Joyd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

With the current iconics, all but 1 of the divine casters (Harsk) is female, while 3 out of 4 Int-based casters (and I'm including the Alchemist in that) are male. I think they should fix that gender imbalance with these classes.
Unless they're breaking from their tradition of referring to classes by the iconic's gender, they're soooort of balancing things out. The Arcanist is female, and the Warpriest is male. (And known to be a Gorum-worshipping Half-Orc.)
The Hunter is female, however, as is the Shaman, and the Investigator is male.
In terms of generally distancing iconics from those of similar classes, there's a light trend by gender. Note that "conceptually similar" is a bit of a judgement call. Coincidentally, seven of the ten hybrids have mixed-gender parent classes, and there's one case (the Shaman) where the hybrid is the same gender as both of the parent classes.
Arcanist (Female): Wizard (Male), Sorcerer (Female)
Bloodrager (Male): Barbarian (Female), Sorcerer (Female), Skald (Male)
Brawler (Female): Monk (Male), Fighter (Male)
Hunter (Female): Druid (Female), Ranger (Male)
Investigator (Male): Rogue (Female), Alchemist (Male)
Shaman (Female): Oracle (Female), Witch (Female), Druid (Female)
Skald (Male): Bard (Male), Barbarian (Female), Bloodrager (Male)
Slayer (Male): Rogue (Female), Ranger (Male), Inquisitor (Female)
Swashbuckler (Female): Gunslinger (Female), Fighter (Male), Rogue (Female)
Warpriest (Male): Cleric (Female), Fighter (Male), Paladin (Female), Oracle (Female)

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Joyd wrote:Slayer (Male)If the slayer iconic was only modeled after Idris Elba, we could have an archetype that specializes in hunting Large or bigger monsters, and call it the jaeger. (And yes, I seriously think it's a good idea.)
Sorry Patrick Renie, but we are canceling the Alpacalypse.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, Mr. Elba would also make an excellent investigator too (and a nice counterpoint to all the Caucasian depictions of Sherlock).

Stephen Radney-MacFarland Designer |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, Mr. Elba would also make an excellent investigator too (and a nice counterpoint to all the Caucasian depictions of Sherlock).
Yeah, I agree with that. I love him, and his John Luther character (not to mention Alice) was one of my inspirations for the investigator. Love, love, love that show.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Yeah, Mr. Elba would also make an excellent investigator too (and a nice counterpoint to all the Caucasian depictions of Sherlock).Yeah, I agree with that. I love him, and his John Luther character (not to mention Alice) was one of my inspirations for the investigator. Love, love, love that show.
So there's going to be a mechanic keying off of roleplaying intensity, right? ;)
memorizes falling damage rules

Solidchaos085 |
Personally I'm half expecting the iconic warpriest to be a half orc of Gorum, seriously, the class just screams Gorum. As far as where they'd be from, I'd guess most likely Belkzen, Land of the Linnorm Kings or even the River Kingdoms.
EDIT: ignore this part, missed the comments confirming my expectation.
Someone mentioned the swashbuckler being from Galt as a freedom fighter type: I can see that but personally believe it would be from the Shackles (swashbuckler is an archetypal term for pirate after all)

Orthos |

In hindsight, I don't think anyone mentioned this: but what if the brawler was female and (wait for it) Sajan's missing sister?
The brawler IS Female - the Brawler section uses "she" as its pronoun - but the devs have already debunked theories that Sajini will be the new iconic.

Solidchaos085 |
Solidchaos085 wrote:In hindsight, I don't think anyone mentioned this: but what if the brawler was female and (wait for it) Sajan's missing sister?The brawler IS Female - the Brawler section uses "she" as its pronoun - but the devs have already debunked theories that Sajini will be the new iconic.
Damn, ah well, was a nice thought though

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We need an Hermaphrodite Iconic
Given the internet's seeming perception of intersexed people, Seoni would be the popular choice.
Now that I think about it, I'm honestly pleasantly surprised the most well-known intersexed (and mortal) intersexed NPC isn't a total sexbomb.* Which is actually really surprising, given everything else about her.
*Not that this is a bad thing.

Cthulhudrew |

I just want someone from Nurvatchta.
As an iconic? Probably not going to happen. Although it would be cool.

