Liam Warner |
This is just a small matter of curiosity for me I'm just wondering what people would be if they could be/take anything (class, feats, powers etc). So I'm creating this post for people to post their choices in according to the following rules.
1) This is for you, that is pretend you were sucked into a pathfinder world where you were guaranteed to become level 20, mythic 10 before you returned home. Which means that after you hit that 20/10 level you go home and need to live another 10/20/40/infinite number of years with those skills and abilities (plust whatever you learn later i.e after returning home). So please choose ones that you would want even if its based on flavour text or personal appeal and not based on what you think is the ultimate power combo (unless you want to retain that) as there's no need to worry about being a drain on party resources, not being able to keep up or anythhing like that, you will get this 20/10 and then you have to live with it.
2) Only post the basics here race, class, class specific abilities that you can choose amongst e.g. which discoveries for wizard or alchemist, feats and mythic powers. No need for ability scores, gear, alignment, specific spells or the like with the exception of level up bonuses and even there just limit it to what you'd generally be putting them (more strength, more intelligence, a mixture etc).
3) If you want to use a houseruled feat or ability that's fine just include a note to indicate its houseruled and if so what it does or how its changed.
4) A little paragraph or two explaining why you made those choices doesn't need to go into detail on everything one just a "I want to be master martial artist who has learnt many styles and can call on my inner chi or the like). Or to explain a bit more about how something fits into a concept.
5) Put a little note indicating whether you would make the same choices if you weren't guaranteed survival/a way home, don't need to say what you'd do instead just whether you'd make different ones.
So here's what I'd go with . . .
A fighter/mage/thief who can cast the most powerful spells but still put up a fight if denied access to her magic although they rely more on speed and agility than brute strength or taking damage as well as sneak around and break in/out of somewhere if pushed. Someone who'll live forever if not killed and can travel freely to explore new cultures and places in different times, planets, planes. Someone who can spend a few busy months exploring a town in a foreign country or just lounging on a hidden beach with no concerns because they have the time and resources to do that. Able to blend in fairly well after a bit of experience or just watch without anyone being aware if possible.
Change if Not guuranteed survival/way home
1) Arcanist: 9 (I like the can memorize any spell but doesn't lose on casting and can cast any one memorized one any number of times up to spells per day bit)
2) Ranger: 1
3) Eldritch Knight: 10
Ability Choices For Levelling up
Enough Strength to match what would be normal for a physically fit person of that build (not weightlifter just someone who exercises regularly and is healthy) then an even mix of dex and intelligence for gracefulness and ability to think/learn/problem solve etc.
Ability Choices for Mythic
Mostly Int and dex still (aiming for superhuman gracefullness and intelligence) with maybe a little in con, wisdom or charisma to shore up weaknesses.
Arcanist Exploits
1) See Magic
2) Potent Magic
3) Ice Missle
4) Counterspell
5) Metamagic Knowledge (Empower Spell)
Eldritch Knight Bonus Feats
1) Deflect Arrows (This and some later ones represent basic martial arts training none of the higher stuff just a basic phsical Dragon Style Kung Fu like the real world one)
2) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Aldori Dueling Sword
3) Power Attack
Ranger Abilities
1) Favoured Enemy: Evil Outsiders
Level Up Feat Choices
1) Dragon Style
2) Eidetic Memory (House Ruled, perfect memory of anything experienced, from an older edition good for those long, long millenia of knowledge)
3) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Aldori Dueling Sword
4) Fox Shape
5) Improved Unarmed Strike
6) Leadership (Someone loyal needs to run the businesses that fund my travels and cover up evidence I've lived far longer than I should or worse am not human)
7) Magic Tail (Houseruled, grows in power rather than needing a new feat per tail 9 tailed fox is fun and with divine source it lets me play messenger of the gods if I want)
8) Quicken Spell
9) Realistic Likeness (look like my old self when I return and pick some random person then look like them somewhere else when exploring a culture so I'm not obviously foreign if I come back in a few centuries I can reuse old faces too)
10) Scribe Scroll (To meet mythic crafter requirement, could be any magic crafting feat)
11) Weapon Finesse
Magical Knack: Arcanist
Riftwarden Orphan (mainlly because it was a WoTR character that got me thinking about this and I like the ability to recharge wands rather than remaking them)
Mythic Choices
Archmage (wild Arcana for any spell if needed)
1) Longevity (Actual Immortality as in not aging lots of time to explore)
2) Crafting Mastery
3) Component Freedom
4) Sleepless
5) Mythic Sustenance (These two allow lots of time to see sights and negate problems with long periods in places with no food/water/air)
6) Sanctum (a home wherever you go)
7) Perfect preparation (no need to lug around spell books you can prepare any spell anywhere you are as long as you know it, fits with my concept of a caster who relies on what they learnt rather than having to relearn a spell every time they want to cast it)
8) Rapid Preperation
9) Divine Source (just seems to fit in there for a mythic being)
10) Beyond Morality (Opens up the ability to learn anything in time)
11) Star Walker (Allows space travel to see a place you've never been)
1) Deflect Arrows
2) Extra Path Ability (Beyond Morality)
3) Mythic Crafter
4) Mythic Spell Lore
5) Weapon finesse (Mythic)
I'd take ranks on the mandatory magic user choices (spellcraft, knowledge arcane, use magic device), a few that appeal to me (cooking, singing, drawing), a few generic things that are useful (survival, swim, perception), try for basic training in every knowledge field (at least the listed ones) and then scatter the rest according to personal taste and what I think will work alongside some trading/business training so I can set up something to support me.
When I try to make/edit a post the box is only taking up a tiny part of the page and the writing is tiny, does anyone know how to make that box bigger as this is getting to be a real pain?

