Season 6 - Year of the Robot???

Pathfinder Society

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Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Nick Greene wrote:
I could go for an android boon. I would totally create a Data clone.

I would go with Cindi Mayweather -- an Evangelist Cleric of Shelyn. Obviously Andoran faction. (And yes...a rank or two of Bard. :) )

If you've never seen the Platinum 9000 in action before...

Dark Archive 1/5

Android Bard in action.
I would play that.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Nefreet wrote:
Shouldn't your name be "The Warforged Wizard named Moonsong"?

No, because then it would be much harder to sing my theme song.

We're off to see the Wizard,
The Warforged Wizard named Odd.
We hear he is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was
If ever, oh ever a wiz there was, The Wizard named Odd is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We're off to see the wizard, The Warforged Wizard named Odd.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Don't be surprised if season six doesn't stay in Numeria very long. Golarion is a big world with lots of interesting places to go...

Silver Crusade 1/5

If most of PFS' Season 6 ends up being "PCs vs Androids", you're going to silently lose some folks. But I suspect many Pathfinders want to play with warriors, wizards, and dragons, moreso than Gamma World/Rifts. :)

But, Paizo generally has its ear to the ground, so I'm sure this has been thought through. If it's a few scenarios here and there, not a problem, and so long as the boons don't end up with a Mysterious Pistolero touting two laserguns!

Of course not. We'll probably have wizards wielding wands of laser pistol. That's much better. Maybe a Robotic Mount of some sort.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Where Mammoths Fear to Tread...Because the Dinosaurs Have Lasers

I remember that show.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Hoping that Numeria is used sparingly, at best. Little disappointed in this move, but I also trust Paizo. We'll see.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

The end scene of the season will be all the ex Lantern Lodge and Shadow Lodge characters getting into the cargo hold of the discovered Star vessel and Blasting off into deep space.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Hmm, I can't believe no one went here, but I've had a couple of "interesting" character concepts. They MAY borrow liberally from pop culture sources.

For one, I could always build a human gunslinger named Cody (or Rex) that refers to all constructs as "clankers".

Or, better yet, I'd have a gunslinger named Orion with a red-enamelled chain shirt and blue trousers. If I REALLY wanted to offend traditionalists, he'd dip whatever number of levels he needed to in beast master cavalier so that he could ride an allosaurus named Grimlock.

And yes, I'm totally down with both of those sci-fi sources crossing over into PFS and fantasy roleplay.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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@derek: Maybe I am just old, but I have no idea what either of those sources might be!?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Well, I'm no spring chicken myself, but:

Commander Cody and Captain Rex are Clone soldiers in the Star Wars series. They have VERY minor roles in the 3rd prequel, but are central characters in the CGI-animated Clone Wars movie and TV series (which I am currently watching on Netflix, so it's closer to front-of-mind for me).

And before he was Optimus Prime, the the BIg Transformer was a Cybertronian archivist named Orion Pax. In the trailer for the upcoming new live movie, he is seen riding on the back of a huge Dinobot. The leader of the Dinobots was Grimlock, and he transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Of course. Because, you know, 80's, man.

And Optimus is traditionally depicted with a red torso and blue legs.


Rex and Cody

Optimus Prime

Optimus and Grimlock from Fall of Cybertron video game


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Scarab Sages

While I agree that any given fictional universe should try to stay true to its genre, for those who fret reflexively over the prospect of "science-fantasy" and think it should be rejected on the grounds of "traditionalism," I would request they meditate on 3 words: Might and Magic.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

@Derek: Ah okay. I knew Grimlock was leader of the Dinobots but didn't know that about Optimus Prime/Orion Pax. Cool.

Never saw much of the Clone wars series.

I think I might make my Mechromancer Summoner, with a robo eidolon, maybe dip in gunslinger.

The Concordance 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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"bah weep granah weep nini bong"

Wait wait Wait, Can I choose Binary as a language?

Shadow Lodge

hotsauceman wrote:
Wait wait Wait, Can I choose Binary as a language?

I dunno about that. I still haven't heard back from my Venture Lieutenant about whether or not I can put a rank in linguistics to learn my own handwriting as a language. Binary seems a tad more complex.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

You are referencing Fall of Cybertron for Optimus Prime and Grimlock? What spawn of hell are you? You reference the G1 cartoon or not at all :)

And Hiding in my Closet has it spot on regards to Might and Magic series. Essentially worlds populated by an advanced spacefaring race that build up to the point of middle aged technology while sitting on temples/altars that are actually science and technology stations. Quite a few of the later series allowed rangers and Paladins to be carrying around energy rifles instead of bows :)

(in later parts of the game)

Luckily Might and Magic X( the new game.. give it a whirl.. it really is a nice throwback minus the tech) brings me new good memories about the series.

