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I played at Thod's table and he had some great ideas on how to handle this on a VTT but it is an extreme amount of bookkeeping. I just saw the NPC tracker in the scenario and I am more impressed now. The biggest hiccup for us was in how the tasks were arrayed. I think they need to be ordered in groups more clearly based on the requirements to complete, skills needed, and location. It can be a lot to take in on one screen and you run the risk in info overload. I will be GMing this on Sunday and will report back with anything else I think of.
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Hello, just want to say that this is a very interesting module, really well written and challenging introduction for the gamemastery guide rules.
I have one question about the trap in the Crown's Vault. The description says the key will only turn when placed in the opposite seasons alcove, but gives as an example winter-spring. Are the seasons opposite as in opposite sides of the east-west hallway? I thought that they would be opposite diagonally which would give Autumn-Spring and Winter-Summer pairings that seem logical. However, we are given two examples in dialogue of npc's greeting other npc's that give season pairings of winter-summer and winter-spring so I am completely confused. Could it be that any seasonal pairing works for the keys, you just can't put winter's key into winter's keyhole?
Mike Bramnik wrote: Out of curiosity, doesn't an intensified repair undead spell do the exact same thing as a regular repair undead spell? I'm prepping to run this tomorrow and noticed that Ellux had that prepared at both subtiers and wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks in advance. Repair undead heals 1d8+Level (max 5) hp, so an intensified Repair Undead will heal 1d8+Level (max 10) hp.
To capsize the ship, the DC is 25 and the Dragon Turtle has a +20 to bull rush, but then do you have to apply the -20 modifier for the boat being two sizes larger? This makes the boat impossible to capsize.
Minor nitpick, the first mention of pastlight is when the PC's ask Razelros "What is pastlight?" How do they know its name to ask the question?
Also, is there anything preventing the PC's from just pressing on to the keep, ignoring the RP and diplomacy and just finishing the mission. Sure you lose out on one Prestige, but it just makes a TON of sense. The time limit is just not onerous when the keep is a few hours travel away.
Raging Song's description says it is used by Skalds trained in oration, so wouldn't a monologue count?
I as well use FedEx/Kinko online printing. You have to convert the page to letter size but the only problems I have had have been with older seasons having some weird blanking of text boxes on the chronicles.
I ran this at a convention over 20 hours and had to cut at least half the module and really bark and bear down at the two most notorious laggards in our area to get it accomplished.
Question for people who have run this sanctioned. How long would this take to run at a convention? 4 slots or 6?

Fromper wrote: I just looked up the poisons that Goldtooth uses in the final fight (both are in the Core Rulebook), and they are NASTY. Besides being DC 17 and 18 fort saves, which is pretty high for such a low level adventure, the Shadow Essence on her first three thrown Harrow Cards causes strength drain. That's drain, not damage.
It's 2 prestige for a Restoration, which I believe is the lowest spell that can resolve that. Some level 1 PC's might not be able to afford that, if they don't get full prestige from this adventure. Luckily, you no longer have to resolve all conditions at the end of the adventure, but some PC's may carry that strength drain into future adventures.
I'm just really surprised to see such a nasty poison in sub-tier 1-2.
I'm also surprised to see such an effective level 3 rogue build in general. I've ran this game twice now and both times the party came down to a near wipe. If they choose the uprising card then the melt into the crowds and assassinate a character tactic is incredibly effective. It's only after half the party is down do they realize they have to clear out the crowds to prevent Goldtooth's bluff sneak.
Terminalmancer wrote: I have not yet finished reading this through, but my wife has already decided to play her Ekujae character. I have a feeling this is going to get complicated. Hmmm! Please report back about how much of your wife's blood you spill.
Just one thing that has stuck out to me so far. I assume that the price of a +1 Greenwood Composite Longbow should not be the same as the base bow from Tier 1-2?
Added Mount Prospect and Chicago
Another question about loot. The previous Serpent's Rise scenarios provided a method of purchasing the item for cheaper if you had played the character. There is no such option of Marnarius' blade. Should there have been?
I made 4 star GM just before GenCon and I have yet to see any of these scenarios.
The key is to combo life spirit and witch doctor. Witch doctor makes you give up primary spirit hexes, but you weren't going to use them with life spirit anyways since they suck. Then, find the items that increase channel healing, take selective channeling, and you're golden.
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I had a player roll Knowledge: Arcana when they teleported past the force sphere to realize that the sky vault falling was a self-destruct mechanism. With this info the players eventually worked out that the only person that could set the self-destruct would be a jewel sage, and thus the only person who could cancel the self-destruct would be another jewel sage. Fotunately they had a teleporting wizard or else they wouldn't have been able to get close enough to use the jewel in time.
Where do we get the preview scenario rules?
I'm a bit late to this, but if you question the safety of farmers keeping magic heirlooms in a world with detect magic, remember that the spell does not work through a foot of solid earth. Farmers know their land intimately, and can find lots of spots to bury a valuable item.
Jesus Marie, they're minerals.
Ambrus Valsin has a more passing resemblance to Kitchener of the New Army of WW1.
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alternis sol wrote: Zark wrote: BTW, one of the things that really annoyed me was the lack of mage armor on the Shaman spell list. How are you going to keep the Pet alive?
ACG pg 47. wrote:
Spirit Animal...
... The shaman’s spirit animal also
grants her special powers. This ability uses the same rules
as the wizard’s arcane bond class feature and is treated
as a familiar (see pages 78 and 82 of the Core Rulebook),
except as noted below. I think it is suppose to act like a familar so i don't think it should leave your shoulder, body, or really be anywhere that it could get attacked. so basically keep it hidden so the enemy can't kill it would be my guess. I didn't give my spirit animal DR 5/Adamantine and Fast Healing 1 to sit on my shoulder damn it.
Guns and Japan go together in fantasy perfectly. Japanese production of guns in the 1500's was greater than any western nation and they brought 40,000 for the invasion of Korea.
Playing - Entire Party voted for the Time Dragon out of respect for the argument or awe of the power it wields.
GMing - Party voted 4-2 for Amenopheus. The Osirion party member was outraged that an interloper would show up and try and claim Osirion heritage as their own.
One thing that should make the final fight harder is applying the invincible mythic template to the Graven Guardians. Since it isn't in the pdf, most GM's might miss it, but boosting the AC by 2 for a party of 3-4's and adding in 5 energy resist turns them into a serious threat. My party was lucky to have a void sorcerer that could split magic missiles to keep the statues from casting haste.
Thematically you need Part 1 actually, because part way through Part 3 you find out that Kafar and Nefti sold the Emerald Gem of Plauges to Torch, and Part 1 (re)introduces you to that character and gives some players a bit of a reason to hate him.
Everyone who is wanting limited amounts of Robo-rampage, take a look at Season 5 the "Year of the Demon"
5-1 Not a lot of Demons
5-2 Demons
5-3 Social with Demons
5-4 No Demons
5-5 Havent run it yet, but doesnt shout Demon to me
5-6 No Demons
5-7 Not a lot of Demons
5-8 No Demons
5-9 Not a lot of Demons
5-10 No Demons
5-11 No Demons
5-12 No Demons
5-13 Demons
5-14 Demons
5-15 No Demons
5-16 Probably no Demons
5-17 Maybe Demons
So out of 17 modules at most 6 are demon centric. The number is probably lower because you can't toss level 1's at most demons and expect them to get through DR. The same problem will be had with constructs, so don't expect robots in a majority of scenarios.