You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

Pathfinder Society

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The Exchange 5/5

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Finlanderboy wrote:
When the DM announces their monsters successes before the dice finish rolling.

at least he bothered to roll....

Dark Archive 2/5

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You realize the GM has only a small wedge of mustache above his lip, perfectly sculpted hair, the gift of the silver tongue, and always seems like he's standing at attention even while sitting.

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...when the GM announces, "To save time, I'm only gonna roll the dice when there's a chance of failure."

Shadow Lodge 4/5

The Beard wrote:
The Morphling wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:
...when the barbarian says "I don't need armor; my hit points are my AC. You have a wand to heal me with, right?"

This happened to me. Level 9 barbarian with 13 AC.

His logic was "Well at this level monsters auto-hit anyway. I can wear armor but I don't want to, since it doesn't ever help."

I hope he was at least an invulnerable rager.


Scarab Sages 5/5

Wolfspirit wrote:
When you're beginning a scenario with a heavy social / investigative component and the party starts asking amongst themselves who is going to be the party face, only to discover that the highest Charisma score out of the group of six is a 13. There are two 7's and even a 5.

My characters with the best diplomacy bonus have a charisma of 5 (conversion inquisition and empyreal sorcerer) -

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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...the 4-star GM looks at your character sheet, spots a mechanic he doesn't like, and says "Don't do it - it's stupid." Adapted from a very helpful post in a recent build advice thread.

Shadow Lodge *

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

When my Flowing Monk is the top damage dealer.

...and face.

...and trapfinder.

...and healer.

(But somehow it wasn't a TPK.)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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...when the barbarian with a Int 8 and a Wisdom of 13 convinces three other players at the table to follow his directions during the game, because he's wiser or smarter than all of them.

Jiggy wrote:
...the 4-star GM looks at your character sheet, spots a mechanic he doesn't like, and says "Don't do it - it's stupid." Adapted from a very helpful post in a recent build advice thread.

Our Local VC said you cant ever reload a gun as a free action. Im stuck playing my Archquisitor. He doesnt like him either. I cant win

Also, When people laugh at you for your Gunslinger/ urban barbarian hybrid. Then you shoot of a gun for 3d12+39 damage

5/5 5/55/55/5

hotsauceman wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
...the 4-star GM looks at your character sheet, spots a mechanic he doesn't like, and says "Don't do it - it's stupid." Adapted from a very helpful post in a recent build advice thread.
Our Local VC said you cant ever reload a gun as a free action. Im stuck playing my Archquisitor. He doesnt like him either. I cant win

He's wrong. get that corrected.

Also, When people laugh at you for your Gunslinger/ urban barbarian hybrid. Then you shoot of a gun for 3d12+39 damage

Ok, how?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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....when the cha 10 fighter/cav with 1 rank in diplo... is the party Face in a roleplay-centric scenario... with two Riddywhipple's to assist...

BigNorseWolf wrote:
hotsauceman wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
...the 4-star GM looks at your character sheet, spots a mechanic he doesn't like, and says "Don't do it - it's stupid." Adapted from a very helpful post in a recent build advice thread.
Our Local VC said you cant ever reload a gun as a free action. Im stuck playing my Archquisitor. He doesnt like him either. I cant win

He's wrong. get that corrected.

Also, When people laugh at you for your Gunslinger/ urban barbarian hybrid. Then you shoot of a gun for 3d12+39 damage
Ok, how?

Sorry Im assuming all three of my shots hit(With hitting touch Ac it is likely. with deadly aim, dex bonuses and so forth. And he admits it is the rules. He just says its not as his table

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

hotsauceman wrote:
And he admits it is the rules. He just says its not as his table

That's probably something to speak to him/Mike about, but probably enough of a derail here.

Actually he agreed it is the rules, he just doesnt like it and will let me(my gunslinger isnt too bad he said)do it. But yeah it did happen and it freaked me the hell out for a moment.

4/5 5/5 ***

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

... and the tablet you have all your scenarios on dies.

... a few minutes into the scenario, the trio of witches realizes that everything encountered will probably be immune to mind-affecting hexes.

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Walter Sheppard wrote:

...when the barbarian with a Int 8 and a Wisdom of 13 convinces three other players at the table to follow his directions during the game, because he's wiser or smarter than all of them.

Jarl Rukk lead good! - Salurial (5int 10wis Paladin)

Dark Archive 2/5

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RAdeMorris wrote:

... and the tablet you have all your scenarios on dies.

... a few minutes into the scenario, the trio of witches realizes that everything encountered will probably be immune to mind-affecting hexes.

... the GM realizes your witch is built so it can still affect things immune to mind-affecting things.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/5 ** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Northwest

2 people marked this as a favorite. realize the free punch and pie sign at the Con entrance was a bait-and-switch tactic for wet erase marker water and year old Halloween candy.

Dark Archive 5/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

... you see that you have once again been handed the table of a father and two ten-or-less year olds plus three veterans of the previous two OrgPlays you've GMed for. And you're running Bonekeep 1. And they really don't pay attention when you give them the mandatory disclaimer. Or the to-me-not-optional "No, really, I meant what I just read".

The Exchange 4/5

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The sorc decides the best way to clean the ships hold (made of wood) of hostiles is to lob a fireball in.

Liberty's Edge

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I hope Nothing like this ever happens on the thirteenth. I normally try to play a healer because seeing other people lose there PCs makes me sad.
So if I need to, I will play a healer. I like playing a spellcaster as much as the next guy, I just don't want to be that guy.