I think we will get as much direct Numeria action as we have had this year on the Worldwound (ie not every scenario has been set in the Worldwound). If we are going on what has happened this season, we may get more ustalav scenarios, perhaps one set in Brevoy (ie nations bordering Numeria)

Liberty's Edge 2/5


Robot eidolons, robot familiars, robot chickens...

"This is what separates the Autobots from the robot chickens."

"Ain't no one callin' me a robot chicken!"

For your G1 reference. I do own that series on DVD (and its movie), so I have all the Transformers street cred I need ;)

Liberty's Edge

I will be 100% fine with this idea under one circumstance. We have to have mecha battles. I am 100% willing to play anything with giant robots. I would play a gunslinger to play in that. (I hate all three classes from UC.) It would be awesome


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You should ask your locals to run the Before the Dawn series, snickersimba.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

Everyone who is wanting limited amounts of Robo-rampage, take a look at Season 5 the "Year of the Demon"

5-1 Not a lot of Demons
5-2 Demons
5-3 Social with Demons
5-4 No Demons
5-5 Havent run it yet, but doesnt shout Demon to me
5-6 No Demons
5-7 Not a lot of Demons
5-8 No Demons
5-9 Not a lot of Demons
5-10 No Demons
5-11 No Demons
5-12 No Demons
5-13 Demons
5-14 Demons
5-15 No Demons
5-16 Probably no Demons
5-17 Maybe Demons

So out of 17 modules at most 6 are demon centric. The number is probably lower because you can't toss level 1's at most demons and expect them to get through DR. The same problem will be had with constructs, so don't expect robots in a majority of scenarios.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Thanks for that recap! You're right - there really aren't so many demons yet, honestly (Though definitely more than in the average PFS season). In fact, in all the released scenarios below the 7-11 level (I haven't played those), you're only in the Worldwound twice? You go there in 5-02, and I'm not sure if 5-13 is on the border, or in the wound itself.

Dragon's Demand spoiler:
There is a clockwork servant encounter in the first dungeon in this module, so a modest "robot" or two wouldn't be unheard of.

Since I've never seen anything published by Paizo on Numeria, I really have no idea how prevalent "robots" will be. But even though I consider myself a pretty traditional RPGer, I'm excited by the idea that robots might get into PFS.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Dokomo wrote:
5-5 Havent run it yet, but doesnt shout Demon to me


Also, you forgot the Season 5 special. No Demons there...

4/5 ****

Nothing that isn't spoiled by the 5-5 adventure blurb:
To be fair 5-5 doesn't deal with the Worldwound, instead it deals with Treerazor's demons in Tanglebriar.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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I wish people would stop worrying and learn to love the Bot.

That said, I groaned when Season 5 theme was announced. And it's been pretty enjoyable so far. I think the writers just need the right kind of sway when coming up with atmospherics, mood, etc. Making anything cookie-cutter, treating the subject like a sideshow stand is always the wrong answer.

Trust me, been playing since season zero and for a long time demons, heck, any evil outsiders, were a monster of the week deal, e.g. nothing says booooring quite like mook nabasus. Let's not even start about the ever-present low level undead...

But I digress, as long as they don't mistreat the subject matter, make it banal, anyone ought to stomach a coupla robo-hijinx. Even enjoy them, if done right.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

Muser wrote:

I wish people would stop worrying and learn to love the Bot.

That said, I groaned when Season 5 theme was announced. And it's been pretty enjoyable so far. I think the writers just need the right kind of sway when coming up with atmospherics, mood, etc. Making anything cookie-cutter, treating the subject like a sideshow stand is always the wrong answer.

Trust me, been playing since season zero and for a long time demons, heck, any evil outsiders, were a monster of the week deal, e.g. nothing says booooring quite like mook nabasus. Let's not even start about the ever-present low level undead...

But I digress, as long as they don't mistreat the subject matter, make it banal, anyone ought to stomach a coupla robo-hijinx. Even enjoy them, if done right.

If we were talking automatons, or magically animated things, sure, I'd be onboard. But if this turns out to be a season of robots (mechanical versus magical), then no, I probably won't enjoy it. You may not like season 5 and the stuff related to demons, but at least demons, the hellish planes, etc., are part and parcel of a fantasy genre.

Robots? No.

Of course, I am not thrilled with firearms either (and didn't like them when they were introduced in Forgotten Realms of DnD, either.) I don't like technology stuff like this in my fantasy game, and it's one of the reasons I never enjoyed Eberron.