Dr. Hans Reinhardt |

Belle Mythix |

Mikaze wrote:It should be noted that the term "trap" generally really isn't appreciated by the real people it fetishizes, for multiple reasons.Wow, yeah I can see why it wouldn't be appreciated. Consider it noted and added to the list of off-limit terms.
The thing with "traps" in Anime, Manga, Visual Novels, Light Novels, etc, is that despite looking very girly, they turn out to be way more endowed than most guys around.
... "Trap" = guy that looks/dresses like a girl. "Reverse Trap" = girl that looks/dresses like a guy.

Chris Lambertz Digital Products Assistant |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Moderator Note: "Trap", "reverse trap", and similarly derogatory phrases used in reference to transexual characters, people or paizo.com community members aren't OK here. Whatever use some of these terms may have elsewhere, their use doesn't help foster the friendly, inviting community that we'd like to have here.

Belle Mythix |

Yeah, sorry.
Let's go back on topic.
Well, the part about the lack of hermaphrodite/intersex characters in fiction is probably due to writers having the same problem the parents of such being face, how do you address that character. He? She? It? Something else? (Earth languages need to evolve) and someone should make a topic to continue that one.
I'm surprised at the gender distribution, I was expecting the usual Divine Casters are Female thing.

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Yeah, sorry.
Let's go back on topic.
Well, the part about the lack of hermaphrodite/intersex characters in fiction is probably due to writers having the same problem the parents of such being face, how do you address that character. He? She? It? Something else? (Earth languages need to evolve) and someone should make a topic to continue that one.
I'm surprised at the gender distribution, I was expecting the usual Divine Casters are Female thing.
Well they DO seem to want to break stereotypes so it would be wrong for them to create their own gender stereotypes....

Belle Mythix |

Made a topic about the hermaphrodite/intersex derailment
Back on topic, read the PDF again, this should be interesting.

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An Iconic with elemental abilities who use something else than Fire/Flame.
The game could certainly use more air, earth and water spells, with cool effects and visuals, and less 'acid = earth so all those [acid] descriptor spells represent my earth magic' stuff.
In that vein, more pictures of an iconic casting a spell that is visibly a known spell (such as the picture of Ezren, Seoni and Seltyiel all casting scorching ray).
This picture of Seltyiel, for instance, is totally cool, and I kind of wish there was a low-level spell that conjured a tiny fire imp thingie to attack one's foes, but, as far as I know, there isn't such a thing (barring the spell I wrote in my head when I first saw that picture!), so it's hardly 'iconic.' (The critter even seems too small to be a small fire elemental, conjured with summon monster 1.)

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White hair seems to be pretty 'iconic' in Golarion, between Seoni, Ezren, Merisiel, Seltyiel, Balazar and Feiya. (And sometimes even Lem, who, I think, is supposed to be blonde.)
Alain is, as far as I've noticed, the only brown-haired iconic, in a stable of iconics with black, blonde, white, green or no hair. Still, that's actually pretty normal for genre art. The majority of superheroes are blondes, red heads or have jet-black or all-white hair, with brunettes being relatively rare by comparison.
I'm still kinda loving that the 'iconic loremaster' in the core rulebook is a dwarf. Throw those expectations on the ground and stomp on them!

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

The majority of superheroes are blondes, red heads or have jet-black or all-white hair, with brunettes being relatively rare by comparison.
I've (like many people) been playing the Arkham series of Batman games. I've been startled by the proportion of his rogues gallery listed as having blue eyes in their dossiers.
I'm still kinda loving that the 'iconic loremaster' in the core rulebook is a dwarf. Throw those expectations on the ground and stomp on them!
And a sober dwarf who drinks tea, no less! (Though, Loremaster does make a certain amount of sense for dwarves: they are history-loving traditionalists.)

9Reeds |

I would love to see a male Gnome as the swashbuckler, specifically Noole from Pathfinder Tales Blood in the City. We have no martial non Magical Gnome Iconic's at the moment and to me his Art was the first thing I thought of when I read the rules for the Swashbuckler class. I do not think we are allowed post links but it can be found on this very Website on the post about the Blood of the City Sample Chapter on August 8, 2012.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

I do not think we are allowed post links but it can be found on this very Website on the post about the Blood of the City Sample Chapter on August 8, 2012.
You can post links using the [url] tag. See the 'how to format your text' thing under the new post form.
You can also get the sample chapter from the Blood of the City product page