Corlindale |
Wizard/Cleric/Mystic Theurge. Not optimal in-game, but it gives me the best access to reality-twisting powers of all varieties, as well as a lot of buffs to keep myself alive.
Wizards of course get the coolest spell lists, but the ability to cure any disease, heal any wounds and even bring back the dead would be insanely valuable in real life, for obvious reasons. Though I'd try to keep my powers a secret, otherwise I imagine everyone on earth would constantly seek me out to make use of my powers.
Mythic would be dual Hierophant/Archmage. Immortality and the one where you don't need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep would be primary picks for powers. Otherwise mostly defensive stuff to help ensure my survival.

Ashtathlon |

A baby red dragon...(I've been a human all my life, if I get to choose a fantasy island blank check character, well its a no brainer)
Slowly age gain power, levels, shake the foundations of the world I am in and eventually die..after all that, I wont mind coming back to my mundane world, but....
I will have found some way to transfer a portion of my hoard to "This" world through some massive mythic dragon level shenanigans. :)
As far as character classes would go..not sure, maybe druid, or Cleric on top of all the Draconic coolness, still sinking my teeth into pathfinders classes.

Liam Warner |
That last one sounds like the sterotypical rockstar if you don't mind me saying so.
One thing I'm not sure I was clear on after Blackhorseman's post. When I said you have to live with these choices I meant that for here. As in when you hit level 20/10 and finish up you come back to this world (and you can bring your treasure along if you want although that's not really the purpose of this question).
I was wondering after the voltron and catfolk choices but I figured they knew what they were getting into and I can understand the appeal of becoming something else. Still like I said these are choices for you and if you want to be non-human when you come back to this world that's up to you. Its why I took realistic shifter as a hengeyoki I want to be one but in a world where I'm the only one I need to keep that hidden.
@Corlindale I do believe its possible to get those spells as a wizard since Baba Yaga is mentioned as having reserched arcane versions of a lot of divine spells and your not dependant on a god granting them.
Anyway I'm now adding a new thing . . .
After hitting level 20/10 do you choose to return here (with power, gear, new race, tresure etc) or remain in that world becoming a missing person here (barring your finding a way back if you later change your mind)?
Me I'd come back with the powers of an archmage and the perks of my new form I think I could be quite happy using my treasure to retire and found a business that would let me just travel. Climb Mt Everest, visit india, egypt, antartica go on a year long cruise etc.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

Divination Wizard / Cleric of Nethys / Mystic Theurge / (don't know anything about mythic tier stuff)
Isn't to much that isn't possible at that point.
Raise wisdom to 19 to be able to cast 9th level spells even without any gear.
All other level increase into intelligence.
Eventually use multiple wish to max +5 inherent bonus to every ability score.
Craft headband and belt for +6 enhancement bonus to every ability score.
Craft every defensive magic item I can imagine.
Then I'd probably start making golem servants and guards.

