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248 posts. Alias of NoStrings.


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My "Module Madness" group has been doing exactly this. It's the same five players, so it feels like a home game, but we're using PFS rules. I'm loosely tying the modules together with some roleplaying so there's a bit more continuity. We just finished Curse of the Riven Sky last night, and we're having an great time with this campaign. Here's a list of the modules we're playing (very similar to ScorchedOne's list above):

1 Crypt of the Everflame
2 Murder's Mark
3 Masks of the Living God
4 Fangwood Keep
5 City of Golden Death
6 From Shore to Sea
7 Realm of the Fellnight Queen
8 Cult of the Ebon Destroyers
9 The Harrowning
10 Doom Comes to Dustpawn
11 Curse of the Riven Sky
12 The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
13 Academy of Secrets
14 Tomb of the Iron Medusa
15 The Moonscar
16 The Witchwar Legacy

The older modules are nice, because it's one adventure, one level so there's no need to worry about filling in missing chronicles (like in Dragon's Demand).


Congratulations to you all! Welcome to the club!


This is amazing! Thanks very much to the wonderful folks at Paizo and Syrinscape. I've used Syrinscape for a couple of years, and I can't say enough great things about it.

You guys are the best!


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Congratulations! Welcome to the club!


5 people marked this as a favorite.

In case anyone is interested, here are some pictures of the terrain I made for Bonekeep 3. In retrospect, I should have made it for a different scenario, because very few people will be able to see all of it.


I just ran into this same problem, using Acrobat Pro on a Mac. I tried Preview, and that worked like a charm.

Another Thursty adventure - I can't wait!

Erik Mona wrote:
How many people would tolerate Tiny fey about the size of the demonic familiar or dero from Shattered Star?

This would be great! There are a few fey minis in the DDM line (Twig Blight and Thorn come to mind), but it gets really old using these for every fey encounter.

More fey, please!!


Welcome to the Canadian Venture-Officer team!


Couldn't happen to nicer people!

You guys have already done great things for Pathfinder Society here in Manitoba. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!


Calvin the Vulgar brings humourous insults to friends and foes alike, massive bonuses to attack and damage, decent damage output, and a bit of everything else. Probably my most fun character to play right now, and everyone else seems to enjoy having him at the table as well.

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I can vouch for Thursty's awesomeness, as he's sitting next to me, about to start book four of Shattered Star!

And, no, he didn't make me say that. :)


That is awesome! Thanks for giving us something to which we can all aspire!


June Soler wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
I've put off playing Lost at Bitter End for this very reason.
Play a fighter, I played this at Paizocon 12 and it went smooth barely affected my PC.

Was that the game that I ran in the tent on Sunday after the con officially ended? Probably one of my top five favourite Pathfinder Society games.


Well done! It's always awesome to see another 5-star GM!

And now for the obligatory question: After running all those tables, what advice can you share with other aspiring GMs?


Hello, Myron here - V-L for Winnipeg. It's great that you've lead the charge organizing games in Saskatchewan!

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, feel free to email me at

Also, let us know when your conventions are. There's a chance that some of us from here could make it out.

There's also PrairieCon June 6-8, 2014. It's a long-running gaming convention in Brandon, MB - which is two hours closer to Saskatchewan than Winnipeg. We always have a decent Pathfinder Society presence there.


Great timing! I'm in a group that's 6 sessions into book one of this Adventure Path. We have yet to enter

the prison,
but we're having a blast roleplaying!


Kyle Baird wrote:
WTF? No wonder it's been so quiet on top of the mountain. You all moved to a freaking island? Why the hell didn't you tell me?!

I didn't get the memo either.

Welcome, David, to wherever the resort is this week!


I just ran The Traitor's Lodge, and it has a great, creepy feel that would fit well for Friday the 13th.

Of course, if you're looking for something unlucky, you might want to look at a scenario with

pugwampis. The only one I can think of is The Sanos Abduction.



Let me be the first to welcome you to the mountain!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm really looking forward to running this AP, even more because it's written by one of my favourite authors!


My suggestion to ramp up the challenge for your players is to run lots of games. Tis is something that I consider on of my weak points, but I know I'm better now than I was 100 games ago. Run the same scenario four or five times so you can get a better feel for how the same NPCs react to different party make ups.

Also pay attention to some of the basic rules of combat - concentration of fire, use of cover, targeting healers, etc. Think of how a PC (or group of PCs) would fight, and emulate that.

Building tension also makes for a more memorable encounter, even if its not really that tough. If an enemy has an AC of 13, and the fighter rolls an 18 to hit, try saying "You barely manage to find a chink in his armor!" instead of "You hit."


Welcome to the mountain!


I uploaded some custom maps for a couple of encounters in The Harrowing. These can be printed on 8.5x11" paper and tiled to make one big map.


Congratulations to all of you! Welcome to the club.


Thanks everyone! It might be apparent that I really love this game. I just hope to continue helping to run lots of games, build the community, and have a blast!



Painlord wrote:


My travel plans have changed, now coming in 2 hours later than intended. I scratched myself off the list.



I love hearing stories like this. It shows what a great community has grown around Pathfinder Society.

I second the suggestion that you try to foster more GMs in your area. It sounds like you have a fairly large player base, which means lots of potential GMs. Ask three or four of your regular players to have a low level scenario in their pocket ready to run. If they've GMed before, it could be one that they've already run, necessitating less prep time.

