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Organized Play Member. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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i usually get a good number of items from kit (class). It has a good selection of items, though I drop food prep items off this list as they are rarely used. tml

search the page for kit and look for your class or a similar class.

Halfling Monk, Drunken Style?

Could we take an additional perform instead of profession. I was thinking profession singing or chanting since Edmund was brought up in the church.

Edmund Human Paladin of Erastil

Edmund has grown up indoctrinated into the church of Erastil, devoting his life to the service of his god. As an infant Edmund was left on the steps of the church, his mother leaving a short note saying that she loved him very much but couldn’t condemn him to a life of misery as his father abandoned them as soon as she announced her pregnancy and she had no way to provide for an infant.

His childhood was filled with prayer and devotion to the church, providing for the poor and lending a hand to services wherever he could. In Edmunds off hours he often devoted himself to exercise and the pathetic attempt at weapon training with sticks of various sizes. One day after a particularly laughable training session during his fiftieth year Edmund was approached by Sean a local paladin who had heard of Edmunds situation and offered to teach him how to use a real weapon.

After training with Sean informally to the age of seventeen Edmund was accepted as a paladin’s apprentice to Jamil another brother of the order for further training. For eight years Edmund served under Jamil, and learned the path of righteousness until he was given his commission and status as a Paladin of Erastil and sent out to spread the word through honorable deeds and good works.

I created my character with PCGen and copied the primary statistics to mythweavers.

Mythweavers Sheet

Ohh! I don't think anyone has mentioned the Lawful Stupid Paladin!

I am so happy you said that this will be play by post! I have been looking for a game an this one keeps catching my eye.

I would love to play a character cursed with un-death but still maintaining his conscience and intellect! That might be a bit rough to fully apply the undead template but perhaps something akin to magical leprosy?

If that falls through I was thinking a surly beer loving dwarf with horned helmet and two handed axe might be along the right lines.

GM Xynen wrote:

Boldren, go ahead and join the discussion and gameplay threads for this game. That gives me a full group so recruitment is closed.

Dojen, feel free to private message me if Society play looks interesting to you, I should be able to swing running one of the 'introduction' scenarios such as Confirmation.

Thanks so much for giving me information regarding society stuff. I registered for a pfs id but I think i will bow out of this game since you have a full group and I haven't played pbp at all let alone in society play.

Quick question though, for the day job role is that your profession modifier?

Hi! I have been playing Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons for about 20 years now. However I have exclusively played homebrew campaigns in an f2f settings. I am looking to branch out into PBP as I am fascinated by the possibilities for role-play in an entirely text based format.

I am interested in playing a divine or arcane caster, most likely a cleric at this point not necessarily focused on being a heal bot but exploring the reach of her gods domain. I have yet to pick out a god or domain but her name is Lynn and she will have a very soft demeanor, think frail flower that has delicate sensibilities perhaps in an anime style (not a huge anime fan here). Could be fun to pick a god that grants her destructive power so she can grow into a more confident role as the game progresses (perhaps like carol from walking dead).

Anyway let me know if you’d be interested in having Lynn tag along and we will do our best to contribute!

Interested as well.


Feel free to contact me at for a game. As of now I am not watching this thread anymore, but I am still looking for a pathfinder game to play.

Feel free to contact me at for a game. As of now I am not watching this thread anymore, but I am still looking for a pathfinder game to play.

Below is a character concept that I fleshed out for another campaign but haven't had a chance to play yet. I could use it or come up with something different, but I figured I would post it just to get the ball rolling.

Koen Von Sobernheim
Exalted Adventurer and Grand Bard of the Highest Order
Bard - Street Performer Archetype

Character Concept:
Koen is a tall and slim human in good health with silver hair flowing in a mane about his head and a large handlebar mustache that is twisted upward at the ends enhancing his large toothy smile. His clothing is muted in color comprised of dull greens and browns except for the large brightly colored patchwork cloak that he wears about his shoulders. A variety of puppets hang on the pack on Koen’s back, a number of which bear a striking resemblance to the man that carries them.

Koen likes to make and perform with a variety of puppets ranging from sock and stick puppets to marionettes depending on the need. Koen’s performances tend to revolve around his own exploits, bragging and exaggerating the deeds that he has accomplished, it is likely that some or all of his stories are based on the exploits of others are made up in entirety.

Koen often tries to turn an extra profit with the merchants by exaggerating the grandeur of the items he is looking to sell. Some would even say he outright lies about the origins of items in his possession.

Below is a discussion overheard between Koen and a Merchant:
Koen: “You see this dagger? This dagger was once owned by the greatest warrior in the entire world. It is known as the scorpion’s sting!”