If I wanted to play in a game with robots, I'd play Robotech or whatever.

I'll given season 6 a chance, but I really hope robots aren't in the mix.

The Exchange 5/5

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the Tin man and Tic-Toc would both be sad that they are not part of a fantasy genre....

we will have to have re-file the Wizard of Oz stories in the science fiction section I guess...

It's not really robots. Closer to steampunk/magic automata.

Even androids are more like just another fantasy race, with weird blood and a few resistances and immunities, than any mechanical species.


Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

nosig wrote:

the Tin man and Tic-Toc would both be sad that they are not part of a fantasy genre....

we will have to have re-file the Wizard of Oz stories in the science fiction section I guess...

Well, that's your prerogative, of course, and though I don't think I know who Tic toc is, the Tin Man was created through magic, which makes him more of a sentient automaton, or through magic was transformed from a human being to metal body.

The Exchange 5/5

Mark Stratton wrote:
nosig wrote:

the Tin man and Tic-Toc would both be sad that they are not part of a fantasy genre....

we will have to have re-file the Wizard of Oz stories in the science fiction section I guess...

Well, that's your prerogative, of course, and though I don't think I know who Tic toc is, the Tin Man was created through magic, which makes him more of a sentient automaton, or through magic was transformed from a human being to metal body.

sorry - I misspelled his name.

"Tik-Tok is a fictional character from the Land of Oz books by L. Frank Baum.[1] He has been termed "the prototype robot,"[2] and is widely considered to be the one of the first robots (preceded by Edward S. Ellis' Huge Hunter, or the The Steam Man of the Prairies, in 1868) to appear in modern literature,[3] though that term was coined after Baum's death."

hope this helps. You see, robots first appeared in Fantasy books about witches and wizards, magic etc...

And why do you feel that the Tin Man was created thru magic? I always considered him to be a constructed creature, who later became enchanted ... but each to his own I guess.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

nosig wrote:
Mark Stratton wrote:
nosig wrote:

the Tin man and Tic-Toc would both be sad that they are not part of a fantasy genre....

we will have to have re-file the Wizard of Oz stories in the science fiction section I guess...

Well, that's your prerogative, of course, and though I don't think I know who Tic toc is, the Tin Man was created through magic, which makes him more of a sentient automaton, or through magic was transformed from a human being to metal body.

sorry - I misspelled his name.

"Tik-Tok is a fictional character from the Land of Oz books by L. Frank Baum.[1] He has been termed "the prototype robot,"[2] and is widely considered to be the one of the first robots (preceded by Edward S. Ellis' Huge Hunter, or the The Steam Man of the Prairies, in 1868) to appear in modern literature,[3] though that term was coined after Baum's death."

hope this helps. You see, robots first appeared in Fantasy books about witches and wizards, magic etc...

And why do you feel that the Tin Man was created thru magic? I always considered him to be a constructed creature, who later became enchanted ... but each to his own I guess.

Just to clarify, I didn't know who Tik-Tok was - I wasn't trying to point out a misspelling, and if that's how it came across, my apoligies.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Yeah, Tik-tok appears in the Wizard of Oz sequels - not even something I knew about until I read them to my son a few months ago...

Now, the Tin Man's story is that he was a normal man who was able to replace one injured part of his body after another with a tin version. No magic is mentioned, but I'm not sure how the tin head works without it. He's not a robot, in that he has no gears and has a human intelligence (the present state of his brain is left unmentioned).

So the Year of the Demon in not exactly the Year of the Worldwound. I wouldn't expect a Year of the Robot to be any more a Year of Numeria then.

BY scenario 5-13 you've had PC's actually setting foot in the 'wound TWICE. And then only barely. An upcoming title or two seem to indicate that may change. But even with its focus on the Mendevian Crusade this season has seen a good variety in scenarios, IMO.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Mark Stratton wrote:
Muser wrote:

I wish people would stop worrying and learn to love the Bot.

That said, I groaned when Season 5 theme was announced. And it's been pretty enjoyable so far. I think the writers just need the right kind of sway when coming up with atmospherics, mood, etc. Making anything cookie-cutter, treating the subject like a sideshow stand is always the wrong answer.

Trust me, been playing since season zero and for a long time demons, heck, any evil outsiders, were a monster of the week deal, e.g. nothing says booooring quite like mook nabasus. Let's not even start about the ever-present low level undead...

But I digress, as long as they don't mistreat the subject matter, make it banal, anyone ought to stomach a coupla robo-hijinx. Even enjoy them, if done right.

