Congratulations to David Montgomery, 5-star GM!

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 4/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

David Montgomery, Venture Captain of the Boston Lodge, just earned his fifth star! And boy, did he earn it. I ran a survey of our lodge, and here are a few of the things that those of us who have had the good fortune to play at his tables had to say:

"David does a great job welcoming in new players and making the table fun for everybody."

"fun, fair and fantastic...he made me want to play more games."

"He rolled with the strange ideas we came up with and wove it into the story. He was one of my favorite DMs I've had. He is also kind and great to just talk to during down times."

"David's enthusiasm is infectious. He fosters a table environment where every player, new and old, feels welcome, and everyone gets a chance to feel that their character is awesome. His NPCs are vibrant, distinctive, and often funny."

Answers to a question asking for suggestions for David to improve as a GM:

"He could run more games"

"This is difficult, he's the model I try to base my gming on."

Well done, David! We at the Boston Lodge are lucky to have you!


Congratulations David!

Dark Archive 4/5

Awesome! Congratulations!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Congratulations, David!

The Exchange 5/5

Welcome to the Island!

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Doug Miles wrote:
Welcome to the Island!


*installs shock fence, and puts sharks in the waters*

Everyone else, keep out. 5-star Island is closed.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

That is awesome, congratulations!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Congrats David!

5/5 *

Congratulations, David! That's fantastic!

4/5 *

Congrats, David! You slaughtered my table in Bonekeep Part 1 at PaizoCon this year, but it was a great game in spite of being the sole survivor. Well earned!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Congratulations David!

Look! A shinny new holiday star!

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Scott Young wrote:
Congrats, David! You slaughtered my table in Bonekeep Part 1 at PaizoCon this year, but it was a great game in spite of being the sole survivor. Well earned!

Thanks, Scott.

I think there was one other survivor (The aasimar that couldn't take much cold damage.)

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean


Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane


Silver Crusade 5/5


The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Hey, David, super job.

I was wondering:as you've seen 150 tables come and go, have you noticed any trends? Are players acting differently now than they did a couple three years ago? Are they bringing a different type of character to the table? (And yes, there are more gunslingers now than there were 4 years ago. That's not what I mean!!)

Do you get a chance to play as well? Has your playing changed the way you GM? Has your GMing style changed the way you play?

What's the best thing that the Boston PFS Lodge can teach / model for the rest of us?


Incidentally, the shock fence out on the reef is a good idea. Sharks, good idea. Both of them ... counterproductive.

Liberty's Edge 4/5



The Exchange 4/5

pfft if you want to have an uneven number of stars. I GUESS you deserve a congratulations :D.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Mortika wrote:

Hey, David, super job.

I was wondering:as you've seen 150 tables come and go, have you noticed any trends? Are players acting differently now than they did a couple three years ago? Are they bringing a different type of character to the table? (And yes, there are more gunslingers now than there were 4 years ago. That's not what I mean!!)

Actually, we don't have that many gunslingers running around Boston. And if we do, they're usually not full Gunslingers. I would say, if anything, there's been a growing trend in the Cleric dip, so players can be more proactive in taking care of their own healing, as well as being able to use some protective wands like Protection from evil.

Chris Mortika wrote:

What's the best thing that the Boston PFS Lodge can teach / model for the rest of us?

Um... How to pawk ouwah caws in da Hawvuhd Yawd? Joking aside, I think a lot of our players, definitely not all, like to build there characters with levels of power built in. We can sit back and not super-wipe the older easier scenarios, and still turn it up to full-on cheese monster when the going gets tough.

Also, from what I hear, we have a very strong GM pool compared to some other places, so come visit us in Boston!

Dark Archive 4/5

grats, man!

I'm pretty sure we've met before (I lived in the Boston area for awhile, and ran some games at Pandemonium as well as out in Framingham) -- great area, and very vocal gamers :) I hope we meet again someday

Dark Archive 2/5


Grand Lodge 5/5

Congratulations, David!!


Congratulations David!!!

Scarab Sages 5/5

Congratulations David, thank you for all your hard work!


Congratulations David, definitely have to agree you are great at getting new people into Pathfinder Society, as you definitely helped get me and Lisa to start going regularly.


WTF? No wonder it's been so quiet on top of the mountain. You all moved to a freaking island? Why the hell didn't you tell me?!

Sovereign Court 5/5

Don't answer that.


Kyle Baird wrote:
WTF? No wonder it's been so quiet on top of the mountain. You all moved to a freaking island? Why the hell didn't you tell me?!

I didn't get the memo either.

Welcome, David, to wherever the resort is this week!


Yeah, enjoy the sun and the free mojitos!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Go David!! We in Maine are glad to have you nearby!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Mr. Baird, Contingency plan 4 was implemented after the Yetis failed to deploy and the wardstones overloaded during the Dragnmoon event.

A backup location (aka 5 star island) was activated for the 5 stars that kept up on their operational briefings.

Secure transport for you is being arranged.

... And welcome new 5 star. Please keep up to date on the briefings of the current state of 5 star island.



Absolutely fantastic GM and Great guy all around.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane


Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Eric Brittain wrote:

Secure transport for you is being arranged.


Just don't tell him where he is being taken.

Congrats Dave!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

Well done David. It's a long road to 5 stars. Sounds like they like you in the Boston Lodge. Jolly good show. Do join us at PaizoCon UK for a nice cup of tea, old chap. Pip. Pip.

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