insaneogeddon |
There are no guarantees in life. Would have to be crazy to be anything but a Reincarnated Druid. Undying from 5th (ex) level!
or Beast Bonded Witch 10 (su) even better with a regenerating improved familiar, Living Monoliths 15 (ex but can still die), Enlightened Philosopher Oracles, Heavens Oracles, Monk of the 4 winds (su) all 20.
Anything else is short term. Immortality discoveries are useless- you still die at 100 odd, you just suffer no aging penalties till then.
Moving worlds casting could be lost as differing rules and gods. Su might be more bankable.
Presumably our world is a low magic or dead magic world as such the only abilities worth anything would be ex.
Reincarnated Druid =pure joy. Travel where you want, live forever, different bodies, speak every language, be forgotten so aren't hunted!!!
Its the only path with a real future.

Tholomyes |

Realistically, utility wizard. Make money off selling my spellcasting talents, and perhaps some crafting. I'd have some defensive stuff prepared, in case I'd need it, and basically find a way to eke out a comfortable living relatively out of danger. Then, once I got back to the real world, I'd become a chef, using prestidigitation to turn mediocre food into 5 star quality food, and make my living that way, using the rest of my magical abilities where needed (though, sparingly, as not to attract too much attention)
A less completely boring option would be to go bard, and do much of the same thing, but focus less on casting and more on skill and such.

SlimGauge |

Monk of the Four Winds:

Liam Warner |
There are no guarantees in life. Would have to be crazy to be anything but a Reincarnated Druid. Undying from 5th (ex) level!
or Beast Bonded Witch 10 (su) even better with a regenerating improved familiar, Living Monoliths 15 (ex but can still die), Enlightened Philosopher Oracles, Heavens Oracles, Monk of the 4 winds (su) all 20.
Anything else is short term. Immortality discoveries are useless- you still die at 100 odd, you just suffer no aging penalties till then.
Moving worlds casting could be lost as differing rules and gods. Su might be more bankable.
Presumably our world is a low magic or dead magic world as such the only abilities worth anything would be ex.
Reincarnated Druid =pure joy. Travel where you want, live forever, different bodies, speak every language, be forgotten so aren't hunted!!!
Its the only path with a real future.
Okay assume any abilities work here even if its a low/dead magic world lets say this is why its happening to reintroduce magic. The presence of aLl these mythic beings running around recharges earths batteries (like in reign of winter). Or its all inherent in you and you retain them just like a permanent planar portal or the like. I'm just curious what people would choose if they knew they were going to get this level of power then come home. Are you going to take massive combat abilities or utilty items. What are you aiming to be/do with your life?
Besides based on content earth is in the same plane as Golarion (material one) its just in a magical recession right now but even so you can still use it fine if you bring it in from outside. Hmmm probably best to say you retain your powers and if you have a kid that kids going to inherit too (little baby half red and copper dragons running around alongside new mages, religions praying to gods who actually grant miracles if the persons devout enough). I'm having a campaign idea here better get back on topic
As far as I can tell pathfinder currently has 3 definitinos of immortality depending on the item looked at . . .
1) You don't age but when you reach your maximum one you pass away (monks timeless body is an example).
2) You reincarnate if killed but still age normally (mythic adventures "Immortality" abiliity is an example of this).
3) You don't age, don't die of old age are really immortal as in live forever in a young fit body (not invulnerable you can still be hurt/killed or die from a disease but you wont die of old age. Mythic Longevity and maybe the wizard immortality discovery, it doesn't say you still die at maximum age like the monks does are examples of this.)

Zhayne |

Race: Warforged.
Reason: I have an incurable disease, and am generally dissatisfied with the fragility of the human body. Immune to disease, fatigue, injuries easily repaired with craft skills rather than taking weeks to heal naturally? Yes please.
Class: Psion (Telepath)
Reason: With all that sensory capability? I'd move to Washington DC and be the most awesome journalist ever. Heck, use Mind Control powers on people and command them to be honest.

1 person marked this as a favorite. |


Liam Warner |
Okay since I've already had to revise this a few times here's another one.
If allowed which adventure path would you choose to take to get your mythic powers that is which one appeals to you most on a personal level (enemies and challenges are all beefed up to get you to 20/10 if they don't already.
For me its jade reagent sure it takes half the adventure to get there but you get to explore a mythical Japan themed land. Japan incidently would be the first country I'd spend a few decades in after I got set up after coming back.