If we were talking automatons, or magically animated things, sure, I'd be onboard. But if this turns out to be a season of robots (mechanical versus magical), then no, I probably won't enjoy it. You may not like season 5 and the stuff related to demons, but at least demons, the hellish planes, etc., are part and parcel of a fantasy genre.

Robots? No.

And this where we disagree. I wasn't introduced to demons, hell or the christian elements until I came across FR. But robots though, automata, etc those are really familiar fantastic elements from One 1000 and One Nights to Star Wars.

Sure it's something you'll see more often in space opera, for instance, but robots in fantasy are only tangentially SF or SO, there's nothing genre-breaking stopping Paizo from adding lasers or androids. They just need to be approached like PFS characters approach everything - as heroic fantasy. So far that's worked admirably, for instance have a look at scenario #20, King Xeros of Old Azlant, or the module Doom Comes to Dustawn!

Grand Lodge

Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
You're chasing a swarm? Oooh. Better, being chased by.

Goldfish swarm?

No, wait. Rabid goldfish swarm!

Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! With the plague zombie template!!

The Exchange 5/5

Aristophanes wrote:
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
You're chasing a swarm? Oooh. Better, being chased by.

Goldfish swarm?

No, wait. Rabid goldfish swarm!

Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! With the plague zombie template!!

Ghostly Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! Summoned by a Haunt effect!

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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nosig wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
You're chasing a swarm? Oooh. Better, being chased by.

Goldfish swarm?

No, wait. Rabid goldfish swarm!

Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! With the plague zombie template!!
Ghostly Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! Summoned by a Haunt effect!

Ghostly Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! Summoned by a Persistent Haunt effect!

Didn't you notice the dry goldfish bowl with tiny skeletons, next to the full container of fish food? In time to channel positive energy? DOOM!

In order to lay the haunt to rest you must fill the bowl with water and put some fish food in the bowl.

The Exchange 5/5

Rusty Ironpants wrote:
nosig wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
You're chasing a swarm? Oooh. Better, being chased by.

Goldfish swarm?

No, wait. Rabid goldfish swarm!

Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! With the plague zombie template!!
Ghostly Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! Summoned by a Haunt effect!

Ghostly Rabid Fiendish Dire Goldfish Swarm! Summoned by a Persistent Haunt effect!

Didn't you notice the dry goldfish bowl with tiny skeletons, next to the full container of fish food? In time to channel positive energy? DOOM!

** spoiler omitted **

You had to climb down a slippery ladder into the small room, and the haunt is only triggered by 3 players in the room...

Knowledge Nature DC 20 & Knowledge Religion DC20:
In order to lay the haunt to rest you must fill the bowl with holy water and put fish food in the bowl.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Derek Weil wrote:
Now, the Tin Man's story is that he was a normal man who was able to replace one injured part of his body after another with a tin version. No magic is mentioned, but I'm not sure how the tin head works without it. He's not a robot, in that he has no gears and has a human intelligence (the present state of his brain is left unmentioned).

He was a munchkin turned into tin by Elphaba.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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hotsauceman wrote:
Wait wait Wait, Can I choose Binary as a language?


The Exchange 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
trollbill wrote:
hotsauceman wrote:
Wait wait Wait, Can I choose Binary as a language?

"there are 10 kinds of people in this game...

those that understand binary
and those who don't"

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Nefreet wrote:

He was a munchkin turned into tin by Elphaba.

In the musical Wicked, yes. But not in the original story. Not sure either is more "correct" or "right", but he IS made of tin, and he IS in an undeniably fantasy story.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

This assumption of robots (or fear) invading PFS is strange to me. They aren't anything new; Paizo isn't pandering to people that enjoy steampunk—Numeria is a place that exists in their world. It's been there all along. We just might be exploring it in PFS for a change.

Numeria is part of Golarion lore—it has it's own chapter in the ISWG. I think that if we see some scenarios that take place in Numeria, we'll encounter a lot of things besides constructs.

Numeria is a harsh, often brutal land that raises hard, often brutal people. The land's primary inhabitants are humans who, outside of the large cities like Starfall and Chesed, tend to organize themselves based along tribal lines. While in theory these tribes all owe fealty to the Black Sovereign, outside of Numeria's big settlements and beyond the reach of the Black Sovereign's armies, life continues much as it has since the Age of Darkness. The most unique inhabitants of Numeria are doubtlessly the Gearsman who patrol the streets of Starfall. These creatures, if creatures they can be called, were found by the Technic League within the Silver Mount less than a generation ago, meaning that their origins are certainly not of this world.

From that text I imagine one could expect to see some tribal, barbarian folk in lower tier games with constructs and other horrors reserved for higher tier games, where PCs should have means of dealing with them already. And for those interested, the gearsmen listed are CR 4 constructs with no DR.