You know you are in trouble when the gamemaster has an evil grin.
the party is entirely made of rogues.

Dark Archive 2/5

Just a Mort wrote:
The sorc decides the best way to clean the ships hold (made of wood) of hostiles is to lob a fireball in.

... and the ship's hold is filled with primitive explosives.

Just a Mort wrote:
The sorc decides the best way to clean the ships hold (made of wood) of hostiles is to lob a fireball in.

See, that is why you become an Admixture Wizard so your fireball can become a Snowball

5/5 5/55/55/5

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The DM disallows your feats from a book because you don't have the additional resources... and you don't have the book because the DM borrowed it last week.

Gotta love lawful evil....

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No ones there and no one sits down with you.......

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illithidi idihtilli wrote:
No ones there and no one sits down with you.......

Welcome to my life in High School


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...there are 8 people (7 players plus GM) already sitting there.

Dark Archive 2/5

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... the person that was sitting beside you just swiped your character sheet and left with it.

Silver Crusade 1/5

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The Beard wrote:
... the person that was sitting beside you just swiped your character sheet and left with it.

He was probably still angry that his mugging earlier was unsuccessful.

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.

You sit down at the table in your Star Fleet outfit and see the GM dressed as a Jedi.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Xzaral wrote:
You sit down at the table in your Star Fleet outfit and see the GM dressed as a Jedi.

When I was at Dragon*Con a couple of years ago, I played with a guy dressed as Captain Kirk, and his green-skinned space babe girlfriend.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
RainyDayNinja wrote:
Xzaral wrote:
You sit down at the table in your Star Fleet outfit and see the GM dressed as a Jedi.
When I was at Dragon*Con a couple of years ago, I played with a guy dressed as Captain Kirk, and his green-skinned space babe girlfriend.

1/2 orc?

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Curaigh wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:
Xzaral wrote:
You sit down at the table in your Star Fleet outfit and see the GM dressed as a Jedi.
When I was at Dragon*Con a couple of years ago, I played with a guy dressed as Captain Kirk, and his green-skinned space babe girlfriend.
1/2 orc?

Nah. If it was Star Trek, it was probably an Orion Slave Girl...

Dark Archive 2/5

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You sit down at your table and realize you are the only male. ... Okay, I guess that could be a good thing depending on a few factors. ;P

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Beard wrote:
You sit down at your table and realize you are the only male. ... Okay, I guess that could be a good thing depending on a few factors. ;P

[sarcasm]What are you even talking about, man? Girls don't play tabletop RPGs![/sarcasm]

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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the gm has the other 5 players put on blue shirts and gives you a red shirt to put on. Of course the gm is wearing a gold shirt. (yes, more star trek humor).

4/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Beard wrote:
You sit down at your table and realize you are the only male. ... Okay, I guess that could be a good thing depending on a few factors. ;P

I don't see how this is a thing in either a good or bad direction.

Grand Lodge

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...the GM is giving everyone a bowl of stew made with lentals.

Maybe not a problem for those who like lentals, but to me a lental is the inbred offspring of a pea and a bean with a peanut added into the ménage à trois to make the lental more of a freak.

Liberty's Edge

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Jeremiah Hatcher wrote:

...the GM is giving everyone a bowl of stew made with lentals.


Maybe not a problem for those who like lentals, but to me a lental is the inbred offspring of a pea and a bean with a peanut added into the ménage à trois to make the lental more of a freak.

If I actually was skilled enough at pathfinder (please wait five years), I would be giving out treats based on the theme of the scenario. For example: sceneario with lots of oozes=Gelatnus cubes with swords stuck in them and candy bones inside. :) Just so everyone can have a bite to eat before beginning. Or if all else fails, MCdonalds

Grand Lodge 4/5

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It was a good day my players overcame the Dire Peep.

Liberty's Edge

Exactly Omega. Makes everyone laugh. Because they know they are fighting giant rabid fowl now. Or tengus. Whatever

TriOmegaZero wrote:
It was a good day my players overcame the Dire Peep.

And now I'm imagining a giant Marshmallow Peep staring down a group of adventurers.

Liberty's Edge

That would be defeated by a simple trip to the fire plane with a bunch of spears.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Half of the players are wearing Advenutre Time cosplay.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Xuttah wrote:
Half of the players are wearing Advenutre Time cosplay.

Damn strait. Nothing but a full set will do!

Grand Lodge

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Half of the players are wearing Sailor Moon cosplay, and all the players are men, but none of them are cosplaying the male roles.

Yeah, let that mental image disturb you.

Shadow Lodge

Jeremiah Hatcher wrote:

Half of the players are wearing Sailor Moon cosplay, and all the players are men, but none of them are cosplaying the male roles.

Yeah, let that mental image disturb you.

Bonus: Their costumes are actually convincing!

Additionally: All of the cosplayer's characters Worship Arshea.

Dark Archive 2/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeremiah Hatcher wrote:

Half of the players are wearing Sailor Moon cosplay, and all the players are men, but none of them are cosplaying the male roles.

Yeah, let that mental image disturb you.

... then you realize they aren't wearing underpants under those skirts.

5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Beard wrote:
Jeremiah Hatcher wrote:

Half of the players are wearing Sailor Moon cosplay, and all the players are men, but none of them are cosplaying the male roles.

Yeah, let that mental image disturb you.

... then you realize they aren't wearing underpants under those skirts.

Why were you looking?

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