Green Smashomancer |

Sorcerer for all the casty goodness, or Barbarian for, as stated above, the best smash. And I think I'll echo someone above but with a minor change; If I get a blank check, I'm making the most out of it. By going with a Blue/Gold Dragon. Sorcerer is fitting, and Barbarian is just terrifying. Raging Dragon? Sounds like an ancient forbidden technique that needs teaching to monks who come to visit me.
EDIT: whoops, that was meant for the first question.

Ellis Mirari |

I'd be a witch, no questions asked.
Their magic (hexes) is the most subtle, and their abilities are just the most fun.
Of course, if we're talking 20th/10th pretty much EVERY option has crazy cool benefits at that point, but even if we were just 10th level no tiers, I'd pick witch.
Bills? Rent? As soon as someone notices my home long enough to ask questions about who owns the property I'm on my house just gets up and walks somewhere else.

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I would be a Kensai Magus, especially after making a guide about it, I find they fit me the most :).
It'd be high dexterity, higher intelligence, have an improved familiar to take back with me (Probably an Lykrian Azata, they tend to like to travel, or a Pseudo Dragon, which would get more attention I think).
I would also dip a level of fighter, carry a quick draw shield and wakizhasi, etc. I'd especially have fun with stone wall (I get to make my own castle! Wewt!).
And yeah...
I'm surprised nobody's called out gunslinger yet...

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WHy would anyone want to come back? This world sucks. I'd rather stay on in a world with monsters than come back to the hell we created here. Maybe find a way to bring others over into my new world, but never go back. And I would want to be the Reincarnated druid. Whatever kills you, you come back.
For adventure path I would like Rise of the Runelords I think...

Liam Warner |
I would be a Kensai Magus, especially after making a guide about it, I find they fit me the most :).
It'd be high dexterity, higher intelligence, have an improved familiar to take back with me (Probably an Lykrian Azata, they tend to like to travel, or a Pseudo Dragon, which would get more attention I think).
I would also dip a level of fighter, carry a quick draw shield and wakizhasi, etc. I'd especially have fun with stone wall (I get to make my own castle! Wewt!).
And yeah...
I'm surprised nobody's called out gunslinger yet...
Frankly I'm surprised at the number of people who don't want to be human.
@Fake Healer
Well there are ways back and forth in cannon so you may be able to od that if you find them, and can convince your friends/family to go to a world as dangerous as Golarion with no modern conveniences/comforts.

insaneogeddon |
Politics, guns, nukes. big brother, eye in the sky, etc all means you want wild shape (disappear in oceans, in sewer systems as a rat etc) and be forgotten easily and speak all languages.
Otherwise sooner or later you appear on the radar (more so if your an unsubtle SMASH build) and then no peace EVER. Unless you like the idea of walking round naked with no friends as everything near and dear to you is attacked/destroyed/raped/tortured or want to spend your life underground being experimented on or just want to be dead (poison or 4 50 cal rounds to your mouth from 2 miles away when you smile at a hotty).
Its likely detect magic sensors would be soon invented (if world is becoming high magic or even if not -if your obvious- some physicist will make a 'magic radiation detector' and you will get sprung and have every billionaire/country/criminal organisation/large business (pharmaceutical etc) hunting you for experimentation/brain washing/attempts at cannibalization to get your power etc.
A life where all your friends/family get tortured/killed/levered against you and you have no free will and am always running and soon to be nuked is hardly worth it. You're WAY better off now!

insaneogeddon |
Okay assume any abilities work here even if its a low/dead magic world lets say this is why its happening to reintroduce magic. The presence of aLl these mythic beings running around recharges earths batteries (like in reign of winter).
Following from myth its more likely the world is a magic producer or battery of sorts people borrow/steal from. Perhaps there has been so little magic (so few people taxing it) in this world for so long its refreshed. But as someone above said would you really want to go back to a more limited reality and one where the rules are one shot from a 1HD person with a deer rifle can kill you.
Whats funny is by killing monsters in their territory (instead of just live and let live) and burning up the magic allotment of the world on frivolous fireballs and attracting extra planar demonic attention with summons any adventurer type world is on a downward spiral.
The way most adventurers act and certainly most of the suggestions above would turn even the most wonderful magical mystical beautiful world into a lifeless, dead magic wasteland far faster than the worst of technology/science has ever managed.
Strength/Charisma/Intellect reliant occupations are (in order) high pay off, low lifespan gigs. Wisdom is the only way with a future.
And only druids have the vision, wisdom (not altered by a specific 'zoned' deities dogma) and understanding of the world not to ruin their playpen!!!
It all about futures!