I'm confident that this isn't going to be the Season of the Caryatid Columns, if anything it'll be a season of exploration, excitement, trade, and good old fashioned Pathfinding—as it is every season.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Derek Weil wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

He was a munchkin turned into tin by Elphaba.

In the musical Wicked, yes. But not in the original story. Not sure either is more "correct" or "right", but he IS made of tin, and he IS in an undeniably fantasy story.

Ah. I was unaware of the discrepancy. I've seen the musical (twice) and was told it was more or less the same as the book, so I never went out of my way to read it.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I love all of Golarion, especially Numeria.

I am hearing a lot of "I do not like this in my fantasy"

Well the thing is, this fantasy is Paizo's fantasy. We are all playing in Paizo's Fantasy, the world of Golarion. If something is not appearing in your fantasy and you're playing in this world, then your fantasy needs to be updated. There is no "His fantasy","her fantasy", "my fantasy", and "your fantasy". This is all Paizo's Fantasy, that we are exploring. Also, please remember, Paizo's fantasy world, Golarion, is a world of Science Fantasy.

Science fantasy is a mixed genre within the umbrella of speculative fiction which draws upon tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy, and sometimes also incorporates elements of horror.

This has been shown in a massive number of ways:

Second Darkness:

Dark Elves pull a asteroid out of its orbit in the astroid belts to crash into the world using power full magic.

Doom Comes to Dustpawn:

An ancient Elven Spacecraft from the elves golden age returns and crash lands in Cheliax(?).

Reign of Winter:

This series puts forth the law that Golarion exists in the same universe as Earth.

Dominion of the Black:

This is a race of intergalactic conquerors who use magic to travel vast distances in their conquests.

Carrion Hill:

When a group summons a horrible alien entity from the darkest depths of space that is eating them for their power.


An entire class who studies magic as a science, combining the two.

If by this point in time, during your travels in Golarion, you're still thinking you're in a typical Forgotten Realms fantasy, or Lord of the Rings Fantasy, or your trying to keep it that way in you're minds eye, then you need to open your eyes and see the world for the grand fabric of ideas and genres that Golarion is.

PS: Bare in mind that this post is aimed exclusively at PFS in general. Folks can change Golarion all they want in home games.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

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Zach Williams wrote:

I love all of Golarion, especially Numeria.

I am hearing a lot of "I do not like this in my fantasy"


If by this point in time, during your travels in Golarion, you're still thinking you're in a typical Forgotten Realms fantasy, or Lord of the Rings Fantasy, or your trying to keep it that way in you're minds eye, then you need to open your eyes and see the world for the grand fabric of ideas and genres that Golarion is.

PS: Bare in mind that this post is aimed exclusively at PFS in general. Folks can change...

Well, it is a bit presumptuous on your part, I think, to suggest that because I (or others) do not like the thought of robots and technology in our PFS that we somehow don't have our eyes open to the wonders of the world or whatever. That's quite an arrogant viewpoint, honestly. We can SEE what Numeria offers (after all, many of us have the ISWG). We can see something and still not like it.

I haven't once, in a single post where I have commented on this topic, suggested that somehow those who do like Numeria or those that like this type of staff are somehow wrong, or keeping their eyes closed or whatever.

Like every other game world or game system, it's nothing more than a difference in preferences we have. My dislike for that sort of stuff doesn't invalidate my views as a player or as a GM, honestly.

You can like what you want, and so I can I, and the best part of it all is that those two things do not have to be the same. As I have said before, I still have yet to see what Season 6 will bring, so I'm at least open to the possibility that I may find parts of it enjoyable. But if it is more technology-centered, then no, I won't enjoy it because I don't like technology in my fantasy games. If wanted that sort of stuff, I'd play something that was certainly more steampunk or tech oriented.

It's just a difference in gaming preferences, cool. Let's not insult one another, please, because I don't think that's necessary.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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Walter Sheppard wrote:

This assumption of robots (or fear) invading PFS is strange to me. They aren't anything new; Paizo isn't pandering to people that enjoy steampunk—Numeria is a place that exists in their world. It's been there all along. We just might be exploring it in PFS for a change.

Golarion is often described as a "kitchen sink" world where one can play out all sorts of different kinds of adventures.

Given that, it is not remotely surprising that people like some parts of the world far more than other parts. Most people are going to be seriously LESS interested in adventuring in some parts than others.

Numeria is one of the larger departures from "normal" fantasy in Golarion. Hence, it is likely to see a reasonable number of people who find it an area not to their tastes together with a reasonable number of people who are excited by the idea.

I think that is all you're seeing right now

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