Merchant: “That’s a blunted letter opener… A rusty one at that.”

Koen: (Completely ignoring the merchant) “Yes, yes indeed! And for only 20 gold this magnificent weapon can be yours!”

Merchant: “Please leave…”

Koen ran astray of the administration in his home country after he was caught giving a private “puppet show” to a high ranking official’s wife. After securing his release from the authorities on a technicality Koen decided that it would be best if he left his home country to pursue his fortune elsewhere before any the other private “puppet shows” he performed with married women came to light.

I have many questions.

- Are there any additional details around characters, or will that be decided during the first meeting?
- Is this an ongoing campaign or a one shot game? I assume ongoing as it is titled as a campaign.
- Is this campaign home brew or will you be running an AP?
- Are there any details to be had about the theme of the campaign, or will that be provided at the first meeting?
- Will you be using roll20 or google hangout for player interaction? I haven't used either yet but I have heard good things about both.

Sounds interesting Patriot!

Tyeal, the halfling paladin sounds interesting!

Bobo sounds interesting, will you be doing a Barbarian or Fighter Archetype, it sounds like a half-orc barbarian to me!

Below is a character concept that I have put together for a bard, I could also do a paladin or cleric if we are focusing on divine casters.

Koen Von Sobernheim
Exalted Adventurer and Grand Bard of the Highest Order
Bard - Street Performer Archetype

Character Concept:
Koen is a tall and slim human in good health with silver hair flowing in a mane about his head and a large handlebar mustache that is twisted upward at the ends enhancing his large toothy smile. His clothing is muted in color comprised of dull greens and browns except for the large brightly colored patchwork cloak that he wears about his shoulders. A variety of puppets hang on the pack on Koen’s back, a number of which bear a striking resemblance to the man that carries them.

Koen likes to make and perform with a variety of puppets ranging from sock and stick puppets to marionettes depending on the need. Koen’s performances tend to revolve around his own exploits, bragging and exaggerating the deeds that he has accomplished, it is likely that some or all of his stories are based on the exploits of others are made up in entirety.

Koen often tries to turn an extra profit with the merchants by exaggerating the grandeur of the items he is looking to sell. Some would even say he outright lies about the origins of items in his possession.

Below is a discussion overheard between Koen and a Merchant:
Koen: “You see this dagger? This dagger was once owned by the greatest warrior in the entire world. It is known as the scorpion’s sting!”

Merchant: “That’s a blunted letter opener… A rusty one at that.”

Koen: (Completely ignoring the merchant) “Yes, yes indeed! And for only 20 gold this magnificent weapon can be yours!”

Merchant: “Please leave…”

Koen ran astray of the administration in his home country after he was caught giving a private “puppet show” to a high ranking official’s wife. After securing his release from the authorities on a technicality Koen decided that it would be best if he left his home country to pursue his fortune elsewhere before any the other private “puppet shows” he performed with married women came to light.

I am still interested at this point.

will we be playing on butlers campaign?

we should probably post our interest over there if so.

do you still have any openings for players?

I am interested in playing and available Mon-Thu from 7pm to 11pm CST. I will be looking at this later tonight when I am at home.

Puna'chong everyone seems to like rouges. Perhaps starting at level 7 would be good too, that way everyone could have leadership. And you could work on making your faction the strongest within the thief guild.

Has anyone run campaigns where all of your players were a single character type?

What type were the characters?
What was the campaign premise?
What was the result?

great idea Wylliam.

MY goal is also to keep the devil a secret until the very last encounter springing him on the party with the lich at his side. But all signs will point to the devils stronghold even without specifically naming him as the devil.

This also explains how the party ended up with a trail of powerful artifacts leading them to the lich. And why assassins have been trying to kill them every time they turn around.

Its all part of a plot by the lich to get them to release him from his bond with the demon. The lich himself doesn't realize this yet, but will after the party thwarts his efforts a few more times. And even at that point he is horrified that he even thought of it because if the demon found out he would kill him instantly and send his soul to hell. In the end the lich turns on the demon and helps the party at a key moment to be permenantly dead because even if the demon destroys his phylactery and kills him he will still take his soul with him to hell.

Odraude gave me an idea! But I think i'm going in the opposite direction. The lich tried to make a deal with the devil to gain more power, but in the process his Phylactery was stolen by the devil. Thus the devil now has control over the lich because of this. And the lich will keep showing up again and again pestering my party until they banish the devil and destroy his phylactery.

oh and by the way, this is a king who turned himself into a lich, not the king of liches. Slightly different.