Rocket Surgeon |

I'd go for Wizard/Cleric/Mystic Theurge as well and then Hierophant for my mythic path. I'd stay human, since mythic enables me to become immortal.
I'd be running around mental institutions casting mass heal to make everyone well, using my alter self and other shape changing powers to stay under the rader. Oh I'd pop up at various disaster areas around the globe to heal the injured, regrow lost limbs and cast create food and water for the very needy.
For money I'd start up an instant transportatino service for a resonable fee, teleporting goods and people all over the world, again using my disguise magic to stay unknown.
And I'd have a Contingency running with a Breath of life at all times, as security against random murder and accidents.
And if someone came after my family to try and use them as leverage against me I'd use my powers to make their life a living hell, keeping them on the edge of sanity for the rest of their lives. Being a wizard/cleric would give me the perfect tools for finding them and keeping tabs on them.
All in all, I'd use my powers for good ;)

Ashtathlon |

Few well worded wishes would take care of most problems..without anyone needing to die, honestly though in this world it would be easy to do a lot of good from behind the scenes.
But I would likely become bored here, and start exploring the multiverse..just pop in from time to time to see how things are going..maybe. :)

insaneogeddon |
So..I guess insaneogeddon..that would make your character for the sake of this thread..a 20th level pessimist with mythic buzzkill as its path.:)
There is that but hopefully once the limitations are understood I can plan a career path that works(should this happen to me)/
I think its better to kill the buzz and when the time comes have everyone immortal, living, free and experiencing pleasure.
Better than keeping quiet in the shadows encouraging the buzz and then watching as others dreams, families and worlds are ruined. Watching as magic and so their power dies all the while a laughing immortal amused at others failures through time... bit more harsh methinks.
(Besides if this happens and others get the world nuked due to their lack of vision and behavior those that can reincarnate are still buggered)
Star children take 7 days to mature and so are buggered, monk of 4 winds need a place in 20 miles recognizable that has been visited, reincarnated druid needs a safe place in 1 mile (though considering their philosophy the reincarnate tables will arguably adapt -though being live dormant bacteria would be a drag), enlightened philosopher might be better off if philosophy is time, or heavens or life as then (as above arguable) might reincarnate as a 'living example of your chosen philosophy' (a time elemental or some space creature) that can survive in the prevailing environment (even if its space/nuclear fire/a toxic no atmosphere nightmare). A beast bonded witch with a arbiter inevitable can do pretty well as the inevitable have construct traits so the worse conditions can be ignored and even if the universe blows up (its likely chaotic energy) so you can still regen after!

Liam Warner |
Theoretically a periapt of poison immunity should keep me from dying in the irradiated wasteland when i reincarnate 24 hours after the nuke goes off and then I just planeshift/interplanetary telepor/fly to another healthier world.
I also have a feeling that it would take quite a bit more than a deer rifle to take down a level 20/10 being particularly if they had longterm defenses up.

insaneogeddon |
That's where reincarnated druid comes in. Plane shift .. yep, death ward .. yep, life bubble.. yep, and all without equipment and even on a dead magic world can reincarnate. Pretty sure a nuke will destroy your periapt and a nuke/mythic war would dead magic the world!
Interplanetary teleport is kinda useless... we have more understanding and knowledge of the universe than any magic using world and have no clue what planet to choose. This is cannon look at any campaign even old spelljammer ones - having to pick a planet beyond our solar system... good luck.
It is likely to be in the head space to use/comprehend magic one must ignore cause and effect and all the top end benefits/understandings of science if any other (future/present + magic) game system is any indication..
Radiation is also a disease and likely a death effect.
An Anti-paladin knight of the sepulcher (like the living monolith) or a stonelord paladin (will die of old age eventually) would also rank. If you could actually make it to ~30th level.... But despite the assumptions of the post that's a BIG if.
Some of the things you need to protect against if you want to be immortal (and equipment won't cut it sooner or later nor willhow tough you are):

