to cause the disturbance you feel a tug at your belt and when you check you see that someone has pinched your coin purse! As you are looking around for the culprit you are violently jostled backward against the wall and punched in the face!
<You are in combat>
Perception check (DC 10):
You hear a loud shout from the other end of the bar followed by the loud sounds of fighting a minute later. As you peer over to see what has happened to cause the disturbance you feel a tug at your belt and when you check you see that someone has pinched your coin purse!
Perception check (DC 15):
Someone loudly exclaims "Someone stole my wallet!", which is followed by several other exclaims of missing items. In the confusion one of the drunker victims turns to someone next to him and slurs "It wash you washin't it...?" and throws a punch knocking the large man next to him into a group of people causing a fight to ensue. During the commotion you see a hooded figure move through the crowd near you, your eyes meeting under their shaded hood for a second as they pass.
Perception check (DC 20):
You see a shadowy figure picking his way through the crowd in the bar pulling items from patrons pockets as he passes. As he nears the door one of the patrons that he stole from goes to buy a drink, and loudly exclaims "Someone stole my wallet!", which is followed by several other exclaims of missing items. In the confusion one of the drunker victims turns to someone next to him and slurs "It wash you washin't it...?" and throws a punch knocking the large man next to him into a group of people causing a fight to ensue. As the chaos erupts you see the responsible party slip quietly out the door...

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47. A "professional" halfling scamp takes offense to the PCs' latest "rogues suck" argument, and uses the opportunity to demonstrate just how much you get away with employing Improved Dirty Trick when your Stealth bonus is +15 higher than the most alert PC's Perception score. Naturally this will lead to the PCs assuming it was the half-orc barbarians next table over who picked their pockets.
48. A goat crashes through the thatch roof during a famine, landing on a waiter delivering ale to a group of dwarven fighters. They demand the goat in compensation for their spilled drinks, and begin chasing it with drawn waraxes (smashing through tables and chairs) with the intention of gutting it and cooking it in the fireplace -- completely ignoring the pleas of management to stop wrecking the place.
49. Without warning, the entire bar sinks twenty feet through the collapsed ceiling of a gold mine, remaining intact. (The GM will want to watch the movie "Paint Your Wagon" to develop the theme.)

Type2Demon |

70) A drunk tries to swat a fly and misses hitting another drunks girlfriend.
71) A bored gnome illusionist uses Ventriloquism to aggravate patrons of the bar into attacking each other.
72) A very drunk Barbarian stares at a PC for a few rounds then shouts "Sumbeech stole my lucky amulet!" and attacks. (His "amulet" is in his belt pouch but he forgot).

Bunnyboy |

76. You or someone try catch a thrown peanut with your mouth, but misses and it hit on to eye of dwarf standing next of you.
77. Barmaids get extra tips from prostitution and are happily making a ridiculous tabs for unsuspecting patrons.
78. Elf noble is angry, because the bar don't have his favoured beverage and try serve him an ordinary beer instead.
79. Match of armwrestling goes wrong.

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

86. Because the Small Time Sylph Street Magician known as "Rin" Slit the Throat of the Infamously Irksome Bard known as Justin Bugbear with a Dagger Based Coup De Grace while he was drinking his wine and abusing a stage actress named Vanessa Hudgens, and freed many dominated young girls from his Era of Slavery. ending the bard's magical charm over unwilling lasses everywhere.
87. the Bugbear estate is dismantled and millions of young girls are freed from a state of Arcane Domination, true performance can rain rather than Justin's poor lyrics, and the family of the Infamous bard are out strongarming people to get their son resurrected and every cleric refuses. so as heroes, you are sent to incapacitate the bugbear family and destroy the horrible mind controlling arcane musical tradition
88. "Rin" becomes the most infamous Street Magician in the Region, and the Bugbear Family wants her dead, so by Telling your fortunes, she tells you that your future is slay the family of Justin Bugbear one and for all.