Who is more fearsome, a shoggoth or an Immolation demon. olation

Also my crew has a lead on the location of a shoggoth that has taken up in the underwater kingdom of some merfolk. How could you use the shoggoth against the immolation demon, just cuz i think that would be cool. And if they defeat the shoggoth they get a vast horde of treasure.

Not sure a lich who wants to continue living at the cost of damning his own soul would summon a great old one who would most likely end him and the entire world.

the Town of Silbervale, Mirkmire Settlement, Kingdom of Keldridge.

I think an Ice Devil, Immolation Devil, or Pit Fiend might work for my purposes. The immolation is first followed by the ice devil, Mostly because the Immolation devil can be persuaded with the promise of land, and the last battle with this kings troops featured mages with fire elementals.

I am looking to expand my story line beyond the current terminus of the current lich ruled kingdom. I was thinking perhaps this lich summoned a demon in an attempt to gain more power and is being controled/manipulated/assisted by said demon to control the surrounding countryside.

Any ideas on which demon would be up to the task, something with a high cr.

My current group is level 7 and will most likely be in the lich kingdom till level 10 or 12.

Looking for some good ideas for an undead pet for my lich. Perhaps a panther, owlbear, griffon or dragon. What do you think would make a good impact?

The Walking Dead?

Wylliam that sounds like a plan, spectres and shadows can turn people to be one of them as well so it will most likely be a very interesting set of adventures with everyone popping back up and trying to kill people.

The more i think about this I may make this city/kingdom a showcase for undead.

Included Undead:
devourer, dread wraith, ghost, ghoul, mohrg, shadow, skeletal champion, skeleton, spectre, wight, wraith, zombie.

I think I will leave out the following just to make things fair:
greater shadow, lich, mummy, vampire

A group of outmatched paladins might make for an interesting ally since my group only has a druid that is religious between them and being in the city could be problematic for her.

Everyone! I have been inspired for a new BBEG. The campaign i am running is heading to a new area of the countryside to continue their hunt for a merchant prince whos organization has been trying to kill them. The new large kingdom city they are entering will be run by a Lich, and terrorized by his Spectre guards. Can you think of any twists and turns that might make for good adventuring?

My group is currently level 7, I am hoping to drag 3 or 4 adventures/levels out of this kingdom before they move on. Perhaps more if it proves fertile.

I don't want my characters to die. I have actively changed outcomes to prevent such a thing from happening. However a zombie eating your flesh unless it is pulled off of you is something that probably will happen. And if you don't get out of a group of zombies and they manage to pull you down, your probably a goner.

I feel like its loosing some of the suspense and the first time someone dies because they are being careless they will be more careful and stop taking huge risks.

With that being said I think I will hold off on applying any enemies that outright kill my characters since they are all family.

I will however remember this the next time I start a campaign and if it fits into the scenario I will warn the players at the start that it is a dangerous world, and things seek to kill/destroy them so be careful.

alright I think I understand. I just am still a little skeptical on how the modifier applies to cmb cmd, saving throws etc. I will probably print out the modifiers on what it affects, in the prd to keep with me while we play.

a -2 will apply across the board on all of the stats affected by str, cmb, cmd, damage, attack rolls, etc.

I don't have my core rulebook handy, but I found this section in the prd. But I am not seeing a table to go along with this detailing what happens at +1, +2 - +20.

Also I may incorrectly be assuming that the prd contains everything in the core rulebook. But to be honest I barely look at my book because i can search the PRD.

I do own the core rulebook. Do you have a reference page?

Jiggy, I may start having creatures continue to ravage my players once they are down depending on the type of creature.

I have been playing most creatures without dimension, they attack and strategize as i would.

I think I need to start playing some characters differently, some run away, some actively and cruelly dispatch the characters, some continue to attack even after a player is dead unless interrupted, and some eat the character while they are down but still alive.

Also I don't think I have been playing good characters right, though admittedly the characters I have been playing are oppressive and not good. Were there good nazi soldiers just following order, good mongols taking over territories, or even lawful romans just enforcing the edicts against the Christians when they crucified Jesus. Lots to consider.

Trying to find some tables/good explanation around ability score increases. Thus far I have ignored increases, but my barbarian brought a table to detail the bonus confered by a strength increase, and this proved extremely helpful in the last session. We have a druid that can do some ability score increases with spells and I wonder what bonuses are confered with the rest of the abilities besides strength.

Is there a reference out there that outlines how increases in stats affect your character?