Liam Warner |
Well only if I'm there at ground zero (and the ability doesn't say anything about gear not reincarnating with you). Besides I only need a round to get well, well clear and I don't think any mortal war mythic or not could make a world dead magic in 24 hours even planets in Golarion that have been blown up have magic as its a planar trait not a planetary one and even there some magic works. Even assuming there is the massive war
I can just interplanetary teleport back to Golarion or fly out of the solar system at 500 times the speed of light. If the destination has no habitable planet so what I'm immortal and don't need to eat, sleep, breath I can pick another system to take a look at.
so periapt of health or scarab of protection instead and its not like there wouldn't be warning signs to get clear as I'm one of the behind the scenes invisible types not the dragon on wall street.
Don't see the anti-paladin or stonelord paladin reason for being mentioned.
Nothing in that link can't be dealth with by a high level arcanist.
Still this is getting off topic since you havne't said what you would like to be yet and like I said I'm just curious what people would like to be if they got a chance knowing its something they'll need to live with here or on Golarion. If you don't want to be immortal don't be, play a straight human fighter/champion and settle to care for your small manor and plot of land if you want. So what do you want to be?

Ashtathlon |

Some people Liam, just want to be sour apples, but at anyrate..why would there be a nuclear war anyway, just wish those away..that and bio/chem weapons, and for good measure any thermobaric weapons..hell all weapons of mass destruction, since as he stated now in this world a 1hd person can kill someone with a deer rifle..wishes work like in the fairy tales..why not...since I guess the mundane world would have to adapt to the magical stuff, it would be mundane legends interpretation here..anyway this is all very silly.
But as to my choice after doing some herolab ideas on this concept..my choice was way to overpowered..but meh..guess I will just have to take a lot of hunting trips to the otherplanes to get the levels :)
but it did work out nicely as a Druid, with arch mage/hierophant mythic, and with a great wyrm red on top..but since this is me, I get to be lawful neutral with slight good tendencies.
Don't really have to much tying me to this world anymore since the army, so likely it would be a lot of exploring, and maybe carve a kingdom with me as the most stable monarchy in that planets history..or go crazy and live in a cave :)
Anyway buddy thanks for the fun brain candy.

insaneogeddon |
Gear reincarnating? It doesn't say you don't gain infinite wealth when you reincarnate either so....
Anyway assuming ever got high level:
Immortal (Su): At 9th tier, if you are killed, you return to life 24 hours later, regardless of the condition of your body or the means by which you were killed. When you return to life, you aren't treated as if you had rested, and don't regain the use of abilities that recharge with rest until you next rest. This ability doesn't apply if you're killed by a coup de grace or critical hit performed by either a mythic creature (or creature of even greater power) or a non-mythic creature wielding a weapon capable of bypassing epic damage reduction. At 10th tier, you can be killed only by a coup de grace or critical hit made with an artifact.
So assuming this auto 30th level if: the living monolith, knight of the sepulcher or witch (hiding in your inevitables construct body) would be my pick (healing: restoration, death ward, arcane spells, hexes..). Then presumably could never die..witch would survive the end of all things.
Differing realities and places in time space have different rules - this world might not(and apparently does not) run on a hit point system mothered over by pantheons of gods. Think shadow run - your 20th level runner gets a bullet on the eye .. its a bullet in the eye. The gods of golorian ain't here/are to weak to to change the rules!!
But as the above are basically vampires - twiglight/blade/originals/vampire the masquerade (they are like mythic casters) and we all know sooner or later its allover I still think to actually do it, have the skills necessary to live well and talents: wild shape and thousand faces and mysterious stranger and keep the world turning, coping and being fulfilled : reincarnated druid.

Liam Warner |
Sigh no offense insaneogeddon but I'm just going to ignore you now as you just want to nitpick rather than addressing the point of this thread except as what appears to be a throw away and I don't want it to get derailed into critisizing peoples concepts as that will discourage them to share what they'd like to be.
Your welcome and you can always just dissapear from here i.e. stay in a world where while they aren't comfy with dragons they're at least aware of them and I vaguely recall dragons are meant to be shapeshifters because if not being the mother of a half-dragon would be really, really painful. So you could hide in plain sight when you came back.