I don't know where you are, but you might want to consider talking to your nearest Venture Officer for assistance with your event.


Congratulations, and welcome to the mountain!


Warpath42 wrote:
I've been looking around the boards and the entire site, and I guess my search skills are floundering. I can't find the actual chronicle sheet for We Be Goblins. It's not in my PDF copy of the module itself. Any help, supposed to run it on short notice this afternoon.

Just go to the product page. At the bottom of the description blurb is the following text:

We Be Goblins! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (232 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available here (803 KB zip/PDF).

Just click on the appropriate links and there you go!

Edit Ninja'd by KestlerGunner.


+1 armor is always available. Once you start adding any additional enhancements, you have to have enough fame (and gold) to purchase the total cost of the item. It's in the guide, but I don't have time to find the exact quote right now.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I added maps for #2-10: Fury of the Fiend—some assembly required. Gameplay pictures are here.



Zandari wrote:
Now the big question is: how long to crank through ninety more scenarios?

I found my rate of GMing ramped up after I hit three stars. It took just over a year for my first 60 games, but the next 90 flew by in under seven months.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

While there are many of us here on the forums that are happy to answer your questions, you can also check the Additional Resources for information on what is and isn't legal for Society play.

In fact, if you want to use anything that isn't in the core assumption, you have to bring the book it's from and a printed copy of the most recent Additional Resources.

With all that being said, Mr. Sin and Draven are correct: you need a special boon (usually won at a convention) in order to play a kitsune character.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

These all look great, especially the host devil.

What is there to say about the Drowning Devil… Weighing in at 600 pounds

I guess I won't be ordering this set — the shipping charges to Canada for this "mini" alone will break me. Very fiendish, indeed!


Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment!


RainyDayNinja wrote:
I'd like to see a scenario where the PCs are stripped of their spell components somehow, and have to figure out what spells they can still cast with the materials they can scrounge from the immediate area.

I'm currently running a group through

module name:
Mask of the Living God.
In it, the group has to
infiltrate a cult by pretending to join it. As part of the initiation, the party is drugged (or beaten) unconscious, and they awaken in cells with no equipment. They go through the rituals to join, but aren't given their equipment back for several days.
It was quite interesting watching the spellcasters of the group figure out what they could cast.
Bard: "Is there any butter at dinner? I need it to cast grease.

I find this type of adventure very interesting, as it forces players (and GMs) to think outside the box.

I love the Rosie mini. It's great to see more minis that aren't in combat poses, and could be used for many different roles.

Oh, and the other ones are nice too!


Congratulations, Kolby. Welcome to the team!


Thanks for putting this together - it's probably one of the most confusing set of rules in the game.

I just have a little nit-pick you might want to look at before you publish your document.

Mike Bramnik wrote:


• Low-light vision - Double the effective radius of bright light, normal light, and dim light.
• Darkvision - See normally plus dark areas within 60 feet. A creature can't hide within 60 feet of a character with darkvision unless it is invisible or has cover.

There are many creatures (including some valid character options) that allow darkvision at different ranges. You might want to consider:



• Low-light vision - Double the effective radius of bright light, normal light, and dim light.
• Darkvision - See normally plus dark areas within range of darkvision (usually 60 feet). A creature can't hide within range of a character with darkvision unless it is invisible or has cover.

Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:

Ahhh yes ,,, the annual meet people and eat them ... forgot about that .. ok .. so the evening game is tentative, depending on what those plans turn into

1pm - TBD
Gm Wes
player 1 Thea
player 2 zylphryx
player 3 Myron
player 4 Marc R.
player 5
player 6

7pm - TBD -- dependent on MnE plans
GM: Wes (or Thea)
player 1 Thea
player 2 Pirate Rob
player 3 Ill_Made_Knight
player 4 Myron
player 5 Marc R.
player 6

My friend Marc has no internet access at work, so he asked me to put his name down as well.

Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:

Ahhh yes ,,, the annual meet people and eat them ... forgot about that .. ok .. so the evening game is tentative, depending on what those plans turn into

1pm - TBD
Gm Wes
player 1 Thea
player 2 zylphryx
player 3 Myron
player 4
player 5
player 6

7pm - TBD -- dependent on MnE plans
GM: Wes (or Thea)
player 1 Thea
player 2 Pirate Rob
player 3 Ill_Made_Knight
player 4 Myron
player 5
player 6

Personally, I would be just as happy playing a game as attending the Meet and Eat.

For game suggestions, I would enjoy playing Day of the Demon. Or pretty much anything else. I've got lots of characters of various levels.

I would be interested in gaming on Thursday. A bunch of us from Winnipeg are driving, and will probably arrive Thursday morning sometime. Since we're Canadian, we're not that interested in the 4th of July. :)


Added custom maps for 4-13: The Fortress of the Nail. There are two versions - letter size which can be taped together, or poster size if you have access to a plotter.

I'm interested in this workshop!


Welcome to the club!




Those are awesome maps, thanks for sharing them! If you haven't already done so, please consider adding them to the GM Shared Prep thread/drive.

I'm always looking for ways to make better maps, so I'm wondering what, if any, other programs you used for effects.


Congratulations and welcome to the mountain!

Since you obviously run a lot of great games, what advice do you have for all the other GMs out there?