The character’s hit points are reduced to negative amount equal to his Constitution score (minimum –10), his Constitution drops to 0, or he is killed outright by a spell or effect. The character’s soul leaves his body. Dead characters cannot benefit from normal or magical healing, but they can be restored to life via magic.

A dead body decays normally unless magically preserved, but magic that restores a dead character to life also restores the body either to full health or to its condition at the time of death (depending on the spell or device). Either way, resurrected characters need not worry about rigor mortis, decomposition, and other conditions that affect dead bodies.


For my campaign I have been having the monsters stop attacking my party once they drop to 0. Theoretically they should be in for 1 more attack since they aren't incapacitated at 0, but once a player falls into the negative hp range. Do monsters stop attacking them or do they finish them off? Do some creatures start eating instead?

Along the same lines, when you reduce an enemy to 0 do you need to take a turn to finish them off to keep their cohorts from bringing them back to fighting condition? Or do you assume that they are dead once they hit 0?

No xp in the campaign that I run. I actually just level up my group every time we complete an adventure/minor plot arc. I was worried about it at first but it seems to be working out well.

Potions of cure or the wand of cure are the way to go. I started off sprinkling potions throughout my dungeons when my characters were lower levels, now they buy their own with their loot and my rogue can use magical devices pretty well so the wands are good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wisdom seem like street smarts as listed below, you are able to survive, have common sense, good willpower, and intuition. I would look for the obvious solution to problems, have good knowledge in wisdom based skills (Heal, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival) and put them to good use during gameplay. Also professions are wisdom based, so pick a profession that you feel fits well into your characters backstory. Perhaps use it during gameplay (a gambler making bets, an engineer analyzing the structure of doors, etc), make sure you know the rules around what you are trying to do, such as the durability of items (there is a table for this) or how to cheat at cards perhaps using the sleight of hand skill if you are a gambler.

From the D20 db:
Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition. Wisdom is the most important ability for clerics and druids, and it is also important for monks and rangers. If you want your character to have acute senses, put a high score in Wisdom. Every creature has a Wisdom score. A character with a Wisdom score of 0 is incapable of rational thought and is unconscious.

Full Name





Invulnerable Rager 1 | HP 26 (28) | AC 14 (12), T 11 (9), FF 13 (11) | CMD 14 (14) | F +6 (+8), R +1 (+1), W +2 (+3) | INIT +3 | PERC +5 | RAGE 11/Day







Special Abilities





Worships a Pantheon


Land of the Linnorm Kings





Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 18
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Rom the Unchained

Rom the Unchained
Human Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 1
CN Medium
Initiative +3, Perception +5

HP 26 (28 w/ Rage)
AC 14, T 11, FF 13
F +6, R +1, W +2 (+2 Will w/ Rage)

Speed 40ft.
Melee Falchion +5 (2d4+4 18-20x2)
Falchion +7 (2d4+7 18-20x2) w/ Rage

Range Javelin +2 (1d6+3 x2) 30ft.
Javelin +2 (1d6+5 x2) 30ft. w/ Rage

STR 16, DEX 12, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 7
Combat: Berserker of the Society +3 Rage Rounds/Day
Racial: Hermean Paragon +2 Initiative
Tribal Scars Slothjaw +6HP & +1 Will; Toughness +3HP and +1HP/Level after 3
Acrobatics +5, Climb +7, Knowledge Nature +4, Perception +5, Swim +7
Masterwork Falchion, Master Work Studded Leather, Javelin x3, Wand of CLW, 10 doses of Barbarian Chew , 81.5g

Andor 0PP/2 Fame

1.1) 2-11 The Penumbral Accords

Rom is a brawler. He's tough as nails and knows it, and isn't afraid to wade into the thick of things, despite his stunning lack of defensive abilities. When he does get into a fight, he rages and moves as quickly as he can to bust up any sort of formation his foes may be trying to create. He's not afraid to be flanked if it can lure more foes into range of his companions and give him more targets to hit. He's even willing to eat attacks of opportunity to break through a line and hit a spell caster, before they can get their spells off.

Rom never surrenders and never retreats. Though he is willing, when faced with overwhelming odds, to negotiate if it means keeping his companions from certain death.

Rom hates slavers. Hates them. He offers them no mercy or quarter in battle. He offers them no respect or hospitality outside of combat.

He won't mention why he hates slavers so much, but if you look closely, in addition to the decorative tribal scars he has marking his initiation into the Slothjaw clan, you'll see a pair of scars that encircle his wrists, that seem out of place.

Rom is blunt, ugly and has little patience, but he's not stupid or brash. He can quickly size of a situation and know exactly what his next move is going to be.