Ashtathlon |

Well the character design had plenty of ways to fit in so to speak, but what I was thinking in a out of game perspective is why would I..
Once you achieve that level of power, mundane things kinda lose their attraction, I would guess depending on the world/plane, Golarian for instance, I may make it a point to police it of other planar critters, kinda be a prime material bouncer.
That or lead a Kobold revolution and forge a kobold Roman empire :)
In this world maybe do some big magic to help things, but likely it would just be to damn dull :)

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Hmm... We could let a nuclear war happen...
Or you can just be such a influential leader that you change the world into a peaceful land (although that would take a long long time).
Or, being such an intelligent man, you take control of the world via computing, and prevent nukes from going off etc...
If you come back as an alien (any race other than a human), go public, tell the world that if there any more wars etc... that your race of beings will intervene. If something DOES happen, use your magic to make it look like they did.
As for being shot with a deer rifle... Thats why the Kensai has the highest initiative ever. Even if he can't see his opponent, he goes first, meaning "I drop to the ground" becomes perfectly valid. And you still get animal shape.

Anzyr |

I had to check to make sure Fusion + Astral Seed still worked in PF for gaining all the abilities (luckily it does).
Concept: Overdeity
Subtle non-evil mind control to acquire powerful thralls for using Fusion + Astral Seed to acquire as many abilities as possible, along with a stable base of thralls and believers to achieve arbitrary amounts of power.
I'd go with Elan (easy immortality + benefits) Telepath 10/Thrallherd 10 (Mythic to suit my final fused form's spellcasting abilities), because its the best way to gain completely loyal followers without having to dip into the Evil side of the alignment pool. Having access to two Thralls that are levels 19 and 18 respectively is also incredibly useful (I assume that as they are class feature I would get to return with them along with my believers.) Thralls can then be fused with using Fusion to gain their abilities at which point I can can create Astral Seed to make the fused form my true body. This process will be repeated until I have pretty much every ability possible. Admittedly the completely fused form will probably a eldritch horror, but there's shapechanging powers/magic to cover that and it gives me the option of taking a form people are less comfortable with.
If I was not guaranteed survival I'd probably change from Telepath to Shaper 10/Thrallherd 10, though I'd regret having to blow a feat on Expanded Knowledge Mindlink, it can fixed later on with Psychic Reformation after acquiring the other abilities through Fusion Astral Seed. Shaper is vastly superior for survival (thanks to it's 2nd level ability). Elan remains very handy here for survival here as well.
Returning would likely involve a gradual erasure of individual nations and cultures to be replaced steadily via Path of Inspiration (since it doesn't have a worship component) methodology.

♣♠Magic♦♥ |

Wait. No. Changed my mind.
Full synthesist summoner.
Becoming a dragon is too good to pass up. Plus spells.
I'd stay human or possibly a were bear so I could still operate day to day normally, but have fun when I wanted to. Probably a huge build, swallow whole, lots of natural armor, some dr.
I haven't familiarized myself with Mythic yet, so I don't know what I'd do with that.
As far as feats go, I'd mostly go with extra evolutions. I'd pick up a familiar because I'd love to have a ferret that stayed with me. I'd take leadership, but wait til I got back home to pick up my followers, less to figure out when I get integrated back into society.
When I wasn't using it for fun, I'd help out in humanitarian stuff they need big help for. Maybe join a circus. That would be fun.

sunbeam |
I think I would be a Sorcerer, or maybe an Oracle if I can find one with certain spells.
Things I would have to be able to do:
1) Cast Fly or Overland Flight
2) Cast Plane Shift
3) Cast Dimension Door
4) Cast Greater Teleport
5) Cast Interplanetary Teleport
6) Have some spell I could cast that would allow me to exist in different environments on other planes, planets, or in space.
7) Cast Magnificent Mansion
I might not need all the Teleport spells if for example I can use Interplanetary Teleport for Intra-planet travel.
I would travel first class everywhere. I would not bother to adventure. I don't need money because basically I can do everything for myself anyway.
I would not return to earth. You made this mess, you fix it.
I have no need to be immortal. I will see what I can, it will be enough, and I will die happy.